ACTCOSS Annual Report 2007-08 - ACT Council of Social Service

ACTCOSS Annual Report 2007-08 - ACT Council of Social Service

ACTCOSS Annual Report 2007-08 - ACT Council of Social Service


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President’s <strong>Report</strong>Most <strong>of</strong> us consider ourselves lucky to live in a wealthy,privileged and connected community. We have highemployment, high incomes, high education participationrates, access to quality services and high levels <strong>of</strong>community engagement.However, most <strong>of</strong> us connected with the <strong>ACT</strong> <strong>Council</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Service</strong> know that the picture describedabove is not a reality for a significant proportion <strong>of</strong>the community. We also know and respond to theparticular responsibilities and obligations that flowfrom the experience <strong>of</strong> disadvantage within an affluentcommunity. We value the importance <strong>of</strong> the work <strong>of</strong><strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>, and its member organisations who supportand walk beside vulnerable members <strong>of</strong> our community.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> and its members work to create a more equaland fair community, where all its citizens have access tothe same resources, opportunities and successes. Wework to create a community in which human rights anddignity for all is cherished and nurtured.<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> has been a year in which <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> can be proud<strong>of</strong> the work that it has done to achieve these ends. Thishas occurred through our policy and advocacy work, aswell as our sector development activity.Advocating for change is a key area <strong>of</strong> work for theorganisation. The policy and advocacy team has workedtirelessly in responding to the call for submissions,supporting ACOSS in its responses to FederalGovernment reviews and very significantly developingThe Fairness Challenge – the <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> ElectionStatement in the lead up to the <strong>ACT</strong> election in late20<strong>08</strong>. In this work, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has engaged with membersto ensure that the on-the-ground experiences <strong>of</strong>service delivery is reflected in calls for systemic change.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> will continue to see it has an importantcontribution to make in ensuring that the voices,experiences, and impacts on Canberra’s most vulnerablecitizens are considered when developing policies, newprograms and new approaches. This will continue tobe supported through activities including supporting anumber <strong>of</strong> consumer based networks and coalitions.Supporting the sector we work in has also beena significant element <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>’ work over thelast twelve months. The provision <strong>of</strong> training anddevelopment seminars, the support <strong>of</strong> networks andindividual organisation support have all been ways inwhich the organisation has contributed to supportingthe pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism <strong>of</strong> this important sector. Theongoing viability <strong>of</strong> the community sector continues tobe a key priority for <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> as we witness the impacts<strong>of</strong> under-resourcing, undervaluing <strong>of</strong> staff who workto support low income families and individuals. Wecontinue to argue that this must gain greater priority toensure that the sector that supports the community notonly survives but thrives and develops.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has a responsibility to show leadership andbe a role model in the way it operates. It has beena pleasure to participate in an organisation where acommitment to ongoing quality has seen the GeneralCommittee review its policies and procedures, and hasled to the development <strong>of</strong> policy positions in a range <strong>of</strong>important areas. Over the year, we have also seen a relocation<strong>of</strong> our <strong>of</strong>ficeThe most satisfying element <strong>of</strong> being involved in thework <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> is working with a range <strong>of</strong> peoplewho are committed and working for this common goal<strong>of</strong> creating an equal and fair community. I continue tobe humbled and inspired by my colleagues who aremembers <strong>of</strong> the General Committee who dedicatetheir time freely and generously despite busy lives andamazing contributions in their ‘day jobs’. Similarly, thestaff go way beyond the requirements <strong>of</strong> their job anddaily display dedication, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism, creativity andtenacity in working in demanding, complex and everchanging roles. I would particularly like to acknowledgethe work <strong>of</strong> the Director, Ara Cresswell who over herfour years with the organisation displayed a commitmentand passion creating a more equal community.Rebecca Vassarotti<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> President

