Presentation Schedule

Presentation Schedule Presentation Schedule


Issue Date: 22 April 2005Postgraduate Scheme in Occupational Safety and Health (POSH)Workshop Timetable for Project Seminars6 th May 2005 (Friday)Stream 1 - Debra Moodie-BainLocation: Room R503, 5/F, Core R, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor18:30 YU Kwok Wing, Oliver The contribution of "accident causation theories/models" to Hong Kong construction safetylegislation19:00 LEE Wai Che A study on use of Elevated Mobile WorkingPlatform in construction industry in Hong Kong.CHUNG F JonathanCHUNG F Jonathan19:30 LUK Man Fai, Raymond Developing the good practises for working at thehigh power communication stations/towers.LAM Cheung Richard20:00 SO Chung Fat POON Patrick20:30 Group DiscussionStream 2 - Zina O’LearyLocation: Room R506, 5/F, Core R, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor18:30 YIP Chow Keung Eric Safety study on glass curtain wall maintenancework for those working at height in Hong KongCHAN CS19:00 KWAN Kwok Man The effectiveness of the use of the safety andhealth training in reducing accidents on theworkplace19:30 CHAN Chun ChungWalter20:00 Group DiscussionCritical study on the occupational safety and healthissues related to the health care workers in HongKongCHAN CSCHAN CS

Issue Date: 22 April 2005Postgraduate Scheme in Occupational Safety and Health (POSH)Workshop Timetable for Project Seminars6 th May 2005 (Friday)Stream 1 - Debra Moodie-BainLocation: Room R503, 5/F, Core R, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor18:30 YU Kwok Wing, Oliver The contribution of "accident causation theories/models" to Hong Kong construction safetylegislation19:00 LEE Wai Che A study on use of Elevated Mobile WorkingPlatform in construction industry in Hong Kong.CHUNG F JonathanCHUNG F Jonathan19:30 LUK Man Fai, Raymond Developing the good practises for working at thehigh power communication stations/towers.LAM Cheung Richard20:00 SO Chung Fat POON Patrick20:30 Group DiscussionStream 2 - Zina O’LearyLocation: Room R506, 5/F, Core R, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor18:30 YIP Chow Keung Eric Safety study on glass curtain wall maintenancework for those working at height in Hong KongCHAN CS19:00 KWAN Kwok Man The effectiveness of the use of the safety andhealth training in reducing accidents on theworkplace19:30 CHAN Chun ChungWalter20:00 Group DiscussionCritical study on the occupational safety and healthissues related to the health care workers in HongKongCHAN CSCHAN CS

7 th May 2005 (Saturday)Stream 1 - Debra Moodie-BainLocation: Room P306, 3/F, Core P, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor9:00 CHAN Tak Chiu, Leslie Development of system analysis tool for integratedsafety management systemCHOW Fenkins9:30 CHENG Wing Ho What type of manual handling injuries are likely tooccur in warehouse operations?CHOW Fenkins10:00 KOON Ngok-chungDanielCritical review of the potential hearing threat in theHong Kong International AirportCHUNG F Jonathan10:30 Group Discussion10:45 Break11:00 YIM Man Wai, Jonas A Study on musculoskeletal health of workers whowork in food manufacturing industry11:30 CHOW Siu Hung What are the main causes of manual handlinginjuries in slope maintenance site?12:00 LEE Wing Ho, Van Evaluating the musculoskeletal symptoms ofconstruction workers caused by manual handlinginjuries12:30 Group Discussion13:00 Lunch14:00 NG Ka Fai Learn from the past: studying one of theinfrastructure projects in Hong Kong for preventingthe damage underground cable14:30 CHU Kam Wa A Study of Safe System to Work for the Mini-pileConstruction within a Railway Project ConstructionSite15:00 Group DiscussionFinal seminars15:15 CHAN Wai Keung Assessment of accident investigation for shipboardcargo operation in Hong KongCHUNG F JonathanMOK PeterMOK PeterFUNG K C CeciliaKWOK W.K. AlbertKWOK W.K. Albert16:00 CHAN Yam Yin Tommy KWOK W.K. Albert16:45 Group Discussion

7 th May 2005 (Saturday)Stream 2 - Zina O’LearyLocation: Room P307, 3/F, Core P, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor9:00 SING Man Lit A study on the current legislation regarding footprotection adequate for protecting health in theHong Kong Construction Industry9:30 CHAN Chiu On How can safety be increased for workers involvedin trench work in Hong Kong?FUNG K C CeciliaFUNG K C Cecilia10:00 HO Chi Chung Terry How can the awareness, performance,effectiveness of health and safety in operating hotwork, welding and gas cutting be improved in HongKong Construction industry?10:30 Group Discussion10:45 Break11:00 NGAI Nga Kok, James General Study of Safety Culture of a SpecificConstruction Site11:30 CHEUNG Wai Lung Is valuable to continue the Vapour RecoverySystem (VRS) in petrol filling in Hong KongKL HO, JohnKL HO, JohnKWOK W.K. Albert12:00 WONG Leung Ming Evaluating the smoke control system in construction(railway) of tunnels in Hong KongKWOK W.K. Albert12:30 Group Discussion13:00 Lunch14:00 POON Wang Kit A study on the adequacy of the safety precautionsagainst confined space works in Hong Kong14:30 CHAN Wan Tat Potential Electric Hazard in construction siteactivitiesLAM SKMA Gary15:00 CHEUNG Wai WanWendy15:30 Group Discussion15:45 BreakCase study on the enhancement to the comfortlevel from the design perspective of Bank OfficeFront-desk Workers at their Teller Counters withVDT16:00 LUK Kam Yuen Maurice Is there adequate and proper procedure andfacilities to protect workers in Hong Kongconstruction sites?WONG FrancisWONG Francis16:30 MAN Siu Fung WONG Francis17:00 Group Discussion

8 th May 2005 (Sunday)Stream 1 - Debra Moodie-BainLocation: Room R407, 4/F, Core R, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor9:00 LAU Yuk Pong Health aspects of on-site grout mixing process onconstruction workers in HKCHAN CSFinal seminars9:30 LEUNG Kam Wa Improving the safety use of chemical substances inthe field of construction sites in Hong Kong10:15 CHOW Sai Yu The effectiveness of the '5S' system use on theconstruction site11:00 LIN Chi Ming An Occupational Health and Safety ManagementSystem for a Sanitary & Cleaning Industry inProperty Management Service Organization11:45 Group DiscussionCHAN CSCHAN CSCHUNG F JonathanStream 2 - Zina O’LearyLocation: Room R408, 4/F, Core R, PolyUTime Name of student Working title Supervisor9:00 TAM Shun CheongAaronDo factors associated with workers' safetybehaviour in the manufacturing industry varybetween China and Hong Kong?POON Patrick9:30 LIN Kwok Ying POON Patrick10:00 Group DiscussionFinal seminars10:15 CHENG Sik Yin Bernard Performance Indicators for Monitoring BambooScaffoldingKWOK W.K. Albert11:00 CHU Kwai Ching Investigation of the effectiveness of behaviourbasedsafety management in a term constructioncontract for sewage works11:45 Group DiscussionCHAN C S

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