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OWIAYDEONTHINKGLOBALLYILLUNITETHEWRLDACTGLOBALLYIF ONE CHILD IS MADEA TOTAL QUALITY PERSON (TQP)HE CAN UNITE THE WORLDMonthly Bulletin of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (), Lucknow, IndiaVol IV Issue 8Personality DevelopmentHappy New YearDear Parents & Guardians of the World,ARISE, AWAKE & UNITEto save our children from Nuclear threats, Global warming, Cyber crime and International Terrorism &support Children's Appeal to theWORLD JUDICIARY - The last hope for humanity's survival.CMS Broader & Bolder Education prepares a child for decision-making Global Careers,decision-making Global Professions and decision-making Global PositionsJanuary 2013Price Re. 1/-<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> is theWorld’s Largest <strong>City</strong> <strong>School</strong>with over 45,000 studentsU N E S C O<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>is the Recipient of theUNESCO Prize forPeace Education 2002Postal Regn. GPO/LW/NP-56/2012-14Regn. No. UPENG/2009/2820113th International Conference of Chief Justices and Judges of the World on Article 51 of the Constitution of IndiaOver 200 chief justices, judges and legal luminaries from 60 countries participate in the historic Judiciary Conferenceheld at World Unity Convention Centre, CMS Kanpur Road, Lucknow from 5 December to 11 December 2012Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Convenor of ICCJW addressing the delegates atthe press conference held in New Delhi. Also seen are Hon. JusticeDr. Ricardo Li Rosi, Argentina, Hon. Mr. Justice B. J. Odoki, Uganda,Hon. Mr Justice A. S. Qureshi andH. E. Sir Iakoba T. Italeli, Governor General TuvaluChief Guests H. E. Sir Iakoba T. Italeli, Governor Generalof Tuvalu & his wife, Hon'ble Mr B. L. Joshi, Governor of U. P.& Hon'ble Rev. Father Dr Jose Aikara, Chairman CISCElighting the lamp at the Welcome Ceremony in LucknowChief Guest Hon'ble Mr Akhilesh Yadav, Chief Minister of U.P.Guest of Honour Mr Mata Prasad Pandey, Speaker, U.P.Legislative Assembly with the legal luminariesat the inaugural sessionVoices at the World Judicial SummitHon’ble Mr Justice Mohd. Chande Othman, ChiefJustice, TanzaniaThere is much scope for international law... we need tomaximize our potential for bringing change.H.E. Mr Aziz Qureshi, Governor of Uttrakhand, IndiaJudges are considered high in authority and have immensepower so they can do something to the cause of thechildren. I congratulate CMS for its efforts to make thisearth a far better place to live in.Dr Dinesh Sharma, Mayor, Lucknow, IndiaDue to the prevalent disparities in the society, the weakerHon'ble Dr Dinesh Sharma, Lord Mayor of Lucknow presenting the section comprising the poor and the children is deprived ofKey to the <strong>City</strong> of Lucknow to Dr Ricardo Li Rosi, Judge, National Court of many of its rights. A world government in such scenario isCivil Appeals & Director General of AIEJ, Argentina for his the most urgent need of the society as it would be able toimmense contribution to the noble cause of World Unity & World Peacefulfill the fundamental requirements of all sections.Hon’ble Mr Justice Carl Ashok Singh, Chancellor of theHon’ble Mr Justice Ali Khan, the First President,Judiciary, GuyanaSupreme Court of Turkey, TurkeyThe children world over are in a sorry state. The failure ofChildren are the ones who get most harm during wars andconflicts and they suffer for the acts for which they are by nomany governments to meet challenges results inmeans responsible. ...a democratically elected Worldpermanent damage to children. It is good that CMS hasParliament, some amendments in the UN Charter like championed the cause of children and I hope that it getsexclusion of veto powers and an Enforceable Legal System appropriate response from the world leaders.are the ways which can help us protect the future of the Dr Jagdish Gandhi, CMS Founder & Convener of theworld's children and generations yet unborn.Conference, IndiaHon’ble Mr Justice Abderahim Bireme Hamid President So what, if the children cannot go to the court. The judiciaryof Tchad Supreme Court, Tchadfrom the world over has come here to listen to their call. ThisThe issue of the protection of the interest of the future is the biggest proof of the success of this conference.generations is a grave one and it is indeed good that the Hon’ble Mr Akhilesh Yadav, Chief Minister of U.P., Indiajudiciary from around the world has assembled here to Indian philosophy has been liberal in its views and itsdiscuss this issue.impression is seen not just in the administration and politicalHon’ble Justice Dr Adel O. Sherif, Deputy Chief Justice, views here but also in many judgments passed by theSupreme Constitutional Court, EgyptIndian Courts. I thank Dr Jagdish Gandhi for highlightingThis conference of Chief Justices of the World is perhaps Uttar Pradesh on the world map. It is due to him only that thethe most desirable event we judges attend. All judges in delegates of this conference know Lucknow.Egypt stand willing to support the idea of protection of Hon’ble Ms Justice R.C. Rakotobe Nelly, Premierhuman and child rights.Président Honoraire de la Cour Supreme, MadagascarHon’ble Mr Justice A. S. Qureshi, Former Judge, Dr Gandhi's passion for the noble mission of arguing inGujarat High Court, Indiafavour of peace and to work for the welfare of the presentCongregation of so many judges and chief justices from so and yet-to-be-born children, is contagious and we share itmany countries is a reassurance that we are gradually with him.coming nearer to success. World will remain indebted toHon’ble Ms Justice Martha Gomez Alsina, Judge,students of CMS who started this campaign.Family Law, ArgentinaHon’ble Mr Mata Prasad Pandey, Speaker, UPLegislative Assembly, IndiaMy message: To ask to all of us to work together in order toapply on a day to day basis International Conventions in ourI congratulate Dr Jagdish Gandhi for organizing thisworking places.conference for safeguarding the future of world's childrenand thank all judges for their participation. I strongly believe Hon. Ms Justice Ileana Guillén Rodríguez, Superiorthat one day the whole world will be one.Court Judge in San José, First Judicial Circuit, CostaHon’ble Mr Justice Sattorov Abdujabor Salomovich, RicaFirst Deputy Chairman, Supreme Court, Tajikistan Awareness is the beginning of change. But action has to beChildren are the most important capital for any society. The the second immediate step. Spreading the message, I amtheme of this conference is important not just for India or convinced, is part of the solution. Therefore this forum