Education and LiteracyIn <strong>2007</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> commenced a major project to research the role<strong>of</strong> the community sector in promoting adult literacy in the <strong>ACT</strong>.This Adult Literacy Project was funded by the CommonwealthGovernment’s Adult Literacy National Project.The project was developed on the basis that many communitysector service users have lower levels <strong>of</strong> literacy skills, and thatcommunity organisations’ access to this group could help topromote a greater take-up <strong>of</strong> literacy education opportunities.A key focus <strong>of</strong> the project is to identify options for partnershiparrangements between community organisations and literacyeducation providers that would attract more people to improvingtheir literacy skills. The project also aims to identify barriers to thetake-up <strong>of</strong> literacy education opportunities in Canberra.The project involves a review <strong>of</strong> the relevant literature to identifywhat is known about barriers to adult literacy generally, andalso to identify current pr<strong>of</strong>essional thinking on good practicearrangements for delivering adult literacy education. There is aparticular focus on identifying good practice community sectoradulteducation partnership strategies in this area. Consultationswith various <strong>ACT</strong> stakeholders were also commenced.While the <strong>ACT</strong> is generally regarded as a highly educatedcommunity, an early finding <strong>of</strong> the project was that around 80,000Canberrans are estimated to have insufficient literacy skills tocope with the demands <strong>of</strong> day to day life. It is clear also, that onlya small proportion <strong>of</strong> this group take up learning opportunities toimprove their skills.The project commenced in December <strong>2007</strong> and is scheduled forcompletion in August 20<strong>08</strong>.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> acknowledged the distress experienced by many inCanberra at the Government decision to close a number <strong>of</strong> <strong>ACT</strong>schools. Once the final decision had been reached, however,<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> advocated that the school facilities should be retainedfor community use. The <strong>Council</strong> was pleased to note that asignificant proportion <strong>of</strong> the facilities were earmarked for useas community facilities, with funding being set aside to upgradevarious sites for this purpose.

2009FebruarySunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4 5 6 710:13WorldWetlands Day8 9 10 11 12 13 1401:49NationalMulticulturalFestival beginsCIT Term Onebegins, RandomActs <strong>of</strong> KindnessWeek beginsSydney Mardi GrasFestival begins15 16 17 18 19 20 21<strong>08</strong>:3722 23 24 25 26 27 2812:35University SemesterOne beginsNationalPancake DayAsh Wednesday- Lent begins(Christian)National Sunniesfor Sight Daywww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Corrections and Justice<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> has seen important changes in the <strong>ACT</strong> in the area <strong>of</strong>Corrections and Justice as the opening <strong>of</strong> the new <strong>ACT</strong> Prison, theAlexander Maconochie Centre is imminent.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has continued its involvement with the <strong>ACT</strong> CommunityCoalition on Corrections, a coalition <strong>of</strong> organisations andindividuals that have an interest in justice and the rights <strong>of</strong> thosewho are incarcerated. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> representatives have attendedregular meetings to discuss issues about the new prison and t<strong>of</strong>ormulate proposals to the <strong>ACT</strong> Government that will improvethe functioning <strong>of</strong> the centre, will assist in the prison meetingits goals and objectives and will contribute to positive outcomesfor prisoners. Using the Coalition for input and consultation,we prepared a submission on the Corrections Health Plan andcompleted a report on prevention, diversion and rehabilitationfor Indigenous people in the criminal justice system, as well asattending a number <strong>of</strong> forums and consultations about the needs<strong>of</strong> prisoners and the new prison.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has also continued to support the <strong>ACT</strong> Women andPrisons Group, which provides an opportunity for women withlived experience <strong>of</strong> the criminal justice system to come togetherwith other interested women and share information, advocate forthe rights <strong>of</strong> women prisoners, and provide support to those <strong>ACT</strong>women currently incarcerated. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has provided secretariatsupport, assisted in drafting funding applications, arrangingforums and other assistance as required.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has advocated on a number <strong>of</strong> other issues related tojustice and corrections including the human rights <strong>of</strong> juveniles inthe justice system, methods <strong>of</strong> involving community organisationsin crime prevention and rehabilitation (including holding a forumwith Legal Aid to build relationships between Legal Aid and thecommunity sector), the tribunals review in the <strong>ACT</strong> and the needs<strong>of</strong> families <strong>of</strong> people who are incarcerated.

