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EFA Goal Two: Providing Free and Compulsory Primary Education for All 27Finally, it is important to remember that inclusiveeducation is a constant process of systemictransformation and quality improvements. Anassessment must consider this transformative state.Summary of Peer Group Discussions3.2 Key Issues to be Studied andAssessedThe main concern that emerged during discussions ofvarious peer groups on the UPE goal is the issue ofinclusion and access. It was noted that UPE mustfocus on the unreached, i.e. if the country’s grossenrolment ratio is 95 per cent, this means 5 per cent ofschool-age children are out of school. Governmentsand all stakeholders should ensure that no child is leftout of the education system to make Education for Alla reality.Primary education should be free. The affordabilityand accessibility of primary education in countriesshould be examined, including the presence oflegislation making primary education free andmandatory. Countries should enforce mandatory enrolment in UPE.Definitions of InclusiveEducationInclusive means includingall children who are left outor excluded from schools.These children may notspeak the language of theclassroom and are at risk ofdropping out because theyare poor, sick, disabled,hungry or not achieving.These are the children whichmay belong to a differentreligious tradition, ethnicgroup or class/caste. Theyare girls who are pregnantand children affected byHIV/AIDS. They are childrenwho work to help supporttheir families, who belong tomigrant families, or thosewho do not have citizenshippapers granting the rights toeducation.Some participants also recommended changing the focus from UPE to universal basiceducation thus increasing the number of years of compulsory, free education to 10.Other specific recommendations of issues that should be studied and assessed are:●●●Evaluate the overall situation in the country. Examine the extent and nature ofthe problem, i.e. who are the excluded, how, and why they are excluded. Thecapacity of the country to address inclusion issues should also be assessed.Early screening of children before entering schools for special needs (especiallyphysical/mental/cognitive special needs) although, preferably, this should bedone at the ECCE level to ensure early intervention. Also consult and work withparents if special needs are identified as this could be a sensitive issue amongparents.Providing care and education for children with special needs in mainstreamschools. Attention should be given to students in mainstream schools whoseEducation for All: Reaching the Unreached

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