is anTajikistan but for the entire world.invaluable instrument for us.RESOLUTION-2012passed by the Chief Justices on 10 December, 2012Whereas the present global scenario poses grave danger to the very survival ofhumanity from weapons of mass destruction, worldwide militarization and wars,environmental degradation, global warming, climate change, lawlessness, violence,terrorism, cyber-crime, etc. A very large section of the world population is deprived ofbasic human rights such as the right to live with dignity, liberty and freedom, and isliving in adject poverty due to an unequal distribution of resources. Hundreds ofmillions of children of the world are exposed to various abuses due to poverty and aredeprived of their various rights. On the other hand, huge resources are beingsquandered on the pretext of defence.And whereas, urgent and concrete steps are imperative for bringing about world unityand peace so that the world's people, the children and future generations may live inpeace and security.Now, therefore, we the Chief justices and judges from 60 countries of the worldthparticipating in the 13 International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, onArticle 51 of the Constitution of India, organized by <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Lucknowth thIndia, from 7 to 10 December 2012, do hereby REAFFIRM the Resolutions of theprevious Conferences of Chief Justices of the World, and by majority of the countriesvoting further RESOLVE that:1. Though we recognize the services being rendered by the United Nations, we are ofthe view that the present world scenario requires a democratic global governancestructure and enforceable world law, for which the world urgently requires a WorldParliament to:(a) Enact enforceable World Law;(b) To form a World Government; and(c) To establish a World Court of Justice.We urge all the Heads of State and heads of government of the world, asrepresentatives of the people of their respective countries, to urgently meet to formsuch a democratic World Parliament in a time-bound manner, on a pattern basedon the European Parliament of 27 European nations and the Euro currency of 16countries.2. That peace education and cross-cultural education be imparted compulsorily in allschools of the world from early childhood, to enable every child to become lawabiding,orderly and just, and to inculcate in children – the future citizens of theworld – feeling of love, tolerance, understanding and humility.3. That the resources currently used in wars and in the manufacture and maintenanceof weapons of mass destruction, be directed for the purposes of development,eliminating poverty, conserving the environment and advancing the welfare ofmankind in general and of children in particular.See insideFinal Examinations Scheme for Classes III to VIII and IX, XIon <strong>Page</strong> 2CMS Republic Day Tableau 2013 on page 3Photographs of Chief Justices with the President of Indiaat Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi and in Lucknow onpages 4 & 5International Events - IYMC, Eureka, Quanta and HumanRights Day on pages 6, 7 and 8CMS Alumni on page 8Kindly listen to renowned educationiston the following TV channelsDr JAGDISH GANDHIMorning Transmission1. Aastha channel, 4.30 am to 4.50 am2. IBN-7 News, 5.00 am to 5.30 am3. India News, 7.30 am to 8.00 amEvening Transmission1. News Time 24x7 6.00 pm to 6.30 pmCMS was founded in the year 1959 and has since dedicated 53 years for World Unity and World Peace<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> Head Office: 12 Station Road, Lucknow, IndiaTelephones: 0091-522-2638738, 2638606, 2638483, 2637655, 2637691, 2637658; Fax: 0091-522-2638008, 2635497 E-mail: info@cmseducation.org; Website: www.cmseducation.org

ENLIGHTENMENTJANUARY 2013 (2)STFIN AL EXAM S BEGIN O N 1 M AR CH 2012.BEST O F L UCK!FINALISED SCHEME FOR THE ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2012 – 2013IX (ICSE) & XI (ISC)Date & Day Class IX Class XI01.03.2013(Friday)02.03.2013(Saturday)03.03.2013(Sunday)04.03.2013(Monday)05.03.2013(Tuesday)06.03.2013(Wednesday)07.03.2013(Thursday)08.03.2013(Friday)09.03.2013(Saturday)10.03.2013(Sunday)11.03.2013(Monday)12.03.2013(Tuesday)13.03.2013(Wednesday)14.03.2013(Thursday)Maths/EVSEnglish LanguageHistory & CivicsEnglish LiteratureGeographyComputer Applications/Physical Education/Art-I/Economic Applications/YogaHindiPhysicsChemistryEconomicsBiologyCommercial Studies / Art-IIHindi/Biotechnology/Art IAccounts/HistoryMathsPhysical EducationEnglish LanguageEnglish LiteratureCommerce/Physics/PsychologyEconomics/BiologyComputer Science/Art IIArt IIIChemistry/GeographyDate &DayFINALISED SCHEME FOR THE ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2012 – 2013III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII01.03.2013(Friday)02.03.2013(Saturday)03.03.2013(Sunday)04.03.2013(Monday)05.03.2013(Tuesday)Social Studies Science EnglishLanguageHindi LiteratureEnglishLiteratureHindiLanguageMaths I Chemistry BiologyBiology Hindi EnglishLanguageMaths Social Studies Maths Geography Maths II Maths IEnglishLiterature06.03.2013 Hindi Language Computer(Wednesday) Science07.03.2013(Thursday)08.03.2013(Friday)09.03.2013(Saturday)10.03.2013(Sunday)11.03.2013(Monday)12.03.2013(Tuesday)13.03.2013(Wednesday)14.03.2013(Thursday)Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Class VII Class VIIIComputerScienceHindi Language Science ComputerScienceEnglishLanguageHindiLiteratureSocialStudiesScience Maths EnglishLiteratureEnglishLanguageHindi LiteratureComputerScienceEnglishLanguagePhysicsEnglishLiteratureComputerScienceHistory &CivicsHistory &CivicsPhysicsGeographyMaths II Biology EnglishLiteratureHindiEnglishLanguageComputerScienceChemistry Maths I Maths IIEnglishLiteratureHistory &CivicsPhysicsGeographyHindiChemistry"There's harmony and inner peace to be found in following a moral compass that points in the same direction regardless of fashion or trend." —Ted Koppel

