definitives postal stationery - United Nations Postal Administration

definitives postal stationery - United Nations Postal Administration

definitives postal stationery - United Nations Postal Administration

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2 Words from the ChiefUNPA Programme of Issues 2010SUMMARY4 New <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Stamp Issue: New York Definitives5 New York <strong>Postal</strong> Stationery6 New York Definitives – First day coversIn Memoriam Borys Jaminskyj7 New Shanghai World Expo event sheet and souvenir cover8 New <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Stamp Issue: 65 th Anniversary of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>11 Philatelic products currently available15 UNPA-Europe bank & <strong>postal</strong> checking accounts16 Next <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Stamp Issues17 The League of <strong>Nations</strong> at the New York World’s Fair of 1939-194018 Vienna Holiday Games EventUnique Offer: <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> stamp albums for children19 Grand Prix de l’Exposition WIPA 2008Year of the Tiger event sheet and souvenir cover20 Special mailing by wheeled armoured vehicleUNPA donates to St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute21 Products of UNPA and DAVO23 UNPA’s attendance at stamp shows (New York and Europe)OPENING HOURS OFUNPA COUNTERSUNPA-VIENNA:Checkpoint 1, Vienna InternationalCentre (UNO-City) Wagramerstraße 5,1220 ViennaMonday to Fridayfrom 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Inventory29 June, 28 July, 27 August 2010UNPA-GENEVA:Palais des <strong>Nations</strong>, Door 6, GenevaMonday to Fridayfrom 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Inventory29 June, 28 July, 27 August 2010COMMUNICATIONSUNPA-EUROPE:To place an order or to contact theEuropean office:Call: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.+43/126060 4032 or 4025 or 4022German + English+43/126060 4020 French+43/126060 4025 Spanish+43/126060 4022 ItalianFax: +43/126060/ 5825Email: UNPA-Europe@unvienna.orgWebsite: http://unstamps.un.org<strong>Postal</strong> address:<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>P. O. Box 9001400 Vienna - <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>AustriaIMPRESSUM<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>P. O. Box 9001400 Vienna - <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>AustriaDESIGN – LAYOUT – COVER:UNPA Global Graphics & CommunicationPHOTOS:UNPA-New York, UNPA-EuropeEDITORS:UNPA Editorial TeamPRINTING:Invecon s.r.o.3

65 TH ANNIVERSARYOF THE UNITED NATIONS<strong>United</strong> F.s. 9,50 <strong>Nations</strong><strong>Nations</strong> E 3,75 UniesVereinte F.s. 281,90DETER• to s6598c6598c65F.s.6598c65F.s.65E 1,90 0,7565F6scourgebrought2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010• to reCode: 301.3689 Code: 501.3690 Code:1,90in the dthe equalarge an• to esrespect6598c6598c65F.s.6598c65F.s.65E 701.36911,90 0,7565FOn 28 June 2010, the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>(UNPA) will issue three sheets of 15 stamps and three Format: 80 mm horizontally by 80 mm verticallySouvenir sheet specifications6souvenir sheets on the occasion of the sixty-fifth anniversary Stamp Format (inside the souvenir sheets, perforated):of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>.30 mm by 30 mmDenominations and quantitiesStamp specificationsUS$ 0.98 150,000 stamps (10,500 sheets)Format: 30 mm horizontally by 30 mm vertically, perforation CHF 1.90 135,000 stamps (9,000 sheets)to perforation€ 0.75 150,000 stamps (10,000 sheets) and othSheet size: 200 mm horizontally by 170 mm verticallyPerforation: 2010132010 2010 US$ 1.962010(2xUS$ 2010 2010 0.98) 36,000 souvenir sheets maintain2010 2010Marginal inscriptionsCHF 3.80 (2xCHF 1.90) 40,500 souvenir sheets• to prThe horizontal sheets of 15 stamps have two marginal 1,90 € 1.50 (2x€ 0.75) 1,90ards ofAND FO• to prpeace wi6598c6598c65F.s.6598c65F.s.65E 50,500 souvenir0,75sheets65Finscriptions, one in the top margin and one in the bottom margin.The marginal inscription consists of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> The designs6emblem with the text “<strong>United</strong>” to the left of the emblem and The stamp design consists of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> emblemthe text “<strong>Nations</strong>” to the right of the emblem. One copyright with the number on top of the emblem in gold foil.symbol with the year 2010 appears in the bottom margin. Inthe right tab of the stamps is the text of the Preamble to the The designerCharter of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>.The stamps were designed by Rorie Katz (<strong>United</strong><strong>Nations</strong>).• to unpeace an2010 98c98cF.s. 2010 1,90 2010 PrintingF.s. 1,902010 2010 2010 2010 2010The stamps and souvenir sheets were printed in offset by• to enLowe-Martin65 65 65 65Group (Canada).1,90the inst2010 20102010 2010not be uAnniversaryAnniversaireof thedes65 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> 65• to em<strong>Nations</strong> Uniesmotion oE 6598c0,75E 0,75 6598c65F.s.6598c65F.s.65E 0,7565F98c1,90F.s. 1,9065First Day Cancellations62010 20102010 2010On 28 June 2010, first day cancellations for the stampsAnniversaryAnniversairecommemorating the 65th anniversary of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>of thedes<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong><strong>Nations</strong> will be Unies available at <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Headquarters in NewCode: 311.3692 Code: 511.3693 York, the Palais des <strong>Nations</strong>, Geneva and the Vienna all InternationalCentre as illustrated below.peop65201065HAVE RE 0,75E 0,752010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 201065 65EFFOR2010 20101,901,9065AccordinrepreseFranciscfound to65F.s.65F.s.65E 0,7565F20106Vienna the presDesigned by Maria Schulzhereby e2010 2010 2010 2010 2010JahreVereinte Nationen6598c6598c2010JahreVereinte NationenCode: 711.3694New YorkDesigned by Rorie Katz82010E 0,75 E 1,50 E 2,25 E 3,00 E 3,756598cGenevaDesigned by François Guiol2010 2010be know