2009MarchSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4 5 6 718:46Clean Up AustraliaDay8 9 10 11 12 13 1413:38World Day <strong>of</strong> PrayerSydney Mardi GrasParadeInternationalWomen’s DaySeniors WeekbeginsCanberra Day(public holiday),CommonwealthDayInternational Day <strong>of</strong>Awesomeness15 16 17 18 19 20 21International BrainAwareness Weekbegins St. Patrick’s Day Vernal equinoxHarmony Day,Week <strong>of</strong> Solidaritywith the PeoplesStruggling againstRacism and RacialDiscriminationbegins, Naw Ruz(Baha’i)22 23 24 25 26 27 2804:4803:06World Water Day29 30 31Earth HourNational YouthWeek beginswww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Human Rights<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has continued to engage in advocacy for a community inwhich human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled. Over<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> we have continued to advocate for the inclusion <strong>of</strong> social,cultural and economic rights in the <strong>ACT</strong> Human Rights Act.Specifically, we have prepared submissions to a range <strong>of</strong>audiences on a number <strong>of</strong> human rights issues, including theprovision <strong>of</strong> paid Parental and Maternity Leave in Australia andways to lessen the pay gap between men and women in theworkforce. Through these submissions, and other policy, wecontinue to advocate on the topic <strong>of</strong> work/family life balance.A key focus has been the opening <strong>of</strong> the new <strong>ACT</strong> prison, theAlexander Maconochie Centre (AMC). The Government hasrepeatedly stated that the prison will operate within a humanrights framework. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has been involved (through the<strong>ACT</strong> Community Coalition on Corrections, the AMC CommunityReference Group, the <strong>ACT</strong> Women and Prisons group andattendance at multiple forums) in the formulation <strong>of</strong> policy andthe call for change in a number <strong>of</strong> areas, to ensure human rightsstandards are met. Examples <strong>of</strong> areas include throughcare, postrelease housing, and support for prisoners with mental illness.Similarly <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has been concerned to ensure that the newBimberi Youth Justice Facility (BYJC) operates under a humanrights framework, in particular, addressing issues raised in theHuman Rights Commission audit <strong>of</strong> Quamby Youth DetentionCentre. Some <strong>of</strong> the issues <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has raised have included theneed for education programs for young people in BYJC, culturalawareness training for staff and the provision <strong>of</strong> counselling andsupport to families <strong>of</strong> young people in BYJC.Within the organisation, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> continues to work towardsensuring human rights standards are met. We have engagedin an ongoing review process <strong>of</strong> existing policy and proceduresto ensure they are contributing to the ethical framework andoperation <strong>of</strong> the organisation.