HHICMS TABLEAU, ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES & CAMPUS BUZZ"World Parliament is the onlysolution to World Problems."- Ram Manohar LohiaWORLD PARLIAMENTIS THE ONLY SOLUTIONGOD IS ONERELIGION IS ONEMANKIND IS ONEJANUARY 2013 (3)CMS REPUBLIC DAYTABLEAU 2013GOD IS ONERELIGION IS ONEMANKIND IS ONECultural Diversity Interreligious dialogueNon Violence Global CitizenshipUniversal BrotherhoodHarmonyPEACEUN ITYMutual understanding HumanityFreedom of expression Shared ValuesCooperation EqualityIntegritylcdk ekfyd ,d gSt; txrOTPSIDLICRYVEEENTIALLYTHELIGHTOFRLDTSWOTree PlantationEnvironment NewsRainwater HarvestingStudents planting treesat CMS AsharfabadAs part of the Green <strong>School</strong>s programme, CMSCampuses launched a massive tree plantation drive.In some cases, the achievements exceeded thetargets. We were thrilled to note that CMS GomtiNagar II recorded over 100% tree plantation living upto the slogan, 'Each one plant one'. All the CMSCampuses encouraged their children to plant trees intheir homes, nearby parks and surrounding areas.CAMPUS BUZZMr Prashant Narain, CEO, JamesGroup, addressed the senior studentsMr Prashant Narain, CEO, James Group, addressed the seniorstudents at a special assembly held at CMS Gomti NagarCampus I on 18 December on Rainwater Harvesting and WaterHarvesting System. Students were told how the water ofswimming pool can be used in a useful manner to recharge theground water. They were made aware of the soak pit beingmade in the school campus for this purpose and technologyused in making the soak pit. It was the best way to encouragethe students to save fresh water for present and future use.CMS Asharfabad's consolation prize winners atConfluence 2012 organised by CMS Indira NagarTiny tots of Rajendra Nagar Campus III learningimportance of traffic rules'I can draw and colour' — Students of CMSRajendra Nagar Campus IIIStudents of CMS Mahanagar took out an anti-crackerrally to raise their voice for environmental protectionStudents of Class II, Gomti Nagar Campus II on expedition tolearn traffic rules during Traffic Rules Week (17-23 November)Pre-primary kids of CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I enjoyinga picnic at Lohia Park on 28 NovemberModel Class Presentation by students of Class IIat CMS Mahanagar Campus IIPre-primary activity at CMS Mahanagar Campus IIAryan Tandon & Shivam Kapoor of Mahanagar III wonthe 2nd prize in Quiz contest of SRM UniversityPrashasy & Harshit Tiwari of Mahanagar III won the1st prize in Confluence 2012 of CMS Indira NagarSoumya & Divya Shukla of Mahanagar III won the3rd prize in collage contest at Eureka International 2012<strong>Montessori</strong> Apparatus activity in pre-primaryclasses held at CMS Rajajipuram Campus II"I conceive that the land belongs to a vast family of which many are dead, few are living, and countless numbers are still unborn." —A Chieftain from Nigeria

JANUARY 2013 (4)INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OForganised by <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Lucknow, IndiaSpeech of the Hon'ble President of India Mr Pranab Mukherji delivered onI am happy to welcome to the Article 51 provides international law and treaties and Jurists such as you have an important role to play inRashtrapati Bhavan, the distinguished agreements entered into by India with a special status persuading States to abide by the rule of law and buildingjudges and jurists who are taking part in within our country. This is reflective of the high respect the support amongst the public for the same.the 13th International Conference of Constitution and Indian legal system accords to Ladies and Gentlemen,Chief Justices of the World organized in International Law and the global vision of our Constitution No country in the world can afford to ignore the basicLucknow by the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>. I makers. This article has been relied upon to introduce and tenets of international law, as a just world order is onlyam delighted to meet and interact with implement various international instruments, particularly possible by adherence to international rule of law. Today,this gathering of jurists from different legal the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two international law touches every aspect of human life. Duetraditions across the world. Covenants on the Political and Civil Rights and the to rapid technological advancements, the world hasIt is a matter of great happiness that the <strong>City</strong> Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the interpretation become smaller. This necessitates the need for finding<strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> established 53 years back, has taken of fundamental rights. Courts in India have held that by common approaches to counter problems ofthe leadership in organizing such Conferences for the last virtue of this Article, international instruments, environmental degradation, cross-boarder terrorism,13 years. particularly those to which India is a party, become part of international trade, human rights and utilization ofThe theme of this Conference is "Article 51" of the Indian law so long as they are not inconsistent with resources beyond national jurisdictions culminating intoConstitution of India. Article 51 provides that the State will domestic law.international rules. With increasing globalization and interendeavour to promote international peace and security, The importance of international law in the dependence, States have to cooperate and act together tomaintain just and honourable relations between nations contemporary world cannot be overemphasized. Some of ensure improved access not only to food, health care,and foster respect for international law and encourage the basic principles enshrined in the UN Charter - such as education and housing for their citizens but also act tosettlement of international disputes by arbitration. Just a sovereign equality of states, prohibition of the use of force protect them against crime, violence and aggression.few years before the formulation of Article 51, India had and protection of the basic human rights, adhered to by all States have to provide the framework of freedom underparticipated in the negotiations and adoption of the nations, are often under threat or violated. There are other law in which individuals can prosper and society develop.Charter of the United Nations. Imprints of the language of challenges for example international terrorism, Being the largest functional democracy in the world,the UN Charter can therefore be seen in the formulation of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, India believes in promotion of democratic values andArticle 51.transnational crimes, illicit drug trafficking, human processes. We have consistently played an important roleMaintaining just and honourable relations between trafficking and money laundering. Global warming and in seeking international consensus to tackle major globalnations and fostering respect for international law is a climate change, corruption, poverty and health care are issues and foster international cooperation andcritical pre-requisite for the promotion of international also some other key issues that need to be addressed. collaboration. India remains committed to work withpeace and security. Article 51 is a unique provision in the It is important that States reaffirm their adherence to partners to make the world safe for our children andIndian Constitution which mandates the Government to the rule of law, with a commitment to abide in good faith to banish poverty so that each one has the option andstrive for good and friendly relations with foreign an international order based on respect for international facilities to realize his or her potential. India also believescountries. This Constitutional directive has always been a law, including obligations under the Charter of United that advancement of the rule of law at the national level iscentral element of India's foreign policy.Nations, principles of justice and peaceful co-existence. an essential tool for the protection of democracy,"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order…. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance

CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE WORLDJANUARY 2013 (5)from 5th to 11th December, 2012December 2012 in the Durbar Hall of the Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhieconomic growth, sustainable development, ensuring Over the decades, India has urged the UN to play a only democratic, universal forum for the community ofgender justice, eradication of poverty and hunger and more active role and be more effective in pursuing a more nations. It necessitates comprehensive reform of the UN,protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. equitable international order and an economic aimed at its revitalization. India believes that the UNI am aware that one of the subjects you have been environment that is conducive to rapid economic growth should be able to respond to the needs and priorities ofdiscussing is the establishment of a World Government. I and development in developing countries. In the context member States, particularly developing countries, whichdo not know how such a Government can be put in place. It of the new globalized system, India has also actively urged constitute the vast majority of its membership.might be a desired dream. But it will take time to transform the UN to work to ensure that developing countries can India believes that no reform of the UN will bethis dream into reality. However, what we have at present harness the benefits of these processes in an equitable complete without the reform and expansion of the UNis the United Nations Organization. All countries and manner.Security Council. It is essential that the Security Council iscitizens of the world must do their utmost to support and Specifically, India has emphasized the need for expanded in both the permanent and non-permanentstrengthen the UN. enhanced flows of official development assistance (ODA) categories. The inclusion of developing countries fromAs a founder member of the United Nations, India to developing countries--in particular, raising ODA from Asia, Africa and Latin America, who are capable of globalsupports the purposes and principles of the UN, as developed countries to 0.7% of their Gross National responsibility, will contribute to optimal decision makingembodied in its Charter. India has made significant Income-transfer of technology to developing countries, necessary to address the insecurity of developingcontributions to implementing the goals of the Charter, more equitable terms of trade, accelerating countries.and the evolution of the UN's specialized programmes and industrialization, agricultural development and food By any objective criteria, such as population, territorialagencies.security in developing countries.size, GDP, economic potential, civilizational legacy, culturalIndia has worked for enhancing internationalIndia strongly advocates the process of reform and diversity, political system and past and ongoingcooperation in the areas of counter-terrorism, preventionrestructuring of the UN to equip it to more effectively contributions to the activities of the UN-especially to UNof the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to nonrespondto the evolving needs of its membership. peacekeeping operations-India is eminently suited forstate actors, and the strengthening of UN peacekeepingObjective realities underscore the need for thorough- permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Indiaand peace building efforts. In view of the serious threatgoing and genuine UN reform: it is an organization that is has affirmed its willingness and capacity to shoulder theposed to international maritime trade and security byover six decades old; its membership has expanded by responsibilities of permanent membership of the UNpiracy off the coast of some countries, India has promotednearly four times since the Charter was signed; and the Security Council. I thank all the distinguished delegates forconcerted international cooperation against the pirates.world of today is very different from the world of 1945. The having taken the time and effort to visit India. I complimentIndia is the third largest troop contributor with overchallenges of the 21st century - political, economic, social, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, for the good work done in8000 troops deployed all over the world in 10environmental or demographic - are global in nature, and spreading the message of world peace and encourage thepeacekeeping missions in Democratic Republic of Congo,the world is far more interconnected and interdependent school to continue its efforts in this regard, especially withLebanon, Golan Heights, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Cyprus,than at any time in human history.a focus on children and the youth.East Timor, Haiti and South Sudan.This demands a greater dependence on the UN as the Thank you.Ladies and Gentlemen,at this new world order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders." George Bush Sr.