65 TH ANNIVERSARYOF THE UNITED NATIONSThe name “<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>”, coined by <strong>United</strong> States President FranklinD. Roosevelt, was first used in the Declaration by <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> of1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together againstthe Axis Powers.States first established international organizations to cooperate on specificmatters. The International Telecommunication Union was founded in 1865as the International Telegraph Union, and the Universal <strong>Postal</strong> Union wasestablished in 1874. Both are now <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> specialized agencies.In 1899, the first International Peace Conference was held in The Hagueto elaborate instruments for settling crises peacefully, preventing wars andcodifying rules of warfare. It adopted the Convention for the Pacific Settlementof International Disputes and established the Permanent Court of Arbitration,which began work in 1902.The forerunner of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> was the League of <strong>Nations</strong>,an organization conceived in similar circumstances during the First World War, and established in 1919 under the Treaty ofVersailles “to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security”.The International Labour Organization was also created under the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of theLeague. The League of <strong>Nations</strong> ceased its activities after failing to prevent the Second World War.In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Conference on International Organizationto draw up the Charter of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>. Those delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals worked out bythe representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom and the <strong>United</strong> States at Dumbarton Oaks, <strong>United</strong> States,from August to October 1944. The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries. Poland,which was not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became one of the original 51 Member States.The <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been ratified by China,France, the Soviet Union, the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom, the <strong>United</strong> States and a majority of other signatories. <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Day iscelebrated on 24 October each year.As we celebrate this milestone, it is recognized that throughout its 65-year history the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> has played anintegral part in shaping global events through its humanitarian and peacekeeping activities.98c98c65 65 652010 2010 201098c98c65 65 652010 2010 201098c98c65 65 652010 2010 201098c98c65 65 652010 2010 201098c98c65 65 652010 2010 2010© UN 2010<strong>United</strong><strong>United</strong><strong>Nations</strong>Code: 308.3689<strong>Nations</strong>98c98c98c98c98cWE THE PEOPLES OF THEUNITED NATIONSDETERMINED• to save succeeding generations from thescourge of war, which twice in our lifetime hasbrought untold sorrow to mankind, and• to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights,in the dignity and worth of the human person, inthe equal rights of men and women and of nationslarge and small, andF.s. 9,50 <strong>Nations</strong> UniesF.s. 28,50• to establish conditions under which justice andrespect for the obligations arising from treaties 1,901,901,90and other sources of international law can bemaintained, and• to promote social progress and better standardsof life in larger freedom,65F.s.65F.s.65F.s.AND FOR THESE ENDS• to practice tolerance and live together in 2010 2010 2010peace with one another as good neighbours, and 1,901,901,90• to unite our strength to maintain internationalpeace and security, and• to ensure, by the acceptance of principles andthe institution of methods, that armed force shallnot be used, save in the common interest, and 65F.s.65F.s.65F.s.• to employ international machinery for the promotionof the economic and social advancement of2010 2010 2010all peoples,1,901,901,90HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUREFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMSAccordingly, our respective Governments, throughrepresentatives assembled in the city of San 65F.s.65F.s.65F.s.Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers 2010 2010 2010found to be in good and due form, have agreed to1,901,901,90the present Charter of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> and dohereby establish an international organization tobe known as the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>.65F.s.65F.s.65F.s.2010 2010 20101,901,9065F.s.65F.s.2010© ONU 20101,9065F.s.2010 2010<strong>Nations</strong>UniesCode: 508.3690F.s. 28,5010NOUS, PEUPLES DES NATIONS UNIESRésolus• à préserver les générations futures du fléaude la guerre qui deux fois en l’espace d’une viehumaine a infligé à l’humanité d’indicibles souffrances,• à proclamer à nouveau notre foi dans les droitsfondamentaux de l’homme, dans la dignité et lavaleur de la personne humaine, dans l’égalité dedroits des hommes et des femmes, ainsi que desnations, grandes et petites,• à créer les conditions nécessaires au maintiende la justice et du respect des obligations nées destraités et autres sources du droit international,• à favoriser le progrès social et instaurer demeilleures conditions de vie dans une liberté plusgrande,Et à ces fins65E 0,7565E • à pratiquer la tolérance, à vivre en paix l’unavec l’autre dans un esprit de bon voisinage,• à unir nos forces pour maintenir la paix et lasécurité internationales,2010• à accepter des principes et instituer des méthodesgarantissant qu’il ne sera pas fait usage de65E 0,7565E la force des armes, sauf dans l’intérêt commun,• à recourir aux institutions internationales pourfavoriser le progrès économique et social de tousles peuples,Avons décidé d’associer nos efforts pour 2010réaliser ces desseins65E 0,7565E en conséquence, nos gouvernements respectifs, parl’intermédiaire de leurs représentants, réunis enla ville de San Francisco, et munis de pleinspouvoirs reconnus en bonne et due forme, ontadopté la présente Charte des <strong>Nations</strong> Unies etétablissent par les présentes une organisation 2010internationale qui prendra le nom de <strong>Nations</strong> Unies.65E 0,75Code: 708.3691E 0,75 E 1,50 E 2,25 E 3,00 E 3,75201065E65E 0,7565E 2010© UN 2010E 3,75 Vereinte NationenE 11.250,7565E 20100,7565E 20100,7565E 20100,7565E 20100,7565E 2010VereinteNationen0,7520100,7520100,7520100,7520100,752010WIR, DIE VÖLKER DERVEREINTEN NATIONEN -FEST ENTSCHLOSSEN,• künftige Geschlechter vor der Geißel desKrieges zu bewahren, die zweimal zu unserenLebzeiten unsagbares Leid über die Menschheitgebracht hat,• unseren Glauben an die Grundrechte desMenschen, an Würde und Wert der menschlichenPersönlichkeit, an die Gleichberechtigung von Mannund Frau sowie von allen Nationen, ob groß oderklein, erneut zu bekräftigen,• Bedingungen zu schaffen, unter denen Gerechtigkeitund die Achtung vor den Verpflichtungenaus Verträgen und anderen Quellen desVölkerrechts gewahrt werden können,• den sozialen Fortschritt und einen besserenLebensstandard in größerer Freiheit zu fördern,UND FÜR DIESE ZWECKE• Duldsamkeit zu üben und als gute Nachbarn inFrieden miteinander zu leben,• unsere Kräfte zu vereinen, um den Weltfriedenund die internationale Sicherheit zu wahren,• Grundsätze anzunehmen und Verfahren einzuführen,die gewährleisten, dass Waffengewaltnur noch im gemeinsamen Interesse angewendetwird, und• internationale Einrichtungen in Anspruch zunehmen, um den wirtschaftlichen und sozialenFortschritt aller Völker zu fördern -HABEN BESCHLOSSEN, IN UNSEREM BE-MÜHEN UM DIE ERREICHUNG DIESER ZIELEZUSAMMENZUWIRKEN.Dementsprechend haben unsere Regierungendurch ihre in der Stadt San Francisco versammeltenVertreter, deren Vollmachten vorgelegt und inguter und gehöriger Form befunden wurden, dieseCharta der Vereinten Nationen angenommen underrichten hiermit eine internationale Organisation,die den Namen „Vereinte Nationen“ führen soll.

