Full Text (PDF) - Mississippi Library Association

Full Text (PDF) - Mississippi Library Association Full Text (PDF) - Mississippi Library Association


VOL. 75, NO. 2 • SUMMER 2012MISSISSIPPI LIBRARIESA Quarterly Publication of the ISSN 0194-388XMississippi Library Association©2012EDITORIAL STAFFGUEST EDITORJennifer BrannockThe University of Southern Mississippijennifer.brannock@usm.eduEDITORAlex P. WatsonJ. D. Williams LibraryThe University of MississippiP.O. Box 1848University, MS 38677-1848apwatson@olemiss.edu662-915-5866ASSISTANT EDITORBlair BookerHolmes Community Collegebbooker@holmescc.eduCOPY EDITORTracy Carr SeaboldMississippi Library Commissiontcarr@mlc.lib.ms.usADVERTISING EDITORAlex P. WatsonThe University of Mississippiapwatson@olemiss.eduREPORTERTina HarryThe University of Mississippitharry@olemiss.eduFEATURESCONTENTSPresident’s Page ..............................................................................................................45Stephen Cunetto, President, Mississippi Library AssociationLibrarians and Architects: Q & A.................................................................................46Joyce M. Shaw and Philip W. ShawLibrary Renovation Lessons Learned...and Still Learning............................................47Mantra Henderson, M.L.I.S.New Job, New Setting, New...Everything: The Story of Two New Reference .............49Librarians and How They Survived a Library Renovation ProjectAdelia Grabowsky and Melissa Wright, M.L.I.S., Ph.D.Storage Room to Conservation Lab: How the University of ......................................53Miami Libraries Built the First Lab in South FloridaScott David Reinke and Duvy ArgandonaIf You Build It, They Will Come: Development of a Library Teen Room ..................56Casey Hughes, Susan Cassagne and Marianne RaleyIN EVERY ISSUENews Briefs......................................................................................................................................59People in the News..........................................................................................................................62About Books....................................................................................................................................62On the cover: Gloucester Cloisters by Elizabeth L. Beaud.BOOK REVIEW EDITORJennifer BrannockThe University of Southern Mississippijennifer.brannock@usm.eduMLA PUBLICITYCOMMITTEE CHAIRDavid SchommerWatkins Elementary Schooltrumpetdls@aol.comINDEXERShirlene StognerThe University of Southern Mississippishirlene.stogner@usm.eduMississippi Libraries is a publication of the Mississippi Library Association (MLA). The articles, reports, and features hereinrepresent the viewpoints of their respective authors and are not necessarily the official opinions of the Association.Subscription Rates: $16.00 per year ($4.00 per issue); $24.00 per year outside of the U.S.; free to MLA members. Back issuesare available from University Microfilms International.Advertising Rates: Rates are available upon request from the Advertising Editor.Advertising Deadlines: Spring: February 10; Summer: May 10; Fall: August 10; Winter: November 10Submissions: Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or ASCII text format.Documents can be sent as an attachment via e-mail.Deadlines for submission: Spring: February 2; Summer: May 2; Fall: August 2; Winter: November 2.In order to assure the widest possible audience for the work published in Mississippi Libraries, that work is added in electronicform to the Mississippi Library Association Web site and, by contractual agreement, to one or more EBSCO Publishing databases.Mississippi Libraries is also indexed in Library Literature and Information Sciences Abstracts.Dues must be paid by March 15 in order to receive the Spring issue of Mississippi Libraries.

MISSISSIPPI LIBRARIES VOL. 75, NO. 2 • SUMMER 2012 PAGE 45MISSISSIPPI LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONP.O. Box 13687Jackson, MS 39236-3687Office Hours: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. M, Tu, Th, FE-mail: info@misslib.orgExecutive Secretary: Mary Julia AndersonMLA Web site: http://misslib.orgWebmaster: webmaster@misslib.orgMLA EXECUTIVE BOARDStephen CunettoPresidentAdministrator of Systems, Mitchell Memorial LibraryMississippi State Universityscunetto@library.msstate.edu662-325-8542Lynn F. ShurdenVice President/President ElectDirectorBolivar County Library Systemlshurden@bolivar.lib.ms.us662-843-2774 ext. 102Patricia MatthesSecretaryAssistant Dean for Technical ServicesMississippi State Universitypmatthes@library.msstate.edu662-325-7662Kathy BuntinTreasurerConsultantMississippi Library Commissionkbuntin@mlc.lib.ms.us601-432-4111Jennifer A. SmithImmediate Past PresidentAssistant DirectorWarren County/Vicksburg Public Libraryjensmith@warren.lib.ms.us601-636-6411Jeff SlagellALA CouncilorDean of Library Services, Roberts-Laforge LibraryDelta State Universityjslagell@deltastate.edu662-846-4441Deborah LeeSELA CouncilorCoordinator/ProfessorMississippi State Universitydlee@library.msstate.edu662-325-0810Melissa R. DennisACRL Section Chairmdennis@olemiss.eduPublic Library Section ChairJenniffer Stephensonjstephenson@greenwood.lib.ms.usSchool Library Section ChairsVenetia Oglesbyvenetia.oglesby@lowndes.k12.ms.usPRESIDENT’S PAGEI’d like to take this opportunityto let you know that I have askedJeff Slagel and CatherineNathan to chair the LongRange Planning Committeewith the intent of assistingthe Board in coming up witha long range plan that willguide the association over the3-5 years. In order to buildthis plan we need to hear fromour members about your visionfor the association. To that end, wewill have a Long Range Planninglistening session at theMLA Conference in Natchez.This will give you an opportunityto express your thoughts and ideas. Iinvite you to share your ideas with Jeff,Catherine and other members of the ExecutiveCommittee.As you may know by now, MAGNOLIAfunding is secure again this year. Thanks tomany individuals throughout the state,MAGNOLIA was funded at the same levelas the previous year! Although the legislativefunding was not enough to pay for allof the MAGNOLIA databases the MississippiLibrary Commission paid for OCLCFirstSearch and a portion of Credo Referencefrom their LSTA funding. The balancewas paid by contributions from MELO, thevarious community colleges, and variousuniversities and public libraries fromaround the state. We are indebted to theselibraries for keeping this valuable resourceavailable to the citizens of Mississippi.Like most of the libraries around thestate and the country, the MississippiLibrary Association is trying to be as frugalwith our limited funding as possible. TheFiscal Management Committee under theStephen Cunetto2012 MLA Presidentdirection of Carol Green workedvery hard to establish the 2012budget. It was a very difficulttask and one that requiredthe MLA Board to makesome tough decisionsincluding raising conferenceregistration fees, raisingmembership dues andreducing the number ofissues for Mississippi Libraries.The increased conference registrationfees will be take affect withthe 2012 conference but membershipfees will be voted uponby the membership at the MLAconference, going into effect inJanuary 2013. We also asked Alex Watson,editor of Mississippi Libraries, to reduce thenumber of issues from 4 to 3 to save funds.I have also appointed an ad hoc committeechaired by Ann Branton to look into transitioningMississippi Libraries to an onlinepublication. To assist with the financial situation,we are asking everyone to renewtheir individual and their organizationalmembership regardless of whether you areable to attend the MLA conference. If youhave new librarians, please encourage themto become active MLA members and tosupport their statewide library association.Vice-President Lynn Shurden and herconference committees have been workingvery hard this summer planning for theMLA conference in Natchez. I know this isgoing to be another excellent conferencethat will be inspiring and educational for allof us. I hope that you will make plans toattend the conference.I look forward to seeing you in Natchezin October! Susan Sparkmanssparkman@jackson.k12.ms.usSpecial Libraries Section ChairSheila A. Corkscork@noma.orgFor additional information and a list of committees androundtables, see the Mississippi Library Association’sWeb site at http://www.misslib.org/.

