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<strong>ISIRI</strong><strong>18001</strong>1st. edition <strong>Islamic</strong> <strong>Republic</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iran</strong> Institute <strong>of</strong> Standards and Industrial Research <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iran</strong> <strong>18001</strong> - Occupational health and safetymanagement systems- Requirements

Institute <strong>of</strong> Standards and Industrial Research <strong>of</strong> IRANCentral Office: No.1294 Valiaser Ave. Vanak corner, Tehran, <strong>Iran</strong>P. O. Box: 14155-6139, Tehran, <strong>Iran</strong>Tel: +98 (21) 88879461-5Fax: +98 (21) 88887080, 88887103Headquarters: Standard Square, Karaj, <strong>Iran</strong>P.O. Box: 31585-163Tel: +98 (261) 2806031-8Fax: +98 (261) 2808114Email: standard @ isiri.org.irWebsite: www.isiri.orgSales Dep.: Tel: +98(261) 2818989, Fax.: +98(261) 2818787Price:3000 Rls. 14155-6139 : 1294 88879461-588887103 88887080- ::31585-163 - ( 0261)2806031 -8(0261) 2808114::standard@isiri.org.ir : www.isiri.org : (0261) 2818787 : (0261) 2818989 : 3000:

<strong>18001</strong> 3 () 1371 * . . . ( ) . 5 . 1 (ISO) 4 3 (OIML) 2 (IEC) . 5 (CAC). / - . () . () .. * 1- International organization for Standardization2 - International Electro technical Commission3- International Organization for Legal Metrology (Organization International de Metrology Legal)4 - Contact point5 - Codex Alimentarius Commission37

<strong>18001</strong> « - » / : ( ) : ( ) ( ) ( ) :( ) ( ) ( )IMQ ( ) ( )

<strong>18001</strong> QS ( ) ( ) ( )IMQ ( )

<strong>18001</strong> 112555681114152024 1 2 3OH&S 4OH&S 1-4OH&S 2-4 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4:<strong>18001</strong> ( ) 1380 :9001 – ISO 14001:2004 1387 :<strong>18001</strong> ( ) ILO-OSH 2001 OHSAS 180021387

<strong>18001</strong> . " – " 3 87/10/11 1371 . . . : BS OHSAS <strong>18001</strong>:2007 ; Occupational health and safety management systems-Requirements

<strong>18001</strong> -01 OHSAS . OHSAS <strong>18001</strong>:2007 <strong>18001</strong> "OHSAS <strong>18001</strong> " OHSAS 18002 . ISO 14001:2004 () ISO 9001:2000 OHSAS <strong>18001</strong> ( ). : (OHSAS <strong>18001</strong>:1999) OHSAS <strong>18001</strong>:2007 . " " . " " ISO 9001:2003.. . 2 . ISO 14001:2004 . .(3.1 ) " " " " .(3.9 ) ) " .(3.6) . ( . . ISO 14001:2004 4.3.4 4.3.3 .(4.3.1 ) .(4.4.6 4.3.1 ) 1 - Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series37

<strong>18001</strong> .(4.5.2 ) .( ) .(4-5.3.1 ) -0 . OH&S OH&S 1 OH&S OH&S . OH&S . " " " " OH&S . . . OHSAS OH&S . OH&S . OH&S . OH&S . . . OH&S . . - OH&S. BS OHSAS <strong>18001</strong>:1999 ILO-OSH 14001 – 1380 : 9001 - . OH&S 1- Occupational Health and Safety37

<strong>18001</strong> OH&S 1 OH&S / / OH&S . OH&S OH&S . OH&S . OHSAS 18002 . OHSAS OH&S - .2(PDCA) -: . OH&S : : OH&S : -OH&S : -" 9001 - . "1_ / and/or. 2 - Plan, Do, Check, Act--37

<strong>18001</strong> . . ()OH&S OH&S OH&S . . . OH&S () . OH&S : . .

<strong>18001</strong> – 1 OH&S OH&S . OH&S . : 1 OH&S ( OH&S OH&S ( OH&S (: ( 2 (1 (2 (3. OH&S / (4 . OH&S OH&S . OH&S . 2 . : . 1 - Minimize2 -Self- Determination37

<strong>18001</strong> OHSAS 18002, Occupational health and safety management systems – Guidelines for theimplementation <strong>of</strong> OHSAS <strong>18001</strong>International Labour Organization: 2001, Guidelines on Occupational Health and SafetyManagement Systems (OSH – MS) : (acceptable risk) (16-3 ) OH&S 13-3. (audit) 2-3. [ ISO 9000:2005, 3.9.1]. " "-1 . " " " " -2 . 1386 :19011 - (continual improvement) ( 13-3 ) OH&S 3-3.( 17 -3 ) ( 16-3 )OH&S ( 15-3 ) OH&S . -1 ISO 14001:2004, 3.2. -2 (corrective action) (11-3) 4-3. . – 1 (18-3 ) – 2 . [ISO 9000:2005 , 3.6.5](document) 5-3.

