Drought in Southeast Asia - Drought Research Initiative

Drought in Southeast Asia - Drought Research Initiative

Drought in Southeast Asia - Drought Research Initiative


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GEO-DRI <strong>Drought</strong> Monitor<strong>in</strong>g Workshop, May 10-11, 2010,W<strong>in</strong>nipeg, Manitoba<strong>Drought</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Asia</strong>Orn-uma PolpanichStockholm Environment Institute – <strong>Asia</strong>Bangkok, Thailand

<strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Asia</strong>• Is located on the equator, entireregion falls with<strong>in</strong> the warm, humidtropics as <strong>in</strong>fluenced by <strong>Asia</strong>nmonsoon.• Includes Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos,Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, EastMalaysia, East Timor, Indonesia,Papua New Gu<strong>in</strong>ea, Philipp<strong>in</strong>es andS<strong>in</strong>gapore• Has nearly 580 million population <strong>in</strong>2009 account<strong>in</strong>g for 8.7% of world‟spopulation. Indonesia is the 5 thlargest population <strong>in</strong> the world (236million)• Is one of the world‟s largesturbanized regions, grow<strong>in</strong>g atunprecedented rate, 1.75 times fasterthan world‟s urban population• Is risk to ecosystems vulnerability anddeforestation

Climate change, drought, agricultureand economics• Region‟s annual temperature will <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> the order of 0.4-1.3 deg C by 2030 and 0.9-4.0 degC by 2070 while w<strong>in</strong>ter ra<strong>in</strong>fall is projected to decrease (

Impacts of drought <strong>in</strong> SEA• Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laosand some of the islands of Indonesia haveseriously affected from drought <strong>in</strong> 2004 and so.Crops are shriv<strong>in</strong>g and dr<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g water becomescarce.• Thailand lost the crops of 809,000 ha (aboutUSD193.2 million)• USD4.29 million has lost <strong>in</strong> tour boats and cargoboats <strong>in</strong> the Mekong River• Vietnam has lost USD60 million <strong>in</strong> crops and 1.3million people did not have access to cleanwater• Cambodia has affected with food shortages• Indonesia and Malaysia may scale down theirpalm oil by one million tons, while Thailand andVietnam may scale down for rice production• Ration<strong>in</strong>g, reduc<strong>in</strong>g planted area, shift<strong>in</strong>g todrought-resistant crops, adjust<strong>in</strong>g plant<strong>in</strong>g dates,digg<strong>in</strong>g wells, releas<strong>in</strong>g stored water fromreservoirs, and cloud-seed<strong>in</strong>g are managed byGovernments.Transboundary waters (Thailand, Vietnam,Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Ch<strong>in</strong>a): MekongRiver Bas<strong>in</strong> is runn<strong>in</strong>g at its lowest water level<strong>in</strong> 50 years. It is possibly gett<strong>in</strong>g lower.

Kampong Speu Prov<strong>in</strong>ce, Phnom Pehn,Cambodia. <strong>Drought</strong> has affected thousandsof hectares of rice paddy throughout thecountry, eight prov<strong>in</strong>ces are hit y droughtSevere drought <strong>in</strong> Southern Philipp<strong>in</strong>es.Crops were harvested less than 1/3 ofnormal yield s<strong>in</strong>ce last November 2004Dried-up bed of the Red River, near long Bienbridge <strong>in</strong> Hanoi, Vietnam, on Dec. 1, 2009. itis the worst drought <strong>in</strong> more than 100 yearsafter no ra<strong>in</strong>fall s<strong>in</strong>ce September. It leads fires<strong>in</strong> north and t<strong>in</strong>der-dry conditions threatenforests. Credit: www.time.comLam Takong Dam, Thailand, hasdried up due to prolonged drought<strong>in</strong> March 2005. Severe watershortage and damage to agriculturebrought about by the severedrought has affected millionsHundreds of hectares ofpaddy fields <strong>in</strong>Banyumas, Central Java,Indonesia, are suffer<strong>in</strong>gfrom the drought, withfarmers fac<strong>in</strong>g theprospect of crop failuress<strong>in</strong>ce the past few years(2005-2007). It hasforced some ppl to walk3.2 km to fetch dr<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>gwater <strong>in</strong> SouthernSulawesi Prov<strong>in</strong>ce.

