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November2006November2006November2006SequoiaAVC EdgeES&SiVotronicES&S OptechEagleFloridaFloridaFloridawhere you can’t get the alignment right sometimes,’Johnson says. ‘It’s just that it is difficult tomanage.’” 357Palm Beach County, FLVoters told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel that voteswitchinghad occurred as they cast their ballots inthe 2006 House race. Additionally, others reportedproblems when the wrong ballots appeared on theirtouch screens while voting. 358Sarasota County, FLAccording to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, there wereover 18,000 undervotes in the 13th Congressionalrace between Vern Buchanan (R) and ChristineJennings (D). 359 Buchanan defeated DemocratChristine Jennings by a slim 369 vote margin. 360 TheTribune reported on numerous complaints that the13th Congressional District race was not appearingor recording properly on the touchscreen votingmachines in use in the county. Some voters told thepaper that votes for Christine Jennings failed toappear on the review screens at several pollinglocations. 361Orange County, FLThe Florida Division of Elections reported thatOrange County experienced the highest undervoterate in the state for absentee ballots cast in the U.S.Senate and Governor’s races. 362According to the Flordia Fair Elections Center,which contacted Orange County about the undervoterate, the machines’ vendor told county officials thatthe issue appeared to be a calibration problem thatcaused the machines to fail to read certain kinds ofgel ink. Further investigation by the Center revealedthat the same problem had occurred on ES&S andSequoia scanners in previous elections. 363October 2006ES&SiVotronic;M650FloridaFor more on this incident, see case study 3 on page 13 ofthis report.Broward County, FLThe Miami Herald reported numerous complaintsthat votes cast for the Democratic gubernatorialcandidate were given to his Republican opponentduring early voting. A spokeswoman for the62 | Brennan Center for Justice

November2004ES&SM650FloridaSupervisor of Elections told the paper that themachines likely needed to be recalibrated. 364Broward County, FLAccording to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, aprogramming error in an optical scantabulator would have changed the outcome of aballot measure had it not been caught by alertelection officials. The optical scan tabulator was usedto count absentee ballots. The glitch occurredbecause the machines in use were programmed toaccept only 32,000 votes per discrete ballot item,after which it started counting backward.Once the machines were reprogrammed to allow forcounting of all of the votes, the measure receivedmore than 64,000 “yes” votes and it passed. 365November2004DieboldAccuVote OSFloridaFor more on this incident, see case study 6 on page 15 ofthis report.Volusia County, FLAccording to local media, seven Diebold optical scanmemory cards failed, causing votes to disappear. 366One card’s tally was missing 13,244 votes.June 2004 ES&S iVotronic Florida Eleven Florida CountiesFive months before the 2004 general election, MiamiHerald reported that state election officials hadlearned of a flaw in the touchscreen voting machinesin use in eleven of the state’s counties that wouldprevent the conduct of a manual recount in the eventof a close race. 367It later came to light that Miami-Dade countydiscovered the problem more than a year earlier,when the director of the county’s technologydepartment found during an audit that the electroniclog of voting activity produced by the systemscrambled the machines’ serial numbers. 368November2002ES&SiVotronicFloridaFor more on this incident, see case study 7 on page 16 ofthis report.Broward County, FLCNN reported that a software error caused 103,222votes, cast with ES&S iVotronic paperless machines,to be left uncounted in the original tally. The errorBrennan Center for Justice | 63

November2006November2006November2006SequoiaAVC EdgeES&SiVotronicES&S OptechEagleFloridaFloridaFloridawhere you can’t get the alignment right sometimes,’Johnson says. ‘It’s just that it is difficult tomanage.’” 357Palm Beach County, FLVoters told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel that voteswitchinghad occurred as they cast their ballots inthe 2006 House race. Additionally, others reportedproblems when the wrong ballots appeared on theirtouch screens while voting. 358Sarasota County, FLAccording to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, there wereover 18,000 undervotes in the 13th Congressionalrace between Vern Buchanan (R) and ChristineJennings (D). 359 Buchanan defeated DemocratChristine Jennings by a slim 369 vote margin. 360 TheTribune reported on numerous complaints that the13th Congressional District race was not appearingor recording properly on the touchscreen votingmachines in use in the county. Some voters told thepaper that votes <strong>for</strong> Christine Jennings failed toappear on the review screens at several pollinglocations. 361Orange County, FLThe Florida Division of Elections reported thatOrange County experienced the highest undervoterate in the state <strong>for</strong> absentee ballots cast in the U.S.Senate and Governor’s races. 362According to the Flordia Fair Elections Center,which contacted Orange County about the undervoterate, the machines’ vendor told county officials thatthe issue appeared to be a calibration problem thatcaused the machines to fail to read certain kinds ofgel ink. Further investigation by the Center revealedthat the same problem had occurred on ES&S andSequoia scanners in previous elections. 363October 2006ES&SiVotronic;M650FloridaFor more on this incident, see case study 3 on page 13 ofthis report.Broward County, FLThe Miami Herald reported numerous complaintsthat votes cast <strong>for</strong> the Democratic gubernatorialcandidate were given to his Republican opponentduring early voting. A spokeswoman <strong>for</strong> the62 | Brennan Center <strong>for</strong> Justice

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