EUREKA & IYMC 2012th5 International Young Mathematicians' Convention, IYMC 2012organised by CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I from 1 to 4 Decemberth5 International Young Mathematicians' Convention, IYMC 2012 was organized by CMS GomtiNagar from 1 to 4 December 2012. IYMC, which was an endeavour to bring young, sharp,analytical, mathematical minds to come together, create a new bond, cherish memories andexperience unforgettable moments together besides arousing students' interest inmathematics, had a grand cultural opening at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium on 1 December2012. Eminent guests and experts of mathematics including Dr Simon L. Chua, President,Mathematics Trainers' Guild, The Philippines, Prof. Wen Hsien Sun, President, Chiu ChangEducation Foundation, Taiwan, ROC and Mr Mark Saul, Senior Scholar, John TempletonFoundation, USA graced the occasion. The Chief Guest of the inaugural function was Memberof Parliament, Mrs Dimple Yadav.The next three days of the event witnessed tough competition between over 600Young Mathematicians from 15 countries of the world including England, Iran, Kazakhstan,Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Bhutan, Indonesia, Philippines,Qatar, Taiwan and various states of India. The events at IYMC 2012 comprised Relay Round,Maths Quiz, Individual Contest, Team Activity Contest etc. The highlight of the competitionswas the interactive Quiz, which was conducted by Quizmaster, Mr Abhishek from Chennai.For Mathematics Fair, Mr Dipendra Prasad, Scientist from TFIR, Mumbai came and interactedwith the students of various countries.IYMC 2012 came to a grand closing on 4 December with the Chief Guest, Mr ParthaSarthi Sen Sharma, IAS, Secretary, Secondary Education giving away prizes to the winners ofvarious contests. Philippines (Team-E) grabbed the juniors' Overall Championship trophy ofIYMC 2012 while the students' team of Pratabong Academy, Thailand won the overallchampionship in seniors' category.JANUARY 2013 (6)9th International Literary and Cultural Festival 'Eureka International 2012'organised by CMS Anand Nagar Campus 25 to 28 NovemberOver 500 students from Sri Lanka, Nepal, Iran and various Indian states actively participated in a series of exciting contests,showcasing their talents and spreading the message of unity and peace across the globe at the 4-day International Literaryand Cultural Festival 'Eureka International 2012' organized by CMS Anand Nagar Campus from 25 to 28 November at CMSKanpur Road auditorium. While on one hand, the event witnessed tough competition between students of India and abroadin different contests including Framed (photography) contest, Rhetoric Bards Contest, Pop Art Contest, Rendezvous Vis-a-VisContest, Footloose contest, Touch My Shadow contest, Merry Queries, a quiz contest, Tintinnabulation in Wall Street, RadioPlay-writing Contest, A Zero Carbon <strong>City</strong> Campaign, on the other hand, activities like tree plantation and hand printingspread the message of unity amidst diversity in the four corners of the world. The four day event drew to a wonderful flourishwith the curtains closing amidst gaiety and joy at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium. Chief Guest, Hon'ble Mr Justice ShailendraSaxena gave away prizes to the winners at the closing and prize distribution function.POP ART (COLLAGE) - PrimaryFirst Rohit, Aditya Bal Bharti Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiSecond Deepansh, Ishika Bosco Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiThird Soumya, Divya CMS Mahanagar III, LucknowCons. Muazzam, Ritwik Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiMARRY QUERIES - PrimaryFirst Smit, Arpit Shiv Jyoti Sr.Sec. <strong>School</strong>, KotaSecond Arpit, Manvi Bosco Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiThird Aditya, Anmol Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiRENDEZVOUS VIS-A-VIS - PrimaryFirst Kanishk, Arohi Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiSecond Ayushi, Sheleva Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiThird Anushka, Divit Venkateshwar <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiFRAMED - PrimaryFirstCMS Mahanagar II, LucknowSecondSunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiThirdCMS Anand Nagar, LucknowTOUCH MY SHADOWS - JuniorsFirst Tushaar, Samarth Venkateshwar <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiSecond Shreyansh, Mitaali St. Conrad's Inter College, AgraThird Trisha, Shivangi Kiit World <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiCons. Shresth, Prakhar CMS Anand Nagar, LucknowRHETORIC BARDS - JuniorsFirst Wagmee,Vasundhara Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiSecond Ananya, Vanshita CMS Anand Nagar, LucknowThird Astha, Ishu CMS Aliganj Campus I, LucknowCons. Astha, Himanshi Shiv Jyoti Sr.Sec. <strong>School</strong>, KotaEUREKA RESULT – 2012RADIO PLAYWRITING - JuniorsFirst Deeksha, Damini, Bhavisha St Marks Girls Sr Sec <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiSecond Shivam, Piyush, Saket MPVM Ganga Gurukulam, AllahabadThird Malika, Diksha, Gracy Pathania Public <strong>School</strong>, RahtakCons. Shreya, Akansha, Shivangi CMS Gomti Nagar Campus II, LucknowZERO CARBONICITY - JuniorsFirst Anushmita, Malika, Diksha, Gracy, Tripta Pathania Public <strong>School</strong>, RahtakSecond Shreyansh, Mitaali, Anubhuti, Shatakshi, Shikhar St Conrads Inter College, AgraThird Trisha, Gunjan, Shivangi, Gunjan, Livanshi Kiit World <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiCons. Ananya, Vanshita, Prakhar, Shreshth, Tanushree CMS Anand Nagar, LucknowCons. Divjot, Atul, Akhand, Aryan, Shatakshi Bosco Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiFOOTLOOSE - JuniorsFirst Shreya, Akansha, Shivangi, Shidhika, Sneh CMS Gomti Nagar Campus II, LucknowSecond Hussain, Karmadeep, Rahi, Jeet, Shreya Silver Bells Public <strong>School</strong>, GujaratThird Aquib, Tanya, Tushar, Neha, Muskan Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranahiCons. Aashna, Sanaya, Gitanjali, Dhriti, Jai Bal Bharti Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiTINTINNABULATION IN WALL STREET - PrimaryFirst Kanishk, Priyadarshni, Arohi, Raghav, Shivangi Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiSecond Ayushi, Pratyaksha, Atharva, Sheleva, Jahnvi Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiThird Dhyay, Divyanshu, Pradhumana, Aditi Maa Bharti Sr.Sec. <strong>School</strong>, KotaCons. Kakul, Dhruv, Manvi, Tanishka, Saloni Pathania Public <strong>School</strong>, RohtakCons. Khushboo, Soumya, Soumya, Vriti, Ananya Kiit World <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiOVERALL CHAMPIONSHIPPrimary - Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, Bhagwanpur, VaranasiJunior - St. Conrad’s Inter <strong>School</strong>, Agra"Winners must have two things, definite goals and a burning desire to achieve them."—Brad Burden

