Impact report Adroddiad effaith - WCVA

Impact report Adroddiad effaith - WCVA

Impact report Adroddiad effaith - WCVA

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<strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong>2011/12<strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong>Supporting charities, volunteers and communitiesYn cefnogi elusennau, gwirfoddolwyr a chymunedauwww.wcva.org.uk

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Wales Council for Voluntary Action represents, campaigns for, supports and develops voluntaryorganisations, community action and volunteering in Wales. We represent the sector at UK and nationallevel; and together with a range of national specialist agencies, county voluntary councils, volunteercentres and other development agencies, we provide a support structure for the third sector in Wales.We have over 3,000 members, and is in touch with many more organisations through a wide range ofnational and local networks.<strong>WCVA</strong>’s mission is to provide excellentsupport, leadership and an influentialvoice for the third sector andvolunteering in Wales.<strong>WCVA</strong> Head OfficeBaltic HouseMount Stuart SquareCardiffCF10 5FHTel 0800 2888 329Fax 029 2043 1701Minicom0808 1804080help@wcva.org.ukNorth Wales OfficeMorfa HallBath StreetRhylLL18 3EBTel 0800 2888 329Fax 01745 357541Minicom0808 1804080help@wcva.org.ukMid Wales Office2 Science ParkCefn LlanAberystwythCeredigionSY23 3AHTel 0800 2888 329Fax 01970 631121Minicom0808 1804080help@wcva.org.uk<strong>WCVA</strong> Prif SwyddfaT ŷB a l t i gSgwâr Mount StuartCaerdyddCF10 5FHFfôn 0800 2888 329Ffacs 029 2043 1701Minicom0808 1804080help@wcva.org.ukSwyddfa Gogledd CymruNeuadd MorfaStryd y BaddonY RhylLL18 3EBFfôn 0800 2888 329Ffacs 01745 357541Minicom0808 1804080help@wcva.org.ukSwyddfa’r Canolbarth2 Parc GwyddoniaethCefn LlanAberystwythCeredigionSY23 3AHFfôn 0800 2888 329Ffacs 01970 631121Minicom0808 1804080help@wcva.org.ukNew ways to getinvolved with <strong>WCVA</strong>Facebookwww.facebook.com/walescva‘Like’ our page for daily updates,photos and discussion.Gallwch ‘hoffi’ ein tudalen gydanewyddion dyddiol, lluniau a sgyrsiau.Bloghttp://wcva.tumblr.comInsight and comment on sector issues.Golwg ar faterion yn ymwneud â’r sector.Ffyrdd newydd iymwneud â <strong>WCVA</strong>Twitterwww.twitter.com/walescvaStay informed with up-to-the minutenews from <strong>WCVA</strong> and around the sector.Cewch y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf pobmunud o <strong>WCVA</strong> a’r sector i gyd.www.youtube.com/walescvaWatch interviews and features onthe issues that matter.Gwyliwch gyfweliadau ac eitemaunodwedd ar y materion pwysig.<strong>WCVA</strong> Helpdesk | Lein Gymorth <strong>WCVA</strong>0800 2888 329www.wcva.org.uk

<strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Mae Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru (<strong>WCVA</strong>) yn cynrychioli, cefnogi a datblygu mudiadaugwirfoddol, grwpiau cymunedol a gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghymru, ac yn ymgyrchu drostynt. Rydym yncynrychioli’r sector ar lefel genedlaethol ac ar lefel y DU; ac ynghyd ag ystod o asiantaethau arbenigolcenedlaethol, cynghorau gwirfoddol sirol, canolfannau gwirfoddol ac asiantaethau datblygu eraill, rydymyn darparu strwythur cymorth ar gyfer trydydd sector Cymru. Mae gennym dros 3,000 o aelodau, acmae’n cysylltu â nifer mwy o fudiadau drwy ystod eang o rwydweithiau cenedlaethol a rhanbarthol.Cenhadaeth <strong>WCVA</strong> yw darparu cymorthac arweinyddiaeth ardderchog,a llais dylanwadol i’r trydydd sectora gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghymru.ContentsCynnwysThe year in brief 2 Y flwyddyn yn grynoIntroduction by the Chair and 4 <strong>Adroddiad</strong> y CadeiryddChief Executive a’r Prif WeithredwrServices for the sector 6 Gwasanaethau ar gyfer y sectorAchieving change 20 Sicrhau newidResourcing the sector 40 Adnoddau ar gyfer y sector<strong>WCVA</strong> board 42 Bwrdd <strong>WCVA</strong>Summarised financial statements 44 Crynodeb o’r datganiadau ariannol<strong>WCVA</strong> members 50 Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong>Sustainable FundingCyllid CynaliadwyCymruCyswllt Cymunedau Cymru AffricaWales Africa Community LinksGwobrau Seren Aur CUUN Gold Star AwardsCyswllt Cymunedau CymWales Africa CommunGwobrau Seren Aur CUUN Gold Star Awards

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12The year in briefY flwyddyn yn grynoEnquiries | Ymholiadau10,0001mweb visitso ymweliadaugwe620,000 info sheetsdistributed620,000 o daflennigwybodaeth wedi’u dosbarthuCRB checksGwiriadau CRB24,000for 2,581 organisationsar gyfer 2,581 o fudiadauVolunteer of the Year | Gwirfoddolwr y FlwyddynPeter Jones from Brecon was a winner in the Trustee category ofthe 2012 Wales Volunteer of the Year AwardsPeter Jones o Aberhonddu, oedd un o enillwyr categoriYmddiriedolwr yng Ngwobrau Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn 2012Wrexham County BoroughMuseum and Archives Serviceis the first museum in Wales tohave achieved the Investing inVolunteers Wales standard.Amgueddfa a GwasanaethArchifau Cyngor BwrdeistrefSirol Wrecsam oedd yramgueddfa gyntaf i gyrraeddsafon Buddsoddi mewnGwirfoddolwyr.2

<strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Consultancy and adviceto | Ymgynghoriaeth achyngor i92and | a90and 1,000 grantstotalling |o grantiau gwerth£3.2CF partnershipso bartneriaethaudays trainingo ddiwrnodauhyfforddimillionmiliwngyda’i gilydd200,000volunteer hourso oriau o wirfoddolithrough 2,600 newvolunteers recruited throughour Volunteering in WalesFundtrwy 2,600 owirfoddolwyr newyddwedi’u recriwtio drwy einCronfa Gwirfoddoli yngNghymruOverDefnyddiodd dros200employers used our Recruit3serviceo gyflogwyr ein gwasanaethRecriwt3Grants and contractsGrantiau a chontractau£39millionmiliwnManaged by the sector,for the sectorWedi’i reoli gan y sector,ar gyfer y sectorOver 4,000 bookingsfor our training courses,conferences and seminars,policy events and awardceremoniesDros 4,000 archebar gyfer lle ar ein cyrsiauhyfforddiant, cynadleddaua seminarau, digwyddiadaupolisi a seremonïaugwobrwyoI got my jobCefais fy swyddMarie Dingley-Short hadbeen out of work for twoyears through ill-healthbefore an EngagementGateway project inWrexham helped her intoemploymentBu Marie Dingley-Short ynddiwaith oherwydd salwcham ddwy flynedd cyn iun o brosiectau’r PorthYmgysylltu yn Wrecsam eihelpu i gael gwaithIntermediate LabourMarket (ILM) |Marchnad LafurDrosiannol£1.6European funds invested inemployment opportunitiesin North and East Walesmillionmiliwno arian Ewropeaidd wedi’ifuddsoddi mewn cyfleoeddcyflogaeth yn y Gogledd a’rDwyrain3

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Introduction by the Chairand Chief ExecutiveThis has been a year of challenge and achievement for <strong>WCVA</strong> and the thirdsector in Wales.Despite continuing pressure on finance, the sector has responded withvigour and enthusiasm to the new climate. There is now a greater appetitefor collaboration and joint working within the sector, both to decrease costsbut also to win tenders and contracts.Governance issues have had a high profile this year and many organisationsincluding <strong>WCVA</strong> have taken a fresh look at our practices and also enhancedour offer of support to the sector.Win Griffiths OBE,ChairCadeiryddAs ever we will continue to advocate the case for the sector and to stimulatenew ways of thinking and action which will strengthen its role in Wales.Finally we would like to thank all the trustees, volunteers and staff who havecontributed so ably to our performance and activities during this year.Cyflwyniad gan y Cadeirydda’r Prif WeithredwrGraham Benfield OBE,Chief ExecutivePrif WeithredwrMae’r flwyddyn hon wedi bod yn llawn heriau a llwyddiannau i <strong>WCVA</strong> a’rtrydydd sector yng Nghymru.Er gwaethaf pwysau parhaus ar gyllid, mae’r sector wedi ymateb gydagegni a brwdfrydedd i’r hinsawdd newydd. Mae bellach mwy o awydd igydweithredu a gweithio ar y cyd yn y sector, er mwyn lleihau costau ondhefyd er mwyn ennill tendrau a chontractau.Mae materion llywodraethu wedi cael llawer o sylw eleni ac mae llawero fudiadau gan gynnwys <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi ailedrych ar ein harferion ac rydymhefyd wedi gwella ein cynnig o gymorth i’r sector.Fel yr arfer, byddwn yn parhau i bledio achos y sector ac i ysgogi ffyrddnewydd o feddwl a gweithredu a fydd yn cryfhau rôl y sector yngNghymru.Yn olaf, hoffem ddiolch i’r holl ymddiriedolwyr, gwirfoddolwyr a staff syddwedi cyfrannu mor abl i’n perfformiad a’n gweithgareddau eleni.4

<strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12<strong>WCVA</strong>’s vision, missionand valuesOur VisionA Wales where everyone is inspired towork together to improve their lives, theircommunities and their environment.Our MissionWe will provide excellent support,leadership and an influential voice for thethird sector and volunteering in Wales.Our ValuesPeople and communities work togetherthrough the third sector to address theissues they care about – in their owncommunity or environment, or acrossthe world. We believe that a strong andactive third sector:• Builds resilient, cohesive and inclusivecommunities• Gives people a stake in their future through theirown actions and services• Creates a strong, healthy and fair society• Demonstrates the intrinsic value of volunteeringand active community involvementGweledigaeth, cenhadaeth agwerthoedd <strong>WCVA</strong>Ein GweledigaethCymru lle mae pawb yn cael ei ysbrydoli igydweithio er mwyn gwella eu bywydau,eu cymunedau a’u hamgylchedd.Ein CenhadaethDarparu cymorth ac arweinyddiaethardderchog, a llais dylanwadol i’r trydyddsector a gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru.Ein GwerthoeddPobl a chymunedau yn cydweithio drwy’rtrydydd sector i fynd i’r afael â’r materionsydd o bwys iddyn nhw – yn eu cymunedneu eu hamgylchedd, neu ar draws ybyd. Credwn fod trydydd sector cryf agweithgar yn:• Meithrin cymunedau cadarn, cydlynus achynhwysol• Rhoi rhan i bobl yn eu dyfodol trwy eugweithredoedd a’u gwasanaethau eu hunain• Creu cymdeithas gref, iach a theg• Arddangos gwerth gwirfoddoli a chynnwys ygymunedIn our own work we are determined todemonstrate:• Diversity – being accessible to all• Fairness – being open and consistent• Integrity – being honest, and upholding theindependence of the third sector• Accountability - being ethical, responsible andresponsive• Partnership – working with all those who help toachieve our vision• Sustainability – making a positive impact onpeople, communities, and the planet and itsresourcesYn ein gwaith ein hunain, rydym ynbenderfynol o arddangos:• Amrywiaeth – bod yn hygyrch i bawb• Tegwch – bod yn agored ac yn gyson• Uniondeb – bod yn onest, a chynnalannibyniaeth y trydydd sector• Atebolrwydd – bod yn foesegol, yn gyfrifol acyn ymatebol• Partneriaeth – gweithio gyda phawb sy’n helpui gyrraedd ein gweledigaeth• Cynaliadwyedd – cael <strong>effaith</strong> bositif ar bobl,cymunedau a’r blaned a’i hadnoddau5

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sectorInforming, networking and advisingOur suite of information services has provided third sector groups with theguidance they need – raising funds, sourcing volunteers, improving governance,becoming more environmentally sustainable… we’ve helped the sector in all theseareas, and many more besides.Over 3,000 <strong>WCVA</strong> members regularly receive our information and advice throughprint, email, social media and the telephone, while thousands of other groupsthroughout the Welsh third sector also make regular use of our services.Achievements this yearinclude:• zMaintaining an up-to-datesuite of websites, includingwww.wcva.org.uk, www.volunteering-wales.netand www.trusteewales.org.uk, attractingnearly one millionvisitors downloadingover 200,000 items ofinformation.‘We saved money on our energy’‘Bu i ni arbed arian ar ynni’• zOur Helpdesk hasresponded to over 10,000enquiries.• zWorking with CVCsand volunteer centres,ensuring over 190information sheets areavailable to the sector,with over 620,000 copiesof these downloaded from<strong>WCVA</strong>, CVC and volunteercentre websites.• zPublishing 21 issues of ourmagazine Network Wales.• zPublishing 24 members’e-briefings.• zPublishing 12 nationalsupplements for CVCnewsletters.• zOrganising a programmeof six conferences onsubjects of major interestto the sector, attracting807 participants.Prime Cymru helped Eirwen Godfrey (left, with Sharon Richards, HR andAdministration Manager, Prime Cymru) set up her online wool sales business,KnitWitches Yarns.Making use of <strong>WCVA</strong>’s Affinity SchemesUtility Aid is one of the manybusinesses who are membersof <strong>WCVA</strong>’s Affinity Schemesprogramme. They offer ourmembers a free energy auditand advice on ways in whichthey can save on their utilitybills. Llandovery’s Prime Cymru,who help the older 50s return toemployment or set up their ownbusinesses, have taken advantage oftheir services.‘As a charity, Prime Cymru is alwayslooking for ways to save money onour utility costs. Utility Aid helpedus to do this by getting the bestprices over a two year period.James Kenney from Utility Aid wasvery helpful in getting us the bestprices for both our electricity andgas. As we are a small charity, wewould not have had the time to dothis ourselves.We would willingly recommendtheir services to other companies.’Oenwen Jones, Finance Officer,Prime Cymru.6

Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Llywio, rhwydweithio a chynghoriMae ein casgliad o wasanaethau gwybodaeth wedi darparu’r arweiniad yr oeddar grwpiau’r trydydd sector ei angen – sut i godi arian, dod o hyd i wirfoddolwyr,gwella llywodraethu, bod yn fwy amgylcheddol gynaliadwy... rydym wedicynorthwyo’r sector yn yr holl feysydd hyn, a llawer mwy ar ben y rhain.Mae dros 3,000 o aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> yn cael ein gwybodaeth a’n cyngor yn rheolaiddar bapur, drwy ebost, ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a thros y ffôn, tra mae miloeddo grwpiau eraill yn y trydydd sector yng Nghymru hefyd yn defnyddio eingwasanaethau’n rheolaidd.Helpodd Prime Cymru Eirwen Godfrey (ar y chwith, gyda Sharon Richards, RheolwrGweinyddol ac Adnoddau Dynol, Prime Cymru) i sefydlu ei chwmni ei hun yn gwerthugwlân arlein, KnitWitches Yarns.Defnyddio Cynlluniau Affinedd <strong>WCVA</strong>Mae Utility Aid ymysg y busnesauniferus sy’n aelodau o raglenCynlluniau Affinedd <strong>WCVA</strong>. Maentyn cynnig archwiliad a chyngoram ddim i’n haelodau ar ffyrdd oarbed arian ar eu biliau tanwydd.Mae Prime Cymru yn Llanymddyfri,sy’n helpu pobl dros 50 oed iddychwelyd i’r gweithle neu i sefydlueu busnes eu hunain, wedi manteisioar eu gwasanaethau.‘Gan ein bod yn elusen, mae PrimeCymru wastad yn chwilio am ffyrddMarc Jones o Lein Gymorth <strong>WCVA</strong> ynateb galwad.Marc Jones of <strong>WCVA</strong> Helpdesk answersa call.‘<strong>WCVA</strong> Helpdesk provided arefreshingly friendly, professionaland quick response. A five-starservice that I would happilyrecommend to others.’ - CarlGough, Flagship DevelopmentOfficer, Collaborative Communitieso arbed arian ar ein biliau tanwydd.Helpodd Utility Aid i ni wneudhyn drwy gael y prisiau gorau drosgyfnod o ddwy flynedd.Bu James Kenney o Utility Aid ogymorth mawr i gael y prisiau goraui ni ar drydan a nwy. Gan ein bodyn elusen fach, nid oedd gennym yramser i wneud hyn ein hunain.Byddem yn argymell eugwasanaethau i gwmnïau eraill.’Oenwen Jones, Swyddog Cyllid,Prime Cymru.Y Gweinyddwr Aelodaeth John Raftreewrth law i ateb ymholiadau a ddaw i’rLein Gymorth.Membership Administrator John Raftree ison hand to aid Helpdesk callers with theirenquiries.Roedd ymateb Lein Gymorth <strong>WCVA</strong>yn gyfeillgar, proffesiynol a sydyn.Gwasanaeth pum-seren y byddwnyn hapus i’w argymell i eraill.’ -Carl Gough, Swyddog DatblyguMentrau Cymdeithasol Blaenllaw,Cymunedau sy’n CydweithioMae’r llwyddiannau eleni’ncynnwys:• zCynnal cyfres o wefannau,gan gynnwys www.wcva.org.uk, www.volunteeringwales.neta www.trusteewales.org.uk, ganddenu bron i 1 miliwn oymwelwyr a lawrlwythodddros 200,000 eitem owybodaeth.• zMae ein Lein Gymorthwedi ymateb i dros10,000 ymholiad.• zGan weithio gydaChynghorau GwirfoddolSirol a chanolfannaugwirfoddol, sicrhau boddros 190 o daflennigwybodaeth ar gael i’rsector, a chafodd dros620,000 o gopïau o’rrhain eu lawrlwytho oddiar wefannau <strong>WCVA</strong>,cynghorau gwirfoddol sirola chanolfannau gwirfoddol.• zCyhoeddi 21 rhifyn o’rcylchgrawn RhwydwaithCymru.• zCyhoeddi 24 e-hysbysaelodau.• zCyhoeddi 12 atodiadcenedlaethol ar gyfercylchlythyrau’r cynghoraugwirfoddol sirol.• zTrefnu rhaglen o chwechynhadledd ar bynciausydd o ddiddordeb mawri’r sector, gan ddenu 807o gyfranogwyr.7

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sectorAchievements this yearinclude:• zMaintaining the nationaldatabase of voluntary andcommunity organisations,holding details of nearly33,000 organisationsbased or working inWales.• zProviding a third sectorrecruitment service,www.recruit3.org.uk• zProviding a thirdsector trading website,www.3to3.org.uk• zProviding a wide rangeof members’ benefitsthrough our AffinitySchemes programme,including discountedcomputer software,insurance, specialisttelecommunications forthe sector, payroll services,discounted translationservice, corporatepromotional products anda free energy audit.• zRunning a set of socialmedia sites to promoteinteractivity with <strong>WCVA</strong>and foster a sense ofcommunity. Our Facebookpage has almost 400‘likes’ and we reach over2,600 Twitter followerseach day. We also have anumber of ‘sister’ socialmedia pages for projectssuch as ParticipationCymru and Wales AfricaCommunity Links thathave a reach of severalhundred followers each.‘A good conference,with a lot of veryuseful information’ – adelegate at <strong>WCVA</strong>’sAnnual Conference2011 in Llandudno‘Competitive, good value and professional’Keegan and Pennykid insurancebrokers are also part of our AffinitySchemes programme. TheirEncompass Insurance policy isdesigned specifically for charities andvoluntary organisations. Childrenin Wales, based in Cardiff, is theumbrella body for groups in Walesworking with children and youngpeople. They have used Keegan andPennykid’s services.‘As the national children’s umbrellaorganisation in Wales, Children inWales works with over 300 membersfrom the voluntary, statutory andTai Esgyn receiving their Third SectorAward Cymru‘We met Class Telecom at <strong>WCVA</strong>’sThird Sector Awards Cymru inJanuary 2012, which Class sponsorand where Tai Esgyn Housing werenominated for the Health, socialcare and wellbeing award. We wereinterested in some advice on ourmobile phone packages and our fixedline services, which were all withdifferent providers - our objective wasto find one provider, who could notonly provide cost savings but couldalso offer a superior level of serviceacross the board.Class carried out a non-obligatoryhealth check on our services andprivate sectors. We have usedKeegan and Pennykid to provideliability, indemnity and contentsinsurance for over nine years.Each year we actively comparepolicies and quotes from variousinsurers and brokers and havealways found Keegan and Pennykid’sservice’s competitive, good valueand professional. We would have nohesitation in referring our membersand contacts to them.’Graham Roddis, Finance andFacilities Manager, Children in WalesTai Esgyn yn derbyn Gwobr Trydydd SectorCymru‘Class have assisted us in our goal’were able to save us a substantialamount straight away on our fixedlines and calls. Our mobiles arecurrently with numerous providersand we plan to transfer theseover to Class when they comeout of contract. This will give usfurther savings, and simplify themanagement and support of ourcommunication services. This willultimately assist us in our goal -enabling vulnerable people to liveindependently in the community.’Eryl Pellow, Deputy Director, TaiEsgyn Community Housing8

Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12‘Cystadleuol, gwerth da am arian a phroffesiynol’Mae broceriaid yswiriant Keeganand Pennykid hefyd yn rhan o’nrhaglen Cynlluniau Affinedd. Mae eupolisi Encompass Insurance ar gyferelusennau a mudiadau gwirfoddolyn benodol. Plant yng Nghymru,sydd wedi’i leoli yng Nghaerdydd,yw’r corff ymbarél ar gyfer grwpiauyng Nghymru sy’n gweithio gydaphlant a phobl ifanc. Maent wedidefnyddio gwasanaethau Keeganand Pennykid.‘Fel y mudiad ymbarél cenedlaetholar gyfer plant, mae Plant yngNghymru yn gweithio gyda mwyna 300 o aelodau o’r sectoraugwirfoddol, statudol a phreifat.Rydym wedi defnyddio Keeganand Pennykid i ddarparu yswiriantatebolrwydd, indemniad a chynnwysers dros naw mlynedd.‘Bu i ni ddod i gysylltiad â ClassTelecom yng Ngwobrau TrydyddSector Cymru <strong>WCVA</strong> ym mis Ionawr2012. Mae Class yn noddi’r gwobraua chafodd Tai Esgyn ei enwebu amy wobr Iechyd, gofal cymdeithasola lles. Roedd arnom angen cyngorar ein pecynnau ffonau symudol a’ngwasanaethau llinellau tir, a oeddi gyd gyda darparwyr gwahanol– y gobaith oedd dod o hyd i undarparwr a allai nid yn unig roiarbedion i ni ond hefyd cynniggwasanaeth gwell yn gyffredinol.Cynhaliodd Class wiriad iechydheb rwymedigaeth ar ein‘Bob blwyddyn, cymharwn bolisïaua dyfynbrisiau gan yswirwyr abroceriaid amrywiol, a bob amsermae gwasanaeth Keegan andPennykid yn gystadleuol, yn werthda am arian ac yn broffesiynol. Nifyddem yn oedi dim cyn cyfeirio’nhaelodau a’n cysylltiadau atyn nhw.’Graham Roddis, Rheolwr Cyllid aChyfleusterau, Plant yng NghymruCynhadledd Plant yng Nghymru o’r enwCipolwg o Ochr y Ddalen: AmddiogeluPlant a Phobl Ifanc yn y GIG CymruA Children in Wales conference titledLooking through a different lens:safeguarding children and young people inNHS Wales‘Mae Class wedi’n cynorthwyo ni yn ein nod’TwitterOur messages onwww.twitter.com/walescva reacha community of over 2,600 peopleinvolved or interested in the workof the sector.gwasanaethau gan arbed swmsylweddol i ni ar unwaith ar einllinellau tir a’n galwadau. Mae einffonau symudol ar hyn o bryd gydadarparwyr amrywiol a bwriadwneu trosglwyddo i Class unwaithdaw’r contractau i ben. Fe fyddhyn yn arbed mwy fyth i ni, ac ynsymleiddio rheolaeth a chymorthein gwasanaethau cyfathrebu. Fefydd hyn yn y pen draw yn eincynorthwyo ni yn ein nod – galluogipobl fregus i fyw’n annibynnol yn ygymuned.’Eryl Pellow, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr,Tai Cymunedol EsgynTwitterMae ein negeseuon arwww.twitter.com/walescva yncyrraedd cymuned o dros 2,600o bobl sy’n rhan o waith y sector,neu sydd â diddordeb yn y sector.Mae’r llwyddiannau eleni’ncynnwys:• zCynnal y gronfa ddata ofudiadau gwirfoddol achymunedol, gan ddalmanylion bron i 33,000 ofudiadau sydd wedi’u lleolineu sy’n gweithio yngNghymru.• zDarparu gwasanaethrecriwtio i’r trydydd sector,www.recriwt3.org.uk• zDarparu gwefan fasnachui’r trydydd sector,www.3i3.org.uk• zDarparu ystod eang ofanteision i aelodau drwyraglenni CynlluniauAffinedd, gan gynnwysgostyngiad ar feddalweddgyfrifiadurol, yswiriant,telathrebu arbenigolar gyfer y sector,gwasanaethau cyflogres,gwasanaeth cyfieithu,cynnyrch hyrwyddocorfforaethol ac archwiliadynni am ddim.• zCynnal casgliad odudalennau ar ycyfryngau cymdeithasol iannog pobl i ryngweithiogyda <strong>WCVA</strong> a meithrinymdeimlad o gymuned.Mae bron i 400 o boblyn ‘hoffi’ ein tudalenFacebook ac mae eintrydar yn cyrraedd dros2,600 o ddilynwyr arTwitter bob dydd. Maegennym hefyd lawer o‘chwaer’ dudalennau ar ycyfryngau cymdeithasolar gyfer prosiectau megisCyfranogaeth Cymru aChyswllt CymunedauCymru Affrica, ac mae’rrhain yn cyrraeddcannoedd o bobl hefyd.‘Cynhadledd dda yn llawngwybodaeth ddefnyddioliawn’ – un a ddaeth iGynhadledd Flynyddol<strong>WCVA</strong> 2011 yn Llandudno9