2009MaySunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday31 1 213:22 06:44World NoTobacco DayStarlight Day,May DayFair Trade Fortnight3 4 5 6 7 8 914:02World PressFreedom DayInternationalMidwives DayWorld Red Crossand RedCrescent DayBuddha Day- Visakha Puja -Vesak (Buddhist)10 11 12 13 14 15 16Mother’s Day17:26National VolunteerWeek beginsInternational Day<strong>of</strong> Families, LoudShirt Day17 18 19 20 21 22 2322:11World Day forCultural Diversityfor Dialogue andDevelopmentInternational Dayfor BiologicalDiversity24 25 26 27 28 29 30Week <strong>of</strong> Solidaritywith the Peoples <strong>of</strong>Non-Self GoverningTerritories beginsNational Sorry DayNationalReconciliationWeek beginsAustralia’s BiggestMorning TeaAscension <strong>of</strong>Baha’u’llah (Baha’i)Odd Socks Daywww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Sector DevelopmentThe sector development role <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> is to strengthen andsupport an effective, cohesive and dynamic community sectorin the <strong>ACT</strong>, and to assist the sector to meet the challenges <strong>of</strong>changing community need. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> aims to do this throughproviding information, developing resources, building networksand <strong>of</strong>fering subsidised training to workers and organisations.Our role in supporting community organisations in the <strong>ACT</strong>has been greatly enhanced by the structural changes within<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> across <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong>. This change have enabled communityorganisations and individuals to draw on the experience andknowledge <strong>of</strong> staff involved in both sector development and policywork and has provided a broad perspective on the issues andchallenges facing our sector.We have worked toward sustainability and growth <strong>of</strong> the sectorthrough delivering “Raising The Standards” training, focusingon the continuous improvement <strong>of</strong> organisation’s policies,procedures and practices. We also continue to support the work<strong>of</strong> volunteer Management Committees through Governancetraining workshops.The <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> website’s Organisation Information Kit continues tobe updated and has been reformatted to enable easy access forthe community sector to information that support sustainabilityand growth <strong>of</strong> organisations.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> partnered with a variety <strong>of</strong> consultants to providetraining in specific areas such as marketing and promotionand staff management skills. This has enabled the communitysector to access specialists in these fields, increasing our sharedknowledge.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> consultancy services have been accessed byorganisations for information on strategic planning, humanresources, governance and funding. It has been a privilege to workwith a wide range <strong>of</strong> organisations to support them to meet thesechallenges.

2009JuneSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1304:12Mabo DayInternationalDay <strong>of</strong> InnocentChildren Victims <strong>of</strong>AggressionWorld EnvironmentDay, UniversitySemester One endsQueen’s Birthday(public holiday)14 15 16 17 18 19 20<strong>08</strong>:15World Day AgainstChild LabourWorld Blood DonorDay, Refugee WeekbeginsInternational Men’sHealth Week beginsWorld Dayto CombatDesertificationand DroughtWorld Refugee Day21 22 23 24 25 26 2705:35Drug Action Weekbegins, JuneSolstice28 29 3021:29Red Nose Day,International Day inSupport <strong>of</strong> Victims<strong>of</strong> Torture, CIT TermTwo endswww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Health and Ageing<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has continued to advocate for health care delivery in atimely, accessible and affordable manner to all people regardless<strong>of</strong> their social, environmental and economic status. The poorerhealth status experienced by people living with disadvantagerepresents grave health inequalities within our community. Asocial determinants approach to health that acknowledges theimpact <strong>of</strong> factors such as housing, income and education on aperson’s health status is required for better community outcomes.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has also continued to advocate for further resources tobe invested into promotion, prevention and early interventionhealth strategies, which continue to be under resourced.In <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has provided comment on a number <strong>of</strong>health documents including, Access Health and the <strong>ACT</strong> Women’sHealth Plan. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has also continued to be involved with anumber <strong>of</strong> health networks, working groups and forums.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has continued to advocate for the needs <strong>of</strong> our rapidlyageing population. As the population continues to age, increasingpressure will be placed on our health care services as consumersexperience more chronic conditions and higher rates <strong>of</strong> disability.Older people also face continued difficulties in covering the costs<strong>of</strong> living and barriers to accessing appropriate public transport.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> supports policies and strategies that promote active,productive and healthy ageing focusing on the abilities <strong>of</strong> olderpeople and the valuable contribution that they <strong>of</strong>fer to thecommunity.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> continues to facilitate the Home and Community Careand Disability <strong>Service</strong>s (HACC-DS) Network. In <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> theNetwork met regularly to discuss issues that affect HACC and DSsectors in the <strong>ACT</strong>. The Home and Community Care and DisabilitySectors are under increasing pressures to assist a greater number<strong>of</strong> consumers with more complex needs. The Network held asuccessful <strong>Annual</strong> Sector Planning Day where the implementation<strong>of</strong> a HACC Single Access Point in the <strong>ACT</strong> was discussed. TheSingle Access Point is an initiative from Federal Governmentthat aims to simplify the process <strong>of</strong> entering HACC services forconsumers. A number <strong>of</strong> seminars and workshops were alsotailored to the needs <strong>of</strong> the HACC and DS sectors. These seminarswere well attended.