QUANTA 2012 & ACHIEVERS18th International Science Olympiad, Quanta 2012organised by CMS Chowk Campus from 15 to 18 DecemberGerman Team Wins Championship; CMS Chowk 1st Runners UpThe 4-day 18th International Olympiad of science, mathematics, electronics and mental ability, 'Quanta-2012' was organised byCMS Chowk Campus from 15 to 18 December 2012. Over 500 budding scientists from 14 countries of the world includingBangladesh, Brazil, Check Republic, Finland, Germany, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Oman and variousstates of India displayed their talents in various contests held during the four days of the Olympiad and vowed to use theirknowledge of science for the welfare of the society. Chief Guest, Mr Mata Prasad Pandey, Speaker, UP Legislative Assemblyformally inaugurated Quanta 2012 amidst a grand educational-cultural ceremony held at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium. Variouscompetitions held over the next three days included, debate, Insight (sculpting from computer junk), Acta-Mathematica(Mathematics Quiz), Aqua Challenge (A water craft race), Mental Ability Test and Science Quiz etc. Renowned experts from differentfields judged the events while the quizzes were conducted by renowned quizmaster, Mr Carlyle McFarland. Chief Guest of theclosing ceremony, Prof. D K Gupta, Vice Chancellor, King George Medical University, gave away prizes to the winners. StudentResearch Centers, Germany were declared the Champions of Quanta 2012 while the host team, CMS Chowk Campus and St Xavier's<strong>School</strong> from Bokaro Steel <strong>City</strong> respectively were the first and second runners-up.Results of Quanta 2012JANUARY 2013 (7)ACTA MATHEMATICA QUIZFirst Divyansh, Tapish Phoenix K-12 <strong>School</strong>, SuratSecond Saransh, Pranjal CMS, Station Road, LucknowThird Vaibhav, Prashant CMS, Chowk Branch, LucknowHon. Men Rishubh, Tejaswi CMS, Kanpur Road, LucknowHon. Men M. Musib, Shubham Holy Cross <strong>School</strong>, Bokaro Steel <strong>City</strong>MENTAL ABILITY QUIZFirst Arthur Herb Student Research Centers, GermanySecond Paridhi Todi Sacred Heart Convent <strong>School</strong>, JamshedpurThird Kamal Ibrahim The Jubilee <strong>School</strong>, JordanHon. Men Abhishek Kumar DAV Public <strong>School</strong>, KotaHon. Men Roshan Shrestha Budhanilkantha <strong>School</strong>, NepalSCIENCE QUIZFirst Abhishek, Saloni Bal Bharati Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiSecond Vishal, Rishubh CMS, Kanpur Road, LucknowThird Manas, Ameena CMS, Mahanagar, LucknowHon. Men J. Zelený, Nickolas First Private Grammar Lang. <strong>School</strong>, Czech RepublicHon. Men Sawal, Ashik Budhanilkantha <strong>School</strong>, NepalTopic for Debate – 1 “The Green Movement is popular, but not practical.”DEBATE – For the MotionFirst Stuti Bedari DAV Sushil Kedia Vishwa Bharati <strong>School</strong>, NepalSecond Yash Malik Campion <strong>School</strong>, BhopalThird Claire Tan Yi Zhi Sri Kuala Lumpur Sec. <strong>School</strong>, MalaysiaHon. Men Subhrata Sinha Sacred Heart Convent <strong>School</strong>, JamshedpurHon. Men T Mahashweta CMS, Aliganj, LucknowDEBATE – Against the MotionFirst Devbhuj Bundela La Martiniere College, LucknowSecond Purnima Rana St Xavier's <strong>School</strong>, Bokaro Steel <strong>City</strong>Third Oona Pietiläinen Tapiola Upper Sec. <strong>School</strong>, FinlandHon. Men Swapnil Singh CMS, Mahanagar, LucknowHon. Men Utkarsh Dhakrey Boston Public <strong>School</strong>, AgraTopic for Debate – 2 “Technology, not Education that is responsible for encouraging equality in the world.”DEBATE – For the MotionFirst Nripesh Pradhan Budhanilkantha <strong>School</strong>, NepalSecond Maryam N Ibrahim Nigerian National Team, NigeriaThird Rebecca Hoffman Student Research Centers, GermanyHon. Men Megha Gupta Phoenix K-12 <strong>School</strong>, SuratHon. Men Prachi Pal Bal Bharati Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiDEBATE – Against the MotionFirst Kanishka Prakash Gulmohur High <strong>School</strong>, JamshedpurSecond Nishigandha Kelkar Indian <strong>School</strong> Muscat, Sultanate Of OmanThird Pranav P. Baghel Delhi Public <strong>School</strong>, BhopalHon. Men Tanya Shah The Aryan International <strong>School</strong>, VaranasiHon. Men Nisha Chowdhury Holy Cross <strong>School</strong>, Bokaro Steel <strong>City</strong>AQUA CHALLENGE – RACE AFirst Kashish, Vibhor St Mark's Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiSecond Shivang, Vaibhav CMS, Chowk, LucknowThird Loke Joon, Jamie L. Sri Kuala Lumpur <strong>School</strong>, MalaysiaHon. Men Avinash, Siddharth St Jude's <strong>School</strong>, DehradunHon. Men Evgeny Novichkov Intellectual Boarding <strong>School</strong>, RussiaAQUA CHALLENGE – RACE BFirst Shubham, Rahul St Xavier's <strong>School</strong>, Bokaro Steel <strong>City</strong>Second Shivang, Vaibhav CMS, Chowk, LucknowThird Nishit, S. Ahmed Campion <strong>School</strong>, BhopalHon. Men Divyanshi, Shivani Lucknow Public College, LucknowINSIGHT (Sculpting from Electronic Junk)First Rishabh, Saurabh MPVM Ganga Gurukulam, AllahabadSecond Alina, Stefan Student Research Centers, GermanyThird Rishubh, Pankaj CMS, Kanpur Road, LucknowHon. Men Prabhav, Sudhanshu DAV Sushil Kedia Vishwa Bharati <strong>School</strong>, NepalHon. Men Aniruddha, S. Ahmed Campion <strong>School</strong>, BhopalThe Best Team Turn Out — Moscow Chemical Lyceum, RussiaMost Creative Participant — Ema Hubáčková of First Private Grammar Language <strong>School</strong>, Czech RepublicBest Disciplined Team — Notre Dame College, BangladeshMost Enthusiastic Team — Sri Kuala Lumpur Secondary <strong>School</strong>, MalaysiaSecond Runners-up — St Xavier's <strong>School</strong>, Bokaro Steel <strong>City</strong>First Runners-up — <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Chowk Branch, LucknowChampions — Student Research Centers, GermanyAditya wins Mr Index titleAditya Das, student of Class XI E, AliganjCampus I won the first prize and title ofMr Index at the 2-day mega Marketing Fairof IIM Lucknow. He won the hearts ofpeople with his guitar performance andsoulful singing at this event.CMS Kanpur Road team attends National QC Convention13 students of CMS Kanpur Road led by QC Expert, Mr P.C.Behari and teachers Mrs Sumita Bhadoria, Mrs ArchanaBehari, Mrs Ritu Agarwal, Mrs Neelam Agnihotri and MsShilpi Saxena participated in the second National Conventionon Students' Quality Control Circles organized at Halol,Gujarat. They won the first prize in Art from waste andcertificate of appreciation in dance contest.Renowned Musician Simon Perkins at CMS ChowkMr Simon Perkins, a music examiner from Trinity College,London and renowned musician in England was at CMSChowk to conduct examinations for students in music on 5December 2012.Dancing Talent RewardedIsha Bajpai, student of CMS RajajipuramCampus I won the first prize in group dance andsecond prize in solo dance in junior categoryand the third prize in group dance in seniorcategory organized by Krishna Bihari SmritiSansthan.Sports Meet held at CMS Mahanagar Campus II'Sports Meet' of CMSMahanagar Campus II washeld