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sectorFunding adviceOur funding advice team has worked to help the sector access money throughgrants, loans and contracts by advising on ways to improve funding bids,forging better relationships with funders, and diversification of funding streams.Our Funding Portal provided a wealth of advice and funding updates, whileSustainable Funding Cymru has delivered an extensive training programme tothe sector, including courses on running a successful capital appeal, influencingcommissioners and successful contract management.Achievements this yearinclude:• zResponding to over2,800 helpline fundingenquiries, and providingmore detailed adviceto 274 organisationson European and otherfunding.• zManaging theSustainable FundingCymru website – www.sustainablefundingcymru.org.uk – to provide aone-stop funding portalfor the sector in Waleson funding and financeoptions, attracting nearly70,000 visitors andalmost 27,000 documentdownloads.Sustainable Funding Cymru ‘saved ourorganisation’Advice, training and mentoring from Sustainable FundingCymru (SFC) helped save NewLink Wales from total closure.When Lindsay Bruce took over as CEO of NewLink Wales in July 2011, aCardiff-based substance misuse charity offering training throughout Wales,the organisation was, she said, ‘in a bad financial position’.She signed up for SFC’s ‘Writing Successful Funding Bids’ course, whichled to NewLink Wales securing two major funding grants from HenrySmith Charity and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. She also arranged forone-on-one mentoring with an SFC advisor – and continues to receiveadvice when needed.NewLink Wales recently carried out an efficiency savings plan in order toreview each aspect of the organisation, applying the principles learnedfrom Funding Bids course and supplemented with vital advice andcontacts supplied by SFC. This review led to a company restructure thatsaved them over £100,000 and helped safeguard the group’s future.NewLink volunteers tending a previously overgrown plot at Dyffryn allotments.Gwirfoddolwyr NewLink yn trin tir sydd wedi tyfu’n wyllt yn rhandiroedd Dyffryn.‘It’s been fantastic to have someone on the end of the phone tohelp,’ Lindsay said. ‘It saved the organisation.’10

Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Cyngor ar gyllidMae ein tîm cynghori ar gyllid wedi gweithio i helpu’r sector i gael at arian drwygrantiau, benthyciadau a chontractau drwy roi cyngor ar ffyrdd o wella ceisiadauam gyllid, ffurfio perthynas well gyda chyllidwyr, ac amrywio ffrydiau cyllid. Maeein Porth Cyllid wedi darparu llwyth o gyngor a diweddariadau ar gyllid, tra maeCyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru wedi cynnal rhaglen hyfforddi gynhwysfawr i’r sector, gangynnwys cyrsiau ar redeg apêl gyfalaf lwyddiannus, dylanwadu ar gomisiynwyr arheoli contractau’n llwyddiannus.Young people involved in NewLink Wales’ StreetLink dance project.Pobl ifanc a oedd yn rhan o brosiect dawnsio StreetLink NewLink Cymru.‘Achubodd Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru einmudiad’Fe helpodd cyngor, hyfforddiant a mentora gan GyllidCynaliadwy Cymru i atal NewLink Cymru rhag cau yn llwyr.Pan gymerodd Lindsay Bruce yr awennau fel Prif Swyddog GweithredolNewLink Cymru ym mis Gorffennaf 2011, elusen camddefnyddiosylweddau o Gaerdydd sy’n cynnig hyfforddiant ledled Cymru, roedd ymudiad, meddai hi, ‘mewn safle ariannol gwael’.Cofrestrodd hi ar gwrs Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru ‘Ysgrifennu CeisiadauLlwyddiannus am Arian’, a arweiniodd at NewLink Cymru’n sicrhaudau grant mawr gan Elusen Henry Smith a Sefydliad Esmee Fairbairn.Fe drefnodd hi hefyd fentora un-wrth-un gydag ymgynghorydd CyllidCynaliadwy Cymru - ac mae’n dal i gael cyngor pan fo arni ei angen.Cynhaliodd NewLink Cymru gynllun arbedion effeithlonrwydd ynddiweddar er mwyn adolygu pob agwedd ar y mudiad, gan roi ar waithyr egwyddorion a ddysgwyd ar y cwrs Ceisiadau Llwyddiannus a ategwydgan gyngor a chysylltiadau hanfodol gan Gyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru.Arweiniodd yr adolygiad hwn at ailstrwythuro’r cwmni a arbedodd dros£100,000 iddynt gan helpu i ddiogelu dyfodol y grŵp.‘Mae cael rhywun ar ben arall y ffôn yn barod i helpu wedi bodyn ardderchog,’ meddai Lindsay. ‘Fe achubodd y mudiad.’Lindsay Bruce, CEO of NewLinkWales.Lindsay Bruce, Prif SwyddogGweithredol NewLink Cymru.Mae llwyddiannau eleni yncynnwys:• zYmateb i dros 2,800 oymholiadau ariannol i’rllinell gymorth, a darparucyngor mwy manwl i274 o fudiadau ar gyllidEwropeaidd a ffynonellaucyllid eraill.• zRheoli gwefan CyllidCynaliadwy Cymru – www.sustainablefundingcymru.org.uk – i ddarparu porthcyllid cynhwysfawr i’rsector yng Nghymru aropsiynau ariannol, ganddenu bron i 70,000o ymwelwyr a bron i27,000 o lawrlwythiadaudogfennau.11

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sectorAchievements this yearinclude:• zProviding an extensivesustainable fundingtraining programme.• zProviding informationand advice on EuropeanStructural Funds through<strong>WCVA</strong>’s third sectorSpatial European Team(3-SET).• zOrganising the WalesThird Sector FundingConference in Cardiff,attracting 260 delegates.• zProviding a monthlyfunding e-bulletin,Funding News, to over2,000 recipients permonth.• zProviding a tax effectivegiving advice service.• zOur Better Bids serviceprovides support for theapplicants to the BigLottery Fund’s People andPlaces programme.Delegates packed the exhibition area at the Funding ConferenceCyfranogwyr yn llenwi’r man arddangos yn y Gynhadledd Gyllido‘I increased my knowledge on areas where I am not too certain,and learned about new areas of funding, new possibilities and amore diverse range of funding’ – Elaine Lanchbury, Newport CreditUnion, at the <strong>WCVA</strong> Funding Conference 2011.‘Cynyddais fy ngwybodaeth ar feysydd nad oeddwn yn sicrohonynt, a dysgais am feysydd cyllido newydd, posibiliadaunewydd ac ystod fwy amrywiol o gyllid’ – Elaine Lanchbury, UndebCredyd Casnewydd, yng Nghynhadledd Gyllido <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011.‘The process of the support worker reviewing the application wasvery useful and parts of the application have been used for other,successful, funding applications.’– South Gwent Children’s Foundation, awarded £487,743, on theBetter Bids service, run by <strong>WCVA</strong> for the Big Lottery FundSustainable Funding Cymru recentlylaunched its Learning Zone, aresource allowing groups to accessonline learning from a wide rangeof courses, covering topics such ascontracts, trading and donations.Fe lansiodd Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymruei Hafan Dysgu yn ddiweddar,adnodd sy’n galluogi grwpiau igael mynediad at ddysgu arlein oystod eang o gyrsiau, gan gynnwyspynciau megis contractau, masnachua rhoddion.12

Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12HyfforddiantMae <strong>WCVA</strong> a’r seilwaith yn darparu llawer o gyrsiau hyfforddi ar gyfer y trydyddsector yng Nghymru. Rydym wedi gweithio gyda’r Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Siroli ddarparu mwy o gyrsiau i fwy o bobl, ac wedi parhau i annog mudiadau ifuddsoddi yn eu pobl drwy wella a diweddaru eu sgiliau.Ni sy’n cynnal y cwrs SgiliauHyfforddi ac fe’i achredir gan AgoredCymru. Mae’r cwrs yn anelu at wella’rffordd y mae hyfforddwyr yn ystyriedanghenion dysgwyr, sut i gynllunio,dylunio a chyflawni cyrsiau, a sut ireoli amgylchedd dysgu’n effeithiol.Y llynedd, gwnaeth 61 ogyfranogwyr yr hyfforddiant, trwyein prif raglen, y rhaglen staffseilwaith a chyrsiau eraill. Ymysg yrhai sydd wedi gwneud y cwrs maeLukasz Kuziow o Dai CymunedolBron Afon. Dyma beth oedd ganLukasz a’i reolwr Lisa Charles i’wddweud am y cwrs.‘Rhan o’m swydd yw hyfforddia chynefino gwirfoddolwyr.Yn ystod y sesiynau cynefinodeuddydd bob mis, rwy’n cyflwynodarpar wirfoddolwyr i’r ethos a’regwyddorion corfforaethol, ynegluro rôl gwirfoddolwyr ac yncynnal y sesiwn ymwybyddiaeth oAmddiffyn Oedolion Agored i Niwed.‘Yn y sesiynau hyfforddi hyn,mae angen i mi ddangos sgiliaucyflwyno rhagorol a sicrhau fy modyn rhoi sylw digonol i’r gynulleidfa.Rhoddodd y cwrs Sgiliau Hyfforddigyfle i mi ddysgu sut i asesugwahanol anghenion a gofyniondysgu, i ddatblygu cynllun hyfforddi,i ddeall y rhesymeg dros yr offer, yradnoddau a’r dulliau a ddefnyddir yny cynllun hyfforddi, i ddeall sut i reoliamgylchedd dysgu’n effeithiol a sut iwerthuso tri gwahanol ddull o fonitrodatblygiad dysgwyr.‘Cynhaliwyd y cwrs mewn moddproffesiynol iawn ond roedd hefydyn hawdd i’w ddilyn, ac ar y diweddroeddwn yn teimlo’n hyderus, ynbarod ac yn gyffrous iawn ynglŷnâ’m dull newydd o ddarparuhyfforddiant. Ers hynny, rwyf wedirhoi fy ngwybodaeth ar waith syddwedi golygu sesiynau mwy addas,clir a strwythuredig, gyda darparwirfoddolwyr yn cael gwybodaethddigonol i fod yn barod i gyflawni eurôl newydd.’Lukasz Kuziow – CydlynyddGwirfoddoli Cymunedol BronAfon Aspire.Mae ein gwasanaethhyfforddi wedi gwellaa chyfoethogi lefelausgiliau a gwybodaeth staffcyflogedig, gwirfoddolwyrac ymddiriedolwyr drwy:• zCynorthwyo CynghorauGwirfoddol Sirol i gynnalrhaglen hyfforddi graiddgan ddarparu 467o gyrsiau ar bynciauallweddol, gyda thros4,500 o gyfranogwyr.• zDarparu 8 o gyrsiauachrededig ac ardystiedigyn uniongyrchol i 95 ogyfranogwyr.‘Ar ôl bod ar y cwrs Sgiliau Hyfforddi,dangosodd Lukasz frwdfrydedd apharodrwydd mawr i ail-lunio rhaglenhyfforddi gyfredol Aspire, gan ddefnyddio’rwybodaeth a’r sgiliau a gafodd i feddwldrwy’r rhaglen yn well a’i gwneud yn fwybuddiol i’n gwirfoddolwyr newydd.‘Cynyddodd Lukasz ei gynhyrchiant, aeffeithiodd yn ei dro ar y prosiect cyfan,gan gyflwyno dull arloesol o ran hyfforddi,technegau da o ran rhoi sylw i’r gynulleidfa adiwylliant addysgol newydd yng nghasgliadgwirfoddolwyr Aspire.’Lisa Charles – Rheolwr BuddsoddiCymunedol, Tai Cymunedol Bron Afon• zDarparu 134 ogyrsiau’n uniongyrchol igynorthwyo datblygiadproffesiynol parhaus i’rrheini yng ngweithlu’rtrydydd sector yngNghymru, ar gyfer 1,651o gyfranogwyr.• zDarparu hyfforddianta chymorth i fudiadausy’n ymwneud â chyflawnigwaith a ariennir ganEwrop, drwy gyrsiauar reoli prosiectau, suti dendro, rheoli risg asicrhau ansawdd.15

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sectorTrustees and governanceThird sector governance has been under media, political and regulatory spotlightsthis year, due to a small number of high profile cases, including the closure ofAWEMA, where governance weaknesses have been all too evident. Taking ona trustee role can be challenging and demanding, as trustees are ultimatelyresponsible for making sure their organisations are well run, solvent, and workingtowards the purpose for which they were established. We help them do this byproviding Wales’ 230,000 trustees with access to timely information, guidance andsupport.GoodgovernanceA code for the third sector in WalesSecond edition: April 2012<strong>WCVA</strong> acknowledges and thanks ACEVO, the Charity Commission, Charity Trustee Network, ICSA and NCVO for permission to publish this guide in Wales.We also helped trusteesto be confident aboutleading their organisationsto deliver effectively andefficiently, and contributedto better third sectorgovernance through:• zOrganising conferences,seminars and workshopsfor trustees, attractingover 200 participants, onsubjects including charityaccounts, employmentlaw issues, and how toengage younger boardmembers.• zProviding a monthlye-bulletin for individualtrustees, with over 700direct recipients.• zDeveloping ActionLearning Sets withtrustees (through ourSustainable FundingCymru initiative), lookingat financial sustainability.16We published new editions of twocomplementary practical guides:Faith and hope don’t run charities(trustees do), and Good Governance– a code for the third sector in Wales.The first, Faith and hope, is now inits third edition, and is as popular asever.Good governance characteristics –set out as six high level principlesin the Code – are designed to helporganisations to assess whether theyare following sound practice. Theyaim to be universal and applicable toall third sector organisations.As a practical measure to helptrustee boards evaluate the strengthof their organisation’s governance,we have also developed a Goodgovernance health check. We knowthat the majority of organisations inthe third sector are doing a fantasticjob, and we want to help trusteesensure that they are working in thebest possible way. Our governancehealth check is a self-assessmenttool which has been designed inaccordance with the principles setout in the Code. While the primarypurpose is to assist trustee boardsto work towards adhering to theCode’s principles, it should also helpboards of any size to demonstratetheir good governance practices toregulators, funders, beneficiaries andstakeholders.Faithand hopedon’t run charities(trustees do)A practical guide for voluntary members of management committeesThird Edition 2012 • Compiled by Mel Witherden‘It’s a good read, and certainlythe most user friendly,comprehensive guidance ongovernance that I’ve comeacross. I’ve given copies to allmy trustee board membersand have had some reallypositive feedback.’Mike Lewis, CEO of the WelshRefugee CouncilAdeiladu argraig nidar dywodCanllawiau ymarferol i aelodau gwirfoddol pwyllgorau rheoliTrydydd Argraffiad 2012 • Ysgrifennwyd gan Mel Witherden‘Mae’n werth ei ddarllen,ac yn sicr dyma’r canllawhawsaf ei ddarllen a mwyafcynhwysfawr ar lywodraethuy gwn i amdano. Rwyf wedirhoi copïau i bob aelod ofwrdd yr ymddiriedolwyrac wedi cael adborth positifiawn.’ Mike Lewis, PrifSwyddog Gweithredol CyngorFfoaduriaid Cymru

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sectorVolunteeringVolunteering contributes to the social cohesion of Wales and public services andleads to real personal growth and public benefit – research shows that people whovolunteer are both healthier and happier.We have maintained our work as the strategic lead body for volunteering inWales, advocating policies that benefit volunteers, raising the public profile ofvolunteering, helping people access volunteering opportunities, and helping toraise standards in managing volunteers.We have worked with young volunteers through the GwirVol and Millennium(MV) schemes and with ‘green’ volunteers though our partnership work. Ourlong-standing Volunteering in Wales Fund has supported and trained over 2,600volunteers, contributing nearly 200,000 volunteering hours for the benefit of theircommunities.Achievements this yearalso include:• zOffering over 7,800volunteering opportunitieson www.volunteeringwales.netand attractingnearly 320,000 visitors.• zRecognising andrewarding 16 volunteersand trustees at WalesVolunteer of the YearAwards.• zAccess to criminal recordschecks for volunteersand staff, handling24,000 disclosurerequests and updatingon changes to vettingarrangements connectedwith the IndependentSafeguarding Authorityand Vetting BarringScheme.Volunteer Beth helps create life-saving filmThe Volunteering in Wales Fundhas been supporting the work ofthousands of volunteers since 1982.Beth Hawkins (below) is a Cardiffbasedstudent, volunteering withInnovate Trust and is undertakingwork intended to save lives throughincreasing awareness in fire safety forlearning disabled adults.Beth is studying Film and Video atNewport University, and has beenworking alongside people withlearning disabilities to make a firesafety video. This work has beenundertaken in conjunction withSouth Wales Fire and Rescue Service.The film will be used to train tenantsfrom Innovate Trust about theimportance of fire safety in theirhomes.The project enabled individualswith learning disabilities to becomeadvocates for fire safety and it isexpected they will support futuretraining. Volunteers and participantshave developed their skills in otherareas including acting, presentingand the use of cutting edge videotechnology.• zOrganising the annualWales volunteeringconference.Green volunteering in Wales:Building on good practice18

Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12GwirfoddoliMae gwirfoddoli yn cyfrannu at gydlyniant cymdeithasol a gwasanaethau cyhoeddusyng Nghymru, ac yn arwain at dwf personol a budd cyhoeddus gwirioneddol –dengys ymchwil fod pobl sy’n gwirfoddoli yn iachach ac yn hapusach.Rydym wedi cynnal ein gwaith fel y corff strategol blaenllaw dros wirfoddoli yngNghymru, gan hyrwyddo polisïau sy’n rhoi budd i wirfoddolwyr, codi proffilcyhoeddus gwirfoddoli, helpu pobl i gael at gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli, a helpu i godi’rsafonau o ran rheoli gwirfoddolwyr.Rydym wedi gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr ifanc drwy gynlluniau GwirVol aGwirfoddolwyr y Mileniwm, a chyda gwirfoddolwyr ‘gwyrdd’ drwy ein gwaithpartneriaeth. Mae ein Cronfa Gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru wedi cefnogi a hyfforddidros 2,600 o wirfoddolwyr a gyfrannodd bron i 200,000 o oriau gwirfoddoli er lleseu cymunedau.Beth yn gwirfoddoli i helpu i greu ffilm afydd yn achub bywydauMae’r Gronfa Gwirfoddoli yngNghymru wedi bod yn cefnogigwaith miloedd o wirfoddolwyrers 1982. Mae Beth Hawkins ynfyfyrwraig yn byw yng Nghaerdyddsy’n gwirfoddoli gyda InnovateTrust ac yn ymgymryd â gwaith sy’ngobeithio achub bywydau drwygodi ymwybyddiaeth o ddiogelwchtân i oedolion ag anableddau dysgu.Mae Beth yn astudio Ffilm a Fideoym Mhrifysgol Casnewydd, acwedi bod yn gweithio gyda phoblag anableddau dysgu i wneudfideo ar ddiogelwch tân. Mae’rgwaith hwn wedi’i gynnal ar y cydgyda Gwasanaeth Tân ac AchubDe Cymru. Bydd y ffilm yn cael eidefnyddio i hyfforddi tenantiaid oInnovate Trust am bwysigrwydddiogelwch tân yn eu cartrefi.Mae’r prosiect wedi galluogiunigolion ag anableddau dysgu ifod yn eiriolwyr diogelwch tân acmae disgwyl iddynt gynorthwyohyfforddiant yn y dyfodol. Maegwirfoddolwyr a chyfranogwyr wedidatblygu eu sgiliau mewn meysydderaill gan gynnwys actio, cyflwynoa defnyddio’r dechnoleg fideoddiweddaraf.Mae llwyddiannau’rflwyddyn hefyd yn cynnwys:• zCynnig dros 7,800 ogyfleoedd gwirfoddoliar www.gwirfoddolicymru.net a denu bron i320,000 o ymwelwyr.• zCydnabod a gwobrwyo16 o wirfoddolwyrac ymddiriedolwyryng NgwobrauGwirfoddolwr yFlwyddyn Cymru.• zMynediad at wiriadaucofnodion troseddol iwirfoddolwyr a staff,gan ddelio gyda 24,000o geisiadau datgelugwybodaeth a diweddaruar y newidiadau yn ytrefniadau fetio ynghlwmâ’r Awdurdod DiogeluAnnibynnol a’r CynllunFetio a Gwahardd.• zTrefnu cynhadleddwirfoddoli flynyddolCymru.Gwirfoddoli gwyrdd yng Nghymru:Adeiladu ar ymarfer da19

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sectorAndy KlomAchievements this yearalso include:• zAwarding the Investingin Volunteers (IiV)standard to tenorganisations with sixorganisations undergoingthe new IiV Health Check.• zSupporting over 1,000young people whoreceived MillenniumVolunteer certificates.• zProviding grants totallingnearly £320,000 to 38projects involving 2,700young people throughGwirVol.• zOver 920,000 visits towww.gwirvol.orgDid you know?• zAround 650,000people in Walesare involved informal volunteeringwith organisations(including trustees).• zAround 1.1 millionpeople if this iswidened to includeinformal volunteering.• z230,000 governanceposts in Wales.Volunteering celebration highlightsoverseas opportunitiesOpportunities for Welsh people tovolunteer overseas were outlinedat an event celebrating the 2011European Year of Volunteering on5 December, which is the UnitedNations designated InternationalVolunteers Day.Putting Wales on the map,organised jointly by <strong>WCVA</strong>, theEuropean Commission and UNAExchange, showcased the workIn September, young people fromacross Wales met First MinisterCarwyn Jones to present the Charterfor Youth Volunteering, calling onthe Government and volunteerinvolvingorganisations to recognisethe contribution made by thecountry’s thousands of youngvolunteers.The Charter for Youth Volunteering,drawn up by GwirForce, sets out theexpectations of young volunteersand the organisations that involvethem, as well as acknowledgingthe benefits of taking on youngvolunteers.of Wales’s volunteers and thirdsector organisations and illustratewhy the UK is one of Europe’s topvolunteering nations.Among the speakers were EuropeanCommission in Wales Head of OfficeAndy Klom and Tom Jones OBE,Vice President of <strong>WCVA</strong> who is alsothe Wales Member of the EuropeanEconomic and Social Committee.Gwirforce launch youth volunteering charterChair of Gwirforce, Steve Sellers said:‘Young people have a lot of badpress, but young volunteers havethe ability to create and developthe future of the economy in Waleswith a reliable source of knowledge,understanding, skills and experience.‘Communities across Wales canrealise immediate and longerterm, sustainable benefitsfrom the contributions andinvolvement from their youngpeople.’20

Services for the Sector | Gwasanaeth ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Dathliad gwirfoddoli yn amlygu cyfleoedddramorAmlinellwyd cyfleoedd i boblCymru wirfoddoli dramor mewndigwyddiad i ddathlu BlwyddynWirfoddoli Ewropeaidd 2011 ar 5Rhagfyr, sef Diwrnod RhyngwladolGwirfoddolwyr y CenhedloeddUnedig.Trefnwyd y digwyddiad, RhoiCymru ar y map, ar y cyd gan<strong>WCVA</strong>, y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd acUNA Cyfnewid. Fe amlygodd gwaithgwirfoddolwyr a mudiadau trydyddsector Cymru, gan ddangos pammae’r DU yn un o genhedloeddgorau Ewrop o ran gwirfoddoli.Ymysg y siaradwyr oedd PennaethSwyddfa’r Comisiwn Ewropeaiddyng Nghymru Andy Klom, a TomJones OBE, Is-lywydd <strong>WCVA</strong> acAelod dros Gymru ar BwyllgorEconomaidd a ChymdeithasolEwrop.Gwirforce yn lansio siarter gwirfoddoli ieuenctidYm mis Tachwedd, fe gyfarfupobl ifanc o Gymru gyfan â’rPrif Weinidog Carwyn Jones igyflwyno’r Siarter ar gyfer GwirfoddoliYmysg Pobl Ifanc, sy’n galw ar yLlywodraeth a mudiadau sy’ncynnwys gwirfoddolwyr i gydnabody cyfraniad a wneir gan filoedd owirfoddolwyr ifanc yng Nghymru.Mae’r Siarter ar gyfer GwirfoddoliYmysg Pobl Ifanc, a luniwyd ganGwirForce, yn gosod disgwyliadaugwirfoddolwyr ifanc a mudiadausy’n eu cynnwys, yn ogystal âchydnabod y manteision a geir wrthgymryd gwirfoddolwyr ifanc.Dywedodd Cadeirydd Gwirforce,Steve Sellers, ‘Mae pobl ifancdan y lach yn aml, ond mae ganwirfoddolwyr ifanc y gallu i greua datblygu dyfodol yr economiyng Nghymru gyda ffynhonnellddibynadwy o wybodaeth,dealltwriaeth, sgiliau a phrofiad.‘Gall cymunedau ledled Cymrugael buddion ar unwaith abuddion cynaliadwy mwyhirdymor gan gyfraniadau poblifanc a thrwy eu cynnwys.’Mae llwyddiannau’rflwyddyn hefyd yn cynnwys:• zDyfarnu’r safonBuddsoddi mewnGwirfoddolwyr i ddegmudiad gan gynnalArchwiliad Iechydnewydd Buddsoddi mewnGwirfoddolwyr ar chwemudiad.• zCefnogi dros 1,000 o boblifanc a gafodd dystysgrifauGwirfoddolwyr yMileniwm.• zDarparu grantiau, bron i£320,000 i gyd, i 38 obrosiectau sy’n cynnwys2,700 o bobl ifanc drwyGwirVol.• zDros 920,000o ymweliadau âwww.gwirvol.orgOeddech chi’n gwybod?• zMae tua 650,000 obobl yng Nghymru’nymwneud â gwirfoddoliffurfiol gyda mudiadau(gan gynnwysymddiriedolwyr).• zTua 1.1 miliwn o boblos estynnir hynny igynnwys gwirfoddolianffurfiol.Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Walesat the launch of the Charter for YouthVolunteeringPrif Weinidog Cymru, Carwyn Jones, ynlawns Siarter ar gyfer Gwirfoddoli YmysgPobl Ifanc• z230,000 o swyddillywodraethu yngNghymru.21

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidTackling poverty andsupporting communitiesOur role in the Communities First programme is ensuring that funding is reachingand regenerating Wales’ poorest areas and staff and stakeholders across theprogramme are developed and benefiting from specialist support.The impact of our anti-poverty work in shaping policy and delivery continues to befelt in the area of young people, community-led regeneration, jobs and growth, withparticular focus on the sector’s expertise in skills and employability programmes.• zOur Communities First TrustFund team assessed almost2,000 applications andawarded over £3m in smallgrants to local groups inWales’ poorest communities.• zOver 700 people involvedin the Communities Firstprogramme benefitedfrom 77 trainingcourses delivered by ourCommunities First trainingprogramme.• z92 per cent of attendeesrated our training coursesas good or excellentand fed back significantlyincreased knowledge andconfidence in areas suchas governance, buildingcommunity leadership,understanding childpoverty and results basedaccountability.‘Very useful andrelevant. A challengingsubject made accessibleby a thoroughlycompetent tutor whoencouraged debate’22Communities in Flintshire have setup a new company to grow thesocial economy in North Wales withthe help of our Communities Firstadvice and support service.Ahead of Communities First movinginto a new phase, members of theRural North Flintshire and HolywellCommunities First partnershipsdecided to establish a socialenterprise as a flagship legacy ofthe previous Communities Firstprogramme for the county.To do so, the partnerships neededto establish a new company limitedby guarantee and our advice andsupport service was pivotal in helpingthem create the new company.With the help of the service’scommissioning of AmgenConsultants, last year thepartnerships formed the new WestFlintshire Community Enterprises.Since then, the enterprise has gonefrom strength to strength and isnow managing the Art and CraftMill in Holywell which is showcasingtraditional craft-making techniquesand promoting hand-madeproducts to tourists.Did you know? Since theCommunities First Trust Fund wasset up in 2002, our grants team hasprocessed 13,924 applications whichhas resulted in £32,439,951 in smallgrants being awarded to communitygroups in Wales’ most disadvantagedareas.‘The advice and supportteam at <strong>WCVA</strong> has beencrucial to us in setting up thisnew enterprise which wehope will continue to helpregenerate the communityand provide opportunities tolocal people.’The Holywell Art and Craft MillBysourcing materials, goods andservices locally, local suppliers arebeing boosted by the enterprise.They are also offering opportunitiesin the community such as craftworkshops for people withdisabilities and health issues,opportunities for people of all agesto train for a career in the tourismand customer care sectors, and workplacements for woodworking, art,textile and fashion students.Flintshire Communities First coordinatorNigel Davies said: ‘Weanticipated that as Communities Firstwas entering a new period, with theloss of Rural North Flintshire from theprogramme, it would be necessaryfor us to embrace new ideas.’Oeddech chi’n gwybod? Ers sefydluCronfa Ymddiriedolaeth Cymunedauyn Gyntaf yn 2002, mae ein tîmgrantiau wedi prosesu 13,924 ogeisiadau a dyfarnwyd £32,439,951mewn grantiau bach i grwpiaucymunedol yn ardaloedd mwyafdifreintiedig Cymru.