UNITED NATIONSNATIONS UNIES<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> • EuropeP. O. Box 900 • 1400 Vienna - <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, AustriaPHILATELIC PRODUCTSCURRENTLY AVAILABLEFor orders please send to:UNPA-EUROPE, P.O. BOX 900, 1400 VIENNA - UNITED NATIONS, AUSTRIAPlease fill in the type of article you wish to orderin the column “Art” if not indicatedArt 01 stamp Art 05 block of 10 stampsArt 03 block of 4 stamps Art 08 complete sheetCustomer No. :First Name:Last Name:Address:Post Code:City:Country:E-mail address:Date of birth:You can contact us by telephone: +43(1) 26060 4032, 4022 or 4025by fax: +43(1) 26060 5825by e-mail: UNPA-Europe@unvienna.orgVisit our websitehttp://unstamps.un.org

DEFINITIVE SERIESDate of issue Art Code Price €VALUES IN EUROQuantityQuantityDate of issue Art Code Price €* 7 8 * 7 8(7.8.2003) 7035 0.04 (28.1.2008) 7041 0.65(15.4.2010) 7043 0.05 (1.3.2002) 7030 0.73(1.3.2002) 7027 0.07 (4.2.2005) 7038 0.75(28.1.2008) 7039 0.10 (1.3.2002) 7031 0.87(28.1.2008) 7040 0.15 (28.3.2003) 7034 1.00(15.4.2010) 7044 0.20 (28.1.2008) 7042 1.40(28.3.2003) 7033 0.25 (1.3.2002) 7032 2.03(1.3.2002) 7028 2) 0.51 (24.10.2003) 7036 2.10(29.1.2004) 7037 0.55 Complete series 30 3001 12.03(1.3.2002) 7029 0.58DEFINITIVE SERIESVALUES IN US$Date of issue Art CodePriceUS$(6.2.2009) 5068 0.01(13.2.1998) 5053 0.02(29.1.1988) 5035 0.03(2.10.1992) 5041 0.04(7.5.1993) 5043 0.05(25.5.2001) 5057 0.07(12.2.1997) 5050 0.08(6.2.2009) 5069 0.09(6.2.2009) 5070 0.10(19.1.1979) 5028 1) 0.15(5.9.1995) 5047 0.20(13.2.1998) 5054 0.21(28.3.2003) 5060 0.23(3.2.2006) 5066 0.25(11.9.1991) 5037 0.30(5.2.1999) 5055 0.33(25.5.2001) 5058 0.34(15.10.2004) 5065 0.37(2.10.1992) 5042 0.40(11.9.1991) 5038 0.50(12.2.1997) 5051 0.55(24.10.2003) 5064 0.60(28.3.2003) 5062 0.70(1.3.2002) 5059 0.80(9.8.2007) 5067 0.90(2.10.2009) 5071 1.00(10.5.1991) 5039 2.00(10.5.1985) 5034 3.00(5.2.1999) 5056 5.00Complete series 30 2525 18.32VALUES IN CHFQuantityPrice QuantityDate of issue Art Code* 3 4 CHF * 5 6(14.3.1986) 6020 0.05(12.2.1997) 6033 0.10(10.5.1985) 6018 0.20(22.1.1982) 6016 0.30(27.1.1978) 6004 0.35(2.2.1996) 6031 0.40(29.1.1988) 6023 0.50(1.9.1994) 6028 0.60(2.2.1996) 6032 0.70(4.10.1969) 6009 0.75(1.9.1994) 6029 0.80(24.10.2003) 6040 0.85(20.2.2003) 6039 0.90(22.1.1982) 6017 1.00(12.2.1997) 6034 1.10(10.5.1985) 6019 1.20(3.2.2006) 6041 1.30(30.1.1987) 6022 1.40(10.5.1991) 6026 1.50(15.04.2010) 6042 1.60(5.2.1999) 6036 1.70(1.9.1994) 6030 1.80(15.04.2010) 6043 1.90(13.2.1998) 6035 2.00(24.10.2002) 6038 3.00(2.2.1990) 6024 5.00(17.4.1970) 6015 10.00Complete series 30 2521 41.001) First reprint of 9 October 19952) First reprint of 7 August 2003Values in US$QuantityAIRMAIL SERIESArt Code Price * 3 4Stamp tête-bêche “Centenary of First Flight” (28.3.2003) - 23¢ + 70¢ 5063 0.93 mint cancelledALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO EXCHANGE FLUCTUATIONS

COMMEMORATIVE ISSUES12 months on salePrestige Booklets and Endangered Species 24 months on saleClimate Change (23.10.2008)Prestige Booklet *(22.10.2010)Endangered Species (16.4.2009)Block of 4 stampsMiniature sheet*(15.4.2011)World Heritage-Germany (7.5.2009)*(7.5.2010)Prestige Booklet*(6.5.2011)Economic and Social Council (6.8.2009)*(6.8.2010)Millennium Development Goals (25.9.2009)*(24.9.2010)Indigenous People (8.10.2009)*(8.10.2010)Coin & Flag Series (5.2.2010)*(5.2.2011)Endangered Species (15.4.2010)Block of 4 stampsMiniature sheet*(16.4.2012)One Planet, One Ocean (6.5.2010)*(6.5.2011)Prestige Booklet*(7.5.2012)*Last day of saleArtValues in € Values in US$ Values in CHFPrice Quantity Price Quantity Price QuantityCodeCode Code€ * 7 8 US$ * 3 4 CHF * 5 631 3489 7.80 3487 9.00 3488 10.2050 3513 2.60 3511 1.68 3512 4.0051 3513 10.40 3511 6.72 3512 16.003540 0.65 3536 0.44 3538 1.003541 1.40 3537 0.98 3539 1.3031 3544 7.80 3542 9.00 3543 9.603554 0.55 3550 0.44 3552 0.853555 0.65 3551 0.98 3553 1.8010 3574 5.20 3572 3.52 3573 8.8010 3579 3.90 3577 2.64 3578 7.8071 3592 5.20 3590 3.52 3591 6.8050 3539 2.60 3597 1.76 3598 4.0051 3539 10.40 3597 7.04 3598 16.0010 3628 2.20 3624 1.76 3626 3.4010 3629 2.60 3625 3.92 3627 4.0031 3632 7.80 3630 8.64 3631 9.60COLLECTION FOLDERS(2 years on sale) ArtFolder “Endangered Species” (6.3.2008) 23 3412 8.77Folder “Coin & Flag Series” (8.5.2008) 77 3426 14.13Values in € Values in US$ Values in CHFPrice Quantity Price Quantity Price QuantityCodeCode Code€ * 7 8 US$ * 3 4 CHF * 5 62008 Annual Collection Folder (23.10.2008) 22 3492 19.77 3490 14.18 3491 27.50Folder “Endangered Species” (16.4.2009) 23 3529 8.792009 Annual Collection Folder (8.10.2009) 22 3582 15.72 3580 14.14 3581 26.10Folder “Coin & Flag Series” (5.2.2010) 77 3593 13.71Folder “Endangered Species” (15.4.2010) 23 3615 8.85PERSONALIZED STAMP SHEETS Art Code Price € QuantityBeijing US$ 0.94 (8.8.2008) 394 3461 11.08Domestic US$ 0.44 (12.5.2009) 393 3557 11.08International US$ 0.98 (12.5.2009) 393 3558 11.08Climate Summit US$ 0.98 (22.9.2009) 394 3583 11.08EVENT SHEET Art Code Price € QuantityShanghai Lunar Calendar US$ 0.44 (1.5.2010) 394 3634 7.37 mint cancelledALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO EXCHANGE FLUCTUATIONS