2009JulySunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1119:22School Term TwoendsNAIDOC Weekbegins12 13 14 15 16 17 1819:53WorldPopulation Day19 20 21 22 23 24 2512:35School Term Threebegins, UniversitySemester TwobeginsNational StressDown Day26 27 28 29 30 31<strong>08</strong>:00CIT Term Threebeginswww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

PovertyOne <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>’ most fundamental objectives is to advocate onbehalf <strong>of</strong> low income households and people experiencing povertyin the <strong>ACT</strong>. These groups are highly vulnerable to increases inbasic costs <strong>of</strong> living – such as housing, food, transport and utilities.Across all areas <strong>of</strong> its work, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> places particular focus onthe impact on people experiencing financial disadvantage.With Canberra’s reputation as an affluent community, theexistence <strong>of</strong> poverty is generally hidden and under-appreciated. Asa contribution to Anti-Poverty Week, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>, with the support<strong>of</strong> a University <strong>of</strong> Canberra Industry Collaborative Research Grantand in partnership with a number <strong>of</strong> community and governmentorganisations, commissioned a study - Characteristics <strong>of</strong> LowIncome <strong>ACT</strong> Households. The study was carried out by theNational Centre for <strong>Social</strong> and Economic Modelling (NATSEM), andcreated a pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> Canberra households that were in the lowest20% <strong>of</strong> income-earners nationwide.The report found that 13.6% <strong>of</strong> <strong>ACT</strong> households fell intothis lowest income quintile. It also found that these poorerhouseholds were likely to be older; headed by women; not in thelabour force, reliant on government benefits; or composed <strong>of</strong>single people. The study has highlighted that there is a significantdegree <strong>of</strong> poverty in the <strong>ACT</strong>, and has drawn a picture <strong>of</strong> wherethese households are located and their typical characteristics.During Anti-Poverty Week, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> also convened a SenateCandidates’ Forum, which called on <strong>ACT</strong> Federal Senatecandidates to demonstrate their commitment to reducing povertyin the <strong>ACT</strong>.During <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong>, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> made a number <strong>of</strong> submissions onissues that affect people in poverty. Chief among these was ourdetailed annual submission to the <strong>ACT</strong> Government regarding the20<strong>08</strong>-09 Budget, canvassing a range <strong>of</strong> issues that impact on lowincomeCanberrans. Other submissions addressed arrangementsfor energy retail regulation, the social impacts <strong>of</strong> waterrestrictions, public housing changes, a review <strong>of</strong> <strong>ACT</strong> Governmentconcessions, and a review <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong> Residential Tenancies Act.