on December 2 withgreat pomp and show at PACgrounds, Mahanagar. On thisoccasion, students of theschool mesmerized theviewers by displaying theirextraordinary sports skills and spread the message of ' IndiaFit & Young' through physical fitness activities. Earlier, theChief Guest, Mr Rajiv Agarwal, IAS, Vice-Chairman, LDA,inaugurated the Sports Meet by unfurling the SportsFlag.Various sports events like 100m race, 200m race, 400mrace, Tricycle Race, Sack Race, Obstacle Race, Needle andThread Race, Lemon and Spoon Race, Slow Cycling Race,Balancing the Plant on the Head, Tunnel Race etc.Instrumental Music ContestGarvita Mishra of Class IV G, Aliganj Campus Istood first in the tabla performance in theinstrumental music (solo) performancesection at Lucknow Mahatsava.Drawing Contests WinnersAyush Kohli, student of CMS RajajipuramCampus II won the first prize in drawingcompetitions at Gandhi Smriti Baal ChitrakalaPratiyogita organized by Uttar Pradesh GandhiSmarak Nidhi. He also won the second prize inpainting contest organized by petroleumconservation Research Association.Budding artist, MuskaanMuskaan Dwivedi, of Class I, CMS RajajipuramCampus II won the first prize in inter-schooldrawing competition organized by Amar Ujalanewspaper.Lakshay wins another laurelLakshay Sharma, student of Class VIII, CMSGomti Nagar Campus I won cash scholarship ofRs 1,20,000/- fee waiver for admission inFITTJEE Talent Reward Exam (FTRE) 2012organised by FITTJEE.CMS Gomti Nagar delegation wins awards in JapanA delegation of CMS GomtiNagar comprising studentsVidit Gupta, Shubh ShankarAgarwal and Siddhart Vaish ledby their teacher Mr ManishSrivastava, participated inInternational Super ScienceFair (ISSF) held in Japan from 10to 14 November. SiddharthVaish of Class XI E, CMS GomtiNagar I won the Best Performerprize in Solar Boat event in this Science Fair. While Mr ManishSrivastava, team leader won the Best Presentation Award forgood teaching methods and tricks of science teaching.First prize in Dance CompetitionVasundhara Srivastava,Shreya Khare, ShreyaSrivastava, ShivangiDubey, Sidhika wivediand Rashmi Pandey ofCMS Gomti Nagar IIwon the first prize in aninter-school music anddance competition'Bandance Sonata-2012' in free-style dancing category. Another team ofstudents of CMS Gomti Nagar Campus II comprising AnshikaMaurya, Vidisha Kunwar, Anushka, Raghuvanshi, Arya Gupta,Vansuka Singh and Samridhi Gupta won the second prize inmusic competition.Themusic and dance competition wasorganized to develop the all-round talents of students byShri Ram Swaroop Memorial Public <strong>School</strong>.POWER OF PEN 2012Results — Junior Section (Class VI-VIII)I Rishika Somani VIII-A Mahanagar IIINandita Pandey VIII-A Gomti Nagar III Hamna Javed VII-B ChowkAkshita Bhatnagar VI Jopling RoadIII Nida Nadeem VI Jopling RoadDevansh VII-F ChowkArmane Ansaf VII-B Aliganj IICons. Varun Singh VII-A Gomti Nagar IIShivansh Srivastava VII-B Rajendra Nagar IIISparsh Srivastava VII-A Anand NagarKadambari Pandian VI-A Anand NagarAryan Agarwal VI-B Rajendra Nagar IIIAditi Singh VI-D Station RoadR. Darsini VII-A Indira NagarAnushka Tripathi VII-A Rajajipuram IIShiransh Asthana VII Rajajipuram IISp. Men. Manan Trivedi VIII-D Station RoadMrityunjay K Sharma VIII-D Station RoadRevate Dwivedi VIII-A Gomti Nagar IVijay VI Jopling RoadShashi Shekar VI-A Aliganj IRithik Pant VIII-A Indira NagarIshita Nigam VII-A Rajendra Nagar IISarah Butool Naqvi VIII-D ChowkSrishti Srivastava VIII-A Rajendra Nagar IIIUtkarsh Srivastava VI-B Rajendra Nagar IIISuramya VIII AsharfabadWe regret that due to paucity of space we are not able to printthe prize winning essays in this issue of the Bulletin. —Editor"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.”— Albert Einstein

Printed and published by Mr Hari Om Sharma, Chief PRO, CMS on behalf of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, 12 Station Road, Lucknow.Patrons: Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Dr Bharti Gandhi & Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon Advisory Board: Ms Susmita Basu, Head, QAID & All CMS Principals HOD Personality Development: Mr Shishir SrivastavaChief Editor: Dr Preeti Shankar Sr. Sub Editor: Smita Khare Sub Editor: Manju Rani DubeyALUMNI & EVENTS CALENDARJANUARY 2013 (8)CMS Alumni on Ladder of SuccessPrakash Gupta, IFS, First SecretaryIndian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, USAPrakash Gupta passed-out from CMS Station Road Campus in 1996. Hereceived his entire school education in CMS. Currently serving as theFirst Secretary, Indian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in NewYork, Prakash qualified for the Civil Services in 2002, after completinghis Masters in English Literature (with Gold Medal). He opted for theIndian Foreign Service, as first preference.A keen debater, quizzer and general knowledge enthusiast in his school and college days,Prakash has held many prestigious positions in the Government of India. He has served in theMinistry of External Affairs, New Delhi (2002- 2004), Indian Embassy in Beijing (2004 – 2006);Indian Consulate in Shanghai (2006 – 2009); Ministry of External Affairs as the Press Officerfor Ministry of External Affairs, handling media relations and visits of media delegation forPrime Minister's visits abroad (2009 – 2011).Prakash is married to Neha Prakash and has a daughter, Pranjali. We are sure that Prakash willlive up to his name 'light' and spread his radiance wherever he goes.Arushi GargStudent of Law at the Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad &Recipient of the coveted Rhodes Scholarship for a 2 yearcourse in BCL (Bachelor of Civil Law) at Oxford University, U.K.A brilliant star on the academic sky and a student of Law at the NalsarUniversity of Law, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, Arushi Garg is the proudrecipient of the coveted Rhodes Scholarship for a 2 year course in BCL(Bachelor of Civil Law) at Oxford University, U.K. Daughter of a senior IASOfficer Mr. V.N. Garg, Arushi has been a hardworking and bright student throughout hereducation in CMS. She scored 93.2% in ICSE Examinations and 98.25% in ISC Examinations.Securing the fiercely contested Rhodes Scholarship is a coveted accolade. Arushi is one of thefive students of India selected for this prestigious scholarship from different fields of study likelaw, commerce and economics.thCurrently, Arushi is in the 5 year as student of the B.A. LL.B (Hons) course with a CGPA of7.63/8.00 and a class rank of 3/80. She has been selected in several educational programmesof India and abroad and has some significant publications to her credit. She has been closelyassociated for