Values in € Values in US$ Values in CHFPOSTAL STATIONERYPrice Quantity Price Quantity Price QuantityArt CodeCode Code€ * 7 8 US$ * 3 4 CHF * 5 6Postcard (3.6.2004) € 0.55 21 2980 1.00Pre-stamped envelope (3.6.2004) € 0.55 21 2981 0.80Postcard (7.5.2009) € 0.65 21 3562 1.20Pre-stamped envelope (7.5.2009) € 0.65 21 3563 1.00Pre-stamped envelope (7.5.2009) € 1.40 21 3564 1.75Postcard (1.3.2002) CHF 1.30 21 2781 1.30Postcard (7.5.2009) CHF 0.85 21 3559 1.10Postcard (7.5.2009) CHF 1.00 21 3560 1.25Postcard revalued (15.4.2010) CHF 1.90 21 3636 1.47Pre-stamped envelope & revalued, small US$ 0.44 21 3565 0.55Pre-stamped envelope & revalued, large US$ 0.44 21 3566 0.55Air letter revalued (5.6.2009) US$ 0.98 21 3568 1.10Official blank cachetsVienna28 2779 0.30New York (1995) 28 3584 0.25Geneva26 3239 0.25MISCELLANEOUS Art Code Price € QuantityDAVO – Album for Personalized Stamps (Postage included) 329 3531 107.83Folder “Living Earth” Volume II 324 2718 6.85Folder “Living Earth” Volume III 324 2961 7.37Folder “Our World” Volume 1 1989 322 1219 8.15Folder “Our World” Volume 2 1990 322 1251 9.63Folder “Our World” Volume 3 1991 322 1269 8.89Folder “Schönbrunn” 824 3879 7.27Folder “Road Safety” 624 3048 14.00Special folder “In Memoriam” (cancelled only) 424 2969 4.02Special folder UNPA/French Post 2006 624 3079 9.90Joint silk first day cover UNPA/UPU 2007 424 3356 7.37Joint silk first day cover UNPA/Israel Post 2008 424 3391 5.89Joint silk first day cover UNPA/German Post 2009 824 3752 5.50Silk first day cover CITES “Endangered Species” 2006 424 3205 2.93Silk first day cover CITES “Endangered Species” 2007 424 3304 2.93Silk first day cover CITES “Endangered Species” 2008 424 3413 2.93Silk first day cover CITES “Endangered Species” 2009 424 3530 2.93Silk first day cover CITES “Endangered Species” 2010 424 3616 2.93Souvenir cover “World Malaria Day” 2010 424 3622 1.11Souvenir cover “Shanghai Lunar Calendar” 2010 424 3635 0.74Special envelope “SPORT 2005” 624 3078 4.31Special envelope “Pope visits the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>” 2008 424 3443 1.48UN/USPS “Indigenous Art” card 424 3079 5.19Non-Violence card 424 3546 4.41CDROM: UNPA stamp catalogue (1951-2005) 324 3121 39.90MICHEL – Catalogue 2010 – English/German (Postage included) 724 3620 61.30UV-Lamp (L80) 724 5052 9.90 mint cancelledALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO EXCHANGE FLUCTUATIONSWE ACCEPT PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARDIf you pay your order for the first time by credit card or your card numberor expiry date have changed, please fill in the details below :CREDIT CARDSVISA MASTERCARDNumber :Date :Expiry date :Signature :