<strong>18001</strong> – .[ISO 14001:2004, 3.4](hazard) 6-3 (8-3) / . (hazard identification) 7-3. (6-3 ) (ill health) 8-3/ . (incident) ( ) (8-3) () 9-3. . – 1 " " " " " –2 . " " ". ( 7-4-4 ) – 3 (interestred party) 10 -3( 15-3 ) OH&S (23 -3 ) .( 17 -3 ) ( nonconformity) 11-3 [.ISO 9000:2005 , 3.6.2; ISO 14001: 2004, 3.15]: – .( 13 -3 ) OH&S (occupational health and safety )(OH&S) ••12-3 ( OH&S) ( 23-3 ) . - (OH&S management system) OH&S. 13-3

<strong>18001</strong> (16-3 ) OH&S ( 17-3 ) . (21-3 ) OH&S : 1 . ( : ) :2 . (19-3 ) .ISO 14001: 2004, 3.8 :3(OH&S objective) OH&S 14-3(17-3 ) (15-3 ) OH&S OH&S. . :1. (16-3 ) OH&S OH&S 3-3-4 : 2(OH&S performance) OH&S 15-3.(21-3 ) OH&S (17-3 ) . OH&S :1 (13-3 ) OH&S :2 (17-3 ) OH&S (14-3 ) OH&S (16-3 ) OH&S.(OH&S policy) OH&S 16-3 (15-3 ) OH&S (17-3 ) . ". (14-3 ) OH&S OH&S -1 . ISO 14001 : 2004, 3.11 -2 (organization) 17-3 . :.[ ISO 14001: 2004, 3.16](preventive action) 18-3 (11-3 ) . . :1

<strong>18001</strong> ( 4-3 ) . :2. [ISO 9000: 2005, 3.6.4 ](procedure) 19-3. . : [ISO 9000: 2005, 3.4.5 ](record) 20-3 (5-3 ) . [ISO 14001: 2004, 3.20 ](risk) 21-3 (8-3 ) () . () (risk assessment) 22-3 () (21-3 ) () . () ( workplace) 23-3. OH&S (17-3 ) – ( ) . OH&S 4OH&S 1-4 OH&S . . OH&S OH&S 2-4 OH&S : OH&S OH&S ( OH&S (

<strong>18001</strong> ( OH&S OH&S ( (OH&S ( ( (. 3-4 1-3-4 () . : ()21 ( ) (( ( ( (. – 1 (() ( OH&S ( ) (( 12-3 / (. : 1- Routine2- Nonroutine – 37

<strong>18001</strong> ( 2 1 ( OH&S .. OH&S . : ( ( ( / / ( (. OH&S . OH&S -2 . OHSAS 18002 ()2-3-4 . . OH&S . . () 3-3-4. OH&S 1 - Proactive2 - Reactive37

<strong>18001</strong> OH&S . . OH&S () . . () : ( ( () . 4-41-4-4. OH&S OH&S : OH&S. -1 OH&S . OH&S ( ) : OH&S (( OH&S (. OH&S ( ) -2 . () .(

<strong>18001</strong> OH&S . OH&S . OH&S

<strong>18001</strong> 2-4-4 OH&S . . OH&S . () : OH&S OH&S ( OH&S ( ) OH&S (7-4-4. (: (1 . (23-4-4 1-3-4-4 () OH&S : ( (. ( 2-3-4-4: () : ( OH&S OH&S ••••

<strong>18001</strong> . OH&S () OH&S () •. . OH&S ( . OH&S4-4-4: OH&S OH&S (OH&S ( OH&S ( OHSAS ( (. OH&S -. 5-4-4 . OH&S . 4-5-4 . () ( ( ( ( (() (OH&S (. 6-4-4 . OH&S ( 1-3-4 )

<strong>18001</strong> . (. OH&S ( ( ) (. OH&S( (OH&S. OH&S 7-4-4: () (); ( ( . . . () . OH&SOH&S ()( 3-5-4 ) 5-41-5-4() .: () ( OH&S (( ) ( (

<strong>18001</strong> ( ) (OH&S ( . . . 1 () ( 2-4 ) 2-5-41-2-5-4( 2-3-4 ). . . -1 ( 2-3-4 ) . () 1-2-5-4 2-2-5-4. . - (3-5-4 1-3-5-4) : OH&S ( ( ( (. (. . 2-3-5-4 1 - Evaluation <strong>of</strong> compliance37

<strong>18001</strong> . 2-3-5-4 () () . : () OH&S () ( ) ( () ( () () ( (. ( . () . OH&S . OH&S 4-5-4 OH&S . () OH&S. . 5-5-4 : : OH&S ( OH&S . . . (-1-2-3