training and internship with several leading lawyers.On her success, Arushi says – "We should try to give our best to everything we do, becauseevery positive step helps us to learn something new."Children's International Summer Village (CISV) Camp beginsChildren from 14 countries of theworld namely USA, Thailand,Guatemala, Brazil, Canada, Finland,Sweden, Italy, Mexico, France,Norway, Australia, Iceland and Indiaassembled together at CMS KanpurRoad Campus to participate inChildren's International SummerVillage (CISV) camp which is being heldfrom 28 December 2012 to 24 January2013. These children were given awarm welcome on their arrival atLucknow. CISV Camps aim at providingexperiential learning in multi-lingualand multi cultural environment. Theywere first conceived by Dr Doris T.Allen, a psychologist of CincinnatiUniversity, USA. The Headquarters ofCISV are in Newcastle-upon-Tyne inEngland.Events - January 201313 (9 am) Inter-Campus Chemistry Olympiad of Class VIII by QAID at StationRoad Campus14 (9.30 am) Farewell of classes X and XII of Rajajipuram Campus I at schoolpremises15 (11 am) Farewell of class XII students by Kanpur Road Campus at WUCC17 (9.30 am) Farewell of classes X & XII of Rajendra Nagar Campus I at schoolpremises19 Art & Craft Exhibition of Indira Nagar Campus at school premises19 (9.30 am) Open Day of CISV International Camp by QAID at WUCC Auditorium20 (9 am) Inter-Campus Biology Olympiad of Class VIIII by QAID at StationRoad Campus21 (9.30 am) Special Farewell Assembly of RDSO Campus at school premises.21 (11 am) Blessings by Teachers for farewell of class XII by CMS Kanpur Roadat WUCC22 (9 am) Farewell of Class XII & Special Prayer Assembly of Aliganj Campus Iat school premises23 (10 am) Special Prayer Assembly of Primary Section by India Nagar at<strong>School</strong> Assembly Hall24 (11 am) Farewell of class X students of Indira Nagar at school premises25 to 29 International <strong>School</strong> Cricket Premier League (ISCPL) organisedCMS Kanpur Road on <strong>School</strong> Cricket Pitch25 (9 am) Farewell of classes X & XII by CMS Mahanagar III at school premises27 (9 am) Inter-Campus NTSE for Class VI by QAID at Station Road Campus27 (9 am) Inauguration of Jai Jagat Park & Art and Craft Exhibition of AnandNagar at school premises – Environment Friendly Park28 (9 am) Special Farewell Assembly of class XII by CMS Station Road atschool premises29 (9.30 am) Farewell of class XII by CMS Gomti Nagar I at <strong>School</strong> Assembly HallAliganj II team leaves for Thailand to attend CISV CampCMS Aliganj II students went toThailand to participate in a CISVCamp held there from 22December 2012 to 18 January2013. Delegation comprised ofstudnets Gargi Shrinet, JayashYadav, Pratham Agarwal andKashish Gupta led by theirteacher Ms Nupur Dawra. Thec h i l d r e n g a i n e d u s e f u lexperience about living in amulticultural village andinteracting with children of various countries for a whole month. It was a life timeexperience for them.Renowned Educationist Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder-ManagerCMS has written the following books:1 olq/kk ,d dqVqEc 6 f'k{kk ijeks /keZ% 11 thus dh jkg2 vkRek dk ijekRek ls feyu 7 eqfDr dk ,d gh ekxZ 12 /khjs&/khjs eksM+ rw bl eu dks3 fpUru 8 f'k{kk dk mn~ns'; 13 ,d rsjk lgkjk4 fo'o ifjokj gekjk gS 9 euq"; dh vlyh lEifÙk 14 ge vkSj gekjs cPps5 lek/kku 10 çHkq HkfDr dk nhiThey are immensely helpful for parents, teachers and studentsHuman Rights Day by CMS Aliganj IIChief Guest Mr Balram Yadav, Hon'ble Ministerfor Panchayati Raj, UP honouring the prize winnersCMS Aliganj Campus II organizedseveral competitions like painting,speech, picture composition, debate,collage, creative writing to celebrateHuman Rights Day which falls on 10December every year, as declared bythe United Nations. Students of primaryand junior classes participated withgreat enthusiasm in these contestscreating an awareness of basic humanrights and the need for an eco-friendlyworld. Prize winners were awardedView of collage andpainting contests organized by CMS Aliganj IIprizes and certificates on 16 December.Sports Day of the Campus was alsoorganized on this day. According to thePrincipal, Mrs Rekha Sharma, childrenare resourceful citizens capable ofhelping to build a better future for all.Children should be heard and their ideasand opinions should be listened to. Wemust respect their right to expressthemselves and to participate in allmatters affecting them, in accordancewith their age and maturity.These books are available at all the Branches of Universal Book Depot,Lucknow as well as the following book stores in Delhi1. D.G. Books International, D-18, Mansarovar Garden, New Delhi-110015, Ph.011-65818259, 232758212. Sahitya Bharti International, Newman Group, 4-C, Ansari Road, Daiyaganj, New Delhi-110015Ph. 011-23275821, 23240155^fu%'kqYd ;ksx f'kfoj*ru vkSj eu ds lHkh jksxksa ls eqfDr ds fy, iwT;Lokeh jkenso th ds xgu ekxZn'kZu esa iratfy ;ksxlfefr ds mRd`"V ,oa vR;Ur ;ksX; çf'kf{kdksa }kjkjkstkuk çkr% 5-00 ls çkr% 6-30 cts rdLFkku& lh0,e0,l0 (1) xkserh uxj dSEil] (2) dkuiqjjksM dSEil] (3) egkuxj çFke dSEil] (4) egkuxj f}rh;dSEil (5) egkuxj r`rh; dSEil (6) jktkthiqje çFkedSEil (7) jktkthiqje f}rh; dSEil (8) vkuUn uxjdSEil] (9) jktsUæ uxj çFke dSEil rFkk (10) vyhxatlsDVj ^vks* (çFke dSEil) (11) LVs'ku jksM dSEil(12) vkj0Mh0,l0vks0 dSEil esa ;s f'kfoj vk;ksftr gksrs gaSAuksV%& xkserh uxj ,oa dkuiqj jksM dSEil esa çfrfnulk;adkyhu ;ksxk f'kfoj dk lk;a 5 cts ls 6 cts rdvk;kstu gksrk gSAHkkbZ;ksa ,oa cfguksa]vki lHkh vius ifjokjtuksa] b"V&fe=ksa ,oaiM+ksfl;ksa ds lkFk dy gh ls jkstkuk vius vkokl ds utnhdfLFkr f'kfoj esa vo'; 'kkfey gksdj vius ru&eu dksvkuUn ls HkjsaA bu f'kfojksa esa Hkkx ysdj vki vius 'kjhj dkHkkjhiu] eu dh fpUrk vkSj mnklh] e/kqesg] eksVkik] mPpjDrpki] ân;jksx] vLFkek] fMçs'ku] ekbxzsu] lokZbdy]LiksaMksykbfVl] fLyifMLd] vkFkZjkbfVl] fl;kfVdk] dejnnZ] xSl] dCt] dke es eu u yxuk] vEyfiÙk] vYlj TkSlstfVy jksxksa ls NqVdkjk ikdj ^LoLFk ru&LoLFk eu* dkykHk vo'; mBk;saAfo'o ,drk lRlaxlknj vkeU=.kLFkku% flVh eksUVsljh Ldwy] xkserhuxj(fo'kky [k.M&2)] y[kuÅle; % izR;sd jfookj izkr% 10 ls 11-30 cts rdfiz; cU/kq]vkidks tkudj g"kZ gksxk fd izR;sd jfookj dks izkr%10 ls 11-30 cts rd lh-,e-,l-] xkserhuxj dsvkWMhVksfj;e esa fo'o ,drk lRlax dk vk;kstufd;k tkrk gSA vki lHkh lknj vkefU=r gSaAHkonh;v:.k f=ikBhlqJh oUnuk xkSM+la;kstdla;ksftdkge ^ekrk&firk* gSa] ge ^f’k{kd* gSaA vr% gesavkRe eaFku djuk pkfg, fd ge cPpksa ds le{kD;k mnkgj.k izLrqr dj jgs gSaA ;fn ge ,slkdjrs gSa rc ge ftEesnkj gSa] ;fn ugha] rks ge^ekrk&firk* o ^f’k{kd* dgykus ds ;ksX; ughaAia- gfj vkse 'kekZ ^gfj*

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