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Mynd i’r afael â thlodi achefnogi cymunedauEin rôl ni yn y rhaglen Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yw sicrhau bod cyllid yn cyrraeddardaloedd tlotaf Cymru ac yn eu hadfywio a bod staff a rhanddeiliaid y rhaglen yncael eu datblygu ac yn elwa o gefnogaeth arbenigol.Mae <strong>effaith</strong> ein gwaith gwrthdlodi o ran siapio polisïau a darpariaeth i’w theimlo o hydym maes pobl ifanc, adfywio dan arweiniad y gymuned a swyddi a thwf, gyda ffocwsarbennig ar arbenigedd y sector yng nghyswllt rhaglenni cyflogadwyedd a sgiliau.Mae cymunedau yn Sir y Fflintwedi sefydlu cwmni newydd gyda’rnod o sicrhau twf yr economigymdeithasol yng Ngogledd Cymrugyda help gwasanaeth cymorth achyngor Cymunedau yn Gyntaf.Cyn i Cymunedau yn Gyntafsymud ymlaen i gyfnod newydd,penderfynodd aelodau obartneriaethau Cymunedau ynGyntaf Treffynnon a GogleddGwledig Sir y Fflint sefydlu mentergymdeithasol fel gwaddol blaenllawi raglen flaenorol Cymunedau ynGyntaf ar gyfer y sir.I wneud hynny, roedd angen i’rpartneriaethau sefydlu cwmnicyfyngedig drwy warant newyddac roedd ein gwasanaeth cymorth achyngor ni yn allweddol i’w helpu igreu’r cwmni newydd.Gyda chymorth y gwasanaeth o rancomisiynu Ymgynghorwyr Amgen,ffurfiodd y partneriaethau gwmninewydd y llynedd, sef MentrauCymunedol Gorllewin Sir y Fflint.‘Mae tîm cymorth a chyngor<strong>WCVA</strong> wedi bod yn hanfodoli ni o ran sefydlu’r fenternewydd hon a fydd, gobeithio,yn parhau i helpu i adfywio’rgymuned a darparu cyfleoedd ibobl leol.’Canolfan Celf a Chrefft y Felinyn NhreffynnonErs hynny, mae’r fenter wedi myndo nerth i nerth ac erbyn hyn hi sy’nrheoli canolfan Celf a Chrefft y Felinyn Nhreffynnon sy’n arddangostechnegau crefft traddodiadol ac ynhyrwyddo nwyddau wedi’u gwneudâ llaw i dwristiaid.Drwy ddefnyddio deunyddiau,nwyddau a gwasanaethaulleol, mae’r fenter yn rhoi hwb igyflenwyr lleol. Maent hefyd yncynnig cyfleoedd yn y gymuned,megis gweithdai crefft ar gyferpobl ag anableddau a phroblemauiechyd, cyfleoedd i bobl o bob oedhyfforddi ar gyfer gyrfa yn y sectortwristiaeth a’r sector gofal cwsmer, alleoliadau gwaith i fyfyrwyr gwaithcoed, celf, tecstilau a ffasiwn.Dywedodd Nigel Davies, CydlynyddCymunedau yn Gyntaf Sir y Fflint:‘Wrth i Cymunedau yn Gyntafgychwyn ar gyfnod newydd acwrth i gynllun Gogledd GwledigSir y Fflint gael ei ddirwyn i ben,roeddem yn rhagweld y byddaiangen i ni gofleidio syniadaunewydd.’Mae tîm CronfaYmddiriedolaethCymunedau yn Gyntafwedi asesu bron i 2,000 ogeisiadau ac wedi dyfarnudros £3m mewn grantiaubach i grwpiau lleol yngnghymunedau tlotaf Cymru• zMae dros 700 o bobloedd yn gysylltiedig â’nrhaglen Cymunedau ynGyntaf wedi elwa o 77 cwrshyfforddi a ddarparwyddan ein rhaglen hyfforddiCymunedau yn Gyntaf.• zRoedd 92 y cant o’r rhai afu ar ein cyrsiau hyfforddiyn eu hystyried yn gyrsiauda neu ardderchog, ganddweud bod ganddyntlawer mwy o wybodaetha hyder mewn meysyddmegis llywodraethu,meithrin arweinyddiaethgymunedol, deall tlodi planta chanlyniadau seiliedig aratebolrwydd.‘Defnyddiol apherthnasol iawn.Roedd hwn yn bwncheriol wedi’i wneud ynddealladwy gan diwtorhynod gymwys oedd ynannog trafodaeth’23

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidJulia Unwin CBE• zOur advice and supportteam handled 164enquiries, many of whichrequired third partyintervention. As a result theprogramme has benefitedfrom over £200,000 ofspecialist services for thebenefit of its stakeholders.• zOur work and research onthe Community Hubconcept was reflected inthe Welsh Government’sconsultation on the nextphase of the CommunitiesFirst programme whichrecognised the role ofCommunity Hubs as apotential delivery vehicle.• zWe have continued to makethe case for a CommunityAllowance for peoplein receipt of EmploymentSupport Allowance andare currently in talks overpiloting the concept.We organised a joint conferencewith the Bevan Foundation to lookat ways in which Wales’s third sectorcan help people pushed ever deeperinto poverty by the recession, tosurvive.Victoria Winckler, Director of theBevan Foundation, and a partner inthe Cuts Watch Cymru Coalition saidthat people in Wales are facing thetoughest challenge to their wellbeingfor decades.‘Hundreds of thousands of peopleare already feeling the consequencesof a weak economy, resulting in joblosses, a squeeze on earnings andrising prices,’ she added.‘Add to this the prospect ofpublic spending cuts andthe most dramatic changesto the social safety net in ageneration - as a result, tens ofthousands of people in Walesare unwittingly standing onthe edge of a cliff.’Other speakers included JosephRowntree Foundation Chief ExecutiveJulia Unwin CBE, Minister for LocalGovernment and Communities CarlSargeant AM, and Tony Greenham,Head of Finance and Businesswith independent think tank NewEconomics Foundation.Speaking after the conference,Carl Cooper, Chief Executive ofPAVO said: The speakers, withoutexception, were very good - concise,informed, articulate and inspiring.The ‘cafe’ conversation worked welland was very effectively facilitated.More importantly, it focused ourattention on real people in realsituations and spurred us intoreflection, thought and action.’The Third Sector Anti-Poverty Programmes Taskforce, convenedby <strong>WCVA</strong>, comprises representatives from organisations suchas the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Bevan Foundation andCitizens’ Advice Cymru. At the first meeting of the Taskforce,it was agreed that alongside the goal of influencing the WelshGovernment when it refreshes its anti-poverty action plan inJune next year, the Taskforce should focus on working with thesector to prepare for the challenges ahead. Taskforce membersagreed that with limited resources, it was important to focusdiscussions on practical and achievable outcomes.Hard times ahead– meeting the challenge of poverty in 21st century WalesCardiff City Stadium • 30 May 2012Wales faces a period of transitionto coping with less: less money forindividuals and households andfewer resources for communities, atthe same time as coping with deficitreduction and demographic changeon a scale not seen before. The outlookmay be bleak for us all – but it couldparticularly and dramatically affect thelives of people and places in poverty.#povertyinwalesSpeakers include:• Victoria Winckler, Bevan Foundation• Julia Unwin CBE, Joseph RowntreeFoundation• Carl Sargeant AM, Minister for LocalGovernment and Communities• Tony Greenham, new economicsfoundation24

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Amseroedd caled i ddod– ymateb i her tlodi yng Nghymru’r 21ain ganrifStadiwm Dinas Caerdydd • 30 Mai 2012Mae Cymru’n wynebu cyfnod odrawsnewid wrth geisio ymdopi â llai:llai o arian i unigolion a chartrefi a llaio adnoddau i gymunedau, wrth geisioymdopi yr un pryd â lleihau’r diffyg anewid demograffig ar raddfa ddigyffelyb.Efallai bod y rhagolygon ymddangos ynddu i bob un ohonom – ond gallai gael<strong>effaith</strong> benodol a dramatig ar fywydaupobl a lleoedd mewn tlodi.Mae’r siaradwyr yn cynnwys:• Victoria Winckler, Sefydliad Bevan• Julia Unwin CBE, Sefydliad JosephRowntree• Carl Sargeant AC, y GweinidogLlywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau• Tony Greenham, new economicsfoundationCarl CooperDr Victoria Winkler#tlodiyngnghymruBu i ni drefnu cynhadledd ar y cyd âSefydliad Bevan i edrych ar ffyrdd ygallai’r trydydd sector yng Nghymruhelpu pobl sy’n cael eu gwthio i fwyo dlodi gan y dirwasgiad i oroesi.Dywedodd Victoria Winckler,Cyfarwyddwr Sefydliad Bevan aphartner yng Nghynghrair CutsWatch Cymru bod pobl yngNghymru’n wynebu’r her fwyaf i’wlles ers degawdau.‘Mae cannoedd ar filoedd o bobleisoes yn teimlo canlyniadaueconomi wan, sydd wedi arwainat golli swyddi, cyflogau’n caeleu gwasgu a phrisiau’n codi,’ychwanegodd.‘Ar ben hynny, meddyliwcham y toriadau mewn gwariantcyhoeddus sydd ar y gweill a’rnewidiadau mwyaf dramatigi ddiogelwch cymdeithasolers cenhedlaeth gyfan – oganlyniad, mae degau arfiloedd o bobl yng Nghymruyn sefyll ar ymyl y dibyn hebyn wybod iddynt.’‘Ar ben hynny, meddyliwch am ytoriadau mewn gwariant cyhoeddussydd ar y gweill a’r newidiadaumwyaf dramatig i ddiogelwchcymdeithasol ers cenhedlaeth gyfan– o ganlyniad, mae degau ar filoeddo bobl yng Nghymru yn sefyll arymyl y dibyn heb yn wybod iddynt.’Roedd y siaradwyr eraill yn cynnwysJulia Unwin CBE, Prif WeithredwrSefydliad Joseph Rowntree,Carl Sargeant AC, y GweinidogLlywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau,a Tony Greenham, Pennaeth Cyllida Busnes y Sefydliad EconomegNewydd, sef melin drafodannibynnol.Wrth siarad ar ôl y gynhadledd,dywedodd Carl Cooper, PrifWeithredwr PAVO: ‘Yn ddieithriad,roedd y siaradwyr yn dda iawn –roeddynt yn gryno, yn wybodus achlir ac yn ysbrydoli. Gweithiodd ysgwrs ‘caffi’ yn dda iawn ac roeddwedi’i hwyluso’n effeithiol iawn. Ynbwysicach na hyn, roedd yn hoelioein sylw ar bobl go iawn mewnsefyllfaoedd go iawn ac yn einhysgogi i bwyso a mesur, i feddwl aci weithredu.’• zYmdriniodd ein tîmcymorth a chyngor â 164 oymholiadau, llawer ohonyntyn galw am ymyrraeth gandrydydd parti. O ganlyniad,mae’r rhaglen wedi elwao dros £200,000 owasanaethau arbenigol erbudd ei randdeiliaid.• zAdlewyrchwyd eingwaith a’n hymchwil yngnghyswllt y cysyniad oGanolfan Gymunedol ynymgynghoriad LlywodraethCymru ynghylch cyfnodnesaf y rhaglen Cymunedauyn Gyntaf a oedd ynrhoi cydnabyddiaeth iswyddogaeth CanolfannauCymunedol fel cyfrwngdarparu posibl.• zRydym wedi parhau iddadlau’r achos drosLwfans Cymunedol ibobl sy’n derbyn LwfansCyflogaeth a Chymorth acrydym mewn trafodaethauar hyn o bryd ynghylchprofi’r cysyniad.Mae Tasglu Rhaglenni Gwrth-dlodi’r Trydydd Sector, a drefnirgan <strong>WCVA</strong>, yn cynnwys cynrychiolwyr mudiadau fel SefydliadJoseph Rowntree, Sefydliad Bevan a Chyngor ar Bopeth Cymru.Yn ystod y cyfarfod cyntaf, cytunodd pawb, ynghyd â gweithioochr yn ochr i ddylanwadu ar Lywodraeth Cymru pan fydd ynadnewyddu ei chynllun gweithredu gwrth-dlodi fis Mehefinnesaf, y dylai’r Tasglu weithio gyda’r sector er mwyn sicrhau eifod yn barod ar gyfer yr heriau sydd o’n blaenau.25

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidJobs, skills and opportunitiesOur projects have provided opportunities to job-seekers affected by the economicclimate and also to some of Wales’ most disadvantaged people. As a result, over3,000 achieved qualifications; some for the very first time. And over 1,000 peoplegot jobs; many from the most difficult circumstances of economic inactivity.Dave with Deputy Ministerfor European Programmes,Alun Davies AMDave gydag Alun Davies AC,y Dirprwy Weinidog drosRaglenni EwropeaiddWatch Dave’s story atI weld stori Dave, edrychwch arwww.youtube.com/user/walescva.• zThrough our IntermediateLabour Market (ILM)project, over 400 jobseekersand peopleaffected by the economicclimate accessedemployment opportunitiesin North and East Wales.• zThrough the success ofour programmes, WelshGovernment committeda significant third sectorrole to the delivery of thenew youth employmentproject, Jobs GrowthWales.Dave Morris, from Cardiff, was avictim of the economic downturnwhen he lost his job early last year.As a result, he fell behind withrent payments before becominghomeless. At that point he turned toCardiff’s YMCA for accommodationand took part in the skills andemployment programmes they wererunning as part of our Gateway andILM projects.Now in permanent employmentwith the YMCA’s textile enterpriseand back living independently, Davetold us: ‘I never thought for oneminute I’d ever become homeless,but it’s more common than peoplerealise when there aren’t many jobsabout.‘I can’t speak highly enough ofthe people who supported meat YMCA. They are wonderful.Everyone is treated the same andno-one is judged. During mytime as a resident I saw first-handhow their support made a hugedifference to the lives of peoplehere.‘I had a really tough time last year,but this project has helped me geta job, a home and generally got meback on my feet again. Having thatopportunity is what allowed me toturn my life around.’26

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Swyddi, sgiliau a chyfleoeddMae ein prosiectau wedi darparu cyfleoedd i bobl sy’n chwilio am waith y mae’rhinsawdd economaidd wedi effeithio arnynt yn ogystal ag i rai o bobl fwyafdifreintiedig Cymru. O ganlyniad, enillodd dros 3,000 ohonynt gymwysterau; rhaiohonynt am y tro cyntaf erioed. A llwyddodd dros 1,000 o bobl i gael swyddi;llawer ohonynt o gefndir anodd tu hwnt o ran anweithgarwch economaidd.Dioddefodd Dave Morris oGaerdydd yn sgil y dirywiadeconomaidd pan gollodd ei swyddyn gynnar y llynedd. O ganlyniad,aeth ar ei hôl hi gyda’r rhent cyndod yn ddigartref. Bryd hynny,trodd at yr YMCA yng Nghaerdyddam le i fyw a chymryd rhan yn yrhaglenni cyflogaeth a sgiliau oeddyn cael eu cynnal yno fel rhan o’nprosiectau Porth a Marchnad LafurDrosiannol.Ac yntau bellach wedi cael gwaithparhaol â menter tecstilau YMCA acyn byw yn annibynnol unwaith eto,dyma ddywedodd Dave wrthym:‘Wnes i erioed feddwl am un funudy baswn i fyth yn ddigartref, ondmae hyn yn fwy cyffredin na maeGateway toa brighterfuturepobl yn sylweddoli pan nad oesllawer o swyddi ar gael.‘Allai ddim brolio digon ar y boblfu yn fy nghefnogi yn YMCA.Roedden nhw’n wych.Mae pawb yn cael eu trin yr un fatha does ‘na neb yn cael ei farnu. Ynystod y cyfnod roeddwn i’n bywyno, mi weles i â’m llygaid fy hunsut roedd eu cefnogaeth yn gwneudgwahaniaeth enfawr i fywydau’rbobl yno.‘Mi ges i amser caled iawn yllynedd, ond mae’r prosiect hwnwedi fy helpu i gael gwaith achartref ac wedi fy nghodi yn ôl arfy nhraed unwaith eto. Cael y cyflehwnnw sydd wedi fy ngalluogi iweddnewid fy mywyd.’Y Porth atddyfodoldisgleiriach• zYn sgil ein prosiectMarchnad LafurDrosiannol (ILM),llwyddodd dros 400o bobl oedd yn ceisiogwaith â phobl oeddwedi’u heffeithio gan yrhinsawdd economaiddi fanteisio ar gyfleoeddgwaith yng Ngogledd acyn Nwyrain Cymru.• zYn sgil llwyddiant einrhaglenni, rhoddoddLlywodraeth Cymru rôlsylweddol i’r trydydd sectoryng nghyswllt cyflwyno’rprosiect cyflogaethieuenctid newydd, sef TwfSwyddi Cymru.Through our EngagementGateway project, over10,000 individuals includingpeople with disabilities,mental health problems,substance misuse issuesand lone parents took partin over 300 communityprogrammes that developedskills, confidence andled to qualifications andemployment.How European funding through<strong>WCVA</strong>’s Engagement Gateway projecthas helped change lives in WalesOur ‘Gateway to a brighter future’publication used case studies to showhow lives have been changed in Walesthrough Gateway projects.Sut mae cyllid Ewropeaidd drwybrosiect y Porth Ymgysylltu <strong>WCVA</strong> wedihelpu i newid bywydau yng NghymruMae ein cyhoeddiad ‘Gateway to abrighter future’ yn cynnwys astudiaethauachos sy’n dangos sut mae bywydauwedi cael eu gweddnewid yng Nghymrudrwy brosiectau’r Porth.Trwy ein prosiect PorthYmgysylltu, cymerodddros 10,000 o unigolion,oedd yn cynnwys pobl aganableddau, problemauiechyd meddwl, problemaucamddefnyddio sylweddau arhieni unigol, ran mewn dros300 o raglenni cymunedoli ddatblygu sgiliau a hyderac a oedd yn arwain atgymwysterau a chyflogaeth.27

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidClimate change andsustainable developmentWe have provided leadership and encouraged third sector organisations to takepractical action to tackle both the causes and consequences of climate change.On page 34 you can see how <strong>WCVA</strong> has been ‘walking the talk’ on reducing ourcarbon footprint. We have also worked with partners to alert the sector to theopportunities and challenges presented by the Natural Environment Frameworkand forthcoming Sustainable Development Bill.This year, we have:• zWorked with a third sectorclimate change leadershipgroup to encouragethird sector organisationsto reduce their carbonfootprint.• zRepresented the sector onthe Welsh Government’sClimate ChangeCommission.• zPublished 12 newinformation sheets onclimate change.• zRun third sector policyevents on sustainabledevelopment and climatechange issues.• zThrough EnvironmentWales, invested grant aid ofover £1 million to supporta development service andlocal community projects,including nine core partnersand 171 environmentaland biodiversity projects,involving over 8,000volunteers.• zAlso through EnvironmentWales, the SupportingSustainable Livinggrant scheme funded bythe Welsh Governmentpaid over £115,000 to12 projects encouragingbehaviour change inresponse to climatechange, with a further£50,000 approved for fivemore projects.On your bike!Cardiff Cycle Challenge wasawarded a Supporting sustainableliving grant of £25,487, aimingto increase cycling for leisure andcommuting. Over 1,300 peoplefrom 63 organisations cycled morethan 60,000 miles in the Challengeperiod alone – the equivalent ofmore than twice around the world.This represented over 9,000 tripsby bike, representing a saving of12,833 kilograms of CO2 by cyclingJessica McQuade, Senior Policy Officerwith Peter Davis, Commissioner forSustainable Futures at the Earth Summitin Rio. Jess attended as a British Counciland third sector representative, andblogged about the experience on WelshEyes on Rio.instead of driving. The Challengealso encouraged 223 people ontoa bike who had not cycled in thelast year with a positive change ofattitude towards cycling to workbeing <strong>report</strong>ed by nearly half ofall participants 3 months after theChallenge period. At this point,approx 24 per cent of participants –or 300 people – also <strong>report</strong>ed thatthey were still cycling to work atleast once a week.28

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Newid yn yr hinsawdd adatblygu cynaliadwyRydym wedi arwain ac annog mudiadau’r trydydd sector i gymryd camauymarferol i fynd i’r afael ag achosion a chanlyniadau newid yn yr hinsawdd. Ardudalen 35 gallwch weld sut y mae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi gweithredu ar ei air o ran lleihauei ôl troed carbon. Rydym hefyd wedi gweithio gyda phartneriaid i roi gwybod i’rsector am y cyfleoedd a’r heriau sy’n codi o Fframwaith yr Amgylchedd Naturiol a’rBil Datblygu Cynaliadwy sydd i ddod.Ewch ar eich beic!Cafodd Her Feicio Caerdydd grantCefnogi byw’n gynaliadwy gwerth£25,487, er mwyn cynyddu fainto bobl sy’n beicio er hamdden aci’r gwaith. Fe feiciodd dros 1,300 obobl o 63 mudiad fwy na 60,000 ofilltiroedd yng nghyfnod yr Her ynunig – mae hyn yn gyfystyr â mwyna dwywaith o amgylch y byd.Roedd hyn yn cynrychioli dros 9,000o deithiau ar feic, gan gynrychioliarbediad o 12,833 cilogram o CO2drwy feicio yn lle gyrru. Hefyd,Jessica McQuade, Uwch Swyddog Polisi<strong>WCVA</strong> gyda Peter Davies, ComisiynyddDyfodol Cynaliadwy Cymru ynUwchgynhadledd y Ddaear yn Rio. RoeddJess yn bresennol fel cynrychiolydd y CyngorPrydeinig a’r trydydd sector, ac mae blog amei phrofiad ar Welsh Eyes on Rio.fe anogodd yr Her 223 o boblnad oedd wedi beicio yn ystod yflwyddyn gynt i fynd ar eu beic, acadroddodd bron i hanner yr hollgyfranogwyr newid cadarnhaolmewn agwedd tuag at feicio i’rgwaith 3 mis ar ôl cyfnodyr Her. Bryd hynny, adroddoddtua 24 y cant o gyfranogwyr – neu300 o bobl – hefyd eu bod yn dali feicio i’r gwaith o leiaf unwaithyr wythnos.Eleni, rydym wedi:• zGweithio gyda grŵp arwainar newid yn yr hinsawdd yny trydydd sector er mwynannog mudiadau’r trydyddsector i leihau eu hôl troedcarbon.• zCynrychioli’r sector arGomisiwn LlywodraethCymru ar y Newid yn yrHinsawdd.• zCyhoeddi 12 taflenwybodaeth newydd arnewid yn yr hinsawdd.• zCynnal digwyddiadaupolisi i’r trydydd sector arddatblygu cynaliadwy anewid yn yr hinsawdd.• zTrwy AmgylcheddCymru, wedi buddsoddicymorth grant o dros£1 miliwn i gefnogigwasanaeth datblygu aphrosiectau cymunedol,gan gynnwys nawpartner craidd a 171prosiect amgylcheddol abioamrywiaeth, yn cynnwysdros 8,000 o wirfoddolwyr.• zHefyd trwy AmgylcheddCymru, mae’r cynllunCefnogi Byw ynGynaliadwy a ariennirgan Lywodraeth Cymruwedi talu dros £115,000 i12 o brosiectau sy’n annognewid ymddygiad mewnymateb i newid yn yrhinsawdd, gyda £50,000mwy wedi’i gymeradwyoar gyfer pum prosiectychwanegol.29

