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EFA Goal Two: Providing Free and Compulsory Primary Education for All 339. Teacher educationa) Does teacher education include pre-service teacher training that prepares ALLteachers in the regular school system to teach children with a range of diverse needsin the regular school and classroom?b) Is there a comprehensive programme of in-service teacher training with courses ofdifferent lengths, and a system of in-school training?c) Do teacher education programmes contain training for specialist and supportteachers?10. Support systemRecommendations for Assessment on Inclusive Educationfrom International Partners (continued)Does the education system include a system of support to the regular school andclassroom teachers? This may take the form of Special Education or Resource Centres,staffed by especially trained personnel with skills in teaching all, particularly the abovenamed minority groups. These personnel will provide support and advice to the child andfamily; the regular school and on-going support to the class teacher as needed; andinformal and formal in-service training and support to classroom teachers.11. Where education is provided by more than one ministry, is there a coordinationmechanism with the MoE as the lead agency, and a focal point for inclusive educationrelated matters in all other relevant ministries?12. Data collectionIs data collected from birth on all children from birth registration?Are databases linked between different ministries, and data available at community levelin relevant agencies?Is there a two-way sharing of data between the Ministry of Education and schools?Is all data collected on all children disaggregated for special target groups, by age, specialbackground features or disability, gender, age, school status, etc.?Is this data used for planning, monitoring and evaluation purposes?13. Are ECCE and early intervention services included in policy and implementation, withspecial emphasis on the inclusion of specified minority group children, particularly childrenwith disabilities, in accordance with EFA Goal 1? Is there close coordination between allrelevant ministries and NGO agencies providing ECCE services?14. Modification to school practice and teaching/learning processesDoes policy and implementation require adoption of flexible teaching and curriculum withmodifications to cater for diverse learning needs, child-friendly and child-centred teachingat appropriate level for the child, flexible assessment strategies, and provision ofnecessary assistive and teaching devices/materials?Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

34 EFA Mid-Decade AssessmentRecommendations for Assessment on Inclusive Educationfrom International Partners (continued)15. Community, parents and family, and civil societyDoes the MoE have a mechanism of consulting and working in partnership with parents,families and community groups to find new ways to include children from identified groupsin education and to make it meaningful and relevant for them?16. Community involvement in community schoolsDo schools welcome and involve community members in school activities and encouragethem to volunteer to help in classrooms to allow the teacher to spend more timewith children who need more attention? Do schools work with the community to help findout-of-school children and encourage them to attend school?17. Does the MoE provide awareness raising and education to administrators to developpositive attitudes towards inclusive education to help prepare schools for the changes thatare involved in implementing inclusive education?18. Does the MoE encourage and provide awareness raising on inclusive education todevelop positive attitudes towards IE in the community?Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

EFA Goal Two: Providing Free and Compulsory Primary Education for All 339. Teacher educationa) Does teacher education include pre-service teacher training that prepares ALLteachers in the regular school system to teach children with a range of diverse needsin the regular school and classroom?b) Is there a comprehensive programme of in-service teacher training with courses ofdifferent lengths, and a system of in-school training?c) Do teacher education programmes contain training for specialist and supportteachers?10. Support systemRecommendations for Assessment on Inclusive Educationfrom International Partners (continued)Does the education system include a system of support to the regular school andclassroom teachers? This may take the form of Special Education or Resource Centres,staffed by especially trained personnel with skills in teaching all, particularly the abovenamed minority groups. These personnel will provide support and advice to the child andfamily; the regular school and on-going support to the class teacher as needed; andinformal and formal in-service training and support to classroom teachers.11. Where education is provided by more than one ministry, is there a coordinationmechanism with the MoE as the lead agency, and a focal point for inclusive educationrelated matters in all other relevant ministries?12. Data collectionIs data collected from birth on all children from birth registration?Are databases linked between different ministries, and data available at community levelin relevant agencies?Is there a two-way sharing of data between the Ministry of Education and schools?Is all data collected on all children disaggregated for special target groups, by age, specialbackground features or disability, gender, age, school status, etc.?Is this data used for planning, monitoring and evaluation purposes?13. Are ECCE and early intervention services included in policy and implementation, withspecial emphasis on the inclusion of specified minority group children, particularly childrenwith disabilities, in accordance with EFA Goal 1? Is there close coordination between allrelevant ministries and NGO agencies providing ECCE services?14. Modification to school practice and teaching/learning processesDoes policy and implementation require adoption of flexible teaching and curriculum withmodifications to cater for diverse learning needs, child-friendly and child-centred teachingat appropriate level for the child, flexible assessment strategies, and provision ofnecessary assistive and teaching devices/materials?Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

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