UNPA-Europe Bank & <strong>Postal</strong> Checking AccountsCOUNTRY TOWN CURRENCY ACCOUNT DETAILS ADDRESSAustria Vienna Euro Bank Austria Account No. 690003603 Wagramerstrasse 5UniCredit Group IBAN AT57 1200000690003603 1400 ViennaBIC BKAUATWW AustriaAustria Vienna CHF Bank Austria Account No. 570431387 Wagramerstrasse 5UniCredit Group IBAN AT53 1200000570431387 1400 ViennaBIC BKAUATWW AustriaAustria Vienna USD Bank Austria Account No. 570341875 Wagramerstrasse 5UniCredit Group IBAN AT25 1200000570341875 1400 ViennaBIC BKAUATWW AustriaAustria Vienna Euro P.S.K. Account No. 1-107-500 Seitzergasse 2-4IBAN AT81 6000000001107500 1010 ViennaBIC OPSKATWW AustriaBelgium Brussels Euro Banque de la Poste Account No. 000-03 50751-96 Rue des Colonies 56IBAN BE65 000035075196 1000 BruxellesBIC BPOTBEB1 BelgiumDenmark Copenhagen Crown Danske Bank Account No. 3 00 49 45 PostgirokontoretIBAN DK65 30000003004945 1459 Kopenhagen KBIC DABADKKK DenmarkFinland Helsinki Euro Sampo Account No. 800014-70845554 Unioninkatu 22IBAN FI52 80001470845554 00075 HelsinkiBIC DABAFIHH FinlandFrance Paris Euro La Banque <strong>Postal</strong>e Account No. 15 177-60 V 020 Centre FinancierIBAN FR64 20041000011517760V02017 75900 Paris Cedex 15BIC PSSTFRPPPAR FranceFrance Paris Euro Societé Générale Account No. 37290018 18 10, Rue ThernardIBAN FR76 300030329000037290018 18 75007 ParisBIC SOGEFRPP FranceGermany Frankfurt/Main Euro Postbank Account No. 706609 PostbankIBAN DE39 500100600000706609 60290 Frankfurt/MainBIC PBNKDEFF GermanyItaly Rome Euro BancoPosta Account No. 36 232 007 Viale Europa 175IBAN IT43 R0760103200000036232007 00144 RomaBIC BPPIITRRXXX ItalyItaly Rome Euro Banca di Roma Account No. 80443137 Viale u. Tupini 180IBAN IT53 C0300205000000080443137 00144 RomaBIC BROMITR1200 ItalyLuxembourg Luxembourg Euro P&T Account No. 26819-47 PostauxIBAN LU77 1111026819470000 1090 LuxembourgBIC CCPLLULL LuxembourgNetherlands The Hague Euro ING Account No. 145792 Postbus 98000IBAN NL28 INGB0000145792 6800 MA ArnhemBIC INGBNL2A NetherlandsNorway Oslo Crown DnB NOR Account No. 78740702857 PostbankenIBAN NO87 78740702857 0021 OsloBIC DNBANOKKXXX NorwaySweden Stockholm Crown NORDEA Account No. 7 42 33-8 SvarspostIBAN SE22 9500 0099 6042 0074 2338 10571 StockholmBIC NDEASESS SwedenSwitzerland Geneva CHF La Poste Account No. 12-999-1 Operations CenterIBAN CH76 09000000120009991 1631 BulleBIC POFICHBEXXX SwitzerlandSwitzerland Geneva CHF UBS SA Account No. 240-C0590165.0 Case <strong>Postal</strong>eIBAN CH03 00240240C05901650 3041 BerneBIC UBSWCHZH80A SwitzerlandSwitzerland Geneva USD UBS SA Account No. 240-C0590165.1 Case <strong>Postal</strong>e 3991IBAN CH73 00240240C05901651 1002 LausanneBIC UBSWCHZH80A SwitzerlandSwitzerland Geneva Euro UBS SA Account No. 240-C0590165.2 Case <strong>Postal</strong>e 3991IBAN CH46 00240240C05901652 1002 LausanneBIC UBSWCHZH80A Switzerland15

20102010201020102010 20102010201020102010NEXT UNITED NATIONS STAMP ISSUESOn 2 September 2010, UNPA will issue three commemorative stamps in the denominations of US$ 0.44,CHF 1.00 and € 0.65 in sheets of 20 stamps on the theme “UN Transport Land / Sea / Air”. A new Child Labour event sheet(Geneva value) will also be issued on 2 September 2010.On 18 October, UNPA will issue two New York definitive stamps and a souvenir card on the theme “International Yearof Biodiversity”.On 21 October, UNPA will issue three mini-sheets of six stamps on the theme “Indigenous People” (part II of the series).The 2010 annual collection folders New York, Geneva, Vienna will also be issued on the same day.INTERNATIONAL YEAROF BIODIVERSTIY“Achieve by 2010 a significantreduction of the current rate ofbiodiversity loss at the global,regional and national levels asa contribution to povertyalleviation and to the benefitof all life on eath.”15c $150BAN Ki-moonSecretary-General of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>f.s. 1,60f.s. 1,90 0,05 0,20INTERNATIONAL JAHRDER BIODIVERSTIY“Achieve by 2010 a significantreduction of the current rate ofbiodiversity loss at the global,regional and national levels asa contribution to povertyalleviation and to the benefitof all life on eath.”15c $150$150 15cBAN Ki-moonSecretary-General of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>f.s. 1,60f.s. 1,90 0,05 0,20L’ANNEE INTERNATIONALEDE LA BIODIVERSTIÉ“Achieve by 2010 a significantreduction of the current rate ofbiodiversity loss at the global,regional and national levels asa contribution to povertyalleviation and to the benefit15c $150of all life on eath.”BAN Ki-moonSecretary-General of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>f.s. 1,60 0,05f.s. 1,90 0,20“Millions of children are victims of violence and exploitation. They are physicallyand emotionally vulnerable and they can be scarred for life by mental or emotionalabuse. That is why children should always have the first claim on our attentionand resources. They must be at the heart of our thinking on challenges we areaddressing on a daily basis. We know what to do, and we know how to do it. Themeans are at hand, it is up to us to seize the opportunity and build a world that isfit for children.”Ban Ki-moonSecretary-General of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>Remarks on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,New York, 20 November 2009“No to child labour is our stance. Yet 215 million are in child labour as a matterof survival. A world without child labour is possible with the right priorities andpolicies: quality basic education, opportunities for young people, decent work forparents, a basic social protection floor for all. Driven by conscience, let’s musterthe courage and conviction to act in solidarity and ensure every child’s right tohis or her childhood. It brings rewards for all.”Juan Somavia, ILO Director-GeneralUNUNF.s. 1,90UN F.s. 1,90UN F.s. 1,90UNUNF.s. 1,90F.s. 1,90UNF.s. 1,90UNF.s. 1,90F.s. 1,90F.s. 1,90UNF.s. 1,90UNStamp artists column 1 top to bottom: Leticia age 15, Georgi age 12, Rasah age 11, Jonathan age 11, Luis Pedro age 13Stamp artists column 2 top to bottom: Hanif age 15, Nina age 15, Nikolay age 16, Amira age 13, Gerado age 9Preliminary designs16