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidThe third sector schemeOver the past year the Welsh Government’s unique third sector scheme hascontinued to offer opportunities for the sector to develop collaborative working,promote best practice and discuss key issues with Welsh Ministers in order toachieve positive change. At a time of increased financial pressures and demandon the sector’s services, the Third Sector Partnership Council (TSPC) and bi-annualMinisterial meetings have been an important vehicle for debate, challenge, andconstructive dialogue.This year we:• zPublished a guide toMinisterial meetings.• zProvided training for TSPCand Ministerial meetingrepresentatives.‘The training wasreally enjoyable andthe practical sessionat the end reallyforced us to pick upon the key tools fromthe presentation. Itwent beyond myexpectations andgave a real insightinto the character andpolitical position ofour ministers’Sector representatives have had theopportunity to bring key strategicwork from their networks in relationto each Ministerial portfolio area.The meetings have providedthe opportunity to discuss theProgramme for Government, andimportantly, to also offer the chancefor the sector to bring its ownagenda to Ministers.The third sector has used the Healthand Social services Ministerialmeetings to raise a concern overlocal health boards’ increased useof procurement rather than grants.The Minister was able to supportthe third sector by requesting anaddition to the local health board’sStanding Financial Instructions,stating that grants are a legitimatefunding mechanism for the thirdsector.Following concerns around WelshGovernment’s grant administrationand monitoring procedures, theGrants Centre for Excellence issuedguidance to departments earlier thisyear setting out new funding criteria.Organisations across the sector werealarmed at the new requirementsbeing placed upon them, which insome cases appeared to breach theWelsh Government’s Funding Codeof Practice. After compiling evidencethe sector was able to use the TSPCand the Finance Ministerial Meetingsto raise concerns with officials andMinisters. Agreement was securedaround criteria for payment of grantsin advance, and a number of otherissues were addressed. The TSPC’sFunding and Compliance Sub-Committee also proved essential inassessing why these changes werebeing made without consultationand securing commitment that thiswould not happen again.Third Sector SchemeA guide to ministerial meetingsFebruary 2012Cynllun Y Trydydd SectorCanllaw i gyfarfodydd gweinidogionChwefror 201230

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Cynllun y trydydd sectorYn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf mae cynllun unigryw Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer ytrydydd sector wedi parhau i gynnig cyfleoedd i’r sector ddatblygu cydweithredu,hyrwyddo arferion gorau a thrafod materion allweddol gyda GweinidogionCymru er mwyn ysgogi newid cadarnhaol. Ar adeg pan fo pwysau ariannol a galwcynyddol ar wasanaethau’r sector, mae Cyngor Partneriaeth y Trydydd Sector(CPTS) a’r cyfarfodydd Gweinidogol ddwywaith y flwyddyn wedi bod yn gyfrwngpwysig ar gyfer trafod, herio a deialog adeiladol.Eleni rydym wedi:• zCyhoeddi arweiniad i’rcyfarfodydd Gweinidogol.• zDarparu hyfforddiantar gyfer cynrychiolwyry CPTS a’r cyfarfodyddGweinidogol.‘Bu i mi fwynhau’rhyfforddiant ynfawr ac roedd ysesiwn ymarferol ary diwedd wir yn eingorfodi i amgyffred ydarnau allweddol o’rcyflwyniad. Fe aethy sesiwn y tu hwnti’m disgwyliadau arhoddodd gipolwggwirioneddol argymeriad a saflegwleidyddol eingweinidogion’Mae cynrychiolwyr y sector wedicael y cyfle i ddod â gwaith strategolallweddol o’u rhwydweithiau mewncysylltiad â phob maes portffolioGweinidogol. Mae’r cyfarfodyddwedi darparu cyfle i drafod YRhaglen Lywodraethu, ac ynbwysicach, maent yn rhoi’r cyflei’r sector ddod â’i agenda ei hungerbron Gweinidogion.Mae’r trydydd sector wedidefnyddio’r cyfarfodyddGweinidogol ar wasanaethau Iechyda Chymdeithasol i godi pryderynghylch defnydd cynyddol byrddauiechyd lleol o gaffael yn hytrachna grantiau. Roedd y Gweinidogyn gallu cefnogi’r trydydd sectordrwy ofyn am ychwanegu darn atCyfarwyddiadau Ariannol Sefydlogy bwrdd iechyd lleol, yn nodi bodgrantiau yn fecanwaith cyllido dilysi’r trydydd sector.Yn sgil pryderon ynghylchgweithdrefnau gweinyddu a monitrograntiau Llywodraeth Cymru,cyhoeddodd Canolfan RagoriaethGrantiau arweiniad i adrannau yngynharach eleni yn gosod meiniprawf cyllido newydd. Cafoddmudiadau ar draws y sector frawoherwydd y gofynion newydd aroddwyd arnynt, a oedd mae’ndebyg mewn rhai achosion yn torriCod Ymarfer Ariannu y Llywodraeth.Ar ôl casglu tystiolaeth, roedd ysector yn gallu defnyddio’r CPTSa’r Cyfarfodydd GweinidogolAriannol i godi’r pryderon hyngyda swyddogion a Gweinidogion.Daethpwyd i gytundeb ar y meiniprawf ar gyfer talu grantiau ymlaenllaw, a deliwyd gyda sawl materarall. Roedd Isbwyllgor Ariannu aChydymffurfiaeth y CPTS hefydyn hanfodol er mwyn asesu pamroedd y newidiadau hyn yn digwyddheb ymgynghori ac er mwyn caelsicrwydd na fyddai hyn yn digwyddeto.31

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidPublic servicesWe are committed to promoting co-production. That is putting people and theirlives at the centre of public services and designing and delivering those serviceswith them in their communities.We have encouraged public bodies to work with the third sector to developservices that are closer to people, more responsive to their needs, and which addvalue by drawing on community resources.We have promoted therole the sector can playin participation andcitizen engagement,commissioning, deliveringand scrutinising publicservices:• zThrough ParticipationCymru, we respondedto over 1,300 citizenengagement enquiries,organised 25 trainingcourses and worked withpartners to implement thenew National Principles forPublic Engagement in Wales.• zProvided advice ontendering, collaborationand mergers.• zProvided 20 training coursesand 13 additional events onlegislation and scrutiny.• zParticipated in the WelshGovernment’s New Modelswork stream.• zFacilitating a citizen directedsupport reference group.• zProvided a trainingprogramme to implementthird sector Standards inHealth Care.z • Working with the HealthMinister, the WelshGovernment, the LHBChairs’ lead for the thirdsector and CVCs onthe development of thethird sector action plansunder the LHB 5 YearFrameworks.Co-production in actionOne approach in social care,called Citizen Directed Support,is spearheading co-productionin Wales. Citizen DirectedSupport enables voice, controland independence, through safe,sustainable and economically viableresponses to support planning.It is about people being in control ofthe support they need to live the lifethey choose.It empowers people to selfdeterminetheir choices and to findnew and innovative ways of gettinga life that is right for them and beingsupported in a way that is right forthem.We are undertaking a researchproject with partner organisations tofocus on identifying the benefits andenablers of Citizen Directed Support,as part of the Welsh Government’sEffective Services for VulnerableGroups work.One example of co-production inpractice is the Rent Pilot Projectwhich is being delivered by CartrefiCymru, United Welsh HousingAssociation and Dimensions.More co-production in action: A CodesignedFuture: The Third Sector Role inHealth and Social Care in Hywel Dda beinglaunched at <strong>WCVA</strong>’s annual conference byHazel Lloyd Lubran, Ceredigion Associationof Voluntary Organisations, Win Griffiths,<strong>WCVA</strong>, Janet Hawes and Sarah Veck, HywelDda Health Board.The project is normalising thehousing and support of people withlearning disabilities by exploringwhat the tenants undertakethemselves and what paid supportstaff do, creating greater mutualism.This has already led to individualsreceiving their benefits directly,enabling them to pay their rentsthemselves, and joining their localCredit Union or opening a bankaccount for the first time.32

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Gwasanaethau cyhoeddusRydym wedi’n hymrwymo i hyrwyddo cyd-gynhyrchu, sef rhoi pobl a’u bywydauwrth galon gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a dylunio a darparu’r gwasanaethau hynnygyda nhw yn eu cymunedau.Rydym wedi annog cyrff cyhoeddus i weithio gyda’r trydydd sector i ddatblygugwasanaethau sy’n agosach at bobl, yn fwy ymatebol i’w hanghenion, ac sy’nychwanegu gwerth drwy ddefnyddio adnoddau’r gymuned.Cyd-gynhyrchu ar waithMae un dull mewn gofalcymdeithasol, o’r enw Cymorth aGyfarwyddir gan Ddinasyddion,yn arwain cyd-gynhyrchu yngNghymru. Mae Cymorth aGyfarwyddir gan Ddinasyddionyn galluogi llais, rheolaeth acannibyniaeth, drwy ymatebiondiogel, cynaliadwy ac economaiddhyfyw i gynllunio cymorth.Mae’n golygu pobl yn rheoli’rcymorth y mae arnynt ei angen ermwyn byw’r bywyd a ddewisant.Mae’n grymuso pobl i benderfynudrostynt eu hunain a chanfod ffyrddnewydd ac arloesol o gael bywydsy’n addas iddyn nhw a chaelcymorth mewn ffordd sy’n addasiddyn nhw.Rydym yn cynnal prosiect ymchwilgyda mudiadau sy’n bartneriaid iganolbwyntio ar ganfod buddion agalluogwyr Cymorth a Gyfarwyddirgan Ddinasyddion, fel rhan o waithLlywodraeth Cymru ar WasanaethauEffeithiol ar gyfer Grwpiau Bregus.Un enghraifft o gyd-gynhyrchuar waith yw Prosiect Peilot Renta gynhelir gan Cartrefi Cymru,Cymdeithas Tai Unedig Cymru aDimensions.Mae’r prosiect yn normaleiddio taia chymorth pobl gydag anableddaudysgu drwy archwilio beth maetenantiaid yn ei gyflawni euhunain a beth a wna staff cymorthcyflogedig, gan greu mwy ogydymddibyniaeth.Mae hyn yn barod wedi arwainat unigolion yn cael eu budddaliadau’nuniongyrchol, gan eugalluogi i dalu rhent eu hunain, acymuno â’u Hundeb Credyd lleol neuagor cyfrif banc am y tro cyntaf.Mwy o gyd-gynllunio ar waith: LawnsioCyd-gynllunio’r dyfodol: Rol y trydydd sectormewn iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn HywelDda yng nghynhadledd flynyddol <strong>WCVA</strong>,gan Hazel Lloyd Lubran, CAVO, WinGriffiths, <strong>WCVA</strong>, Janet Hawes a Sarah Veck,Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel DdaRydym wedi hyrwyddo’r rôly gall y sector ei chyflawnimewn cyfranogaeth acymgysylltu â dinasyddion,comisiynu, cyflenwi a chraffuar wasanaethau cyhoeddus:• zTrwy Cyfranogaeth Cymru,rydym wedi ymateb i dros1,300 o ymholiadau arymgysylltu â dinasyddion,trefnu 25 o gyrsiauhyfforddi a gweithio gydaphartneriaid i weithredu’rEgwyddorion Cenedlaetholar gyfer Ymgysylltu â’rCyhoedd yng Nghymru.• zDarparu cyngor ar dendro,cydweithredu a chyfuno.• zDarparu 20 o gyrsiauhyfforddi a 13 odigwyddiadau arddeddfwriaeth a chraffu.• zCyfranogi yn ffrwdgwaith Modelau NewyddLlywodraeth Cymru.• zHwyluso grŵp cyfeirio argymorth a gyfarwyddir ganddinasyddion.• zDarparu rhaglen hyfforddii weithredu Safonau GofalIechyd trydydd sector.z • Gweithio gyda’r GweinidogIechyd, Llywodraeth Cymru,Cadeiryddion Byrddau IechydLleol ar gyfer y trydydd sectora Chynghorau GwirfoddolSirol ar ddatblygu cynlluniaugweithredu’r trydydd sector odan Fframweithiau 5 MlyneddByrddau Iechyd Lleol.33

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidDelivering on qualityand improvementWe are improving the quality and efficiency of our work through systems andpractices that start at Board level and are embedded throughout the organisation.By doing this, we can demonstrate our impact and value as an organisation to ourmembers, the wider sector, our funders and other stakeholders.We reduced our carbonusage by:Raising awareness• zOur EnvironmentalStaff Group has drivenimproved practicewithin the organisation.• zClimate Change weekis now part of ourcalendar of events forstaff.• zWe screened The Age ofStupid film for staff.• zWe registered withCycle Challenge Week.• zWe maintained ourGreen Dragon level 2.Travel• zTravel policy –preference for publictransport, taxi usemonitored.• zMileage allowances –for bicycles, passengersand volunteers.• zBicycle stands andtraining.• zLoans available forpurchase of bike orseason ticket.We installed photo voltaic panels on the roof of our Aberystwyth officeRydym wedi gosod paneli ffotofoltäig ar do ein swyddfa yn AberystwythTaking action on climate changeIn 2010 our Board agreed that itshould plan to reduce our carbonfootprint by 10 per cent. This targethas been significantly exceededthrough a variety of measures,including drastically cutting gasusage by lowering the thermostatson our boilers by 1 degree. Photovoltaicpanels have been installed onthe roof of our Aberystwyth officewhich will further reduce the carbonfootprint in future years.Food• zWe reduced foodwaste throughrecycling bins in eachkitchen.• zWe stocked fair tradeproducts in all ourkitchens and meetingrooms.• zOur meeting and eventbuffets were 50 percent vegetarian.Our total carbon footprint in 2010was 653 tonnes – 5.0 tonnes perperson. By 2011 we had reducedthat to 475 tonnes – 2.9 tonnes perperson.This year we also signed up to theWelsh Government’s SustainableDevelopment Charter, and all threeof our offices maintained their GreenDragon (level ll) accreditation.Lean and Green• zWe installed lightsensors in each toilet.• zWe installedWater Hippos inall toilets whereappropriate.• zWe increasedthe use ofour videoconferencingfacilities.Recycling• zWe have recyclingbins on every floor ofour offices for paper,food, used printercartridges, toners,plastics and cans.34

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Cyflawni ar ansawdda gwellaRydym yn gwella ansawdd ac effeithlonrwydd ein gwaith drwy systemau acarferion sy’n dechrau ar lefel y Bwrdd ac sydd wedi’i sefydlu yn y mudiad drwyddodraw. Trwy wneud hyn, gallwn ddangos ein h<strong>effaith</strong> a’n gwerth fel mudiad i’nhaelodau, y sector ehangach, ein cyllidwyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill.Gweithredu ar newidyn yr hinsawddYn 2010 cytunodd y Bwrdd ydylai gynllunio i leihau ein hôltroed carbon 10 y cant. Rydymwedi pasio’r nod hwn o dipyndrwy amrywiaeth o fesurau, gangynnwys torri ar y defnydd onwy yn sylweddol drwy ostwng ythermostat ar ein boeleri 1 radd.Mae paneli ffotofoltäig wedi’u gosodar do’r swyddfa yn Aberystwyth afydd yn lleihau’r ôl troed carbonymhellach yn y blynyddoedd i ddod.Ein hôl troed carbon yn 2010 oedd653 tunnell – 5.0 tunnell y pen.Erbyn 2011 roeddem wedi lleihau’rcyfanswm i 475 tunnell – 2.9 tunnelly pen.Eleni hefyd fe gytunon ni i SiarterDatblygu Cynaliadwy LlywodraethCymru, ac fe gadwodd y tair swyddfaeu hachrediad Draig Werdd (lefel ll).Bu i ni leihau ein hôl troed carbondrwy’r canlynol:Codi ymwybyddiaeth• zMae ein Grŵp StaffAmgylcheddol wedi hybuarferion gwell yn y mudiad.• zMae wythnos Newid yn yrHinsawdd bellach yn rhan ogalendr digwyddiadau ar gyferein staff.• zBu i ni sgrinio’r ffilm The Age ofStupid ar gyfer staff.• zBu i ni gofrestru gydag WythnosHer Feicio.• zBu i ni ddal gafael ar achrediad yDdraig Werdd lefel 2.<strong>WCVA</strong>’s CEO Graham Benfield OBElets the train take the strain in ClimateChange WeekTrafnidiaeth• zPolisi teithio – ffafrio trafnidiaethgyhoeddus, monitro defnydd odacsis.• zLwfansau Milltiredd – ar gyferbeiciau, teithwyr a gwirfoddolwyr.• zStandiau ar gyfer beiciau ahyfforddiant.• zBenthyciadau ar gael i brynu beicneu docyn tymor.Bwyd• zLleihau gwastraff bwyd drwyfiniau ailgylchu ym mhob cegin.• zRydym wedi rhoi cynnyrchmasnach deg ym mhob cegin acystafell gyfarfod.• zRoedd 50 y cant o’r bwyd yn eincyfarfodydd a’n digwyddiad ynllysieuol.Prif Weithredwr <strong>WCVA</strong>, GrahamBenfield OBE yn teithio i’r gwaith ary trên yn ystod Wythnos Newid yn yrHinsawddBod yn ddiwastraff ac ynwyrdd• zGosod synwyryddiongolau ym mhob tŷ bach.• zGosod Water Hipposym mhob tŷ bach lle’roedd hynny’n briodol.• zDefnyddio eincyfleusterau fideogynadleddayn fwy aml.Ailgylchu• zMae gennym finiauailgylchu ar bob llawryn ein swyddfeydd argyfer papur, bwyd,cetris argraffu, cetrisarlliw, plastigion achaniau.35

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Achieving change | Sicrhau newidWelsh Government reviews‘<strong>WCVA</strong> has athorough process forthe administrationand monitoring ofthe grants which itadministers’‘The objectivesin the currentpartnership were feltto still be relevantand fit for purpose byrespondents’The Third Sector PartnershipAgreement provides funding fromthe Welsh Government to enableus, 19 County Voluntary Councils(CVC’s) and 35 volunteer centresto support the third sector andvolunteering in Wales. The currentAgreement expires in March 2013,and to inform future developments,a review was undertaken to gatherstakeholders’ views on theobjectives of the Agreement, andon the performance monitoring ofthe organisations supported.It concluded that there is ‘astrong consensus in the valueof the partnership agreement’and ‘overall, the objectives in thecurrent partnership were felt to stillbe relevant and fit for purpose byrespondents’.Welsh Government also undertooka separate review into our fundingmethodology and identified anumber of areas of good practice inrespect of the funding arrangementsbetween us and the WelshGovernment.The <strong>report</strong> concluded:‘At the strategic level, the diversity offunding that <strong>WCVA</strong> currently securesfrom the WG and other sourcesenables it to contribute to a widerange of WG strategic objectives.With regard to the specific fundingarrangements outlined in this <strong>report</strong>,the key areas of good practiceidentified were:• <strong>WCVA</strong>’s methodology forapportioning re-chargedoverhead costs is sound andthoroughly applied.• The cost of the re-chargedoverhead per staff memberis broadly consistent withcomparable organisations, and inthe majority of cases appears tobe lower. There is no evidence ofdouble funding.• <strong>WCVA</strong> has successfully deliveredagainst the indicators agreed forthe Partnership Agreement.’There is a need, however for greaterclarity from WG on the purposeof some Third Sector Unit fundingelements to ensure funding is beinggiven for distinct purposes.An organisation wide people strategyAs part of our commitment to our staff, we have focused onimproving our performance management processes this year.The investment we make in staff learning, through a varietyof methods, is helping individuals develop and deliver qualityservices, and will also have a positive impact on our plannedresults.Next year, we will continue:• Focusing on performance management – getting the bestout of our staff, making them feel valued and committed to<strong>WCVA</strong>.• Developing our managers – helping them feel empowered.• Linking our investment in learning to our results.36

Achieving change | Sicrhau newid <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Adolygiadau Llywodraeth CymruMae Cytundeb Partneriaethy Trydydd Sector yn darparucyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru i’ngalluogi ni, 19 Cyngor GwirfoddolSirol a 35 canolfan wirfoddolii gefnogi’r trydydd sector agwirfoddoli yng Nghymru. Mae’rCytundeb presennol yn dod i benym mis Mawrth 2013, ac i lywiodatblygiadau’r dyfodol, cynhaliwydadolygiad i gasglu barn rhanddeiliaidar amcanion y Cytundeb, ac arfonitro perfformiad y mudiadau agefnogir.Daeth yr adolygiad i’r casgliad ‘bodconsensws cryf ynghylch gwerthy cytundeb partneriaeth’ ac ‘ary cyfan, roedd rhanddeiliaid ynteimlo bod amcanion y cytundebpartneriaeth presennol yn parhau’nberthnasol ac yn addas i’w diben’.Cynhaliodd Llywodraeth Cymruadolygiad arall ar ein methodoleggyllido gan ganfod sawl maes oarferion da o ran y trefniadau cyllidorhyngom ni a Llywodraeth Cymru.Dyma gasgliad yr adroddiad:‘Ar y lefel strategol, mae amrywiaethy cyllid y mae <strong>WCVA</strong> yn ei gael ganLywodraeth Cymru a ffynonellaueraill yn ei alluogi i gyfrannu atystod eang o amcanion strategoly Llywodraeth. O ran y trefniadaucyllido penodol a amlinellir yn yradroddiad hwn, dyma’r meysyddallweddol o arferion da a nodwyd:• Mae methodoleg <strong>WCVA</strong> ar gyferrhannu costau gorbenion aailgodir yn gadarn ac yn cael eigweithredu’n drwyadl.• Mae cost gorbenion a ailgodiryr aelod o staff, yn fras, yngyson â mudiadau cyffelyb, acyn y mwyafrif o achosion ynymddangos yn is. Does dimtystiolaeth o dalu ddwywaith amyr un peth.• Mae gan <strong>WCVA</strong> broses drwyadlar gyfer gweinyddu a monitro’rgrantiau y mae’n eu gweinyddu.• Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> wedi cyflawni’nllwyddiannus y dangosyddion agytunwyd ar gyfer y CytundebPartneriaeth.’Mae angen, fodd bynnag, iLywodraeth Cymru egluro’n gliriachddiben rhai elfennau cyllido Uned yTrydydd Sector er mwyn sicrhau yrhoddir cyllid er dibenion penodol.‘Mae gan <strong>WCVA</strong>broses drylwyr argyfer gweinyddu amonitro grantiau ymae’n gweinyddu’‘Roedd ymatebwyryn teimlo bodyr amcanion yny bartneriaethbresennol yn dal i fodyn berthnasol ac ynaddas at y diben’Strategaeth pobl i’r mudiad cyfanFel rhan o’m hymrwymiad i’n staff, rydym wedi canolbwyntioar wella ein prosesau rheoli perfformiad eleni. Mae’r buddsoddia wnawn mewn dysgu staff, drwy ddulliau amrywiol, yn helpuunigolion i ddatblygu a darparu gwasanaethau o safon, acfe fydd hefyd yn cael <strong>effaith</strong> gadarnhaol ar ein canlyniadau agynlluniwyd.Y flwyddyn nesaf, byddwn yn dal ati gyda’r canlynol:• Canolbwyntio ar reoli perfformiad – cael y gorau o’n staff,gwneud iddynt deimlo eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi asicrhau eu hymrwymiad i <strong>WCVA</strong>.• Datblygu ein rheolwyr – eu helpu i deimlo eu bod wedi’ugrymuso.• Cysylltu ein buddsoddi mewn dysgu â’n canlyniadau.37

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Resourcing the sector | Adnoddau ar gyfer y sectorResourcing the sectorWe have awarded £39 million to the sector this year.Through our projects, local groups have accessedsmall grants to support community initiatives andnational organisations have won contracts to delivermajor government programmes.As a result, communities are being regenerated,social isolation is being reduced and public servicesare being improved through the specialisms andreach of third sector organisations.Members of our Boardand grant panels aredrawn from third sectororganisations acrossWales which means thatour funding decisionsare always made by thesector, for the sector.Through our uniqueposition as the umbrellabody in Wales weprovide a range ofsupport services fororganisations acrossthe country in additionto managing majorfunding programmes.As a result, we areproviding specialistadvice and guidancebefore, during and afterorganisations apply forgrants, loan funding ortender for contracts.Celebrating 20years of supportingvoluntary actionto improve ourenvironmentThis year marks the 20th birthdayof Environment Wales. As apartnership of organisations inthe third sector, with <strong>WCVA</strong> asadministrative partner, EnvironmentWales is contributing to sustainabledevelopment by supportingvoluntary action to protect andimprove the environment.Over the last 20 years, EnvironmentWales has awarded £9 million ingrants to projects ranging fromrecycling and community growingto habitat management and marineconservation. More than 10,000weeks of volunteering time has beenspent improving the environment.One organisation that is receivingEnvironment Wales grant funding isMenter y Felin Uchaf in Pwllheli.In 2004 a small group purchased a23 acre smallholding with a bankloan and started Menter y FelinUchaf. Its aim was – and still is - to‘raise the bar’ in what people canachieve by working with naturalLocal volunteers making a Celticroundhouseresources to earn their incomewhilst protecting and enhancing theenvironment.They planned to do this by providingtraining and opportunities forpractical hands-on action, and bytransforming a traditional Welshfarmhouse and previously neglectedland.Today, Menter y Felin Uchafoffers opportunities to peoplein rural crafts, eco-building, andconservation skills. Accreditedcourses provide a chance to learnwoodland management skills, drystonewalling, thatching, reed-bedmanagement and wildlife gardening.As well as involving local people andattracting others to the area, Mentery Felin Uchaf spends the money itbrings in locally and estimates thatthis brings £160,000 into the localeconomy each year.38

