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x1Commonly Used AcronymsEFA Mid-Decade AssessmentADBAsian Development BankAIMS Assessment, Information Systems, Monitoring and Statistics UnitAPPEAL Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All UnitCCACommon Country AssessmentCDFCountry Development FrameworksCLCsCommunity Learning CentresCWDChildren with DisabilitiesDHSDemographic Household SurveyEAPRO UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional OfficeECCEEarly Childhood Care and EducationEDPsEducation Development PlansEFAEducation for AllEMISEducation Management Information SystemERPEducation for Rural PeopleEPREducational Policy and Reform UnitFRESH Focusing Resources on Effective School HealthGMREFA Global Monitoring ReportIEInclusive EducationIIEP<strong>UNESCO</strong> International Institute for Educational PlanningISCEDInternational Standard Classification of EducationLIFELiteracy Initiative for EmpowermentMDGsMillennium Development GoalsMICSMultiple Indicator Cluster SurveysMoEMinistry of EducationNAPNational Action PlanNFENon-Formal EducationNGOsNon-Government OrganizationsPISAProgramme for International Student AchievementPRSPPoverty Reduction Strategy PaperSRFSub-Regional ForumTORTerms of ReferenceTWG on EFA Thematic Working Group on EFATWGDC Thematic Working Group on Disabled ChildrenUIE<strong>UNESCO</strong> Institute for EducationUIS<strong>UNESCO</strong> Institute for StatisticsUNDAF UN Development Assistance FrameworkUNGEIUnited Nations Girls’ Education InitiativeUNLDUnited Nations Literacy DecadeUPEUniversal Primary EducationEducation for All: Reaching the Unreached

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