Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL

Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL

Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL


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Partnerships and CommercialisationPictured at the SFI Summit are (from left)Steve Gotz, <strong>CNGL</strong>; Sean Sherlock, T.D.Minister of State, Department of Enterprise,Jobs & Innovation and Department of Education& Skills with responsibility for Research &Innovation; Alexander O’Connor, <strong>CNGL</strong>; andGraham Love, Director General of SFI<strong>CNGL</strong> Spinout Showcased at 2011 SFI SummitEmizar.com to enable Fortune 500 companies to reduce costs and increase customer satisfactionThe SFI Summit is an annualtwo‐day meeng for Ireland’sleading researchers to discussand debate new horizons for scienceand society. This year’s event wasparcularly focused upon how theresearch community can best impactand support Ireland’s economic, socialand reputaonal recovery. In line withthat theme, <strong>CNGL</strong> researchers were onhand at the event to demonstrate oneof our emerging spinouts that isexpected to generate up to fiveknowledge‐intensive jobs in thecoming year.Emizar.com is a <strong>CNGL</strong> spinout fromTrinity College Dublin, promoted byProf. Vincent Wade and EnterpriseIreland Business Partner Brian Kelly,transforming on‐going <strong>CNGL</strong> researchinto a commercial offering that enablesFortune 500 companies to reduce costsand increase consumer sasfacon byproviding superior customer careexperiences. The spinout leveragescung‐edge <strong>CNGL</strong> technologies whichfuse proprietary corporate databasesand complimentary corporate assetswith user‐generated content to deliverreal‐me, personalised soluons.At the SFI Summit <strong>CNGL</strong> CommercialDevelopment Manager, Steve Gotz, andTCD Postdoctoral Researcher, DrAlexander O’Connor, presentedEmizar.com to SFI Director General,Dr Graham Love, and Sean SherlockT.D., Minister of State, Departmentof Enterprise, Jobs & Innovaon andDepartment of Educaon & Skillswith responsibility for Research &Innovaon."This is a defining me for academicR&D both within Ireland and thebroader EU, parcularly with regardto the need for impacul research”,said Gotz. “Emizar is but oneexample of how we are aligning ourresearch programme to deliver notonly commercially relevant productsbut also an economic return to thestate."<strong>CNGL</strong> Researchers on Path to Commercialisation€215k in funding secured from TIDA Feasibility Study AwardIn December three <strong>CNGL</strong> enable researchers to focus on the firstresearch teams were awarded a steps of an applied research project thatcombined €215k in funding to may have a commercial benefit ifbegin the process of commercialising further developed.their research, under the TechnologyInnovaon Development (TIDA) The funded <strong>CNGL</strong> teams will beFeasibility Study programme.developing commercial prototypes inthe areas of machine translaon andThe TIDA Feasibility Study award is translaon memory integraon, crosssitecontent personalisaon, anda joint programme, run by ScienceFoundaon Ireland (SFI) and mullingual customer care.Enterprise Ireland (EI), designed towww.cngl.ie2

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