Resourcing the sector | Adnoddau ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Adnoddau ar gyfer y sectorRydym wedi dyfarnu £39 miliwn i’r sector y flwyddynhon. Trwy ein prosiectau, mae grwpiau lleol wedi caelmynediad at grantiau bychain i gynorthwyo mentraucymunedol ac mae mudiadau cenedlaethol wediennill contractau i gyflawni rhai o raglenni mawr yllywodraeth.O ganlyniad, mae cymunedau yn cael eu hadfywio,arwahanrwydd cymdeithasol yn cael ei leihau agwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn cael eu gwella drwyarbenigaeth a chyrhaeddiad mudiadau’r trydydd sector.Gwirfoddolwyr lleol yn gwneudtŷ crwn CeltaiddMae Amgylchedd Cymru yn dathlu20 mlynedd eleni. Partneriaeth ofudiadau yn y trydydd sector ywAmgylchedd Cymru, ac mae’ncyfrannu at ddatblygu cynaliadwydrwy gefnogi gweithredugwirfoddol i ddiogelu a gwella’ramgylchedd.Dros yr 20 mlynedd maeAmgylchedd Cymru wedi dyrannu£9 miliwn o grantiau i brosiectausy’n yn amrywio o ailgylchu a thwfcymunedol i reoli cynefinoedd achadwraeth forol. Mae mwy na100,000 o wythnosau o amsergwirfoddoli wedi eu gwario ar wella’ramgylchedd.Un mudiad sy’n cael cymorth drwygrantiau gan Amgylchedd Cymrudrwy <strong>WCVA</strong> yw Menter y Felin Uchafym Mhwllheli.Yn 2004, fe brynodd criw bach obobl dyddyn gyda 23 erw o dirdrwy fenthyciad gan y banc a dymaddechrau Menter y Felin Uchaf.Amcan y fenter oedd ‘codi’r safon’o ran beth all pobl ei gyflawni wrthweithio gydag adnoddau naturiolDathlu 20 mlyneddo gefnogi gweithredugwirfoddol i wella’ramgylcheddi ennill incwm wrth ddiogelu agwella’r amgylchedd, a dyma yw eihamcan o hyd.Roeddynt yn bwriadu gwneudhyn drwy ddarparu hyfforddianta chyfleoedd am waith ymarferol,a thrwy weddnewid ffermdytraddodiadol a darn o dir a oeddwedi’i esgeuluso.Heddiw, mae Menter y Felin Uchafyn cynnig cyfleoedd i bobl mewncrefftau gwledig, eco-adeiladu,a sgiliau cadwraeth. Mae cyrsiauachrededig yn rhoi’r cyfle i ddysgusgiliau rheoli coetir, codi waliaucerrig sych, gwneud to â gwellt,rheoli corsleoedd a garddio bywydgwyllt.Yn ogystal â chynnwys pobl leol adenu eraill i’r ardal, mae Menter yFelin Uchaf yn gwario’r arian a wnayn lleol ac mae’n amcangyfrif bodhyn yn dod â £160,000 i’r economilleol bob blwyddyn.Mae aelodau o’n Bwrdda’n paneli grantiau yncael eu penodi o blithmudiadau’r trydyddsector ledled Cymrusy’n golygu y gwneir einpenderfyniadau ar gyllidgan y sector, ac ar gyfery sector.Trwy ein sefyllfaunigryw fel y corffymbarél yng Nghymru,darparwn amrywiaeth owasanaethau cymorth ifudiadau ar hyd a lled ywlad yn ogystal â rheolirhaglenni cyllido mawr.O ganlyniad, darparwngyngor ac arweiniadarbenigol cyn, yn ystodac ar ôl i fudiadauymgeisio am grantiau,benthyciadau neudendro am gontractau.39

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Resourcing the sector | Adnoddau ar gyfer y sector‘There’s no doubtthat owning our ownpremises and havingthe extra space hasallowed us to grow andgenerate new sources ofincome.’CVCPA Chief ExecutiveJoanna Fashan‘It’s important thatenterprise like thisflourishes becauserevenues will alwaysbe reinvested inlocal people andcommunities.’CommunitiesInvestment Fundmanager at <strong>WCVA</strong>,Matthew BrownInvestment helps valleys enterprise doubleturnoverOur CIF loan scheme has helped acharity in the valleys to purchase itsown premises, develop its servicesand doubled its income.After applying for loan fundingthrough CIF to buy the formerTrecynon Police Station in Aberdare,Cynon Valley Crime PreventionAssociation (CVCPA) has increasedits turnover, extended its servicesSchoolchildren from Maesteg Comprehensiveschool won the National Crime Beat Award foran animation of the dangers of substance misusewhich has been screened at hospitals acrossSouth Walesacross the South Wales valleys andcreated 19 new jobs.A winner of the British CrimePrevention Award for reducingburglary in the Cynon Valley by 38 percent, CVCPA was set up as a charity in1988 to help tackle the issues of crime,and has since has developed a tradingarm in security installation to helpfund its core services.For more information aboutCIF, email cif@wcva.org.ukor visit www.wcva.org.uk.‘Does dim dwywaithnad yw meddu ar safleein hunain a chael ylle ychwanegol wedi’ngalluogi i dyfu a chreuffynonellau incwmnewydd’.Plant ysgol o Ysgol Maesteg a enillodd GwobrGenedlaethol Mynd i’r afael â Throseddauam animeiddiad o beryglon camddefnyddiosylweddau, sydd wedi cael ei ddangos mewnysbytai ar draws De CymruI gael mwy o wybodaeth,cysylltwch â Lein Gymorth<strong>WCVA</strong> ar 0800 2888 329 neudrwy ebostio cif@wcva.org.uk.Prif WeithredwraigCVCPA Joanna Fashan‘Mae’n bwysig bodmentrau fel hon ynffynnu oherwydd byddrefeniw bob amser yncael ei ailfuddsoddi yny bobl a’r cymunedaulleol.’Rheolwr CronfaBuddsoddi Cymunedol<strong>WCVA</strong>, Matthew BrownBuddsoddiad yn helpu menter yn ycymoedd i ddyblu trosiantMae ein Cronfa BuddsoddiCymunedol (CIF) wedi helpu menteryn y cymoedd i brynu ei safle ei hun,datblygu ei gwasanaethau a dybluei throsiant.Ar ôl gwneud cais am gyllid arffurf benthyciad i brynu hen orsafheddlu Trecynon yn Aberdâr,mae Cymdeithas Atal TrosedduCwm Cynon (Cynon Valley CrimePrevention Association) wedicynyddu ei throsiant, ymestyn eigwasanaethau ledled cymoedd y Dea chreu 19 o swyddi newydd.Sefydlwyd y Gymdeithas fel elusenyn 1988 i helpu i ddelio gydaphroblemau troseddu, ac mae wediennill gwobr atal troseddu (BritishCrime Prevention Award) am leihaulladrata 38 y cant. Ers hynny, maewedi datblygu cangen fasnachumewn cyfarpar diogelwch i helpu iariannu ei gwasanaethau craidd.40

Resourcing the sector | Adnoddau ar gyfer y sector <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Grant schemesCynlluniau grantiauWe ran 12 (2011: 17) grant schemes during the year and grant payments weremade to 1,829 (2011: 1,500) organisations.Rydym ni wedi gweinyddu 12 (2011:17) cynllun grant yn ystod y flwyddyn acmae wedi talu grantiau i 1,829 (2011: 1,500) o fudiadau.2012 2011Number of Value of Number of Value ofGrants Paid Grants Paid Grants Paid Grants PaidNifer Gwerth Nifer Gwerthy Grantiau y Grantiau y Grantiau y Grantiaua Dalwyd a Dalwyd a Dalwyd a Dalwyd£ £ £ £Active CommunityCymdeithas Fyw - - 27 836,505Russell - Youth VolunteeringRussell - Gwirfoddoli ymhlith Pobl Ifanc - - 1 (6,430)Communities FirstCymunedau yn Gyntaf 1,380 4,094,156 806 2,160,098Local Voluntary ServicesGwasanaethau Gwirfoddoli Lleol 19 3,021,861 19 3,021,861Mental Health - - 99 924,298Iechyd MeddwlMillennium Volunteers - - 64 301,148Gwirfoddolwyr y MileniwmGoldstarSeren Aur 34 115,188 38 62,052Volunteering in Wales FundCronfa Gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru 70 905,710 65 696,946Size of WalesMaint Cymru 2 2,100 3 900Sustainable Living - Climate ChangeByw’n Gynaliadwy - Newid yn y Hinsawdd 12 115,048 - -Environment WalesAmgylchedd Cymru 106 810,907 225 953,594BiodiversityBioamrywiaeth 27 282,727 1 5,250Strategic Recycling - ERDFAilgylchu Strategol - ERDF - - 6 968,535Volunteering Enhancement InitiativeCynllun Cryfhau Gwirfoddoli 19 1,346,323 19 1,346,323Wales VolunteeringGwirfoddoli Cymru 3 3,256 - -GwirVol 121 704,597 85615,192Partnership CouncilY Cyngor Partneriaeth 36 130,476 40 126,514Age of StupidOes y Dwl - - 1 69NAVCA - - 1 15,5001,829 11,532,349 1,500 12,028,35541

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Resourcing the sector | Adnoddau ar gyfer y sectorProcured contractsContractau caffaelWe ran 9 (2011: 7) contract schemes during the year.Roedd yr elusen wedi gweinyddu 9 (2011: 7) cynllun contract caffael yn ystod yflwyddyn.2012Value of Contracts PaidGwerth y Contractau aDalwyd£2011Value of Contracts PaidGwerth y Contractau aDalwyd£Intermediate Labour Market - Convergence Area 7,369,705 1,752,484Marchnad Lafur Drosiannol - Ardal GydgyfeirioIntermediate Labour Market - Competitiveness Area 3,141,964 747,887Marchnad Lafur Drosiannol - Ardal GystadleurwyddClimate Change 34,500 -Newid yn yr HinsawddDWP Volunteering - 138,240Prosiect Gwirfoddoli’r Adran Gwaith a PhensiwnFuture Jobs Fund 4,137,157 7,008,304Cronfa Swyddi’r DyfodolGwirVol 330,000Communities First Advice 164,426 172,954Cyngor ar gyfer Cymunedau yn GyntafCommunity Economic Development 664,276Datblygiad Economaidd CymunedolGateway - Convergence Area 10,168,158 2,261,325Y Porth - Ardal GydgyfeirioGateway - Competitiveness Area 1,959,857 571,398Y Porth - Ardal Gystadleurwydd27,970,043 12,652,592LoansBenthyciadau2012Value of loans awardedGwerth y benthyciad£2012Value of repaidinvestmentsGwerth y buddsoddiadaua ad-dalwyd£CIF I (Communities Investment Fund I) 0 210,424CIF I (Cronfa Buddsoddi Cymunedol I)CIF II (Communities Investment Fund II) 280,000 3,234CIF II (Cronfa Buddsoddi Cymunedol II)42

<strong>WCVA</strong> Board | Bwrdd <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12<strong>WCVA</strong> Board 2011/2012 (as at 1 September 2012)Bwrdd <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011/2012 (ar 1 Medi 2012)Win Griffiths, OBE Chair | CadeiryddMargaret Jervis, MBEVice Chair | Is-gadeiryddEurwen E. Edwards, BEM, OBE Vice Chair | Is-gadeiryddChad Patel Treasurer | TrysoryddPhilip AveryLouise BennettRocio CifuentesMike DenmanPaul GlazeSimon HarrisEfa Gruffudd JonesHarri JonesJohn R. JonesLiza KellettJoy KentMike LewisMartin PollardL. Mair StephensAnne StephensonFran Targett OBENick TaylorAlan UnderwoodCatriona WilliamsMichael WilliamsClive WolfendalePauline Young MBECo-opted membersAelodau Cyfetholedig/Peter DaviesWalter DickieHilary StevensDerek WalkerLegal adviserYmgynghorydd cyfreithiolHanef Bhamjee OBEProperty adviserYmgynghorydd adeiladauDouglas E. MorrisManagement adviserYmgynghorydd rheolaethDavid G. EvansAuditors | ArchwilwyrGrant Thornton UK LLPBankers | BancwyrBarclays Bank PlcRBS The Royal Bank of ScotlandCompany SecretaryYsgrifennyddTracey Lewis<strong>WCVA</strong> PresidentLlywydd <strong>WCVA</strong>Glenys Kinnock<strong>WCVA</strong> Vice PresidentsIs-Lywydd <strong>WCVA</strong>Tom Jones OBEMargaret Thorne CBE DL43

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Summarised financial statements | Crynodeb o’r datganiadau ariannolSummarised financial statementsDatganiadau ariannol crynoThese summarised financial statements are a summary of information extractedfrom the statutory Annual Report and Accounts. They may not contain sufficientinformation to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the Charity.For further information, the full Annual Accounts, the <strong>report</strong> of the independentauditor on those accounts and the Trustees’ Annual Report should be consulted.Copies of these can be obtained from T Lewis, Company Secretary.The Annual Accounts were approved on 11 October 2012 and have been delivered to the CharityCommission and the Registrar of Companies. The accounts have been audited by a qualified auditor,Grant Thornton UK LLP, who issued an unqualified <strong>report</strong> on the full annual financial statements andon the consistency of the directors’ <strong>report</strong> with those annual financial statements. Their <strong>report</strong> onthe full annual financial statements contained no statement under Sections 498(2) and 498(3) of theCompanies Act 2006.Mae’r datganiadau ariannol cryno hyn yn grynodeb o wybodaeth a godwyd o’rCyfrifon a’r <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol statudol. Mae’n bosib nad ydynt yn cynnwysdigon o wybodaeth i roi dealltwriaeth lawn o sefyllfa ariannol yr elusen. I gaelgwybodaeth bellach, dylid edrych ar y cyfrifon llawn am y flwyddyn, adroddiadyr archwiliwr annibynnol ar y cyfrifon hynny ac <strong>Adroddiad</strong> Blynyddol yrYmddiriedolwyr. Mae copïau o’r rhain ar gael gan T Lewis, Ysgrifennydd y Cwmni.Cymeradwywyd y Cyfrifon Blynyddol ar 11 Hydref 2012 ac fe’u cyflwynwyd i’r Comisiwn Elusennauac i’r Cofrestrydd Cwmnïau. Archwiliwyd y cyfrifon gan archwilydd cymwys, sef Grant Thornton UKLLP, sydd wedi rhoi adroddiad diamod yng nghyswllt y datganiadau ariannol blynyddol llawn ac yngnghyswllt cysondeb adroddiad y cyfarwyddwyr â’r datganiadau ariannol blynyddol hynny. Nid oeddeu hadroddiad ar y datganiadau ariannol blynyddol llawn yn cynnwys unrhyw ddatganiad dan Adran498(2) nac Adran 498(3) Deddf Cwmnïau 2006.<strong>WCVA</strong> would like to thankthe following organisationsfor their support:Big Lottery FundCharities Aid FoundationClass TelecommunicationsCountryside Council for WalesDepartment for Work & PensionsEuropean Structural FundsSport WalesStreet GamesWelsh GovernmentWaterloo FoundationYnys Mon County CouncilHoffai <strong>WCVA</strong> ddiolch i’rmudiadau canlynol am eucefnogaeth:Y Gronfa Loteri FawrSefydliad Cymorth yr ElusennauClass TelecommunicationsCyngor Cefn Gwlad CymruYr Adran Gwaith a PhensiynauCronfeydd Strwythurol EwropeaiddChwaraeon CymruStreet GamesLlywodraeth CymruSefydliad WaterlooCyngor Sir Ynys Môn44

Summarised financial statements | Crynodeb o’r datganiadau ariannol <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Group Statement of financial activities for the year ended 31 March 2012Datganiad grŵp o weithgareddau ariannolar gyfer y flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben ar 31 Mawrth 2012UnrestrictedfundsCronfeyddanghyfyngedig2012RestrictedfundsCronfeyddcyfyngedig2012Total fundsCyfanswmcronfeydd2012Total fundsCyfanswmcronfeydd2011Incoming resources Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd £ £ £ £Incoming resources from generated funds:Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd o gronfeydd a gynhyrchwyd:Activities for generating fundsGweithgareddau i gynhyrchu cronfeydd769,473 176,554 946,027 910,876Investment income Incwm buddsoddiad 128,740 142,901 271,641 246,740Incoming resources from charitable activities:Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd o weithgareddau elusennol:Grants receivable Grantiau derbyniadwy 9,738,525 27,778,035 40,556,790 37,538,391Expenditure recovered Gwariant wedi’i adennill 1,632,681 - 1,632,681 1,544,526Other incoming resources Adnoddau eraill a dderbyniwyd 3,040,230 - 3,040,230Total incoming resourcesCyfanswm yr adnoddau a dderbyniwyd15,309,649 28,097,490 43,407,139 40,240,533Resources expended Adnoddau a wariwydCosts of generating funds:Costau cynhyrchu cronfeydd:Costs incurred in generating fundsCostau a gafwyd wrth gynhyrchu cronfeydd666,272 - 666,272 664,924Investment manager’s costsCostau’r rheolwr buddsoddi5,309 - 5,309 5,295Charitable activities Gweithgareddau elusennol 16,312,644 30,842,514 47,155,158 31,880,505Governance costs Costau llywodraethu 18,793 - 18,793 19,793Pension finance costs Costau cyllid pensiwn (70,000) - (70,000) (10,000)Total resources expendedCyfanswm yr adnoddau a wariwyd16,933,018 30,842,514 47,775,532 32,560,517Net incoming resources before otherrecognised gains Adnoddau net adderbyniwyd cyn enillion eraill a gydnabyddir (1,623,369) (2,745,024) (4,368,393) 7,680,016Transfers between fundsTrosglwyddo rhwng cronfeydd3,456,514 3,456,514 - -Exceptional gain/(loss) re Strategic Recycling SchemeEnillion/(colled) eithriadol gyda’r Cynllun Ailgylchu- - - 133,700StrategolActuarial gain/(loss) on defined benefit pensionscheme Enillion/(colled) actiwaraidd ar gynllun (1,280,000) - (1,280,000) 40,000pensiwn â buddion wedi’u diffinioExceptional gain re change in valuation method ofPension Liability Enillion eithriadol gyda’r newid yn y- - - 1,230,000ffordd o brisio Atebolrwydd PensiwnGain/(loss) on revaluation of investments Enillion/(colled) ar ailbrisio buddsoddiadau(1,093) - (1,093) 2,672Net movement in fundsSymudiad net mewn cronfeydd 552,052 (6,201,538) (5,649,486) 9,086,388Fund balances brought forward at 1 April 2011Balansau’r gronfa a ddygwyd ymlaen ar 1 Ebrill 20111,207,975 20,291,139 21,499,114 12,412,726Fund balances carried forwardat 31 March 2012Balansau’r gronfa a ddygwyd ymlaenar 31 Mawrth 20121,760,027 14,089,601 15,849,628 21,499,11445

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Summarised financial statements | Crynodeb o’r datganiadau ariannolIncoming resources(unrestricted funds)Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd(cronfeydd anghyfyngedig)ctivities for generating funds Activities for generating fundsddau i gynhyrchu cronfeydd Gweithgareddau i gynhyrchu cronfeydd£769,473 5.0%£769,473 5.0%Expenditure recoveredGwariant wedi’i adennill£1,632,681 20.6%Other incoming£15,309,649resourcesAdnoddau 100.0% erailla dderbyniwyd£3,040,230 19.8%Investment incomeIncwm buddsoddi£128,740 0.8%Grants receivableGrantiau a gafwyd£9,738,525 63.6%95.9%0.1%3.9%0.0%Expenditure recoveredGwariant wedi’i adennill£1,632,681 20.6%Other incomingresourcesAdnoddau erailla dderbyniwyd£3,040,230 19.8%Investment incomeIncwm buddsoddi£128,740 0.8%Grants receivableGrantiau a gafwyd£9,738,525 63.6%Incoming resources(restricted funds)Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd(cronfeydd cyfyngedig)£28,097,490100.0%Activities for generating fundsGweithgareddau igynhyrchu cronfeydd£176,554 0.6%Investment incomeIncwm buddsoddi£142,901 £28,097,490 0.5%100.0%Grants receivableGrantiau a gafwyd£27,778,035 98.9%Activities fogyI£27Resources expended(unrestricted funds)Adnoddau a wariwyd(cronfeydd anghyfyngedig)Resources expended(restricted funds)Adnoddau a wariwyd(cronfeydd cyfyngedig)Charitable Activitiesweithgareddau elusennol£16,312,644 95.9%vernance & Pension CostsCostau llywodraethua phensiwn£18,793 0.1%Costs incurred ingenerating fundsCostau a gafwyd £17,003,018 wrthgynhyrchu cronfeydd 100.0%£666,272 3.9%InvestmentManager’s costsCostau’r rheolwrbuddsoddi£5,309 0.0%Charitable ActivitiesGweithgareddau elusennol£16,312,644 95.9%Governance & Pension CostsCostau llywodraethua phensiwn£18,793 0.1%Costs incurred ingenerating fundsCostau a gafwyd wrthgynhyrchu cronfeydd£666,272 3.9%InvestmentManager’s costsCostau’r rheolwrbuddsoddi£5,309 0.0%£30,842,514100.0%Charitable ActivitiesGweithgareddau elusennol£30,842,514 100%£30,842,514100.0%Gweit£46

Summarised financial statements | Crynodeb o’r datganiadau ariannol <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Group balance sheet as at 31 March 2012Mantolen y grŵp ar 31 Mawrth 2012Fixed assets | Asedau sefydlog2012 2011£ £ £ £Tangible assets | Asedau diriaethol 2,420,215 2,522,427Current assets | Asedau cyfredolInvestments | Buddsoddiadau 65,311 66,404Debtors and prepaymentsDyledwyr a rhagdaliadau102,663 102,356Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one yearDyledwyr : symiau sy’n ddyledus ar ôl dros flwyddyn 1,973,167 1,831,299Cash at bank and in handArian yn y banc ac mewn llaw14,787,814 19,412,474Creditors: amounts falling due within one yearCredydwyr: symiau sy’n ddyledus cyn pen blwyddyn16,928,955 21,412,533(649,542) (575,856)Net current assets | Asedau cyfredol net 16,279,413 20,836,687Total assets less current liabilitiesCyfanswm asedau llai atebolrwydd cyfredolDefined benefit pension scheme liabilityAtebolrwydd cynllun pensiwn â buddion wedi’udiffinio18,699,628 23,359,114(2,850,000) (1,860,000)Net Assets | Asedau Net 15,849,628 21,499,114Funds | CronfeyddUnrestricted: | Anghyfyngedig:General funds | Cronfeydd cyffredinol 3,110,027 1,817,975Sustainable funds | Cronfeydd cynaliadwy 1,500,000 1,250,000Designated funds | Cronfeydd dynodedig - -Unrestricted Funds (excluding pension liability)Cronfeydd Anghyfyngedig (heb gynnwys atebolrwyddpensiwn)4,610,027 3,067,975Pension reserves | Cronfeydd pensiwn wrth gefn (2,850,000) (1,860,000)Total unrestricted fundsCyfanswm cronfeydd anghyfyngedig1,760,027 1,207,975Restricted | CyfyngedigFunds in surplus - relating to propertyCronfeydd â gwarged - sy’n ymwneud ag eiddo 1,080,144 1,134,151Funds in surplus - relating to long term loans awardedCronfeydd â gwarged - sy’n ymwneud â benthyciadautymor hir a ddyfarnwyd1,973,167 1,831,299Funds in surplus - otherCronfeydd â gwarged - eraill 11,664,944 17,337,615Funds in deficit | Cronfeydd â diffyg (628,654) (11,926)Total restricted fundsCyfanswm cronfeydd cyfyngedig14,089,601 20,291,139TOTAL FUNDS | CYFANSWM CRONFEYDD 15,849,628 21,499,11447

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12Summarised financial statements | Crynodeb o’r datganiadau ariannolStatement of the independent auditor to the members ofWales Council for Voluntary ActionWe have examined the summarised financialstatements of Wales Council for Voluntary ActionLimited for the year ended 31 March 2012 whichcomprise a summary statement of financial activitiesand balance sheet set out on pages 44 to 47.This statement is made solely to the company’smembers, as a body, in accordance with Section428 of the Companies Act 2006 and the regulationsmade thereunder. Our audit work has beenundertaken so that we might state to the company’smembers those matters we are required to stateto them in an auditors’ statement on SummaryFinancial Statements and for no other purpose.To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do notaccept or assume responsibility to anyone otherthan the company and the company’s members asa body, for our audit work, for this statement, or forthe opinions we have formed.Respective responsibilities of trustees andauditorsThe trustees (who are also the directors ofthe Wales Council for Voluntary Action for thepurposes of Company Law) are responsible for thepreparation of the summarised annual <strong>report</strong> inaccordance with applicable law. Our responsibilityis to <strong>report</strong> to you our opinion on the consistencyof the summary financial statements within thesummarised annual <strong>report</strong> with the full annualaccounts, the trustees’ <strong>report</strong> and its compliancewith the relevant requirements of Section 428 ofthe Companies Act 2006 and the regulations madethereunder. We also read the other informationcontained in the summarised annual <strong>report</strong> andconsider the implications for our <strong>report</strong> if webecome aware of any apparent misstatements ormaterial inconsistencies with the summary financialstatements. Our responsibilities do not extend toany other information.Basis of opinionWe conducted our work in accordance with theBulletin 2008/3 “The Auditors’ Statement onthe Summary Financial Statement” issued by theAuditing Practices Board for use in the UnitedKingdom. Our <strong>report</strong> on the company’s full annualfinancial statements describes the basis of our auditopinion on those financial statements and theTrustee’s Report.OpinionIn our opinion, the summarised financial statementsare consistent with the full annual accounts and thetrustees’ <strong>report</strong> for the year ended 31 March 2012and complies with the applicable requirementsof Section 428 of the Companies Act 2006, andregulations made thereunder.Grant Thornton UK LLPChartered AccountantsRegistered Auditor11-13 Penhill RoadCardiff18 October 201248

