Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL

Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL

Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL


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<strong>CNGL</strong> and EM+ bringMachine Translaonto the UserThe Directorate‐General forTranslaon of the EuropeanCommission hosted the ThirdJoint EuroMatrix+/<strong>CNGL</strong>Workshop on 12th October2011 in Luxembourg.Conferences and WorkshopsDCU hosts IWPT, the biennial conference on allthings related to natural language parsingTitled ‘Bringing MT to theUser’, JEC 2011 broughttogether translators, users,academic and industrialMachine Translaon (MT)researchers and developers todiscuss issues that are mostimportant in industrial sengsand applicaons involving MT,but currently under‐representedin research circles.Josef van Genabith, DeclanGroves, Pavel Pecina and JohnTinsley of <strong>CNGL</strong> served on theJEC Program Commiee.Federico Gaspari, Antonio Toraland Sudip Kumar Naskardelivered a very insighulpresentaon on ‘User‐FocusedTask‐Oriented MT Evaluaon forWikis: A Case Study’.<strong>CNGL</strong> deliversWorkshop at FIRE2011<strong>CNGL</strong> researchers DebasisGanguly, Johannes Leveling andGareth Jones organised a trackon Collaborave InformaonRetrieval at the Forum onInformaon Retrieval (FIRE)2011, which took place on 2nd—4th December in Bombay, India.Gareth Jones was invitedspeaker. Gareth also served onthe Steering Commiee, as didTony Veale of UCD.Congratulations to DeirdreHogan, Johannes Leveling,Paul Ferguson and CathalGurrin (CLARITY), who wereplaced 1st of 13 participantsin the SMS-based FAQretrieval task, organised byIBM India.Further DetailsThe National Centre forLanguage Technologyin DCU organised the12th International Workshop onParsing Technologies (IWPT),which took place from 5th - 7thOctober 2011 in the Helix, DCU.<strong>CNGL</strong> researchers had a stronginput into the organisation anddelivery of the event.IWPT is the biennial conferenceon all things related to naturallanguage parsing, a cornerstonetechnology in the field of NaturalLanguage Processing which is usedin applications such as machinetranslation, question-answering andsentiment analysis.The conference was a resoundingsuccess, with 60 participants fromacademia and industry (Google,Symantec) coming together todiscuss the latest developments inparsing Arabic, Basque, Chinese,Danish, Dutch, English, French,Harry Bunt of Tilburg University(General Chair), Özlem Çetinoğluof <strong>CNGL</strong> (Local ArrangementsChair) and Joakim Nivre ofUppsala University (ProgramChair)German, Hindi, Spanish, Swedish delegates the opportunity toand Turkish.experience the Dublin countrysideand, for some, their first taste ofThe conference featured threeIrish dancing.excellent invited talks by InaBornkessel-Schlesewsky (Philipps Many thanks are due to IWPT’s-Universität Marburg, Germany) sponsors (SFI, DCU, <strong>CNGL</strong>,on the human parsing mechanism, Springer, Fáilte Ireland), to theMichael Collins (Columbia Programme Chair, Joakim NivreUniversity, USA) on the use of (Uppsala University, Sweden), forLagrangianputting together such aIWPT 2011 connues therelaxation instrong and variedtradion of biennialparsing andprogramme, and toconferences organised bymachineLocal Chair, ÖzlemSIGPARSE, ACL’s Specialtranslation, andÇetinoğlu (then <strong>CNGL</strong>,Interest Group on ParsingMark Steedmannow IMS Stuttgart), for(University of Edinburgh, UK) oncomputing scope in parsing.doing an outstanding job of leadingthe local arrangements team.<strong>CNGL</strong> researchers also featuredThe second Internationalon the workshop programme.Workshop on Statistical Parsing ofJennifer Foster, ÖzlemMorphologically Rich LanguagesÇetinoğlu, Joachim Wagner and(SPMRL) was held during theJosef van Genabith presentedsecond afternoon of IWPT andincluded a lively discussion panel.The conference dinner took place‘Comparing the Use of Edited andUnedited Text in Parser Self-Training’.in Johnny Fox’s Pub, givingwww.cngl.ieThis workshop review was kindlyprovided by Dr Jennifer Foster ofDCU.Online proceedings can be obtained from:www.aclweb.org/anthology/sigparse#2011.89

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