v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization v2010.10.26 - Convex Optimization

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102 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2.7.2.1 cone invarianceMore Euclidean bodies are cones, it seems, than are not. 2.28 This class ofconvex body, the convex cone, is invariant to scaling, linear and single- ormany-valued inverse linear transformation, vector summation, and Cartesianproduct, but is not invariant to translation. [307, p.22] Theorem. Cone intersection (nonempty).Intersection of an arbitrary collection of convex cones is a convex cone.[307,2,19]Intersection of an arbitrary collection of closed convex cones is a closedconvex cone. [258,2.3]Intersection of a finite number of polyhedral cones (Figure 50 p.143, remains a polyhedral cone.⋄The property pointedness is associated with a convex cone; but,pointed cone convex cone (Figure 35, Figure 36) Definition. Pointed convex cone. (confer2.12.2.2)A convex cone K is pointed iff it contains no line. Equivalently, K is notpointed iff there exists any nonzero direction Γ ∈ K such that −Γ ∈ K . Ifthe origin is an extreme point of K or, equivalently, ifK ∩ −K = {0} (179)then K is pointed, and vice versa. [330,2.10] A convex cone is pointed iffthe origin is the smallest nonempty face of its closure.△Then a pointed closed convex cone, by principle of separating hyperplane(, has a strictly supporting hyperplane at the origin. The simplestand only bounded [371, p.75] convex cone K = {0} ⊆ R n is pointed, byconvention, but not full-dimensional. Its relative boundary is the empty set∅ (25) while its relative interior is the point 0 itself (12). The pointed convex2.28 confer Figures: 24 33 34 35 38 37 39 41 43 50 54 57 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 138151 175

2.7. CONES 103cone that is a halfline, emanating from the origin in R n , has relative boundary0 while its relative interior is the halfline itself excluding 0. Pointed areany Lorentz cone, cone of Euclidean distance matrices EDM N in symmetrichollow subspace S N h , and positive semidefinite cone S M + in ambient S M . Theorem. Pointed cones. [55,3.3.15, exer.20]A closed convex cone K ⊂ R n is pointed if and only if there exists a normal αsuch that the setC {x ∈ K | 〈x,α〉 = 1} (180)is closed, bounded, and K = cone C . Equivalently, K is pointed if and onlyif there exists a vector β normal to a hyperplane strictly supporting K ;id est, for some positive scalar ǫ〈x, β〉 ≥ ǫ‖x‖ ∀x∈ K (181)If closed convex cone K is not pointed, then it has no extreme point. 2.29Yet a pointed closed convex cone has only one extreme point [42,3.3]: theexposed point residing at the origin; its vertex. Pointedness is invariantto Cartesian product by (179). And from the cone intersection theorem itfollows that an intersection of convex cones is pointed if at least one of thecones is; implying, each and every nonempty exposed face of a pointed closedconvex cone is a pointed closed convex cone.⋄ Pointed closed convex cone induces partial orderRelation ≼ represents partial order on some set if that relation possesses 2.30reflexivity (x≼x)antisymmetry (x≼z , z ≼x ⇒ x=z)transitivity (x≼y , y ≼z ⇒ x≼z),(x≼y , y ≺z ⇒ x≺z)2.29 nor does it have extreme directions (2.8.1).2.30 A set is totally ordered if it further obeys a comparability property of the relation: foreach and every x and y from the set, x ≼ y or y ≼ x; e.g., one-dimensional real vectorspace R is the smallest unbounded totally ordered and connected set.

102 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2.7.2.1 cone invarianceMore Euclidean bodies are cones, it seems, than are not. 2.28 This class ofconvex body, the convex cone, is invariant to scaling, linear and single- ormany-valued inverse linear transformation, vector summation, and Cartesianproduct, but is not invariant to translation. [307, p.22] Theorem. Cone intersection (nonempty).Intersection of an arbitrary collection of convex cones is a convex cone.[307,2,19]Intersection of an arbitrary collection of closed convex cones is a closedconvex cone. [258,2.3]Intersection of a finite number of polyhedral cones (Figure 50 p.143, remains a polyhedral cone.⋄The property pointedness is associated with a convex cone; but,pointed cone convex cone (Figure 35, Figure 36) Definition. Pointed convex cone. (confer2.12.2.2)A convex cone K is pointed iff it contains no line. Equivalently, K is notpointed iff there exists any nonzero direction Γ ∈ K such that −Γ ∈ K . Ifthe origin is an extreme point of K or, equivalently, ifK ∩ −K = {0} (179)then K is pointed, and vice versa. [330,2.10] A convex cone is pointed iffthe origin is the smallest nonempty face of its closure.△Then a pointed closed convex cone, by principle of separating hyperplane(, has a strictly supporting hyperplane at the origin. The simplestand only bounded [371, p.75] convex cone K = {0} ⊆ R n is pointed, byconvention, but not full-dimensional. Its relative boundary is the empty set∅ (25) while its relative interior is the point 0 itself (12). The pointed convex2.28 confer Figures: 24 33 34 35 38 37 39 41 43 50 54 57 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 138151 175

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