Summarised financial statements | Crynodeb o’r datganiadau ariannol <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Datganiad yr archwilydd annibynnol i aelodauCyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol CymruRydym wedi archwilio datganiadau ariannol CyngorGweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru Cyfyngedig ar gyfery flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben ar 31 Mawrth 2012sy’n cynnwys datganiad crynhoi o weithgareddauariannol a mantolen grŵp fel y nodir ar dudalennau44 i 47.Caiff y datganiad hwn ei wneud ar gyfer aelodau’rcwmni yn unig, fel corff, yn unol ag Adran 428Deddf Cwmnïau 2006 a’r rheoliadau a wneir ynunol â hi. Mae ein gwaith archwilio wedi cael eiwneud er mwyn inni allu datgan wrth aelodau’rcwmni y materion hynny y mae’n ofynnol inni eudatgan wrthynt mewn datganiad archwilydd arDdatganiadau Ariannol Cryno ac nid at ddim dibenarall. I’r holl raddau a ganiateir yn ôl y gyfraith, nidydym yn derbyn nac yn ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb aceithrio i’r cwmni ac aelodau’r cwmni fel corff, amein gwaith archwilio, ar gyfer y datganiad hwn, nacam y farn a luniwyd gennym.Cyfrifoldebau’r ymddiriedolwyra’r archwilwyr Yr ymddiriedolwyr (sefcyfarwyddwyr Cyngor Gweithredu GwirfoddolCymru at ddibenion Cyfraith Cwmnïau) sy’n gyfrifolam baratoi’r adroddiad blynyddol cryno yn unolâ’r gyfraith sy’n berthnasol. Ein cyfrifoldeb yw rhoii chi ein barn ar gysondeb y datganiadau ariannolcryno yn yr adroddiad blynyddol cryno â’r cyfrifonblynyddol llawn, adroddiad yr ymddiriedolwyra’i gydymffurfiaeth â gofynion perthnasol Adran428 Deddf Cwmnïau 2006 a’r rheoliadau a wneir ynunol â hi.Rydym hefyd yn darllen yr wybodaeth arall ynyr adroddiad blynyddol cryno ac yn ystyried ygoblygiadau i’n hadroddiad os down yn ymwybodolo unrhyw gamddatganiadau ymddangosiadol neuanghysonderau perthnasol â’r datganiadau ariannolcryno. Nid yw ein cyfrifoldebau yn ymestyn iunrhyw wybodaeth arall.Sail y farnYr ydym wedi cyflawni ein gwaith yn unol âBwletin 2008/3 - “The Auditors’ Statement on theSummary Financial Statement” a gyhoeddir gany Bwrdd Arferion Archwilio ar gyfer ei ddefnyddioyn y Deyrnas Unedig. Mae ein hadroddiad arddatganiadau ariannol llawn y cwmni yn disgrifiosail ein barn archwilio ar y datganiadau ariannolhynny ac <strong>Adroddiad</strong> yr Ymddiriedolwyr.Barn Yn ein barn ni mae’r datganiadau ariannolcryno yn cyd-fynd â’r cyfrifon blynyddol llawn acadroddiad yr ymddiriedolwyr ar gyfer y flwyddyna ddaeth i ben ar 31 Mawrth 2012 ac maent yncydymffurfio â gofynion perthnasol Adran 428Deddf Cwmnïau 2006, a’r rheoliadau a wneir ynunol â hi.Grant Thornton UK LLPCyfrifwyr Siartredig Archwilydd Cofrestredig11-13 Penhill Road Caerdydd18 Hydref 201249

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong><strong>WCVA</strong> members (as at 1 September 2012)Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> (ar 1 Medi 2012)General /Cyffredinol3Gs Development TrustA K PalmerAberystwyth University Guild ofStudentsAccounting for BusinessAlain Thomas Consultancy LtdArena PontardaweArts FactoryBangor University Students’ UnionBarry College Students’ UnionBenenden Healthcare Society - NWales & CheshireBlack Voluntary Sector NetworkWalesBreaking Barriers Community ArtsBridgend College Students’ UnionBridgend Lifesafers Credit Union LtdBritish Association of Social WorkersWalesCaerphilly and District Credit UnionCancer Research WalesCanolfan Gerdd William MathiasCardiff Concern Counselling ServiceCardiff StorehouseCardiff University Students’ UnionCardiff Vales & Valleys Institute ofBlind PeopleCareers Wales Gwent - Head OfficeCarmarthenshire SportsDevelopment UnitCartrefi ConwyCartrefi Cymru - BangorCefnCefn Community CouncilCefnpennar and District WelfareAssociationCerebraCERED Menter Iaith CeredigionCeredigion Care SocietyChildren’s Hospital for Wales AppealClwyd Special Riding CentreColeg Ceredigion Students’ UnionColeg Glan Hafren Students’ UnionColeg Gwent Students’ UnionColeg Meirion Dwyfor Students’UnionColeg Menai Students’ UnionColeg Morgannwg Students’ UnionColeg Powys Students’ UnionColeg Sir Gâr Students’ UnionCommunities First - AbercwmboiCommunities First - BridgendCommunities First - Briton FerryWestCommunities First - Caia ParkCommunities First - Clydach ValeCommunities First - EvanstownCommunities First - Merthyr TydfilCommunities First - PenparcauCommunities First - TrealawCommunities First - Tri yn UnCommunities First - Upland Villagesof TregaronCommunities First - Upper AmmanValleyCompass Community Care LimitedCo-Options LtdCreation Development TrustCredcer Credit Union LtdCrest Co-operative LtdCwmbran Centre for Young PeopleCwmni Clydach Development TrustCynnal y CardiDeeside College Students’AssociationDenbighshire Voluntary ServicesCouncilDevelopment Trusts AssociationWalesDIY FuturesDonald WaltersDyfed Archaeological TrustDynamix LtdDyslexia Action CymruEbbw Vale Food Bank (FestivalChurch Trust Ltd)EBS Associates LtdElizabeth Finn CareEurwen H EdwardsFamily Housing Association (Wales)LtdFforwm LtdFlintshire Mental Health AdvocacyServiceFriends of Comin InfantsFriends of Israel EducationalFoundationGA Unitarian & Free ChristianChurchesGaleri CaernarfonGFS Platform for Young WomenGlasdirGlyndwr Students’ GuildGlyndwr University Careers CentreGorseinon Tertiary CollegeStudents’ UnionGower College SwanseaHafod Housing AssociationHaverfordwest Town CouncilHYBU LimitedIan Cuddy ThomasIndependent AgeKaleidoscope ProjectLDAN NetworkLlanarmon yn Ial CommunityCouncilLlandrillo College Students’ UnionLlanion Communities FirstLlantwit Major Town CouncilMargaret Thorne CBE DLMenter a BusnesMenter Cwm GwendraethMenter Iaith Bwrdeistref SirolCaerffiliMenter Iaith Sir BenfroMenter Iaith Sir DdinbychMenter MaldwynMenter Ysgolion CymraegMichael WilliamsMid Wales Energy AgencyMoney Saviour CICMorawelon RegenerationPartnershipNeath Port Talbot College Students’UnionNewport Credit Union LtdNorth Wales Credit Union LtdOpportunity Housing TrustPain ConcernPembrokeshire College Students’UnionPeople’s Health TrustPlay Right / Chwarae IawnPontypool Community CouncilPrestatyn Town CouncilRace Equality Training (Wales) LtdRhosllannerchrugog CommunityCouncilRhyl Town CouncilRiverside Community MarketAssociationRobert Owen Credit Union LtdRounded Developments LtdRoy Allan NorrisRoyal College of NursingRoyal Welsh College of Music andDrama SUSarah Herbert JonesScout Enterprises LtdSingle Parent Action Network -SPANSmd CounsellingSnowdonia National Park AuthoritySt David’s Sixth Form CollegeStudents’ CouncilSundance RenewablesSustrans CymruSwansea College Students’ CouncilSwansea Metropolitan UniversityStudents’ UnionSwansea Neath Port TalbotCrossroadsSwansea University Students’ UnionTaran Disability Forum Ltd.Temp2Perm Housing CICThe Big Issue CymruThe Clwyd-Powys ArchaeologicalTrustThe Dandelion TrustThe Healing and Peace Group LtdThomas Henry JonesTir CoedTonyrefail & District CommunityCouncilTredegar CICTSWTydfil Training Consortium LtdUNISON Ymlaen-ForwardUnite The Union‘Winning gave us a real and timely morale boost’ – Barbara Natesegara,Safer Wales, on her group’s Most Admired Organisation win at the Third SectorAwards Cymru 2011 | ‘Rhoddodd ennill y wobr hwb gwirioneddol ac amseroli’n hyder ni’ – Barbara Natesegara, Cymru Ddiogelach, pan enillodd ei grŵp ywobr Mudiad a Edmygir Fwyaf yng Ngwobrau Trydydd Sector Cymru 2011United Reformed Church (Wales)TrustUnited Welsh Housing AssociationUniversity of Glamorgan Students’UnionUniversity of Wales, NewportStudents’ UnionUpper Afan Valley CommunityRegeneration ForuVillage and ValleysWales TUC CymruWest Wales Biodiversity InformationCentreWomen Connect FirstYoung Music Makers of DyfedYstrad Mynach College Students’UnionLocal / Lleol“CHOOSE LIFE” The PrisonersInitiativeA Voice for You LtdAbbey Road CentreABCD CymruAberconwy Domestic Abuse ServiceAberconwy MindAberdare Children’s Contact CentreAberfan and Merthyr Vale YouthProjectAbergavenny Mind AssociationAbergorki Community HallAdvocacy WorksAfrican Community CentreAfrican Mothers FoundationInternationalAfrican Youth AssociationAge Concern PowysAge Concern Neath Port TalbotAge Concern PembrokeshireAge Concern Sir GarAge Cymru CeredigionAge Cymru Gwynedd a MônAlway Community AssociationAlzheimer’s Society - CardiffAlzheimer’s Society - SwanseaAmmanford Junior GatewayAntur Nantlle CyfAntur WaunfawrAnxiety Support GroupAtal Y FroAtegi LtdATLAwel Aman TaweBangor Womens AidBarbara Bus GwyneddBarnardo’s Carmarthenshire YoungCarers and FamilyBarnardos Neville Street ProjectBarry YMCABCA Independent AdvocacyServicesBeacon Centre Trust CardiffBeacon of HopeBethel Baptist ChurchBlack Mountain CentreBlaenymaes, Portmead, PenplasDevelopment TrustBlaina Heritage Action GroupBoston Centre-StageBrackla Organisation ForCommunity Activities50

<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Brecknock Wildlife TrustBrecon Advice CentreBrecon and District ContactAssociationBrecon and District Disabled ClubBrecon and Radnor SamaritansBrecon Volunteer BureauBRfm Community Radio for BlaenauGwentBridgend Carers CentreBridgend County Care and RepairBridgend FoodbankBridges Community CentreBritannia Community AssociationBronafon Community Housing LtdBryncynon Community RevivalStrategyBrynmawr SceneBuilth Wells Community SupportButetown History and Arts CentreBuzz-AHC.A.L.F.C.H.A.D.CAADP / PEDECCadwyn Housing AssociationCae Post LtdCaerphilly Borough MindCaerphilly County Borough CitizensAdvice BureauCaerphilly Learning FestivalPlanning GroupCaia Park Partnership LtdCalan DVSCanolfan Cynghori Bro Ddyfi AdviceCentreCanolfan Dreftadaeth Kate RobertsCanolfan Felin FachCardiff & Vale Mental HealthDevelopment ProjectCardiff Christian Healing MinistryCardiff Citizens Advice BureauCardiff Community HousingAssociationCardiff Conservation VolunteersCardiff Gypsy and Traveller ProjectCardiff Law CentreCardiff MindCardiff People FirstCardiff Transition ProjectCardigan PlayschemeCardigan Women’s AidCardigan Youth Project/Area 43Care & Repair CaerphillyCare and Reapir Neath Port TalbotCarmarthen Breakthro’Carmarthen Family Centre - Ty NiCarmarthen MindCarmarthen Youth ProjectCarmarthenshire Youth &Childrens’ AssociationCatch Up LtdCathays & Central Youth &Community ProjectCelf o Gwmpas/Arts Round AboutCeredigion Mobile ShopmobilityCF Office HolywellChapter Arts CentreChepstow and District MencapChequers Youth FacilityChristian AidCIL De GwyneddClase Caemawr CommunityPartnershipClydach Vale Community CentreCMIG - Supporting Mental HealthCoed Cadw/Woodland TrustColwyn Bay Community SportsCommunities First - AdamsdownCommunities First - BarmouthCommunities First - BonymaenCommunities First - Bro DdyfiCommunities First - CastlelandCommunities First - Cefn FforestPartnershipCommunities First - FelinfoelCommunities First - Kinmel BayCommunities First - MonktonCommunities First - OldfordCommunities First - Rural NorthFlintshireCommunities First - Tonyrefail WestCommunities First - YstradgynlaisCommunity Arts Rhayader andDistrict (CARAD)Community KickboxingCompton’s Yard Charitable TrustConnect ResourceConwy Care and RepairConwy Citizens Advice BureauConwy Community TransportConwy Festival of YouthCornerstone Church (Cwmbach)Cornerstone Church Swansea TrustCraftCrafts For EveryoneCrossroads Care North WalesCrossroads Care Sir GarCrossroads Caring for Carers -PorthcawlCrossroads in the Vale (EMI) LtdCruse Bereavement Care CardiffCruse Bereavement Care NorthWalesCSV - RSVPCwm Harry Land TrustCwmni Penllan Development TrustsLtdCwmparc, Treorchy & YnyswenRegeneration GroupCwmpark Community AssociationCyfeillion CroesorCylch Meithrin a Ti a Fi YDrenewyddCymdeithas Aberaeron SocietyCymdeithas AlzheimerCymryd RhanCymunedau yn Gyntaf - Bowydda RhiwCymunedau yn Gyntaf - PwllheliCymunedau yn Gyntaf - Pen LlynCyngor ar Bopeth CeredigionCitizens Advice BureauCyswllt ContactDewis LtdDinas Powys Voluntary ConcernDiocese of Bangor, Church in WalesDiocese of Llandaff Bd for SocialResponsibilityDiocese of St AsaphDisability PowysDiscovery SVSDolen - MônDomestic Abuse Safety UnitDowlais Community DevelopmentForumDuffryn Community LinkDulais Valley PartnershipDyfodol Powys FuturesDynamicEcodyfiEisteddfod Castell Newydd Emlyna’r CylchEly & Caerau Parents CouncilEstyn LlawEvery Link CountsFamily Awareness Drug SupportFamily ContactFernhill and Glenboi CommunitiesFirstFernhill Youth ProjectFishguard & Goodwick YoungPersons Trust Ltd - PointFlintshire Disability ForumFlintshire MindFlintshire Neighbourhood WatchAssociationForest School Swansea, Neath andPort TalbotFoundation 14aFriends of DyffrynGaer Community NetworkGarnsychan PartnershipGateway Credit Union LtdGellideg Foundation GroupGibbonsdown Children’s CentreGibbonsdown Communities FirstPartnership BoardGilfach Goch CommunityAssociationGISDAGlyndwr Women’s AidGlyntaff Tenants and ResidentsAssociationGorseinon Development TrustGoytre After School ClubGraigfelen Residents in ActionGrassroots (Cardiff) LimitedGreek Cypriot Assocation of WalesGreenhouse LtdGroundwork Bridgend & NeathPort TalbotGroundwork CaerphillyGroundwork Wrexham & FlintshireGrowing SpaceGTFMGwelfor Community CentreGwent DefibbersGwynedd Hospice at HomeHanes LlandochHaverfordwest Citizens AdviceBureauHay and District CommunitySupportHay and District Dial-a-RideHightown Communities FirstHome Start Carmarthen & LlanelliHome-Start BGSREHome-Start Caerphilly BoroughHome-Start Caerphilly Borough EastHome-Start CeredigionHome-Start WrexhamHome-Start DenbighshireHome-Start DinefwrHome-Start FlintshireHome-Start NewportHome-Start St MellonsHOPE MS Therapy CentreHorn Development AssociationHospice of the ValleysHuggardIeuenctyd Tysul YouthIhsaan Social Support AssociationWalesIn4FunInnovate TrustIorwerth Rowlands CentreIslwyn Community Credit UnionJosef Herman Art FoundationKenfig Hill Pyle and Cornelly YouthCentreKeyring Living Support NetworksKids R UsKIM - InspireKings Christian FellowshipKnighton and District CommunitySupportL’Arche BreconLeonard Cheshire - Danybryn HomeLeonard Cheshire - LlanhennockHomeLeonard Cheshire DisabilityLightship 2000Linden Church TrustLlamau LtdLlandrindod Wells Volunteer BureauLlandudno Community Radio LtdLlanelli Women’s Aid Ltd.Llanfair Uniting ChurchLlanharan Recreation Ground TrustLlanidloes Community TransportSchemeLlanidloes Resource CentreLlanishen Good NeighboursLlanwrtyd Community TransportLocal Aid for Children andCommunity Special NeedsMachynlleth Community Children’sProjectMaesglas Community NetworkMaesglas Family LearningAssociationMake a ChangeMediation CymruMeithrinfa Meirion CyfMelin Homes LimitedMemocoMenai Bridge Community HeritageTrust LtdMencap Cymru - CarmarthenshireProjects‘<strong>WCVA</strong>’s Funding Conference was excellent allround – really useful and enjoyable’ Julie Beck,Safer Merthyr Tydfil | ‘Roedd Cynhadledd Gyllido<strong>WCVA</strong> yn ardderchog – defnyddiol a difyr iawn’Julie Beck, Merthyr Tudful DdiogelachMental Health Advocacy ProvidersMental Health Advocacy SchemeMenter Bro DinefwrMenter CaerdyddMenter FachwenMenter Gorllewin Sir Gar CyfMenter Iaith AbertaweMenter Iaith Rhondda Cynon TafMenter Iaith Sir y FflintMenter Llambed CyfMenter Y Felin UchafMerched y Wawr FelinfachMerlin SaversMerthyr Tydfil Borough CreditUnion LtdMerthyr Tydfil Citizens AdviceBureauMerthyr Tydfil Housing AssociationMerthyr Valleys HomesMid Powys MindMind AberystwythMind in the Vale of GlamorganMEWN SwanseaModel Community MattersMoelyci Environment CentreMonmouth Youth ProjectMontgomery Community CareProjectMontgomeryshire CommunityRegeneration AssociationMontgomeryshire Family CrisisCentreMontgomeryshire Wildlife TrustMosque and Islamic CommunityCentreMS Society - Cardiff and ValeBranch51

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong>Multiple Sclerosis Support Centre -N WalesNCH CymruNeath Mind Castell NeddNeighbours & Residents ActionGroup of TrowbridgeNeuadd DyfiNeuadd Goffa Llansilin MemorialHallNew Direction for CongoNew FoundationsheNew Hope - Llantwit MajorNew Horizons Mental Health andWellbeingNewport Access GroupNewport Chinese CommunityCentreNewport Citizens Advice BureauNewport MediationNewport MindNewport People FirstNewtown and District Dial a RideNorth Denbighshire Dial a RideNorth Denbighshire DomesticServiceNorth East Wales Wildlife Trust LtdNorth Gwent Cardiac AftercareNorth Gwent Joint MissionaryNorth Montgomeryshire VolunteerCentreNorth Wales Credit Union LtdNorth Wales Music Tuition CentresNorth Wales Police and CommunityTrust (PACT)North Wales Women’s CentreOgmore Valley History & HeritageSocietyPACTOPant 7 Dowlais Boys and Girls ClubPartneriaeth Cymunedol PorthyfelinCyfPartneriaeth MaesgeirchenPartnershipPathways HomePCRGPembroke 21C CommunityAssociationPembrokeshire Care and Repair200 LtdPembrokeshire Care SocietyPembrokeshire Counselling ServicePembrokeshire MindPen yr EnfysPenarth Youth ProjectPenclawdd Community Centre ITSuitePenlan Communities FirstPenley Rainbow CentrePenrhys PartnershipPenygraig Boys and Girls ClubPenylan HousePeople First Neath Port TalbotPhoenix Community FurnitureScheme LtdPhoenix CymruPlaned - Pembrokeshire LocalAction NetworkPlas Cybi PartnerhipPlatform 51 Cymru - CwmafanPlay MontgomeryshirePontarddulais PartnershipPonthafren AssociationPontrobert Recreation AssociationPontygwaith Community CentrePontygwaith RegenerationPartnershipPort Talbot MagnetPort Talbot MindPowys Carers ServicePowys Citizens Advice BureauPowys DancePowys People First‘Coming to Taste Academy has changed my life, opened my eyes to thecatering and hospitality world and given me the support to start building areal career’ - Joseph Heffey, whose position at social enterprise Taste Academywas initially funded by <strong>WCVA</strong>’s ILM scheme | ‘Mae dod i Taste Academy weditrawsnewid fy mywyd, agor fy llygaid i fyd arlwyo a lletygarwch a rhoi’rcymorth i mi ddechrau ffurfio gyrfa go iawn’ - Joseph Heffey. Ariannwyd eirôl yn y fenter gymdeithasol, Taste Academy, yn rhannol gan gynllun MarchnadLafur Drosiannol <strong>WCVA</strong>Preseli Rural Transport AssociationPrestatyn and Rhyl Lions ClubPresteigne and Norton CommunitySupportProspectsRadnorshire Healthy FriendshipsRadnorshire Women’s AidRASCALRaven House TrustRAY CeredigionRCT Epilepsy GroupRCT Young People FirstRDCSRecovery CymruRefurbs FlintshireResolven Building BlocksRhayader Cricket ClubRhondda Community DevelopmentAssociationRhondda Cynon Taff CommunityArtsRhondda Cynon Taff People FirstRhondda Taff Citizens AdviceBureauRhyl Adventure PlaygroundAssociationRhyl City StrategyRhymney Valley Young at HeartsRingland Community AssociationRNIB Cymru (North Wales Office)Rowan Tree Cancer CareRSPB (UK)RSPCA - Cardiff & DistrictRuperra Conservation TrustSafer Merthyr TydfilSafleSalvation Army - MorristonSanctuary Counselling and TrainingSchool for Children with CerebalPalsyScope WalesSenghenydd Youth Drop In CentreSERENSeren Ffestiniog CyfSHARE CentreShared Earth TrustShopmobility Merthyr TydfilBoroughSiawns TegSir Gar Carmarthenshire Federationof WI’sSirhowy Tenants and ResidentsAssociationSketty Kids Club/Sketty SummerClubSmall World TheatreSomali Advice and InformationCentreSouth Montgomeryshire VolunteerBureau LtdSouth Riverside CommunityDevelopment CentreSouth Splott Residents AssociationSouth West Rhyl Communities FirstSpan Arts LtdSpark Blaenymaes LtdSt Annes HospiceSt Davids Diocesan Team PlantDewiSt Johns Community HallManagement CommitteeSt Kentigern HospiceSt. David’s Children SocietySt. Philip Evans ParishStars Gogledd Cymru/North WalesStrata Florida 50+Student Volunteering BangorStudent Volunteering CardiffSure Start Vale of GlamorganSustainable Gwynedd GynaladwyCyfSwansea Care and RepairSwansea Carers’ CentreSwansea Centre For Deaf PeopleSwansea Chinese Community CoopCentreSwansea Community Boat TrustSwansea Community FarmSwansea Drugs ProjectSwansea MindSwansea Neath Port Talbot CABSwansea Women’s Resource andTraining CentreSwansea Young Single HomelessProjectSwyddfa’r UrddSylfaen Cymunedol CyfTaff Bargoed Development TrustTaff Bargoed Partnership BoardTaff Ely Crime Prevention PanelTaff Ely Drug Support (TEDS)Talybont-on-Usk EnergyTan y Maen LtdTen Green Bottle Powys CICThe Antioch CentreThe Business Centre SwanseaThe Butterfly ProjectThe Caerphilly Woodlands Trust LtdThe Disability CAN DOOrganisationThe Gate Arts and CommunityCentreThe Prince’s Trust CymruThe Ragamuffin ProjectThe Rest Convalescent HotelThe Vanguard CentreThe Welfare YstradgynlaisThe Willows CentreThe Wye and Usk FoundationTintern Angiddy ProjectTools for Self Reliance CymruTorfaen Citizens Advice BureauTorfaen Community TransportTorfaen MindTorfaen Resource and ActivityCentreTorfaen Women’s AidTouch TrustTPAS CymruTrack 2000Traditional Arts Support in theCommunityTravol Community TransportTrawsnewid Calon TeifiTredegar Development Trust LtdTrefechan Community CentreTreganna Family CentreTri-County Play AssociationTrigonosTy CwmTy Enfys Family CentreTy Hapus Family CentreTyddyn MonTylorstown Welfare Hall andInstituteUCAN ProductionsUnllais Conwy and DenbighshireVale of Clwyd MindVale of Glamorgan Citizens AdviceBureauVale of Glamorgan Youth ForumVale Volunteer BureauValleys Furniture Recycling -toogoodtowasteValleys to CoastViva!Voice (Wrexham)Merthyr Voluntary Action CentreVoluntary Community ServiceCymru LtdVolunteering Partnership ProjectWainfelin Area Regeneration ProjectWalsinghamWastesavers Charitable TrustWelsh CrescentWelsh Initiative for SupportedEmploymentWest Glamorgan Council onAlcohol & Drug Abuse LtdWest Rhyl Young Peoples’ ProjectWest Wales Action for MentalHealthWise UpWomen’s Aid - AberystwythWomen’s Aid - Amman ValleyWomen’s Aid - CardiffWomen’s Aid - CarmarthenWomen’s Aid - Cwm CynonWomen’s Aid - DelynWomen’s Aid - MonmouthshireWomen’s Aid - PontypriddWomen’s Aid - South GwyneddWomen’s Aid - SwanseaWomen’s Aid - WrexhamWomen’s Workshop C T C LtdWrexham Citizens Advice BureauWrexham Early Years ForumWrexham Hospice and CancerSupport Centre FoundationWrexham Youth Justice ServiceY BONT - BDRCBY GanolfanYMCA - BargoedYmlaen CeredigionYnys Môn Citizens Advice BureauYnysybwl Regeneration PartnershipYour Voice Advocacy ProjectYr Institiwt CorrisYstalyfera Development TrustYstradgynlais Volunteer CentreZimbabwe Newport Association52

