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EFA Goal Two: Providing Free and Compulsory Primary Education for All 31●Education planners from South-East Asia also recommended the formulationof a set of programmes and interventions and a policy framework that wouldcover the definition of inclusive education, identification of target groups, andpromote child-friendly schools.3.6 Recommendations to Facilitate National and RegionalAssessment and ReviewParticipants recommended the setting up of a regional EFA coordinators network andthe holding of regional and sub-regional meetings with the involvement of internationalexpertise to be the venue for reporting and information sharing.Participants said they can assist in the regional assessment by sharing data collectedfrom various countries through UNESCO.Education statisticians, in particular, said they can be involved in providing analyticalreviews and reports, calculating assessment indicators, and producing updateddisaggregated data.3.7 International PartnershipsCountries would welcome the assistance of international agencies in terms of funding,advisory services, training, capacity-building, and technical support in conductingsurveys and studies.In particular, countries want international agencies to extend financial and technicalassistance in:●●●●●●●●Reaching the unreached groups.Training teachers.Developing a database.Setting-up inclusive education programmes.Developing a comprehensive information management system at different levels.Providing focal points for the assessment process.Giving feedback on the work of countries enabling cross-country comparison.Sharing best practices, trends and other developments on inclusive education.Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

32 EFA Mid-Decade AssessmentQuestions to Consider: Recommendations for Assessment onInclusive Education from International Partners1. Does national policy acknowledge and uphold the right to education of every child, andacknowledge that it is the responsibility of the government to provide education, explicitlystating the excluded minority groups by name, and extending the right to any otherexcluded groups not yet named? Groups to be named:● Children with disabilities● Migrant children● Indigenous children● Non-majority language speakers● Children from the families of the extremely poor● Any other minority and excluded groupsThese children must be provided with education irrespective of their registration status.2. Does national legislation uphold the rights of these children to education, withenforcement mechanisms for non-compliance?3. Has anti-discrimination legislation been passed, naming the groups above?4. Does any discriminatory legislation exist, which prevents children of any category frombeing included in education? Are there plans to repeal or revise such legislation?5. Does the policy include mechanisms for finding and identifying children who are notattending school? Do these mechanisms require links with the community, school and theMinistry of Education (MoE)?6. Does the MoE have any incentive system to keep children from these groups in schoole.g. small financial payment to families? Many children enter school and drop out veryquickly because the family is very poor and the child is needed at home or to work orbecause schools are unwelcoming or does not cater to particular needs of the child.7. Policy and implementation: Are different groups identified by name, educational needsanalysed, and strategies to meet the diverse learning needs included in school planningand teaching/learning methods used at school level?8. Are schools accessible?a) In terms of physical access: building codes enforced, progressive policy to make allnew schools accessible and renovate old schools.b) Availability of accessible teaching and learning materials, and methods to cater tolanguage and communication needs, deaf sign language interpretation, braille andcomputers for blind children, etc.Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

EFA Goal Two: Providing Free and Compulsory Primary Education for All 31●Education planners from South-East Asia also recommended the formulationof a set of programmes and interventions and a policy framework that wouldcover the definition of inclusive education, identification of target groups, andpromote child-friendly schools.3.6 Recommendations to Facilitate National and RegionalAssessment and ReviewParticipants recommended the setting up of a regional EFA coordinators network andthe holding of regional and sub-regional meetings with the involvement of internationalexpertise to be the venue for reporting and information sharing.Participants said they can assist in the regional assessment by sharing data collectedfrom various countries through <strong>UNESCO</strong>.Education statisticians, in particular, said they can be involved in providing analyticalreviews and reports, calculating assessment indicators, and producing updateddisaggregated data.3.7 International PartnershipsCountries would welcome the assistance of international agencies in terms of funding,advisory services, training, capacity-building, and technical support in conductingsurveys and studies.In particular, countries want international agencies to extend financial and technicalassistance in:●●●●●●●●Reaching the unreached groups.Training teachers.Developing a database.Setting-up inclusive education programmes.Developing a comprehensive information management system at different levels.Providing focal points for the assessment process.Giving feedback on the work of countries enabling cross-country comparison.Sharing best practices, trends and other developments on inclusive education.Education for All: Reaching the Unreached

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