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EFA Goal Six: Enhancing Educational Quality 617EFA Goal Six: Enhancing Educational Quality7.1 Global Issues on QualityPresenter: Nath Bunroeun, National EFA Coordinator, CambodiaThe concept of quality education has been introduced through EFA and the MDGs intocountry specific goals and international development targets. Providing any education,regardless of quality, is not the goal. A myth exists that access must come beforequality; however, both must occur simultaneously.““Quality has become a dynamic concept that has to constantly adapt to a worldwhose societies are undergoing profound social and economic transformation.Encouragement for future-oriented thinking and anticipation is gaining importance.Old notions of quality are no longer enough … despite the different contexts thereare many common elements in the pursuit of a quality education, which shouldequip all people, women and men, to be fully participating members of their owncommunities and also citizens of the world” (Ministerial Round Table on QualityEducation, UNESCO, 2003, p.1).”UNESCO considers quality education in the following way:●●●Quality supports a rights-based approach to all educational endeavours.Education is a human right, and therefore quality education supports all of thehuman rights;It is based on the four pillars of Education for All – learning to know, learning todo, learning to live together and with others, and learning to be (Delors, et al.,1996);It views the learner as an individual, a family member, community member, anda global citizen, and educates to create individual competency in all four roles;● Quality education upholds and conveys the ideals of a sustainable world –a world that is just, equitable, and peaceful, in which individuals care for theenvironment to contribute to intergenerational equity;●It takes into consideration the social, economic, and environmental contexts ofa particular place and shapes the curriculum or programme to reflect theseunique conditions. Quality education is locally relevant and culturally appropriate;Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

62 EFA Mid-Decade Assessment●●●It is informed by the past (e.g. indigenous and traditional knowledge), is relevantto the present, and prepares individuals for the future;It builds knowledge, life skills, perspectives, attitudes and values;It provides the tools to transform current societies to more sustainable societies.The challenge at both the national and international level remains in the monitoring andassessment of this fluid concept.Quality education is a dynamic concept that changes and evolves with time andchanges in the social, economic, and environmental contexts of place. Qualityeducation must be locally relevant and culturally appropriate; therefore, globalmonitoring mechanisms are currently under-developed. However, in the nationalcontext, UNESCO encourages countries to develop indicators to measure qualityeducation to meet national definitions, standards and the goals and targets put in place.UNESCO has identified 10 key aspects that support quality education.At the learner level, quality education should:1. Seek out the learner2. Acknowledge the learners knowledge and experience3. Make content relevant4. Use varied instructional and learning processes5. Enhance the learning environmentAt the system level, quality education should:6. Create a supportive legislative framework7. Implement good policies8. Build administrative capacity for support and leadership9. Require and obtain sufficient resources10. Measure learning outcomesNational assessment committees may wish to consider these 10 elements of qualityeducation in their local contexts in planning for the mid-decade assessment.Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

62 EFA Mid-Decade Assessment●●●It is informed by the past (e.g. indigenous and traditional knowledge), is relevantto the present, and prepares individuals for the future;It builds knowledge, life skills, perspectives, attitudes and values;It provides the tools to transform current societies to more sustainable societies.The challenge at both the national and international level remains in the monitoring andassessment of this fluid concept.Quality education is a dynamic concept that changes and evolves with time andchanges in the social, economic, and environmental contexts of place. Qualityeducation must be locally relevant and culturally appropriate; therefore, globalmonitoring mechanisms are currently under-developed. However, in the nationalcontext, <strong>UNESCO</strong> encourages countries to develop indicators to measure qualityeducation to meet national definitions, standards and the goals and targets put in place.<strong>UNESCO</strong> has identified 10 key aspects that support quality education.At the learner level, quality education should:1. Seek out the learner2. Acknowledge the learners knowledge and experience3. Make content relevant4. Use varied instructional and learning processes5. Enhance the learning environmentAt the system level, quality education should:6. Create a supportive legislative framework7. Implement good policies8. Build administrative capacity for support and leadership9. Require and obtain sufficient resources10. Measure learning outcomesNational assessment committees may wish to consider these 10 elements of qualityeducation in their local contexts in planning for the mid-decade assessment.Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

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