<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12National Regional/ CenedlaetholRhanbarthol3 Space4 Winds User Led AssociationACE Women’s GroupACEVOAction On Hearing Loss CymruActionFirstPlusAdoption UKAdref LtdAdvanced Resource ManagementAdviceUKAdvocacy Matters (Wales)Advocacy Support CymruAelwyd Housing AssociationAfasic CymruAfter Adoption - South WalesAge Concern Cardiff and the Vale ofGlamorganAge Concern MorgannwgAge Concern North Wales CentralAge Concern SwanseaAge CymruAge Cymru GwentAgoriad CyfAIDS Trust CymruAlcohol Concern CymruAll Wales ForumAll Wales People FirstAlzheimer’s SocietyAmelia Trust FarmAnheddau CyfAnimation Academy CICAntur TeifiARC Addington FundArc CymruArmy Welfare ServiceArtes Mundi Prize LtdArthritis Care in WalesArts Care Gofal CelfASH WalesAssociation of VoluntaryOrganisations in WrexhamAsthma UK CymruATTENDAutism CymruAutism Initiatives UKAWNWBarnardos CymruBAWSO Women’s AidBBC Children in Need in WalesB-eat CymruBenefit Advice ShopBi Cymru / WalesBipolar UK - WalesBobath Children’s Therapy CentreWalesBody Positive - Cheshire and NorthWalesBooktrustBrain Tumour UKBreast Cancer Care CymruBreastfriends Cardiff and ValeBrecknock & Radnor Crossroads LtdBridgend Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsBritish Heart FoundationBritish Lung FoundationBritish Red Cross - WalesBrynawel House AlcoholRehabilitation CentreBusiness in the Community in WalesCadarn Housing Group LtdCADMHASCaer LasCAIS - Cyngor Alcohol InformationServicesCampaign for the Protection ofRural WalesCardiff and the Vale ParentsFederationCardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC)Cardiff Transport PreservationGroupCare and Repair CymruCare for the FamilyCarers Trust - WalesCarmarthenshire Association ofVoluntary ServicesCartrefi CymruCatch 22CCN CymruCentre for Alternative TechnologyCeredigion Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsChamber for Business and SocialAction (Wales) LtdChanging Faces CymruCharities Aid FoundationCharity Retail AssociationCharter HousingChartered Institute of HousingCymruChildren and Young Peoples’UniversityChildren in Wales - Plant yngNghymruChooselife Drug & AlcoholIntervention ServiceChurch ArmyChurches’ Counselling Service inWalesChwarae TegCILT CymruCitizens Advice CymruCivic Trust for WalesClubs for Young People WalesClwyd Alyn Housing AssociationClybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ ClubCoal Industry Social WelfareOrganisationCoalfields Regeneration TrustCoed LleolColeg Harlech WEA North WalesComic ReliefCommunity Development CymruCommunity Justice InterventionsWalesCommunity Music WalesCommunity Projects CentreCommunity Transport AssociationWalesCongolese Community of WalesContact A Family WalesContact the ElderlyContin You CymruConwy Voluntary Services CouncilCotyledonCouncil for British Archaeology -WalesCouncil for Wales of VoluntaryYouth ServicesCrohn’s And Colitis UKCruse Bereavement Care CymruCultivationsCyfanfydCyfle CyfCylch - Wales Community RecyclingNetworkCymdeithas Cyfieithwyr CymruCymdeithas Tai CantrefCymdeithas Tai ClwydCymdeithas Tai EryriCymorth CymruCynnal Cymru - Sustain WalesCynon Taf Community HousingGroupCynon Valley Crime PreventionAssociationCyrenians CymruCytûn: Eglwysi Ynghyd yngNghymruDangerpoint LimitedDawns I BawbDawns TAN DanceDeaf Access WalesDeaf Association WalesDeafblind UKDee Valley Community PartnershipLtdDenbighshire Voluntary ServicesCouncilDiabetes UK CymruDigartref Ynys Mon LtdDisability Action Group WalesDisability Arts CymruDisability Law ServiceDisability WalesDisabled Workers Co-operativeDisablement Welfare RightsDisplaced People in ActionDiverse CymruDolen Cymru (Wales - Lesotho Link)‘This award just makes me think how worthwhile helping others can be. I really get so muchfun out of my volunteering’ – Alice Frobisheron winning a Wales Volunteer of the Year award| ‘Mae’r wobr hon yn gwneud i mi feddwl pamor werth chweil yw helpu eraill. Dwi wir yn caelgymaint o hwyl wrth wirfoddoli’ – Alice Frobisher arennill gwobr Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn CymruDolen FfermioDown’s Syndrome AssociationDrama Association of WalesDriveDrugaidEco Centre WalesEcodysgu-EcolearnEiriolEisteddfod Genedlaethol CymruElectoral Reform Society WalesELITE Supported EmploymentAgency LtdEpilepsy BereavedEpilepsy Wales/Epilepsi CymruEsmee Fairbairn FoundationEye to Eye Youth CounsellingServiceFamilies Need Fathers WalesFederation of City Farms andCommunity GardensFederation of Disability SportsWales (FDSW)Federation of Welsh AnglersFfotogalleryFields in Trust CymruFirebrake WalesFirst Choice Housing AssociationLtdFlintshire Local Voluntary CouncilFriends Of Pedal Power Project LtdFundraising Standards BoardFunky DragonG2G Communities CICGenetic Interest GroupGeorge Thomas Hospice CareGhana Union of WalesGingerbread WalesGirlguiding CymruGofal Cymru - Central OfficeGovernors WalesGreyhound Rescue WalesGroundwork Merthyr & RCTGroundwork WalesGuide Dogs for the BlindAssociationGwalia Housing GroupGwasanaeth Cynnal GofalwyrGweiniGwent Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsGwent Wildlife TrustGwerin y Coed - The WoodcraftFolk in WalesHafalHafal SeibiantHafan CymruHafod Care AssociationHarvest TrustHayaat Women TrustHeadway CardiffHeadway UK in WalesHealer Practitioner AssociationInternationalHealing The WoundsHelplines AssociationHome-StartHope for WalesHope RescueHyperActionIncludeIndian Society of South West WalesInroads (Cardiff & the Vale StreetDrugs Project)Institute of Fundraising CymruInstitute of Rural HealthInstitute of Welsh AffairsInterlinkJourneys - Toward Recovery fromDepressionKeep Wales TidyKids Cancer CharityLearning Disability WalesLearning Skills WalesLeonard Cheshire DisabilityLGBT Excellence CentreLlais y GoedwigLles Cymru Wellbeing WalesLloyds TSB FoundationMacmillan Cancer SupportMantell GwyneddMarie Curie Cancer CareMedia TrustMedrwn MônMencap CymruMENFAMeningitis TrustMental Health Foundation (Wales)Mental Health Matters WalesMentrau Iaith CymruMerched y WawrMerthyr and the Valleys MindMEWN CymruMind CymruMissing WalesMotor Neurone Disease Association- S WalesMountain Training TrustMudiad MeithrinMultiple Sclerosis Society CymruMusic in Hospitals WalesNAIDNAS CymruNational Botanic Garden of WalesNational Day Nurseries AssociationNational Energy Action Cymru53

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong>‘Pioneering ideas need fertile soil to take root and be nurtured. It’s thenurturing bit that Environment Wales is so good at.’ Richard Northridge,Cwm Harry Land Trust | ‘Mae angen tir ffrwythlon ar syniadau arloeso ermwyn iddynt fwrw gwraidd a chael eu meithrin. Mae Amgylchedd Cymrumor dda gyda’r meithrin hwnnw’ - Richard Northridge, Ymddiriedolaeth TirCwm HarryNational Federation of Women’sInstitutesNational Osteoporosis SocietyNCH CymruNCTNeath Port Talbot Council forVoluntary ServiceNew Pathways - RASASSNEWINewlink WalesNiace Dysgu CymruNo 3 Welsh Wing ATCNoFit State Community Circus LtdNorth Wales Advice and AdvocacyAssociationNorth Wales Deaf AssociationNorth Wales Housing AssociationNorth Wales Mountain RescueAssociationNorth Wales Training LtdNorth Wales Wildlife TrustNSPCC Cymru WalesOxfam CymruParadise FoundParkinson’s UK - CymruPAWBPembrokeshire Association ofVoluntary ServicesPembrokeshire FRAME LtdPenarth Arts and Crafts LtdPeople and Work UnitPerson to Person Citizen AdvocacyPerthynPHA CymruPlanning Aid WalesPlatform 51 CymruPlay WalesPlayworks Playcare LtdPowys Association of VoluntaryOrganisationsPowys Domestic Abuse ForumPrader-Willi Syndrome AssociationUKPRIME CymruPRISMProMo CymruProstate Screening TrustQWESTRace Equality FirstRASASC Rape And Sexual AbuseSupport CtreRathbone CymruRCT HomesRe-CreateRefugee Voice WalesRelate CymruRhieni Dros Addysg GymraegRhondda Housing AssociationRhoserchanRiverside AdviceRoyal College of Paediatrics andChild HealthRoyal National Institute for theBlind CymruRoyal Welsh Agricultural Society LtdRSPCA Cymru / WalesRural Regeneration Unit (RRU)Safer WalesSave the Children UKScience Shops Wales, University ofGlamorganScout Association - The Welsh ScoutCouncilSense CymruService Leavers WalesShark Bite LtdShelter CymruSHINE CymruShort Breaks Network CymruShow Racism the Red CardSkill WalesSkills for JusticeSNAP CymruSomali Integration SocietySouth East Wales Racial EqualityCouncilSouth Wales Baptist CollegeSouth Wales InterculturalCommunity ArtsSOVA CardiffSportedSt David’s HospiceSt Giles TrustSt John Cymru WalesSt Loye’s FoundationSt. David’s Foundation HospiceCareStepping StonesStonewall CymruSustainable WalesSwansea & Brecon DiocesanCouncil for Social ResponsibilitySwansea Council for VoluntaryServiceSwim CymruSycamore Development FoundationTACTTai Esgyn HousingTai PawbTeacher Support CymruTechniquestTenovusTerrence Higgins Trust CymruThe Arts Council of WalesThe Bevan FoundationThe Community Foundation inWalesThe Conservation Volunteers -CymruThe Duke of Edinburgh’s AwardThe Dystonia Society in WalesThe Fostering Network in WalesThe Friendly TrustThe Gateway Gardens TrustThe Makers Guild in WalesThe National Trust WalesThe Pernicious Anaemia SocietyThe Princes Trust (Fairbridge - DeCymru)The Prince’s Trust CymruThe Royal Agricultural BenevolentInstitutionThe Safe FoundationThe Salvation ArmyThe SamaritansThe Stroke AssociationThe Survivors TrustThe Thomson FoundationThe WallichThe Waterloo FoundationTheatr Fforwm CymruTimebanking WalesTorfaen Voluntary AllianceTros Gynnal PlantTurning PointTy Newydd Writing CentreUNA ExchangeUnllais North West OfficeUnltd Wales/CymruUrdd Gobaith CymruVale Centre for Voluntary ServicesValleys KidsValleys Regional Equality CouncilVEGFAMVeteran Horse WelfareVictim Support CymruView / Dove WorkshopVillage Enterprise WalesVision 21 - Cyfle CymruVision SupportVoluntary Action Merthyr TydfilVoluntary Arts WalesWales and West HousingAssociationWales Assembly of WomenWales Co-operative Developmentand TrainingWales Council For Deaf PeopleWales Council for the BlindWales Debating FederationWales DyslexiaWales Federation of Young FarmersClubsWales Millennium CentreWales Mobility and DrivingAssessment ServiceWales Orthodox MissionWales Pre-school PlaygroupsAssociationWales Squash & Racketball LtdWelsh Books CouncilWelsh Centre for InternationalAffairsWelsh Council on Alcohol andOther DrugsWelsh Federation of HousingAssociationsWelsh Food AllianceWelsh Historic Gardens TrustWelsh Mountain ZooWelsh Pony and Cob SocietyWelsh Refugee CouncilWelsh Sports AssociationWelsh Tenants FederationWelsh Women’s AidWelsh Youth Forum on SustainableDevelopmentWEN WalesWest Glamorgan Council onAlcohol & Drug Abuse LtdWhizz-KidzWildlife Trusts WalesWorkers Educational Association -South WalesWorking Links WalesWRVSWWF CymruYMCA WalesYMCA Wales Community CollegeYmddiriedolaeth Addoldai CymruYouth CymruStatutory / StatudolAdventaAneurin Bevan Health BoardBBC Wales/CymruBetsi Cadwaladr University HealthBoardBig Lottery FundBoard of CHCs in WalesBrecon Beacons National ParkAuthorityCaerphilly County Borough CouncilCardiff and Vale ULHBCare Council for WalesCarmarthenshire County CouncilChildrens Commissioner for WalesConwy County Borough CouncilCorporate Strategy DirectorateDenbighshire County CouncilDisability Rights CommissionEqual Opportunities CommissionGwynedd County CouncilHeritage Lottery FundHywel Dda Public Health TeamMid and West Wales Fire AuthorityNational Assembly for WalesNational Library of WalesNational Museum and Galleries ofWalesNewport Museum and Art GalleryOffa Community CouncilPembrokeshire County CouncilPowys County CouncilSouth Wales Police MuseumThe Sports Council for WalesTorfaen County Borough CouncilWelsh Ambulance Services NHSTrustWelsh Language CommissionerE-members /E-aelodau@67 Communications Ltd104 Community House1st Cornelly Scout Group1st Llanfairpwll Beaver Scouts1st Newtown Llantwit Scout Group1st Penmark with Porthkerry2 Adar-Y-Mor2478 (Abergavenny) ATC3SC4CG Cymru5Th Barry (Salem Baptist) ScoutGroupAbbeyfield Society - CymruAberaeron Memorial HallManagement CommitteeAberaeron Swimming PoolAberdare CC & Ynys CommunityCentreAberdare Trefoil GuildAberfan Canoe ClubAberfan Sub Aqua ClubAbergavenny Community CentreAbertillery Mini and Junior RFCAber-valley YMCAAberystwyth Arts CentreAberystwyth Citizen’s Advice BureauAberystwyth UniversityAble RadioAccess IncludedACIEAction for ChildrenAction for Children - PenywaunFamily CentreAction for Mental Health - CardiffAdvance Brighter Futures WrexhamAdvice & Support CarmarthenshireAfrica Centre WalesAfrican Friendship AssociationAfrican Light Association54

<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Africatrust NetworksAgape Community Church Ty-SignAge Concern Cardiff and ValeAgeing WellAge Cymru PowysAge Cymru Swansea BayAkashic CommunicationsAlbert Primary School PTAAlopecia Areata SupportCommunityAlzheimer’s Society - CrosshandsAlzheimer’s Society - PembrokeshireAman Valley ConservationAssociationAmman Valley Dementia CarersAmmanford Bible Church TrustAmmanford Miners TheatreAndi Pandi’s Day NurseryAndrew Price AcademyAnna Freud CentreAnti Poverty Network CymruAPM ConsultancyArchbishop Rowan Williams AfterSchool ClubArk Support InternationalArkwright Scholarships TrustArticultureArts for usArts SurgeryAsbestos Awareness and SupportCymruAshfield Action GroupAthlete Performance CentreAudiences Wales LtdAxis Historical Society andNewsletterBabel Village HallBackbeating SoundsBanc AFCBangor Sound CityBarnardo’s - Flintshire ServicesBarnardo’s - Merthyr TydfilBarnardo’s - North Wales OfficeBarnardo’s - Pembrokeshire FamilyLink ServiceBarnardo’s - People in CommunityBarracks Field Tenants AssociationBarry Ladies Hockey ClubBaubo Moon Room - CommunityBelly DanceBCU Health Board - DenbighshireBD-WBeacon of Hope UgandaBeeline Community TheatreBees for Development TrustBelieve II Achieve LtdBelo Rural DevelopmentOrganisationBen Reynolds Consulting Ltd.Benefice of PontypoolBethel Congregational ChapelBettws in Bloom EnvironmentalCommunity AssociatioBettws Local Partnership BoardBetws Family CentreBible Society / Cymdeithas y BeiblBlack Association of Women StepOutBlaenau Gwent Baptist ChurchBlaenau Gwent Business ResourceCentreBlaenau Gwent Domestic AbuseServices (BGDAS)Blue HookBocs CelfBPP Development TrustBrakeley LtdBranching Out ConsultancyBread ‘n’ Dripping ProductionsBread of Heaven ProjectBrecknock Access GroupBrecon & Glanusk Explorer ScoutUnitBrecon and District Credit UnionBrecon Children’s Contact CentreBridgend and District HorticulturalSocietyBridgend and District YMCABridgend Citizens Advice BureauBridgend CollegeBridgend County Borough CouncilBridgend County Civic CharityBridgend People FirstBrit GrowersBritish Dyslexia AssociationBritish Polio FellowshipBritish Red Cross Society - N WalesBritish Red Cross Society - S and EWalesBritish WaterwaysBritish Wireless for the Blind FundBriton Ferry LibraryBriton Ferry Town SportsAssociationBroomfield & AlexanderBrunel ManorBrynteg Community House CICBrynteg Village Football ClubBullies OutBus Users UK In WalesBusiness ConsultancyBusiness in FocusBWMacfarlane LLPCAAPOCadwgan Building PreservationTrustCaerphilly 50+ ForumCaerphilly Care for Carers LtdCaerphilly Youth ServiceCaerwnon Park Residents SocialClubCaewathan Community CentreCAF Southern AfricaCAFCASS - CymruCaia Park New 2 You (Wrexham)LtdCalan ConsultanciesCaldicot and District U3ACalkadies AcademyCambrian ArchaeologicalAssociationCancer Aid Merthyr TydfilCancercarelineCanolfan Gymunedol DerwenlasCanolfan Plant Jig-so Children’sCentreCanton Green PartyCantref Primary SchoolCarbon Mootral CICCardiff & Vale Rescue Association(CAVRA)Cardiff County CouncilCardiff Credit UnionCardiff Deaf Sports and Social ClubCardiff Dragons FCCardiff Metropolitan UniversityCardiff Metropolitan UniversityFoundationCardiff Steiner Early Years CentreCardiff UniversityCardiff University Debating SocietyCardiff Yemeni CommunityAssociationCardiff YMCACardiff YMCA Housing AssociationCardiff-Wales Lesbian & Gay MardiGrasCardigan Bay Marine WildlifeGroup-WTSWWCare and Repair Rhondda CynonTaffCarmarthen Children’s CentreCarmarthenshire CounsellingServiceCarmarthenshire Domestic AbuseForumCarmarthenshire Federation ofYoung FarmersCarmarthenshire Youth CouncilCasc-Aid Community Action GroupCastell PhotographyCathays Methodist ChurchCaudwell ChildrenCCICeffyl Du Carriage Driving GroupCeltic ArchersCeltic Community LeisureCelynen Collieries Workmen’sInstituteCentral and Eastern EuropeanAssociationCentre 4MCentre For Alternative GenerationsCentre For AlternativeTransformationCentre for Performance ResearchLtdCeredigion County CouncilCeredigion Domestic Abuse ForumCeredigion Youth Offending TeamChallenge WalesCharity BankCharity Commission - Wales OfficeChepstow Mens Hockey ClubChild and Adolescent Mental HealthChristian Lewis Cancer Care & TrustChristian Youth OutreachChurches in Action - GigabitesYouth ProjectCilan GalleriesCilgwyn Community CouncilCilgwyn Theatre CompanyCity and County of SwanseaCity and County of SwanseaTourism DeptCity of Newport Swimming ClubClase and Caemawr CommunitiesFirstClore Social Leadership ProgrammeClwb Caredig - Clwb ar ôl YsgolClwb Cledlyn ClubClwb Ffermwyr Ifanc CeredigionClwyd & Gwynedd Air Cadet ForceClywedog Sailing ClubCM InternationalCoetiroedd Dyfi WoodlandsCofnodColwyn and District EnterpriseAllianceColwyn Bay Conservation andEnvironment FederationCommunities First - Aberfan &Merthyr ValeCommunities First - BettwsCommunities First - Bigyn 4Communities First - BlainaCommunities First - Caerau(Bridgend)Communities First - Colwyn BayCommunities First - Ely and CaerauCommunities First - LlwynhendyCommunities First - MaeshyfrydCommunities First - MorloPartnershipCommunities First - PelennaCommunities First - Plas MadocCommunities First - SplottCommunities First - TylorstownCommunities First - Upper DulaisValleyCommunities@OneCommunity Action Machynlleth &DistrictCommunity Connections ProjectCommunity Empowerment InAction (CEIA)Community Events & MarketCompanyCommunity HouseCommunity Lives ConsortiumCommunity-it.orgComputer Assistance in CameroonConnaught plcCONNECT Disability Rights AdviceConnected Youth & CommunityProjectConnecting Learners in 3rd Sector(North & Mid WalConstruction Youth TrustConsult CapitalContact the Elderly - Mid WalesContin You Cymru - Mid WalesConwy & Denbighshire RuralOutreach ServiceConwy County Access GroupConwy Social Housing Ltd‘Fundraising can feel a bit like Sisyphus pushingthe boulder up the mountain. With GivingWales’ help it feels like we have the might of aJCB behind us’ - Valleys Kids, posted on <strong>WCVA</strong>’sblog | ‘Gall codi arian deimlo ychydig fel Sisyffosyn gwthio’r garreg fawr fyny’r mynydd. Gydachymorth Cymru’n Rhoi, mae’n teimlo bodgennym nerth Jac Codi Baw y tu ôl i ni’ - negesPlant y Cymoedd ar flog <strong>WCVA</strong>Conwy Voluntary Access GroupConwy Volunteer CentreCooking For PleasureCor Meibion MorlaisCornelly RidersCornist Area Residents AssociationCornonation Hall - DaleCostar PartnershipCoterie LtdCounsel and Care / IndependentAgeCountryside Council for WalesCPD TreforC-POW!Craft in the BayCreate a FutureCreative Rural CommunitiesCrickhowell Volunteer CentreCroes Sgwar SDCCroeserw Community AssociationCrossroads Care Cwm TafCruisers TalysarnCruse Bereavement Care CaerphillyCruse Bereavement Care GwentCSV Action / CyfleCSV RSVPCSV Training WalesCultural ConcernsCwmafon Hornets A B CCwmaman Public Hall and Institute55

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong>‘Big thanks to @walescva for your help with ournew environmental incivilities <strong>report</strong>’ – CarnegieUK Trust via Twitter. | ‘Diolch yn fawr iawn i @walescva am eich cymorth gyda’n hadroddiadanfoesgarwch amgylcheddol newydd’ –Ymddiriedolaeth Carnegie UK ar TwitterTrustCwmbran Leg ClubCwmcarn Angling AssociationCwmdauddwr Community CentreCwmNiCwmni Ifanc Ty’r YsgolCwmni RocedCwmtillery Saracens RFCCydcoed Forestry CommissionCydlynydd PartneriaethauDiogelwch CymunedolCyfeillion / Friends of Bro AlltaCyfeillion Theatr FelinfachCyfrwngCylch Meithrin AbersychanCylch Meithrin Cywion BachCylch Meithrin LlanfarianCylch Ti a Fi Seren FachCyMAL: Museums, Archives &Libraries WalesCymdeithas Cae ChwaraeCaeathroCymdeithas Cymunedol YstradMeurigCymdeithas Edward LlwydCymdeithas Gwyl Plant GwentCymdeithas Hwylio aChymdeithasol Hogia LlynCymmer Afan Youth ClubCyngor Cefn Gwlad CymruCyngor Sir Ynys MonCynon Valley Citizens AdviceBureauDamauli Unesco ClubDaniel James Community SchoolDANSA LtdDapperFM ManagementCommitteeDark Sky Wales Education ServicesLtd (DSWES)DashDenbigh Music FestivalDenbighshire Care and RepairDenbighshire Community TaskGroupDeri Regeneration GroupDeudraeth CyfDevelopment For AfricanCommunity OrgDewin y DelynDewis Centre for IndependentLivingDisabilities and Self Help (DASH)Disability Resources Centre - NorthWalesDisabled Drivers’ AssociationLlanelliDiscovery - Student VolunteeringSwanseaDolau Youth ClubDowlais Male ChoirDown to EarthDuffryn Bellydancing GroupDuffryn Infant SchoolDulais Valley PartnershipDyffryn Cricket ClubEarth CentreEastside Family Support ProjectEbbw Vale and DistrictDevelopment TrustEcho Stow HillEcobroEco-Dysgu/Creative Moments56Educ8 Training LtdEich Dewis Chi Your ChoiceEileen Murphy ConsultantsELECTElenydd HostelsEly Star A.B.C.Employment Opportunities forPeople with DisabilitiesEnable Employment & TrainingServiceEnfys FoundationEnterprise Development AssociatesEpilepsy Action CymruEquality CouncilEstuary Voluntary Car SchemeEvangelical Alliance WalesEYSTFair Trade WalesFamily Friends for 5’s to 11’sFamily Mediation CardiffFamily Mediation NCH CymruFarm Crisis NetworkFederation of Small BusinessesFerndale Skate ParkFernhill Association of ResidentsFilipino Community In CardiffFishguard Arts SocietyFishguard Sea Cadet Corps (Unit142)Flintshire 50+ Advisory GroupFlintshire Citizens Advice Bureau- MoldFlintshire County CouncilFlintshire Volunteer CentreFlying Start OfficeFollow Your Dreams LimitedFoothold Regeneration LtdFormations Morris TroupeForUsFostering Network WalesFriends of Candy Stripes DayNursery LtdFriends of Community FocusSchoolsFriends Of Erwood StationFriends of Hafod WenFriends of the Animals RCTFriends of the Earth - NewportFriends of the Young DisabledWalesFriends of Tonypandy CommunityCollegeFriends of Treborth Botanic GardenFriends of Tredegar ComprehensiveSchoolFriends of Trinity Fields School andResourceG.R.S. (Care) LtdG4SGaer Association Football ClubGalaxy Theatre ArtsGarth Youth & Community ProjectGarw Valley Community CouncilGarw Valley Garden History andHeritage TrustGarw Valley RailwayGatehouseGingerbreadGlamorgan Federation of YoungFarmers’ ClubsGlobal Rescue ServicesGlyngaer Primary SchoolGofal - Cardiff branchGofal A Thrwsio Gwynedd CyfGofal Cymru - NewportGoing PublicGower Bird HospitalGrassroots CymruGreen PhoenixGreenfield Community KarateGroundwork North WalesGrwp Gwalia CyfGSP Community RegenerationPartnershipGuest Memorial Bowls ClubGuiding Cymru - CentralGlamorganGuillain-Barre Syndrome SupportGroupGwalia Care & Support - LlanelliGwallgofiaid CyfGwent Arts in HealthGwyl CilcainGwynfe Community HallAssociationHafal - CardiffHafal - PowysHafod Youth Action GroupHands Around The WorldHanover Court ResidentsAssociationHASWCHAULHave HEARTHaven Home CareHawarden Camera ClubHaweenka Women and ChildrenGroupHay Town CouncilHaylemma Centre LtdHazinaHealth Network DevelopmentProjectHearts and HandsHelping Groups to GrowHendredenny Park Primary SchoolAssociationHendref Building and PreservationTrustHenna FoundationHenwaun Street AllotmentHI - Help InsideHighlights Video ProductionHijinx TheatreHistory MattersHolyhead & District Round TableHome Accident Prevention inWalesHome-Start ElyHome-Start ShrewsburyHope37 Youth TrustHorizon InternationalHowardian Local Nature ReserveHowey Church in Wales PrimarySchoolHUTSHywel Dda Health BoardIdoxImagematch<strong>Impact</strong> Schools TeamIn2Action CymruIndependent Regeneration(Training) LtdInformation Commissioners Office(Wales)Insight Social Research LtdInspiration of the GrailInstitute of Public Relations CymruInt Reiki FederationIntegra Community Living OptionsInter Penarth AFCIntercultural Skills LinkInternational Tang Soo Do FederationJ M Finn & CoJ4BJames Whale Fund for KidneyCancerJane Ryall – success for socialenterpriseJigsaw Counselling ServiceJP TrainingKaleidoscope Theatre CompanyKenfig Hill and Pyle Bowls ClubKenshole Children’s CentreKensington Baptist ChurchKiddy Winus Day NurseryKidz KrazeKilgetty Cricket ClubKinmel Bay & Towyn Sports & RecAssocKinokultureKnighton and District CommunitySupportKyber Colts Amateur Boxing ClubLa Folia LtdLabata Fantalle CymruLampeter Womens WorkshopLearn With Grandma LtdLearning Through LandscapesCymruLegal and GeneralLeukeamia & Lymphoma ResearchLGBT Wrexham and DistrictLibyan Community GroupLife AcupunctureLife Music FoundationLife SurfingLight2digiartLimechapel Residents AssociationLindisfarne Home for the ElderlyLinks - WalesLittle Footsteps Parent and ToddlerGroupLiverpool Life CoachingLiving StonesLlandeilo Indoor Bowls CentreLlandovery Old Age PensionersAssociationLlandrinio Village InstituteLlandudno Multidisability FCLlandysul Family CentreLlanedeyrn And Pentwyn ABCLlanelli Citizens Advice BureauLlanelli Sea Cadet CorpLlanelli Youth TheatreLlanfair Village Hall CommitteeLlanfihangel Rhos y CornCommunity Assoc.Llanfyllin Community ChurchLlangenny School Hall RestorationFundLlangollen District ScoutAssociationLlangollen International MusicalEisteddfodLlanharan CommunityDevelopment ProjectLlansteffan Community CouncilLlanvapley Sports and SocialOrganisationLlanwenarth Baptist ChurchLlanybydder Hockey ClubLlay Park Resource CentreLocal Aid Buddies ProjectLondon Road Community CentreLSCGLTL ConnectMach FringeMaesteg Citizens Advice BureauMagdalene FoundationMaindee Festival AssociationMargam Youth CentreMaria Rees Memorial TrustMathias AgencyMATRAMawr Development Trust

