Your bills explained - Npower

Your bills explained - Npower

Your bills explained - Npower

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<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF1<strong>Your</strong> <strong>bills</strong> <strong>explained</strong>A comprehensive guide to understanding your billnpm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF2<strong>Your</strong> addressWe send your bill to this address. It’s likely to be the same property where we’re supplying the gas and electricity, but ifthe energy’s going to a different building then we’ll print that address underneath this one.When you get in touch with us, please don’t forget to quote your account number, so we can find your accountdetails faster.1npm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF3<strong>Your</strong> Account balanceThe way we show your balance depends on how you pay us. If you pay us when you get your bill, then we’ll show youwhat to pay and when you need to pay us. If you pay by Quarterly Direct Debit, we’ll show you the amount that is dueto come out of your account. If you pay by Monthly Direct Debit, or have a prepayment meter, the balance shown willbe for information only.2npm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF4Direct Debit paymentsIf you pay for your energy by Direct Debit, then we’ll ask your bank to pay us directly, monthly or quarterly, depending onwhat you prefer. We don’t review those Direct Debits when you change tariff though, so it’s a good idea to check whatyou’ve arranged on a regular basis.And if you ask us to review your account, then we can let you know if it would be a good idea to update your Direct Debit– for a little more, or less, each time. .3npm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF5Meter readingsThis panel confirms how we worked out your bill – by using a meter reading or by estimating how much energy you’veused. If we came round to take a reading, it’s called an ‘actual’ reading. If you’ve sent the details in online, by phone, orby post, it’s called a ‘customer’ reading. But if we don’t have those details, we use other information (how much energyyou’ve used before and if it’s Summer or Winter right now) to estimate how much energy you’ve used.We try to make our estimates as accurate as possible. But if they’re too low, you could build up a debt – and if they’retoo high, you’ll be paying us too much. That’s why meter readings are so important.Send us your up to date meter readings using your online account. If you give us readings this way, they go onto oursystems straight away. Then, if you’re due to receive a bill or your last bill was an estimate, we can use those readings toget your account right up to date.4npm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF6Useful informationHere, we’re showing useful updates to your account details and tips that can help you stay on top of your energy <strong>bills</strong>.We know that fuel pricing can be complicated, so we’ve put longer pieces of information and explanations on the backpage of your bill.5npm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF7Working out your billStep 1: We look at the amount of energy you have used - which could change depending on the time of year,for example.Step 2: We check which tariff you’re on.Step 3: Finally, we take into account any discounts, credits or debits on your account, to work out the final amount youneed to pay (Adding VAT at the applicable rate) - if you pay your bill quarterly, on receipt of bill, monthly Direct Debitor via a prepayment meter.6steps <strong>explained</strong> fully on next pagenpm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF8Step 1: Working out how much energy you’ve usedWe start with your last meter reading (or our estimate of your last reading). If you’re a new customer, we’ll use youropening meter reading – but in both cases, we’ll compare those numbers to the most up to date figures we have foryour account.For electricity, the difference tells us how many units of energy you’ve used in Kilowatt hours (kWh). We can then workout how much money you’ve spent.For gas, the readings are in ‘therms’. We’ll do a calculation to work out the equivalent number of kWh, and show youthat figure on your bill. We show you how this calculation is made in the “Jargon Buster” section of your bill.Step 2 – We check which tariff you’re onWhichever tariff you’re on, for gas or electric, we have to charge you for two things. First, there’s a standing charge.That’s calculated equally on a daily basis, together with a single unit rate in pence per kWh so that we can work outthe cost of electricity you’ve actually used – this is why it’s better if we have up to date meter readings, so that we cancharge accurately.If you have an Economy 7 tariff, you’ll see a separate rate for units used during the 7-hour cheaper night rate period(usually between 10pm and 8.30am).Step 3 – We add in any discounts, debits and creditsAfter we’ve worked out how many units you’ve used, and how much we need to add on to cover the cost of supplyingyour energy, we check to see if you owe us money from a previous bill or if you’ve made any payments recently.- If you usually pay the full amount when you get your bill, we’ll show you how much you need to pay now.- If you pay by Direct Debit, we’ll look at your last statement and add on your total energy charges for this period.After we’ve taken off regular payments and any Direct Debit discounts, we can see what the balance is – but that’sfor information only. We’ll carry on taking payments from your bank account as usual.- From time to time, we’ll also review your account – and then change the Direct Debit if we think you’re buildingup a debt, or paying us too much.- If you pay via a prepayment meter, we’ll summarise the payments you’ve made and show them as a comparisonwith the account charges. Again, that’s for information only – you do have to carry on crediting your meter as normal.However you pay us, we’ll add credits or debits to your bill as soon as we can to help you stay on top of yourenergy costs.And if there’s something you’re not sure about, we’re always happy to run through the details with you or offer energysaving tips that could help you reduce the amount you spend..npm9919/RF13920/07.13

<strong>Your</strong> Bill <strong>explained</strong> PDF9How much energy your usingWhen you see this chart on your bill, you can work out how much energy you’re using, on average, comparedto the same time last year.Lots of things can affect how much energy you use, like the weather or new appliances and changes to your lifestyle.If you’re trying to save energy, this chart is a great way to see if you’re making progress.But if you’d like to save more energy, and perhaps money too, why not contact us to see if our advice could help you?Or, if you prefer, you can read more information about saving energy on our website.7Phone calls: Calling us on a 0800 number is normally free when you call from a landline but charges may vary if you use a mobile. Calling us on a 0330 number will cost you no more than 01 or 02 numbers from landlines or mobiles.If you get ‘inclusive minutes’ with your package, calls on a 0330 number will be part of these.npower is a registered trademark and the trading name of <strong>Npower</strong> Limited (Registered No. 3653277), <strong>Npower</strong> Gas Limited (Registered No. 2999919), <strong>Npower</strong> Northern Limited (Registered No. 3432100) who also act as an agent for<strong>Npower</strong> Northern Supply Limited (Registered No. 2845740) for the supply of electricity, <strong>Npower</strong> Yorkshire Limited (Registered No. 3937808) who also act as an agent for <strong>Npower</strong> Yorkshire Supply Limited (Registered No. 4212116)for the supply of electricity. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 6PB.npm9919/RF13920/07.13

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