The League of <strong>Nations</strong> at the New YorkWorld’s Fair of 1939-1940(An article written by UNPA collector B. S. Kaufman)On a very warm Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m., PresidentFranklin Delano Roosevelt stood and welcomed constructionworkers and fair-goers to the 1939 New York World’s Fairwith the following words: “Officially open to all mankind”.Two-hundred-six thousand people strolled the Fair, located on1,200 acres of parkland in Flushing Meadows, Queens. Itwas a very exciting time.Not far from where the President spoke that afternoonstood the League of <strong>Nations</strong> Pavilion. The League of <strong>Nations</strong>building with its large circular turret was located in what wasreferred to then as the “Government Zone”. It was nestledbetween the pavilions of Chile and Portugal. The turretshapedstructure, representing a symbol of unity, rested on apentagonal-shaped roof representing the five races of man.The exterior of the building was painted pure white, withdiagrams illustrating the League’s achievements in such diversefields as economics, finance, communications, health,nutrition, drug control, cultural advancement, medicine anddisarmament.Located in the “Court of States” zone, directly in front ofthe Arizona Pavilion, was the Paul Manship sculpture entitled“Celestial Sphere”. This sphere was a replica of the original,which was created as a memorial to the founder of theLeague of <strong>Nations</strong>, President Woodrow Wilson. The original,which is located on the grounds of UN Headquarters inGeneva, Switzerland (formerly the League of <strong>Nations</strong>), wascast in 1939 and has appeared on both a stamp and a postcard.It is 13 feet, 6 inches, in diameter. Both sculptures arecast upon four bronze turtles. The sphere made for the 1939World’s Fair was made out of plaster and destroyed once thefair ended.Trylon and Perisphere were two modernistic structuresthat became the central symbols of the 1939 World’s Fairand stood at its centre, which became known as the “ThemeCenter”. Paul Manship was commissioned to make the sundialfor the 1939 Fair and wrote, “The Perisphere and Trylonat the World’s Fair suggest to me measurements of time andspace, so my sundial … relates to the background of thecentral motif of the Fair.” His white plaster sculpture was thebiggest sundial in the world, standing 80 feet tall.On the opposite end of the Government Zone, built nextto the Trylon and Perisphere, stands the City of New Yorkbuilding. Saved from the wrecking ball at the end of the Fair,this building would be temporarily used by the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>General Assembly after the Second World War. From1946 to 1951, 51 Member nations met there until movinginto their new Headquarters in Manhattan.UNPA is not responsible for the factual content of this article.Happy sixty-fifth birthday!UNOP (UNO-Philatelie), the world’s largest associationfor <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> stamp collecting, congratulates the <strong>United</strong><strong>Nations</strong> on its 65th anniversary and wishes it many happyreturns. An international collectors’ association for <strong>United</strong><strong>Nations</strong> stamps, UNOP has been supporting the goals ofthe <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> for 55 years at national and internationalstamp collection exhibitions, with its own publications.17UNOP offers help and guidance on the extensive collectionof <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> stamps under the slogan: “EveryUN collector is an UN philatelist, every UN philatelist is aUN expert”. Information on the association can be found onthe last page of the Michel specialized catalogue for 2011(Spezialkatalog 2011) of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>,or at www.uno-philatelie.de (in German only).

Wiener Ferienspiel eventat the Vienna International Centre:come along and paint your own postcards, then mail them with<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> stamps!The Wiener Ferienspiel (Vienna holiday games) will takeplace from 5 July to 3 September 2010 and, alongside manyother activities, will once again bring young visitors to theVienna International Centre (VIC). The topic for this year’s Ferienspielat the VIC is “Biodiversity”. The theme “Species diversityand protection” will be explained to children throughinteractive games and tasks. The entire visit will last aroundone and a half hours.Following a 20-minute guided tour of the VIC, childrenwill be able to take part in a multi-activity game called “Savethe Planet” and make their own postcards with images ofendangered and protected animal species. <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>stamps will provide the finishing touch!Children will learn through play, at different activity stations,which animal and plant species are endangered, whythis is a problem for the whole planet, what steps the <strong>United</strong><strong>Nations</strong> is taking and what every one of us — children too— can do to preserve biodiversity.The <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> General Assembly has declared2010 the International Year of Biodiversity. Numerousevents and initiatives on the theme “Species diversityand protection” are taking place around the globe, inorder to raise awareness of the issues and call the internationalcommunity to action. For more information, go to:http://www.cbd.int/2010/welcome/.Starting times for the event at the VIC are as follows:- For 6- to 10-year-olds: 9.30 a.m., Monday to Friday- For 10- to 13-year-olds: 3 p.m., Tuesdays and ThursdaysAdditional times are possible Monday to Friday for daycamp and other groups with pre-registration.Meet at the Visitor Centre by the main entrance.To obtain further information about the Wiener Ferienspielat the VIC, call Tel. No. + 43 1 26060-3328 or e-mailtours@unvienna.org.Unique offer: <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> stamp albumsfor children at beginners’ prices!The <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> (UNPA) is offering two stamp albums for novice collectors at bargain prices.Both albums have the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> logo embossed in gold on the front cover; inside pages are white.Small album (12 x 17 cm), dark green, 8 pages — € 1.95Large album (18 x 23 cm), red, 12 pages — € 3.95Both albums may be purchased using the enclosed order form, bytelephone or directly from the UNPA sales counter at the VIC.Code: 727.2006 Code: 727.200718

Grand Prix de l’Exposition WIPA 2008 —<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> “Sport for Peace”stamp takes ninth place!On the occasion of the WIPA 1981 world postage stamp exhibition in Vienna, the organizing committee establishedthe Grand Prix de l’Exposition WIPA for the most beautiful stamp of 1980. In accordance with the regulations, the prize isawarded annually. At the end of January 2010, a distinguished expert jury selectedthe most beautiful stamps of 2008 from some 60 stamps submitted from around theworld.Philately journalists, stamp artists, representatives of the association of Austrianphilatelic clubs and officials from the Austrian <strong>postal</strong> service and State printing presschose the winners. The Geneva <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> CHF 1.00 denominated “Sport forPeace” stamp, issued on 8 August 2008 to mark the holding of the XXIX OlympicSummer Games in Beijing, came ninth. The stamp was designed by the Brazilian artistRomero Britto.The <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>(UNPA) has already been among the laureates atthis international event on several occasions; forexample, in 1989 the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> ATS 6.00denominated Human Rights series stamp “Jurisprudence”,based on a work by Raphael, wonfirst prize.Chinese Lunar CalendarEvent Sheet and Souvenir CoverCelebration of theYear of the TigerOn 28 June 2010, UNPA will issue a Chinese lunar calendar event sheet and a souvenir cover celebrating the Year of theTiger. The sheet is composed of ten US$ 0,44 denominated stamps with the UN logo. The tab of the stamps features a zodiacsymbol of the Year of the Tiger. The background design on the sheet features the cycle of the 12 zodiac animal signs.The Year of the Tiger Stamp sheetsare printed by Sweden Post in offsetlithography in a four colour process, thestamps are pin perforated on gummedstamp paper.These products, which are availablein limited quantity will be providedto standing order customers and thegeneral public on a first-come, first-servedbasis. Customers with a standing orderfor New York special personalized stampsheets (art. 94) will automatically receivethe event sheet, customers who havesubscribed for special products NewYork (art. 424) will receive the souvenircover.Chinese Lunar CalendarCelebration of the Year of the TigerCycle of the twelve Zodiac animal signs© UN 2010Code: 394.372119

