zhari ismail & abdul halim ihsan school of pharmaceutical sciences ...

zhari ismail & abdul halim ihsan school of pharmaceutical sciences ...

zhari ismail & abdul halim ihsan school of pharmaceutical sciences ...


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Abdul Halim IhsanA Chartered Accountant, he has held positions as CEO <strong>of</strong> a Factoring company, GroupGM <strong>of</strong> a listed company, Partner in a Big Four firm and Chairman <strong>of</strong> a Listed companyon the SES. Winner <strong>of</strong> the School Colors at Raffles Institution he graduated top in hisclass for the ACCA exams at ITM.He conceptualized, planned, funded and organized the groundwork for this seminalpublication recognizing that there is a dearth <strong>of</strong> information in the Halal<strong>pharmaceutical</strong> field, together with his long trusted friend and mentor, Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. ZhariIsmail <strong>of</strong> USM. He owes a debt <strong>of</strong> gratitude for Zhari’s scientific and moral supportwhich has resulted in the publication <strong>of</strong> the first volume on Pig BasedPharmaceuticals.With a 2 years effort <strong>of</strong> amassing a huge database <strong>of</strong> compounds, Halim is hasteningto complete a Pig drug book, a Bahasa translation, and is in the varying stages <strong>of</strong>completing the Plant Based Pharmaceuticals, Blood, Alcohols, Mind FoggingSubstances, Animal Derived Compounds, a Halal Food Codex and unraveling theOrigins <strong>of</strong> Synthetic Compounds. Ultimately he hopes to conceive a HalalPharmacopoeia.He firmly believes that the 1.8 billion Muslim Ummah has the Right to Know and toChoose in accordance with Islamic precepts, a duty to accept Islam in its entirety andto resurrect the Bayt –al- Hikmah. This is Halim’s unequivocal and unwavering MissionStatement.

• Area <strong>of</strong> halal documentation, references andstandards like The Merck Index• Filing the void <strong>of</strong> halal technical & scientificdocuments• Leading to regulatory documentation and standards• The basic documentation on the comprehensivelisting <strong>of</strong> ingredients used in the halal industry is leftmuch to be desired and lacking.• Such documents are the prime source <strong>of</strong> reference formanufacturers, formulators, regulators, analysts,scientists and pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to ascertain the scientificand technical information and data <strong>of</strong> a particularcompounds be it chemicals, drugs or biological.

• The unique feature <strong>of</strong> the halal index is the informationbased on the origin <strong>of</strong> the compound and indicating itschemical or biochemical nature and the relevant data todescribe.• In order to cross refer to other established databases andto precisely establish its identity, the usual feature likeCAS registry number, synonyms and nomenclature,chemical formula, molecular weight, percent composition<strong>of</strong> it elements, structural formula, description <strong>of</strong> itsappearance, melting and boiling points, solubility insolvents, use and therapeutic category.• The trade name and supplier or manufacturer is alsoincluded. The feature on the origin is indispensable for thedecision makers to categorically define and determine thestatus <strong>of</strong> halal.

Halim Azmi Anna Nish Tony

Azminuddin AhmadAzmi holds a B. Sc and an MBA from the University <strong>of</strong>California. As senior editor he had to contend with thedifficult task <strong>of</strong> embarking on a world first publication <strong>of</strong> itskind. He brings a sense <strong>of</strong> cohesiveness to the publicationand his counsel has been invaluable to the company and itsirascible managing editor.Azmi is involved in ensuring that the company stays on itscourse and implements the strategic blueprint. He is alsoinvolved in the research work and finalizes the overallpublication.Presently he is steering the company in its market goingprocesses and is in charge <strong>of</strong> the global distribution for theHalal Index and related publication.

Syaheenaz Abdul HalimWith a flair for languages and <strong>sciences</strong>, she enrolled for herundergraduate at age 16, pursuing a double degree inMedical Bioscience and Biotechnology in Monash, acing highdistinctions for all her subjects.At the company she undertakes varied research work onpure science and its application with emphasis on Halalalternatives. She is currently doing a follow up on the pigbased <strong>pharmaceutical</strong>s with new groundbreaking work onanimal based compounds and a pig pill book.Anna as she is fondly known, has also completed work onthe blood compounds and plant based <strong>pharmaceutical</strong>swhich are pending publications.Syaheenaz other interest is in rDNA and she is applying genesplicing technology with the aim <strong>of</strong> producing halalrecombinant products for the porcine compounds identified,beginning with Amylase.

Nishti Jihan Abd. AdzizA qualified pilot with a Diploma in Translation and Certificatesin Arabic and Mandarin, she oversees the operations aspects<strong>of</strong> The Halal Index. A pioneer member <strong>of</strong> the team, sheinitially began research on herbal compounds.Her research work involves the compilation <strong>of</strong> a 700 pages <strong>of</strong>known drugs commonly prescribed, which will form the basis<strong>of</strong> a Halal drug guidebook.She also does research <strong>of</strong> <strong>pharmaceutical</strong>s and Porcine inparticular, from the Quran and Hadith and selects from abroad range <strong>of</strong> issues and verses on the Syariah for inclusionin the publication and assists in reviewing the finalpublication.Nishti is currently editing the Bahasa translation <strong>of</strong> the PigBased Pharmaceuticals and is heading the publication <strong>of</strong> theHalal Food Compounds which is scheduled for completion inAugust 2011.

• As the number <strong>of</strong> compounds to be determinedis extensive, three approaches in selection aredone.• Vol. 1 :The red list (haram) that specificallyincludes all substances derived from the pig.• Vol. 2 :The grey list (masbooh) that includesquestionable substances derived from otheranimals and substance categorised asintoxicants.• Vol. 3 : The green list (halal) as consisting <strong>of</strong> allcommonly used substances not classified intothe red and grey lists and considered as halal.

Syaheenaz taking a closer look at the Pig parts:For Allah, the Final Rasul and the Ummah

OverviewCopyright © 2010 Phytorex Press28

Monograph DetailDescriptionSource Pig PartUsesAdministrationAdverse EffectsAlternativeSourcesMolecularDiagramATC CodeSynonymsTrade NamesTherapeuticCategoryCurrentResearch &DevelopmentsMolecularFormula & WeightReferences/CitationsCopyright © 2010 Phytorex Press29

• Hardcover• eBook• Paperback Student edition (coming soon)

• Compounds from other unslaughteredanimals (eg.enzymes, fats, amino acids)• Intoxicants (psychotropic drugs, alcohol,etc)• Blood products (plasma, enzymes,etc)

• Synthetic & semi-synthetic compounds (egNSAID, steroids)• Bioengineered compounds (eg insulin)• Microorganism derived (eg antibiotics)

• Halal built in, rather that tested for• Detail scientific & technical features• Emphasis on origin <strong>of</strong> compound• Authentication procedures• Halal standards for regulatory, industry andresearch

• Requires examining and sieving through theorigin <strong>of</strong> all known compounds• A concerted effort amongst committed andknowledgeable individuals is vital.• A comprehensive web database is in the<strong>of</strong>fing and contributions are most welcomed.• In Allah SWT we trust.

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