2009AugustSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday30 31 12 3 4 5 6 7 810:55Horses’ BirthdayInternationalFriendship Day,National Tree DayNational Aboriginaland IslanderChildren’s Day9 10 11 12 13 14 1504:55International Day<strong>of</strong> the World’sIndigenous PeopleInternationalYouth Day16 17 18 19 20 21 2220:01VietnamVeterans’ DayChildren’s BookWeek begins,Ramadan begins(Islam)23 24 25 26 27 28 2921:42www.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Transport and UtilitiesAcross <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> continued to advocate for the needs <strong>of</strong>disadvantaged Canberrans to be considered in the <strong>ACT</strong>’s responseto climate change. Research has shown that climate change islikely to disproportionately affect disadvantaged households andpeople living on low incomes.As a result <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has completed submissions to Governmenton a range <strong>of</strong> issues, including:•••<strong>Social</strong> Impacts <strong>of</strong> Water Restrictions;Concessions Review; andA Feed in Tariff for the <strong>ACT</strong>.A particular concern has been the rising costs <strong>of</strong> fuel and utilities,including electricity and water, and its disproportionate effecton disadvantaged and low-income households. During <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> commissioned research from NATSEM, examiningthe expenditure patterns <strong>of</strong> low-income households in the <strong>ACT</strong>,including on transport and utilities, to ensure there is reliable andaccessible data available on the changes in expenditure patternsin recent times.20<strong>08</strong> saw the implementation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong>ION buses Network <strong>08</strong>changes. Whilst <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has supported increases in bus servicesand the number <strong>of</strong> accessible buses travelling the routes, wehave continued to voice concerns that some areas are not equallyserviced by public transport, particularly those areas on the cityfringes where lower income households are more concentrated.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> also continues to participate in the Planning andDevelopment Forum, ESCC Stakeholder Meeting, and attendevents such as the launch <strong>of</strong> the Climate Change Strategy and theconsultations surrounding the <strong>Social</strong> Impacts <strong>of</strong> Climate Changereport (<strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong> Community Inclusion Board).

2009SeptemberSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4 502:02Wattle DayFred HollowsFoundation Day6 7 8 9 10 11 1212:16Father’s Day,National ChildProtection WeekbeginsNationalThreatenedSpecies DayInternationalLiteracy Day13 14 15 16 17 18 19International Dayfor the Preservation<strong>of</strong> the Ozone LayerAustralianCitizenship DayTalk Like a PirateDay, Clean Up theWorld Weekend,S<strong>of</strong>tware FreedomDay, Rosh Hashanah(Jewish) 19-2020 21 22 23 24 25 2604:4414:49Eid al Fitr- Ramadan ends(Islam)International Day<strong>of</strong> PeaceBe An Angel Day,Autumnal Equinox27 28 29 30School Term Threeends, Universitybreak beginsWorld Heart Day,Yom Kippur (Jewish)www.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Community Sector ViabilityIn <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong>, community sector viability and the challengescommunity organisations in the <strong>ACT</strong> face has been a particularfocus <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>’ work. We have provided input to Governmenton issues such as:•••Pricing Principles;The <strong>2007</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong> Skills Commission; andReview <strong>of</strong> Philanthropy.Over the 6 months to July 20<strong>08</strong>, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> employed a projectworker to undertake a major project on Community SectorViability in the <strong>ACT</strong>.The project involved the preparation <strong>of</strong> 3 issues papers toreview the relevant literature and reports on sector viability, aswell as initiatives in other states. The issues papers formed thebackground for two community workshops which were held inMay and June, on the topics <strong>of</strong> Financial Viability and WorkforceDevelopment. Over 50 participants attended the workshops, fromboth large and small organisations from a wide variety <strong>of</strong> sub-sectors. A small number <strong>of</strong> interviews were also conducted withindividual organisations who are seeking to address particularareas <strong>of</strong> viability.30 recommendations came out <strong>of</strong> the project, and were outlinedin the final report. The recommendations included some thatcould be implemented at a Government level, some that wouldrequire implementation by the community sector as a whole, andsome that are achievable within individual organisations.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> has also continued to take a lead role in the PeaksForum, attended by community sector peak organisations in the<strong>ACT</strong>, and attend meetings <strong>of</strong> the Joint Community GovernmentReference Group (JCGRG), which has engaged in work anddiscussions around areas including:•••Pricing principles for Community <strong>Service</strong>s;Portable long service leave for the community sector;Raising awareness <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Social</strong> Compact among theGovernment and community sector.

