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70 EFA Mid-Decade Assessment9AddendumMuch has happened since the October 2005 meeting in planning for the national andregional EFA mid-decade assessment. Further steps have been taken by countriesthroughout the region to systematically plan and organize national assessments.These activities will be supported when necessary and to the extent possible by localoffices of UNICEF and <strong>UNESCO</strong> and through regional support from the ThematicWorking Group on EFA.Several countries have organized further national launches of the EFA Mid-DecadeAssessment and staff from the AIMS Unit have participated as resource personswhenever possible.Since 2003, the AIMS Unit has been conducting capacity-building workshops at thecountry level to assist Member States prepare for the national mid-decade assessment.Whenever possible and appropriate, these activities will continue throughout theprocess.In its 12 January 2006 meeting, the Regional TWG on EFA, a group consisting of UNagencies, multilateral and bilateral donors and INGO partners, agreed to providecoordinating and advisory services to the upcoming mid-decade assessment and policyreview of progress in meeting the EFA goals.The TWG on EFA also endorsed plans for national and regional assessments tomeasure the progress and gaps in achievements of EFA. Since its inception in 2001,the inter-agency TWG on EFA has supported the planning, implementation andmonitoring of EFA throughout the region.What support can countries expectSub-regional capacity-building workshops in support and preparation for the nationalEFA mid-decade assessment are being planned and will be implemented jointlythrough <strong>UNESCO</strong>, UNICEF and the TWG on EFA. These workshops will bringtogether key personnel from national assessment committees to build capacity insupport of the national assessments. It is expected that a series of workshops will takeplace in 2006 and 2007.Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

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