<strong>18001</strong> () . . () ( ( OH&S. 6-4 . OH&S . OH&S . : . ( . ( 3-4-4 ) ( () ( OH&S ( ( ( ( OH&S ( ( : OH&S (OH&S ( (OH&S ( ( 3-4-4 )

<strong>18001</strong> 1380 : 9001 - ( )ISO 14001 : 2004 1387 : <strong>18001</strong> 1380 : 9001 - ISO 14001 : 2004 1387 :<strong>18001</strong> - 1- 1380 : 9001 - ISO 14001 : 2004 1387 : <strong>18001</strong> 9004 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 011-12-1 2 3( ) 4 1 -45 -51 -5-5 - - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 ( ) OH&S 4-1 1 - 44

<strong>18001</strong> 1380 : 9001 - ISO 14001 : 2004 1387 : <strong>18001</strong> 1 -53 - 51 -5-8( ) 4-5 4-2 OH&S 2 - 4( ) 4-3 ( ) 3 -4 2-51-2-72-2-72-51-2-71-4-52-4-51-5-8 4-3-1 ( ) 7 ) ( ) 1-51-5-52-5-51-63-61-2-62-2-6 1-3-44-3-2 2 -3-4 4-3-3 ( ) 3-3-4( 4-4 ( ) 4 -44-4-1 1-4-44-4-2 2-4-4

<strong>18001</strong> 1380 : 9001 - ISO 14001 : 20041387 : <strong>18001</strong> – ( )3-5-53-5-7 4-4-3 3-4-41-2-4 4-4-4 4 -4-4 3-2-4 4-4-5 5 -4-4 1-72-71-2-72-2-71-3-72-3-73-3-74-3-75-3-76-3-77-3-71-4-72-4-73-4-75-71-5-72-5-75-5-7 4-4-6 6-4-4

<strong>18001</strong> 1380 : 9001 - ISO 14001 : 20041387 : <strong>18001</strong> 3-8 4-4-7 7 -4-4( ) 8 ( ) 4-5( ) 5 -4 ( ) 6 -71 -83 -2-84 -2-84 -83-2-84-2-8 4-5-1 1 -5-4 4-5-2 2-5-4- -- -- -- - ( ) 3 -5-4 1 -3-5-4 3 -8 4 -82 -5-83 -5-8 4-5-3 2 -3-5-4

<strong>18001</strong> 1380 : 9001 - ISO 14001 : 20041387 : <strong>18001</strong> – ( ) 4-2-4 4-5-4 4 -5-4 2-2-8 4-5-5 5 -5-4 1-56-51-6-52-6-53-6-51-5-8 4-6 6 -4

<strong>18001</strong> ( )ILO-OSH 2001 OHSAS 18002 : -OHSAS (ILO-OSH) . . - ILO-OSH . OH&S. ILO-OSH OH&S OHSAS -: ILO-OSH - OH&S - OH&S OHSAS 18002 . OH&S OHSAS . - . ״ "ILO-OSHOHSAS ILO-OSH – ILO-OSH OHSAS . ILO-OSH . OH&S - ILO-OSH OH&S . OHSAS :ILO-OSH - - " -- ILO-OSH "

<strong>18001</strong> -- . : ILO-OSH - - ( h) -- ILO-OSH . OHSAS . : ILO-OSH - -: ILO-OSH -- ". OHSAS " . :-- - ILO-OSH OHSAS . . : ILO-OSH -- -- ILO-OSH ) . OHSAS .( : ILO-OSH - . - ILO-OSH . --- . OHSAS . : ILO-OSH - -ILO-OSH . :ILO-OSH- - ILO-OSH OHSAS . . 1- Procurement37

<strong>18001</strong> 1387 :<strong>18001</strong> 4-ILO-OSHILO-OSH 1387 : <strong>18001</strong> 1- ILO-OSH <strong>18001</strong> - -3-0--- --- --1-0 1 --- 2 --- 3------( ) OH&S 4 3-0 1-4 3-13-16OH&S 2-4( ) ---( ) 3-4 3-73-8 1-3-4 3-103-10-13-10-23-10-5( )( )3-7-23-10-1-2 2-3-4 3-83-9 3-3-4 3-16------( ) 4-4 3-33-83-16 1-4-4 3-4 2-4-4

<strong>18001</strong> ILO-OSH <strong>18001</strong>- ( ) ------ 3-23-63-53-53-10-23-10-43-10-53-10-3--3-11------3-123-163-153-53-133-143-16 ( ) ( ) 3-4-44-4-45-4-46-4-47-4-45-41-5-42-5-43-5-41-3-5-42-3-5-44-5-45-5-46-4

<strong>18001</strong> [1]. ISO 9000: 2005, Quality management systems- Fundamentals and vocabulary[2]. ISO 14001:2004, Environmental management systems- Requirments with guidance foruse – 1380 :9001 - -[3] 1386 : 19011 - -[4]

<strong>18001</strong> ICS: 03.100 ; 13.10024:

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