<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12MEIC CymruMelin Junior SchoolMelody MattersMeningitis Research FoundationMensana GroupMental Health Matters (Wales)Menter Iaith Blaenau Gwent,Torfaen a MynwyMerthyr Cynog Village HallMerthyr Tydfil Children’s ContactCentreMerthyr Tydfil Institute for the BlindMerthyr Youth CreativeDevelopment ProjectMess Up The Mess TheatreCompanyMHA Care GroupMilestone ActivitiesMilford Haven Port AuthorityMind ConsultancyMiskin Regeneration TrustMiskin Safety, Crime & PreventionMo*LoMold PlayersMoney Advice ServiceMonmouthshire GreenWebMonmouthshire HousingAssociationMorlan - Canolfan Ffydd aDiwylliantMorriston PlayschemeMorriston Primary PTAMountain Music And ArtsAssociationMS Support Centre for North WalesMSH FoundationMTCBC - Community EducationServiceMurton Methodist ChurchMuseum of Welsh LifeMuslim Youth WalesMyrtle HouseN.E.W. AchieversNACRO - CymruNACRO - NewportNantyffyllon Youth ClubNational Childbirth TrustNational Development Team forInclusionNational Old Age PensionersAssociationNational Public Health Service forWalesNational Theatre WalesNational TrustNational Union of StudentsNATUR, Sefydliad Rheolaeth CefnGwlad a ChadwraethNCMA CymruNCVONeath Afan Gymnastic ClubNeath Amateur Operatic SocietyNeath and District Sea CadetsNeath Port Talbot District SportsCouncilNeath Port Talbot Youth OffendingTeamNeath Schools RugbyNeighboursN-ergy Group LtdNetwork Training Services LtdNeuadd Bentref CwmllinauNeuadd Cymunedol EglwysLlanllwniNeuadd Goffa PenrhyndeudraethNEW DanceNew Dawn HouseNew Sandfields & Aberafan -Sustainable GenerationNew Tredegar Integrated Children’sCentreNew Welsh ReviewNewgale YMCA OECNewpartNewport City CouncilNewport City RadioNewport Equity PartnershipNewport Housing TrustNewport Memorial HallNewport Paths GroupNewtown PRUNewydd Housing Association -Valleys OfficeNoddfa Chapel Community ProjectLtdNorth Clwyd Animal RescueNorth Coast ChurchNorth East Wales DanceNorth Wales Carers’ voiceNorth Wales Chinese SchoolNorth Wales Medical TrustNorth Wales Reptile & RaptorSanctuaryNorth Wales Society for the Blind- BangorNorth Wales SuperkidsNorthern Marches Cymru‘Exhausted, reflective and lots to smile about.On way home now from #digivol – well doneeveryone!’ - Sue Jones, via Twitter, on theVolunteering in a Digital Age conference | ‘Wediblino, digon i adlewyrchu arno a llwyth i wenuamdano. Ar y ffordd adre’ nawr o #digivol– da iawn bawb!’ - Sue Jones, ar Twitter, ar ygynhadledd Gwirfoddoli mewn Oes DdigidolNu-HiOakdale Comprehensive SchoolOaktree Integrated Children’sCentreOasis CardiffObjective 1 Team BCBCOpera’r DdraigOpportunity to Fend for the Elderly(Uganda)Orbit TheatreOrder of St John Priory for WalesOriel BachOxfam BoutiquePakistani Parents AssociationPanteg Community SportsParaclete Congregational ChurchPark House Financial ServicesPartneriaeth Masnach Deg MônFairtrade P’shipPaul Murphy AssociatesPeace MalaPeBel Residents’ AssociationPeksigPelenna Valley Male Voice ChoirPembroke North CommunityAssociationPembrokeshire Citizens AdviceBureauPembrokeshire Coastal ForumPembrokeshire CollegePembrokeshire Real Nappy NetworkPembrokeshire Voluntary TransportPembrokeshire Volunteer CentrePembrokeshire Youth BankPenarth & District Stroke SupportGroupPencader and District RegenerationGroupPencader Family CentrePendoylan Parish Houses CharityPensychnant FoundationPentre Gwyn and Coed-y-BrynAssociationPentwyn Youth ClubPenywaun Enterprise PartnershipPeter KirkupPhilharmonia of North WalesPill Bank Lane Community ActionGroupPlaid CymruPlant Dewi (St David’s DCSR)Play PowysPlay RadnorPobl y FforestPolish Housing Society LtdPONTPontardawe Acoustic Music ClubPontardawe Air Training CorpsPontyates Welfare AssociationPort Talbot Town Cricket ClubPorth Harlequins RFC JuniorsPorthcawl Athletic AssociationPowys - The Partnership and CitizenFocus TeamPowys SensePresbyterian Tabernacle ChapelPresteigne Shire Hall Museum TrustPrince’s Trust - CarmarthenPromoting IndependencePRP TrainingPRT - Pembrokeshire Carers CentrePSS CymruPTA CymruPublic Interest Research Centre LtdPypedau Vagabondi PuppetsQED - UKQuarry Villages Key FundRace Council CymruRadio TircoedRadnorshire Wildlife Trust-Llandrindod WellsRailfuture (South Wales)Rainbow Nari O Shishu KallyanFoundationRamblers’ AssociationRay of Light WalesReachReal Ideas OrganisationRelate - North WalesResolve CymruRest Bay Lifeguard ClubRGT NetworkRhayader and District CommunitySupportRhia JonesRhondda Breast FriendsRhondda Cynon Taff Carers SupportProjectRhondda Cynon Taff CountyBorough CouncilRhondda PaddlersRhondda RadioRhuddlan Environment GroupRhyl Community AgencyRhyl Football In The CommunityLtdRight from the StartRingland Art GroupRisca United AFCRISE Learning Development InitiativeRiverside Park Tenants AssociationRobert Owen SocietyRock UK Summit CentreRogerstone Primary School PFARomani Cultural and Arts CompanyRomy JohnsonRotary Club of Briton FerryRoyal National Mission to Deep SeaFishermenRSPB - Volunteering DeptRSPB - WalesRuabon Parish ChurchRubicon DanceRural North Flintshire Family CentreRural Regeneration UnitRuthin Show SocietyS.A.F.E. Swansea Access ForEveryoneSafer CaerphillySafety and Facilities for EquestriansSalsa WalesSamba BermoSamba TaweSARASASSave the Children - PontypriddSave the Children - WalesSEEFSEF-CYMRUSelf Protection AcademySequenceSevern Wye Energy Agency LtdShared Lives Plus in WalesShaw TrustSheep Music LtdShelter (Bangladesh)Shelter Cymru - CardiffShiloh Pentecostal Fellowship TrustShin-gi-tai Aikido SocietyShirenewton Community CouncilSight SupportSikh Association - South WalesSindhuraSkin Care CymruSMP Playgrounds LtdSNAP Cymru - GwyneddSNAP Cymru - SwanseaSNAP Cymru - Tor/New/BlGw/MonSnowdonia SocietySo You Want To LearnSocial Education & EnvironmentalDevelopmentSocial Enterprise Network TorfaenSocial InterfaceSocial Services Inspectorate forWalesSOLAS Cymru LtdSomali Youth AssociationSoundscapeSouth Gloucestershire CouncilSouth Indian Cultural CentreSouth Wales Fire ServiceSouth Wales GypsiesSouth Wales Police LearningDevelopmentSouth Wales Region Girl’s BrigadeSouth Wales Sea CadetsSouth Wales Volunteer ManagerForumSpecial Friends Unite LtdSpectacle Theatre CompanySpiceSpitalgate Church of EnglandPrimary schoolSplott Community SolutionsSplott Residents AssociationSport Wales / Chwaraeon CymruSt Albans RF Sports & Social ClubSt Catherine’s ChurchSt Dogmaels GallerySt John Ambulance - BridgendSt John Ambulance - Mid WalesSt John Ambulance - Ystalyfera57

<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12E-members/ E-aelodauIndividualsAdrian BaileyAgata Toth-BednarskaAlan BatesAlice MatthewsAlison HealeAmanda ThompsonAmelia DaviesAndrew RowlandsAngela HowellsAngela EllisAnita TurnerAnn MorganAnnette WilesAnnie JenkinAntonina MendolaArthur CrumpBarrie WilliamsBarry ClarkeBenedict AmusanBeth MaidenBethan WalilayBob JacksonBrian PriceBryan WilliamsCallista NgqulaCarli EvansCaroline HarriesCaroline WhelanCaroline HamiltonCaroline DaviesCaroline LiversageCaroline RobertsCary PhillipsCatherine MahonyCatherine BemanCatherine BoardCathy RobertsCecilia FrancisCelia BondChad PatelCheryl HughesChristine Ravenhill StockClaire NisselClaire GeorgeClare HenryClive HarrisColin RussellColin PowellCuron DaviesCynthia BeynonDaniel JamesDarren LewisDarren ReesDarren JacksonDarren JonesDave GreenDave DaviesDavid JepsonDavid RouseDavid HarriesDavid ProsserDavid DaviesDavid Ben ReesDenzil JonesDuncan BoffeyElaine PritchardEleanor HicksEndaf GriffithsEsther DitchEsther NagleEsther NagleFelicity MacknessFran TimminsFrank LynchFraser KeayGail DevineGail ThomasGareth TaylorGareth HughesGareth ButlerGavin VowlesGbenga MatiminuGemma HargestGeraint ReesGinny BrinkGlenys Hughes-JonesGlyn ThomasGordon PankhurstHanef BhamjeeHannah SimpsonHannah PhillipsHelen ThomasHelen NichollsHelen KelaveyHelena JonesHolly CrossHoward LordHsiao-Yun YangHussain NoorHuw ThomasHywel MeredyddIan BorlandIan JonesIan EvansIbrahim Oshovieu MomoduIvy AlvarezJackie CharltonJackie OwenJackie RichardsJames PurdueJames WalmsleyJan HillJane PaglerJane PickenJanet RobertsJayne WoolfordJean CuthbertJean ForsythJenni DaviesJennifer Hobbs-RobertsJessica Phipps-HarkusJiaFan ShangGuanJill GriffithsJill DaviesJill PiercyJo MuscatJoan EdwardsJoanna CooperJoe MolloyJohn JamesJohn WeaverJohn HowesJohn SpenceJohn MuntonJohn ThomasJohn WilliamsJohn GrimesJudith SeckerJules MontgomeryKatie SearlesKatie RoebuckKay QuinnKeith DewhurstKelly TreadwellKevin SmithKieran BowlerKim ThomasKristen ReidLaura ChapmanLaura EvansLaura CollinsLeonard Amegashie-QuarteyLinda HarrisLisa ThomasLisa JenkinsLise BeynonLiz EmrysLucy EvansLucy HarrisLuke CopleyLuke MillarLydia HughesLyndsey PerrottLynne GuyMandy WillsMarc MordeyMarion PearseMarion HughesMark HughesMark WitrylakMartha HardingMartin CowlingMichael WilliamsMick ColemanMiftahuddin MohammedMike ThomasMike WhitfieldMiranda EvansMonica DennisMorgan JonesNadine JonesNajma AhmadNathan McCarthyNeesha FettahNeil HowardNia HughesNick DiplockNicola BrainNigel DaviesNigel D HardakerPam BradleyPaul ButtPaul AddecottPaul FreemanPaul MaksymiwPearl ChalkPenny HurtPeter BushPhillip PatemanPru TimperleyRachel DillonRavi Ravi RajanRavi VediRay KhanRebecca ReitsisRebecca RosenthalRhiannon PowellRichard DoylendRick MabeyRita SinghRobert AtkinsRobert Gwyn DavinRokayah AbdulmajedRosie CribbRoy SkeltonRuth ThompsonRuth DaviesS WoodsSally OwensSam RichardsSam MellorSamantha Jay EdwardsSandra BeerSandra LewisSarah MutchSarah BrownSean CobleyShane WettonShirley YendellSian BaronSimon HeavenSimon DaviesSimon JonesSimon BlackburnSiriol BurfordSolomon EduStacey MuntStella WrightSteph ThomasStephanie JohnsStephanie StaresSteve BraceSteve JohnsonSteve LesterSteven YeoSunita JoshiSusan SimpsonSusan EllisSuzy BarrettTerry MurphyTim RushtonTrevor PalmerVanessa HawkeVasilios BoulousisVicky HuelinVictoria WhiteVictoria HurthVikki EffordVivienne ArcherWalter DickieWendi BriggsYun Yun HerbertYvonne EarlPrivate / PriefatAnn CollinsBusiness and Employment Supportand TrainingCCLA Investment Management LtdCharity FuturesCharity LineClive ScarlettDeassartation LtdFusion Consulting LtdGKAGrantfinderHywel RobertsICP PartneriaethIDT Training and EducationJobforce Wales (GVCE Ltd)Keegan & PennykidktsowensthomasMartin Price AssociatesMoonflower EnterprisesNcompassPlastic Buddha Productions LtdRichard Newton Consulting LtdRiverSourceShineSttepsTelos ResearchThe WorkhouseTMPL ConsultantsHonorary /ArhydeddesMarjorie Dykins OBEThe Earl of LisburneStan SalterSir Stuart Etherington59

<strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2011–12<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong>Congratulations to all our award winners in the last 12 months –and they were…Llongyfarchiadau i holl enillwyr gwobrau <strong>WCVA</strong> yn y 12 misdiwethaf – dyma nhw…Wales Volunteer of the Year 2012 |Gwobrau Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn 2012Murray MacFarlane, Monmouth – TrusteeMurray MacFarlane, Trefynwy – YmddiriedolwrLeonard Tarr, Pontypridd – TrusteeLeonard Tarr, Pontypridd – YmddiriedolwrPeter Jones, Brecon – TrusteePeter Jones, Aberhonddu – YmddiriedolwrBethan McAuley, Cowbridge – Young personBethan McAuley, Y Bont-faen – Person ifancIeuan Coombes, Caerleon – Young personIeuan Coombes, Caerllion – Person ifancAlice Frobisher, Meliden, Denbighshire – Young personAlice Frobisher, Allt Melyd, Sir Ddinbych – Person ifancLawrance Sutton, Penarth – Young personLawrance Sutton, Penarth – Person ifancThe Friends of Skokholm and Skomer, Pembrokeshire –GroupCyfeillion Sgogwm a Sgomer, Sir Benfro – GrŵpKIM Volunteers, Flintshire and Wrexham – GroupGwirfoddolwyr KIM, yr Wyddgrug – GrŵpTranscend, Swansea – GroupTranscend, Abertawe – GrŵpClive Jones, Aberavon – ‘Green’ volunteerClive Jones, Aberavon – Gwirfoddolwr ‘gwyrdd’Jay Davies, Wrexham – ‘Green’ volunteerJay Davies, Wrecsam – Gwirfoddolwyr ‘gwyrdd’Peter Moynihan, Abergele – ‘Green’ volunteerPeter Moynihan, Abergele, Gwirfoddolwr ‘gwyrdd’Wil Huntley, Barmouth – AdultWil Huntley, Bermo – OedolionLeo Farrell, Kinmel Bay – AdultLeo Farrell, Bae Cinmel – OedolionNicola Price, Caldicot – AdultNicola Price, Caldicot – OedolionThird Sector Awards Cymru 2011,supported by Class TelecommunicationsClass Award for Best CommunicationsGwobr Class am y Cyfathrebu GorauZero Waste Presteigne – winner enillyddCommunities 2.0 Cymunedau 2.0 – runner-up yr ail orauClwyd Alyn Housing Association Gymdeithas Tai ClwydAlyn – runner-up yr ail orauGreen Award | Y Wobr WerddCrest Co-operative – winner enillyddCwm Clydach Community Development TrustYmddiriedolaeth Datblygu Cymunedol Cwm Clydach –runner-up yr ail orauG&T Environmental and Regeneration Action GroupGrŵp Gweithredu Amgylcheddol ac Adfywio G&T –runner-up yr ail orauHealth, Social Care and Wellbeing AwardY Wobr Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a LlesCerebra - winner enillyddASH Wales Ash Cymru – runner up yr ail orauCais – runner-up yr ail orauTai Esgyn Housing – runner-up yr ail orauMost Admired Organisation AwardGwobr Mudiad a Edmygir FwyafSafer Wales Cymru Ddiogelach – winner enillyddMenter Siabod – runner-up yr ail orauSafer Communities Action Group Grŵp GweithreduCymunedau Diogelach – runner-up yr ail orauGwirVol Award for Inspirational Young Personof the Year | Gwobr GwirVol am y Person IfancMwyaf Ysbrydoledig y FlwyddynSafer Wales | Cymru DdiogelachThe First Minister Carwyn Jones presentedAdam Cousins with the Inspirational Young Person of theYear award. The two runners-up were Rob Green andSarah Picton.Prif Weinidog Cymru, Carwyn Jones yn cyflwyno gwobrPerson Ifanc Mwyaf Ysbrydoledig y Flwyddyn i AdamCousins. Yr ail orau oedd Rob Green a Sarah Picton.60

<strong>WCVA</strong> members | Aelodau <strong>WCVA</strong> <strong>Adroddiad</strong> <strong>effaith</strong> <strong>WCVA</strong> 2011–12Wales Africa Community Links UN Gold Star Awards 2012Gwobrau Seren Aur y CU Cyswllt Cymunedau Cymru Affrica 2012Environment Gold Star | Seren Aur AmgylcheddAmlwch, Anglesey – Sankwia, Gambia (Cyfeillion SankwiaFriends) | Amlwch, Ynys Môn – Sankwia, Gambia (CyfeillionSankwia Friends)Crossgates, Powys – Bulabakulu, Uganda Africa Greater LifeMission UK | Y Groes, Powys – Bulabakula, Uganda AfricaGreater Life MissionLivelihoods Gold Star | Seren Aur BywoliaethLlanfyllin, Montgomery – Kumi and Kamuli, UgandaDolen Ffermio | Llanfyllin, Sir Drefaldwyn – Kumi a Kamuli,Uganda (Dolen Ffermio)Equality gold star | Seren Aur CydraddoldebBettws, Bridgend – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Valley and ValeCommunity Arts | Betws, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ac AddisAbaba, Ethiopia Celfyddydau Cymuned Cwm a BroPenygraig, Rhondda Cynon Taff – Cape Town, South AfricaValley’s Kids and Mzansi Cymru | Penygraig, RhonddaCynon Taf a Cape Town, De Affrica Plant y Cymoedd aMzansi CymruYouth Gold Star | Seren Aur IeuenctidHay on Wye, Powys – Timbuktu, Mali Hay 2 Timbuktu andTwo Towns One World | Y Gelli Gandryll – Timbuktu, MaliHay 2 TimbuktuPenygraig, Rhondda Cynon Taff – Cape Town, South AfricaValleys Kids | Penygraig, Rhondda Cynon Taf – Cape Town,De Affrica Plant y CymoeddUN Gold Star winners 2012 | Ennillwyr Seren Aur y CU 2012Leading Wales Awards 2012 | Gwobrau Arwain Cymru 2012<strong>WCVA</strong> is a member of the Leading Wales AwardsConsortium, along with CMI Cymru, CBI Cymru,Harding Evans Solicitors, ACCA, Hilton and LearningPathways Cymru.The Leading Wales Awards, in association withReal Radio Wales, are the prestigious pan-Walesawards that champion good leadership in Wales byidentifying, recognising and celebrating individuals,who through their leadership contribute to theprosperity of Wales. This year saw the largest numberof finalists – 27 in total.There are eight categories in total, and the followingthree have third sector representation:Mae <strong>WCVA</strong> yn aelod o Gonsortiwm GwobrauArwain Cymru, ynghyd â CMI Cymru, CBI Cymru,Cyfreithwyr Harding Evans, ACCA, Hilton a LlwybrauDysgu Cymru.Gwobrau Arwain Cymru, mewn cydweithrediadâ Real Radio Wales, yw’r gwobrau mawreddodCymru-gyfan sy’n hyrwyddo arweinyddiaeth da yngNghymru drwy nodi, cydnabod a dathlu unigolion,sydd, trwy eu harweinyddiaeth yn cyfrannu atffyniant Cymru. Eleni, gwelwyd y nifer mwyaf oderfynwyr – 27 i gyd.Mae wyth categori i’r gwobrau ac mae cysylltiadtrydydd sector i’r tri canlynol:Voluntary / Not-for-profit, sponsored byThe Fairwood TrustGwirfoddol / Di-elw, noddwyd ganYmddiriedolaeth FairwoodAngela Hughes, Wales Air Ambulance – WINNER ENILLYDDAmbiwlans Awyr CymruLinda James, Bullies OutSunil Patel, Wales Show Racism the Red CardWomen in Leadership, sponsored by ChwaraeTeg/Agile NationMenywod mewn Arweinyddiaeth, noddwyd ganChwarae Teg/Agile NationSharon Jones, Crest Cooperative – WINNER ENILLYDDBecky Booth, SpiceJudy Craske, Menter MônVivienne Russell, Legal and GeneralSocial Enterprise, sponsored by Welsh SocialEnterprise CoalitionMenter Gymdeithasol, noddwyd gan ClymblaidMentrau Cymdeithasol CymruPaul Nagle, TABS Training – WINNER ENILLYDDSteve Garrett, Riverside Market Marchnad GlanyrafonEllen Petts, Cleanstream CarpetsAngela Hughes, winner of Voluntary / Not-for-profit categoryAngela Hughes, enillydd categori Gwirfoddol / Di-elw61

For further information on <strong>WCVA</strong>’s activitiesand membership details,visit www.wcva.org.uk, contact the<strong>WCVA</strong> Helpdesk, 0800 2888 329,help@wcva.org.uk or text 07797 805628I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am weithgareddau<strong>WCVA</strong> ac am fanylion aelodaeth,ewch i www.wcva.org.uk, cysylltwch âLein Gymorth <strong>WCVA</strong>, 0800 2888 329,help@wcva.org.uk neu testun 07797 805628Printed on Greencoat Offset• 100% recycled content• TCF (Totally Chlorine Free) fibre• Totally recyclable and bio-degradable• NAPM recycled certificationCBP00014451810125529Argraffwyd ar Greencoat Offset• 100% ffibr wedi’i ailgylchu• Ffibr heb glorin o gwbl (TCF)• Gellir ei ailgylchu yn llwyr ac mae’n bydradwy• Ardystiad ailgylchu NAPMDesigned at | dyluniwyd gan The Design Stagewww.designstage.co.ukRegistered Charity 218093.• Company limited by guarantee 425299 • October 2012Elusen Gofrestredig 218093 • Cwmni cyfyngedig drwy warant 425299 • Hydref 2012

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