2009OctoberSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 317:10International Dayfor Older PersonsCIT Term Threeends4 5 6 7 8 9 10Daylight Savingsbegins, MentalHealth Week begins19:56Labour Day(public holiday),InternationalTenants Day, WorldHabitat DayNational StressLess DayWorld MentalHealth Day11 12 13 14 15 16 17Anti-Poverty Weekbegins16:33School & CITTerm Four begins,University resumesWorld Food DayInternational Dayfor the Eradication<strong>of</strong> Poverty18 19 20 21 22 23 24We Are One DayUnited Nations Day25 26 27 28 29 30 3111:42Universal Children’sDay (<strong>ACT</strong>)National BandannaDay, Reclaim theNight, UniversitySemester Two endsHalloweenwww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Housing and Homelessness<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> recognises the critical importance <strong>of</strong> safe and securehousing as a foundation for people’s health and wellbeing.Over the past year, the <strong>ACT</strong> situation as regards housing andhomelessness has actually worsened. The rising cost <strong>of</strong> housing,a tightening rental market, and a continuing decline in thepublic housing stock continue to reduce housing options for <strong>ACT</strong>people and particular those experiencing financial and otherdisadvantage. The <strong>ACT</strong> Government did not provide for additionalservices, support or accommodation for homeless people in the<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> budget and this has added to the pressure on existingSAAP services. The lack <strong>of</strong> exit points from SAAP services to morepermanent housing options represents a worsening scenario.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> continues to advocate for the housing needs <strong>of</strong>disadvantaged people. In September <strong>2007</strong>, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> made asubmission on the <strong>ACT</strong> Government’s Public Housing ChangesDiscussion Paper, commenting on the likely negative impacts <strong>of</strong>many <strong>of</strong> the proposed changes on the target group. Overall, it wasdisappointing to note the Government’s approach <strong>of</strong> reducingaccess to public housing rather than providing more <strong>of</strong> it to meeta clear need.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> also provided comment on proposed changes to theResidential Tenancies Act 1997. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> was concerned toensure that vulnerable tenants were protected by the legislation.Issues covered included rental auctions, protection from eviction,unreasonable rent increases, and standards <strong>of</strong> accommodation.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> continued to take part in community sector housing andhomelessness forums, such as the SAAP Joint Pathways Forumand <strong>ACT</strong> Shelter. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> also continued to facilitate the SAAPemail network.To celebrate the success <strong>of</strong> the battle to secure the NarrabundahLongstay Park for its residents, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>, together with S<strong>of</strong>tlawCommunity Projects Ltd, published Our Park Our Community, acollection <strong>of</strong> stories about residents <strong>of</strong> the park.

2009NovemberSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4 5 6 706:14Family &Community Day(public holiday),Melbourne Cup Day8 9 10 11 12 13 1402:56National RecyclingWeek begins Remembrance Day World Kindness Day World Diabetes Day15 16 17 18 19 20 2106:14International Day<strong>of</strong> ToleranceUniversalChildren’s DayWorld Hello Day22 23 24 25 26 27 28<strong>08</strong>:3929 30International Dayfor the Elimination<strong>of</strong> Violence againstWomenEid al Adha (Islam)www.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Indigenous ProjectThe Circles <strong>of</strong> Our Life, Dale R. Huddleston, 20<strong>08</strong><strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> recognises that Indigenous Australia ranks with some<strong>of</strong> the world’s poorest countries on almost every social indicator<strong>of</strong> well being, and that this state <strong>of</strong> affairs is unacceptable. Webelieve that the deep disadvantage and high levels <strong>of</strong> povertyexperienced by Indigenous Australians can only be properlytackled through a process which fully involves Indigenouspeople through full consultation, meaningful engagement andemployment.<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> is committed to ensuring the ongoing employment <strong>of</strong>Indigenous workers on our staff team. In <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong> this includedtwo Indigenous Sector Development Officers. The <strong>of</strong>ficers provideadvice, resources, support, and information on a range <strong>of</strong> issuesrelevant to community sector organisations. The workers activelyengaged in the community sector and provided links between thesector and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians.Workers regularly visit services, and provide consultationsincluding sitting on interview panels, as well as facilitating bimonthlynetworking meetings for Indigenous workers. <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>also facilitates an email network where information on the sector,services, and training are distributed.Throughout the year, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> presented eight sessions <strong>of</strong>‘Aboriginal Culture, History & Heritage’ Training. The trainingis well attended by the sector and feedback is very positive: “Iwas looking for guidance in approaching Aboriginal people. I gotanswers and learned a lot.”<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> held an ‘Introduction to NAIDOC Week’ morning tea toprovide organisations with information on the history <strong>of</strong> NAIDOCand encourage the sector to participate in local activities throughthe week.In partnership with the Aboriginal Justice Centre, and involvingwide consultation with the <strong>ACT</strong> Indigenous community, <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>produced a significant report: Circles <strong>of</strong> Support: TowardsIndigenous Justice: Prevention, Diversion and Rehabilitation. Thereport examined reasons for Indigenous over-representationin the justice system, identified existing mainstream andIndigenous crime prevention and diversion initiatives in the <strong>ACT</strong>,highlighted gaps in service provision and unmet need and maderecommendations for change.We continue to advocate that the <strong>ACT</strong> Government investsand values Indigenous programs and commits to ensuring thatcommunity services are able to meet the needs <strong>of</strong> Indigenouspeople.