<strong>Drought</strong> is disregarded <strong>in</strong> SEA…• <strong>Drought</strong> has unique features unlike other natural disasters(earthquake, flood, volcano, typhoon, landslide, tsunami, hurricaneetc), it starts unnoticed and develops slowly. It has a prolongedexistence as called “creep<strong>in</strong>g” which can cause complex web ofimpacts• Then it is a reason that drought disaster is often underestimatedbecause of its slow rate of onset and less visual impact on human.Though its impacts are cumulative and can be very devastat<strong>in</strong>g, it isnot immediately observable by eye or ground data <strong>in</strong> short period. Bythe time the results are evident, it is too late.• Lack of clear understand<strong>in</strong>g of effect of drought, appropriate responseand its vulnerabilities• Meteorological (ra<strong>in</strong>fall), agricultural (biological) and hydrological(water resource) drought are hardly to dist<strong>in</strong>ct between these becauseof its relevance <strong>in</strong>evitably

Why drought should be concerned…• Population growth at 1.3 world rank• Wet season ended about a month ahead of schedule and droughtconditions quickly developed across an areas that stretched fromcentral ch<strong>in</strong>a to southern Thailand to Luzon, Philipp<strong>in</strong>es, <strong>in</strong> 2004• Rice crops were estimated at 17.0 million tons, down 1.0 from 2003(estimated by USDA) and sugar crop dropped by about 30% <strong>in</strong> 2004/5• Region‟s economy greatly depends upon agriculture account<strong>in</strong>g for 40percent of GDP• Agriculture highly depends upon ra<strong>in</strong>fall which occurs dur<strong>in</strong>g the wetseason.• Therefore, agricultural drought has particularly been studied <strong>in</strong> manySEA countries to great help <strong>in</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g agricultural production

Opportunities and constra<strong>in</strong>ts of remotesens<strong>in</strong>g technology to monitor drought <strong>in</strong> SEA• Traditional methods of drought monitor<strong>in</strong>g are limited <strong>in</strong> the region.The most difficulty is relevance of conduct<strong>in</strong>g near real-time grounddata (e.g. soil moisture condition, ra<strong>in</strong>fall)• Time consum<strong>in</strong>g and too expensive for ground data collection• With a great help of RS, it allows long-term time series (spatial,duration and <strong>in</strong>tensity) studies and storage of the <strong>in</strong>formation whichmay prove <strong>in</strong>valuable <strong>in</strong> future situations• RS can provide large amounts of data quickly and <strong>in</strong>expensively bymeans of collection. Also allows to <strong>in</strong>tegrate vast amounts of<strong>in</strong>formation from a wide variety of sources to make applicable <strong>in</strong>emergency situations• <strong>Drought</strong> is considered as region phenomenon, therefore, RS canprovide more accessible <strong>in</strong>formation though less ground <strong>in</strong>formationavailable

Some EOS examples <strong>in</strong> SEA• Interested <strong>in</strong> agricultural drought because of agriculture production <strong>in</strong>the region, therefore, drought <strong>in</strong>dices are challeng<strong>in</strong>g for be<strong>in</strong>g used toresearch for aid<strong>in</strong>g the agricultural plan under the drought event orwater shortage• Some <strong>in</strong>dices that have been used <strong>in</strong> the drought monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> theregion such as:– Thailand: NDVI, SPI, PDSI and biomass– Philipp<strong>in</strong>es: monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> rice production (SPI, PDSI, Productdeparture, SMI)– Cambodia: SMI but very less number of researches– Indonesia: SPI, Veg Condition Index, Thermal Condition Index,Veg Health Index– Vietnam: SPI (for met drought) and SWSI for hydro drought

Capacity build<strong>in</strong>g on space technologyto drought monitor<strong>in</strong>g and assessment• Education, tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and research <strong>in</strong> the field of RS/GIS to are needed to<strong>in</strong>tegrate for drought monitor<strong>in</strong>g study, as well as <strong>in</strong>formation shar<strong>in</strong>g• Technical assistance and consult<strong>in</strong>g services is a needed for advanced droughtmonitor<strong>in</strong>g and assessment study and even move further to establish earlywarn<strong>in</strong>g system for drought• SEA have been recognized that there is a limited knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>gof drought disasters, impact assessment, early warn<strong>in</strong>g system with great effort<strong>in</strong> real time monitor<strong>in</strong>g• Ground data and tool for validation of drought monitor<strong>in</strong>g us<strong>in</strong>g RS/GIS areunavailable and <strong>in</strong>accurate like soil moisture content, precipitation• <strong>Drought</strong> awareness and knowledge management are need to be arose tocommunities, local governments through national governments• Simple toolkit or method can assist the community or local government tomonitor drought severity

THANK YOUOrn-uma PolpanichStockholm Environment Institute – <strong>Asia</strong>Bangkok, Thailandhttp://sei-<strong>in</strong>ternational.org/<strong>in</strong>dex.php/bangkokEmail: ornuma@gmail.com

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