Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL

Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL

Vol 1 Issue 5 (pdf – 3.53MB) - CNGL


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Conferences and WorkshopsGareth Jones of DCU co-organises MediaEval 2011Gareth Jones (DCU)with Martha Larson(TU Delft) organisedthe MediaEval 2011 campaignwhich concluded with a verysuccessful workshop in Pisa, Italyin September. MediaEval is aninternationalmultimediafocuses on social and human RFP IISSCoStasks were offered in the 2011 organiser and participantseason: Placing Task, Spoken presentations, the workshopWeb Search Task, Affect Task, included a practitioners’Social Event Detection Task, session in which projects,Genre Tagging Task, and RichSpeech Retrieval Task. TheRich Speech Retrieval Task wasresearch sites and industrygroups that are involved withMediaEval related tasks orco-organised by Maria Eskevich technologies presentedaspects of multimedia and strivesto emphasise the ‘multi’ inmultimedia, including the use ofspeech, audio, tags, users, andcontext, as well as visual content.MediaEval seeks to encouragenovel and creative approaches totackling these new and emergingmultimedia tasks. MediaEval waslaunched as an independentbenchmarking campaign in 2010with sponsorship by the EUPetaMedia NoE.MediaEval 2011 offered 6 taskscoordinated in cooperation withvarious research groups in Europeand elsewhere. The followingproject andRoelandOdelman of thepanel discussion on Non‐benchmarking initiative that offers (DCU) PhDoverviews of theirMediaEval focuses oninnovative new content analysis, student withwork and ideas.indexing and search tasks to the the <strong>CNGL</strong>affiliatedSFI aspects of multimedia proceedings forthe social and human The working notesmultimedia community. MediaEvaltheMediaEval 2011and strives to emphasiseworkshop arethe ‘multi’ in multimediaavailable on onlineat: http://ceur-Netherlands Institute for Sound& Vision.ws.org/<strong>Vol</strong>-807The MediaEval organisersThe MediaEval 2011 are now beginningworkshop was an official preparations for MediaEvalsatellite event of Interspeech2011. The workshop broughttogether the task participants toreport on their findings, discuss2012. This will begin with aquestionnaire to the communityseeking its views on proposedtasks and research questions.their approaches and learn from Feedback from theeach other. Almost 60 questionnaire will be used toparticipants attended the determine the research agendaworkshop — representing a for the campaign. Furthertwofold increase on the 2010 details are available at:workshop. In addition to www.multimediaeval.org.<strong>CNGL</strong> PermeatesProgramme atLocalizaon WorldSilicon Valley<strong>CNGL</strong> had a strongpresence at LocalizaonWorld Silicon Valley,which ran from 10th‐12thOctober in Santa Clara.David Filip of ULcontributed to twosessions focused onstandards. Eoin Ó Conchúirand Reinhard Schäler (alsoof UL)presented a preconferenceworkshoptled ‘Give Up the Illusionof Control: How to SupportUser‐driven, Needs‐basedTranslaonLocalizaonandScenarios!’Eoin also presented SOLASat the Demo Derby, andReinhard joined the livelyProfit Contribuons for aNon‐Profit World’.The <strong>CNGL</strong> booth in theindustrial exhibitors’ hallwas also busy throughoutthe event.www.cngl.ie10

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