Special mailing by wheeled armoured vehicleto benefit the SOS Children’s Village,BurgenlandOn Saturday, 19 June 2010, the Pinkafeld Stamp Collectors’ Club and JgB19(the Austrian Federal Armed Forces 19th Rifle Battalion) will conduct a specialmailing as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the SOS Children’s Village,Burgenland.Mail will be collected from the Children’s Village and conveyed to theSporck barracks in Oberwart by a Pandur wheeled armoured vehicle stationedat the Turba barracks in Pinkafeld. After receiving the Sporck barracks incomingcancellation on the reverse, the mail will be handed over to the AustrianPost Office for delivery.The <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> (UNPA) will issue a special coverPreliminary designand use a special cancellation for this mailing. Both designs are by the Austrianartist Maria Schulz. The special cover may be ordered from UNPA Vienna, in blank condition or cancelled, by using theenclosed order form 3/2010 or by calling one of the following telephone numbers: + 43 1 26060-4032, 4025 or 4022.Customers with a standing order for special products Vienna (art. 824) will automatically receive this cover.<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> stamp collectors who wish to mail in items intended for the special mailing by wheeled armoured vehicleshould send them in an envelope to UNPA Vienna, “Sonderpostbeförderung mit Radpanzer”, PO Box 950, 1400 Vienna— <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, Austria, so that they arrive not later than 9 June 2010.Only <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> stamps denominated in euros may be used for postage. Mail for the special mailing will receive theUNPA special cancellation and will be forwarded to the Austrian Post Office. Please note that no cancellations to order canbe made with the special mailing special cancellation.UNPA is donating 500 special covers free of charge to the SOS Children’s Village, Burgenland, and is pleased to beable to support the work of the SOS Children’s Village in Pinkafeld in this way.UNPA donatesto St. Anna Children’sCancer Research InstituteOn 22 September 2009, the Pinkafeld Stamp Collectors’ Club organizedthe second UNPA special balloon mailing. The proceeds from thespecial cancellation and envelope provided by UNPA, in the amount of€ 1,479.80, were donated to St. Anna Children’s Cancer ResearchInstitute to ensure the continued operation of the research laboratory.UNPA thanks all its customers who made this donation possible!20

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Stamp albumsComplete your collection UNO New York, Geneva and ViennaDe Luxe hingeless album<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>With a space for each stamp and crystal-clear protectivemounts ready-affixed for insertion of your stamps,these luxury albums really are for the collector whowants to give his collection a touch of class.Leaves of fine-quality paper have been arrangedby experts and interleaved with illustrations anddescriptions.Richly embossed on the cover and spine with the<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> emblem and handsomely bound in navyblue leatherette, each padded binder is presented in itsown matching slip case to protect both binder andcollection. An album of this quality and craftsmanshipwill not only ensure security and protection for yourstamp collection but also lend it an air of distinction.SAVE30%€ 38.50De Luxe hingeless album<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - New YorkAlbum includes pages, binder and slip caseUNO New York I “1951-1995” € 150.00UNO New York II “1996-2009” € 116.00UNO Personalized Stamps “2003-2009” € 88.00Pages onlyUNO New York Flag Sheets “1980-2007” € 80.00UNO New York 2009 supplement € 12.25UNO Personalized Stamps 2009 suppl. € 14.50De Luxe hingeless albumVereinte Nationen - ViennaAlbum includes pages, binder and slip caseUNO Vienna I “1979-2009” € 138.00Pages onlyUNO Vienna 2009 supplement € 12.25De Luxe hingeless album<strong>Nations</strong> Unies - GenevaAlbum includes pages, binder and slip caseUNO Geneva I “1969-2006” € 135.00UNO Geneva II “2007-2009” € 67.00Pages onlyUNO Geneva 2009 supplement € 12.25De Luxe hingeless album<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - Endangered SpeciesAlbum includes pages, binder and slip caseUNO Endangered Species “1993-2009” € 80.00De Luxe hingeless album<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - First Day Coversfor different-sized <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>first-day coversAlbum includes 20 double-sided leaves,5 x G1 leaves 1-pocket for 10 covers5 x G2 leaves 2-pocket for 20 covers10 x G3 leaves 3-pocket for 60 coversTotal: 90 coversbinder and slip case, normal price € 55.00Now€ 38.50http://unstamps.un.orgwww.davo.nlOrder now!Please fill in the order form on the reverse side.

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Stamp albumsMail Order Form USE BLOCK CAPITALSPlease send me:Quantity Product Period Price Total.............. UNO New York I album 1951-1995 € 150.00 ............................... UNO New York II album 1996-2009 € 116.00 ............................... UNO New York 2009 supplement pages only € 12.25 ............................... UNO New York Flag Sheets 1980-2007 € 80.00 .................(pages only for respective albums).............. UNO Personalized Stamps album 2003-2009 € 88.00 ............................... UNO Personalized Stamps 2009 pages only € 14.50 ............................... UNO Vienna I album 1979-2009 € 138.00 ............................... UNO Vienna 2009 supplement pages only € 12.25 ............................... UNO Geneva I album 1969-2006 € 135.00 ............................... UNO Geneva II album 2007-2009 € 67.00 ............................... UNO Geneva 2009 supplement pages only € 12.25 ............................... UNO Endangered Species album 1993-2009 € 80.00 ............................... UNO First Day Covers album 20 leaves € 38.50 .................Products ofUNPA andDAVOGoods Total € .................Postage & Packing € 11.50Order Total € .................to fold and sealPayment details:Exp. Date:Card: Month: ...................Year: ........................Card no: .....................................................................................................................Security code: ..........................................................................................................Date: .............................................................................................................................Signature: ..................................................................................................................Please place order form in sealed envelope andmail to the address belowName: ...........................................................................................................................Address: ......................................................................................................................Postcode/Zip: ......................... City: .....................................................................State/Province: ........................................................................................................Country: ......................................................................................................................Phone: .........................................................................................................................Email address: ........................................................................................................Shipping address: (if different from address above)Postverwaltung derVereinten NationenInternationales Zentrum WienPostfach 9001400 Wien - Vereinte NationenÖsterreichName: ...........................................................................................................................Address: .......................................................................................................................Postcode/Zip: ......................... City: .....................................................................State/Province: ........................................................................................................Country: ......................................................................................................................