VOL. 75, NO. 2 • SUMMER 2012MISSISSIPPI LIBRARIESA Quarterly Publication of the ISSN 0194-388X<strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong>©2012EDITORIAL STAFFGUEST EDITORJennifer BrannockThe University of Southern <strong>Mississippi</strong>jennifer.brannock@usm.eduEDITORAlex P. WatsonJ. D. Williams <strong>Library</strong>The University of <strong>Mississippi</strong>P.O. Box 1848University, MS 38677-1848apwatson@olemiss.edu662-915-5866ASSISTANT EDITORBlair BookerHolmes Community Collegebbooker@holmescc.eduCOPY EDITORTracy Carr Seabold<strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Commissiontcarr@mlc.lib.ms.usADVERTISING EDITORAlex P. WatsonThe University of <strong>Mississippi</strong>apwatson@olemiss.eduREPORTERTina HarryThe University of <strong>Mississippi</strong>tharry@olemiss.eduFEATURESCONTENTSPresident’s Page ..............................................................................................................45Stephen Cunetto, President, <strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong>Librarians and Architects: Q & A.................................................................................46Joyce M. Shaw and Philip W. Shaw<strong>Library</strong> Renovation Lessons Learned...and Still Learning............................................47Mantra Henderson, M.L.I.S.New Job, New Setting, New...Everything: The Story of Two New Reference .............49Librarians and How They Survived a <strong>Library</strong> Renovation ProjectAdelia Grabowsky and Melissa Wright, M.L.I.S., Ph.D.Storage Room to Conservation Lab: How the University of ......................................53Miami Libraries Built the First Lab in South FloridaScott David Reinke and Duvy ArgandonaIf You Build It, They Will Come: Development of a <strong>Library</strong> Teen Room ..................56Casey Hughes, Susan Cassagne and Marianne RaleyIN EVERY ISSUENews Briefs......................................................................................................................................59People in the News..........................................................................................................................62About Books....................................................................................................................................62On the cover: Gloucester Cloisters by Elizabeth L. Beaud.BOOK REVIEW EDITORJennifer BrannockThe University of Southern <strong>Mississippi</strong>jennifer.brannock@usm.eduMLA PUBLICITYCOMMITTEE CHAIRDavid SchommerWatkins Elementary Schooltrumpetdls@aol.comINDEXERShirlene StognerThe University of Southern <strong>Mississippi</strong>shirlene.stogner@usm.edu<strong>Mississippi</strong> Libraries is a publication of the <strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong> (MLA). The articles, reports, and features hereinrepresent the viewpoints of their respective authors and are not necessarily the official opinions of the <strong>Association</strong>.Subscription Rates: $16.00 per year ($4.00 per issue); $24.00 per year outside of the U.S.; free to MLA members. Back issuesare available from University Microfilms International.Advertising Rates: Rates are available upon request from the Advertising Editor.Advertising Deadlines: Spring: February 10; Summer: May 10; Fall: August 10; Winter: November 10Submissions: Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or ASCII text format.Documents can be sent as an attachment via e-mail.Deadlines for submission: Spring: February 2; Summer: May 2; Fall: August 2; Winter: November 2.In order to assure the widest possible audience for the work published in <strong>Mississippi</strong> Libraries, that work is added in electronicform to the <strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Web site and, by contractual agreement, to one or more EBSCO Publishing databases.<strong>Mississippi</strong> Libraries is also indexed in <strong>Library</strong> Literature and Information Sciences Abstracts.Dues must be paid by March 15 in order to receive the Spring issue of <strong>Mississippi</strong> Libraries.

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