UNPA’S ATTENDANCE AT STAMP SHOWSUNPA New York4 - 6 June 2010NAPEX 2010McLean Hilton at Tysons Corner7920 Jones Branch DriveMcLean, VAUSAAs the first day of issue of the indicated stamp showcoincides with a UNPA first day of issue, a special showcachet will be available. To obtain the show cachet, send selfaddressedenvelopes to the address below, affixed with UN/New York stamps only (UNPA-Geneva and UNPA-Viennastamps will not be accepted). The envelopes will be imprintedwith the requested show cachet and returned through normalmail channels. Requests for the show cachet should bepostmarked no later than 4 June 2010.UN SHOW CACHETNAPEX 2010c/o Malli Hui<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>P.O. Box 5900, Grand Central StationNew York, NY 10163-5900USAUNPA Europe<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>at ÖVEBRIA 2010 in Gmunden!From 27 to 29 August 2010, UNPA will be representedat ÖVEBRIA 2010, the rank 1 international postage stampexhibition organized by the Austrian association of philatelicclubs!UNPA will be represented with a sales and informationstand and offer a white card and a show cancellation. Thedesigns for the show cancellation and the motif for the whitecard evoke the location of the event and are by the Austrianstamp artist Hannes Margreiter, who will be present to signthem.Within the context of ÖVEBRIA 2010 in Gmunden, therewill also be a “<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Day” on 28 August with aspecial cancellation of the Austrian Post. On this day, visitorswill have the opportunity to obtain a cachet of the exhibitioncancellation at the UNPA stand on items bearing already thespecial cancellation of the Austrian Post.This year, ÖVEBRIA will take place alongside the internationalstamp bourse in the Toscana Congress Centre atToscanapark 6, Gmunden, Upper Austria. Opening hoursare Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundayfrom 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission to ÖVEBRIA 2010 is free.UNPA looks forward to seeing you there!Preliminary designPlease send your envelopes for cancellation to:<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Postal</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>P. O. Box 950Vienna International Centre1400 Vienna - <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>Austria23

AUSTRIANETTOKATALOGEStamps - Coins - <strong>Postal</strong> stationeries - special cancellationDifferentblack&white-blocks15each € ,95Overprints onpanda-block„OlympiaBeijing“9€ ,95„Thaipex´09Bangkok“9€ ,95„WIPA08” openingpostmark9€ ,95Ordernr. SRB-1 for „CastleBelvedere“Ordernr. SRS-3 for „CastleHof“Ordernr. SDR-27 for „OttoPreminger“Ordernr. SRD-2 for „Womaninyellow“„WIPA2000-blueprint”7„Anemone“€ ,95Ordernr. APO-1for „PANDA-Olymp.Beijing“Ordernr. APT-4Vignette-blockswithcolorprinting-stampfor „Thaipex“Ordernr. APG-3 for „WIPAopening“Ordernr. APW-2 for „PANDA-WIPA08“(nofig.)5Euro-folder „Snowboarder“or „Skijumper“9€ ,957each € ,957€ ,95Ordernr. BLD-1 for „WIPA2000-blueprint“„Supplementarystamps”7€ ,95Ordernr. ANE-2for „Anemone2009”„Buttercup“Ordernr. RAN-1for „Buttercup2008”ATM-Ifabo7€ ,95Ordernr. VWI-3 for4diff.„WIPA1933“-Vignette-block„WIPA-blockstamped”WIPA-blockOrdernr. MOS-6 for5Euro-folder „Snowboarder“Ordernr. MFO-5 for5Euro-folder „Skijumper“Reprint-Blocks„OldAustria“ numbered€ 29,95Ordernr. EEM-1 for „Supplementarystamps” perforatedandimperforatedShiftedprint „Pope“Ordernr. VDP-2 (seefig.)for „Strongshiftedprint“Ordernr. VDP-1 (nofig.)for „shiftedprint“€ 195,-99€ ,95Numisletter „Snowboarder“€ € 19,95Ordernr. NBE-26 for „Snowboarder“withspecialcancellationVancouver27.2.2010and0,55EuromachinestampOrdernr. NBE-28 for „Snowboarder“(nofig.)withspecialcancellationVancouver28.2.2010and0,05EuroATMeachmit5Euro-coin€ 21,95www.ank.at7€ ,95Ordernr. ATI-1 formachinestamp „IFABO1983“Numisletter„AndreasHofer“€ 19,95Ordernr. NBE-24 for „AndreasHofer“ with5Euro-coinNumisletter „Skijumper“€ 19,95Ordernr. NBE-25 for „Schlierenzauer“withspecialcancellationVancouver13.2.2010withspecialcancellation NBE-27 for„Loitzl“ (nofig.)withspecialcancellationVancouver22.2.2010eachwith5Euro-coinOrdernr. WIP-2 for„WIPA2000“-blockstampedandnumbered€ 14,95€ 21,95Numisletter„BerthavonSuttner“Ordernr. NBE-23 for „BerthavonSuttner“ with2Euro-coinCoincatalogue2010AUSTRIAKATALOGMÜNZENAB1780mit Fehlprägungen - Proben - BesonderheitenBANKNOTENAB1759mit Bundesländer Ausg. 1918-21 u. Notgeld OrteEUROMünzeninFarbeÖSTERREICHMÜNZKATALOG201029€ ,90Ordernr. MNZ-1forCoincatalogue2010Ordernr. WIP-1 for„WIPA2000“-blockunstampedandnumberedOrder:ActiveIntermediaGeusaugasse33,1030 Vienna, AustriaperFax: +43/1/715800015Email: office@active-intermedia.atTel.nr.: +43/664/1018888<strong>Postal</strong>stationeries2009Ordernr. GSK-1for<strong>Postal</strong>stationeries2009Ordernr. NAO-1 forall29diff.Reprint-blocks “OldAustria”Deliveryrate: € 3,–Shippingaslongasavailable€ 49.-Specialcatalogue2010/2011€ ,90AUSTRIANETTOKATALOGBRIEFMARKENÖSTERREICHSPEZIALKATALOG2010/2011Ordernr. SPZ-1forSpecialcatalogue2010/2011Alwaysonestepahead!Alwaysonestepahead!...throughinformationandknowledge.2439„MeineMarke“abgebildet ab1000StückAuflage

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