2009DecemberSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4 518:31World AIDS DayInternational Dayfor the Abolition<strong>of</strong> Slavery6 7 8 9 10 11 1211:14International Day<strong>of</strong> People withDisabilityCIT Term Four endsInternationalVolunteer Dayfor Economic and<strong>Social</strong> DevelopmentInternationalAnti-Corruption Day13 14 15 16 17 18 1923:02Human Rights DayInternationalMigrants Day,School Term Fourends, Hijra (IslamicNew Year)Hanukkah (Jewish)12-1920 21 22 23 24 25 2604:36InternationalHumanSolidarity DayDecember Solstice27 28 29 30 31Christmas Day(public holiday)Boxing DayBoxing Day(public holiday)New Years Evewww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> General CommitteeExecutive Committee Attendance ApologiesPresident (from November <strong>2007</strong>)Vice President(until November <strong>2007</strong>)Rebecca Vassarotti,YWCA <strong>of</strong> Canberra11/11 0President (until November <strong>2007</strong>)Ex-Officio Member(from November <strong>2007</strong>)Robin Brown, Associate Member 4/11 2Vice PresidentTim Moore,Institute for Child ProtectionStudies, Australian CatholicUniversityVice President(from November <strong>2007</strong>)Rod Little,Associate MemberTreasurerPeter Sutherland,S<strong>of</strong>tlaw Community ProjectsSecretaryCathi Moore,Associate Member9/11 25/7 09/11 27/11 2Ordinary Members Attendance ApologiesKim Sattler, Unions<strong>ACT</strong> 3/11 1Chris Johnston, Associate Member 8/11 1Fiona May, Associate Member 9/11 2Ordinary Members Attendance ApologiesPhillip Gleeson, ADACAS 4/10 2Robert Jansen, Galilee(from February 20<strong>08</strong>)Kym Duggan, ADACAS(from November <strong>2007</strong>)Chris Redmond,Woden Community <strong>Service</strong>(from November <strong>2007</strong>)Shannon Pickles,St. Vincent de Paul(from November <strong>2007</strong>)4/7 14/7 26/7 15/7 2Graeme Evans, Associate Member 11/11 0Gordon Ramsay,Kippax Uniting ChurchCarrie Fowlie,Youth Coalition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong>Dawson Ruhl, Marymead Childand Family Centre, and CYFA<strong>ACT</strong>(from November untilDecember <strong>2007</strong>)Soozie Gillies, NgunnawalAboriginal Corporation(until November <strong>2007</strong>)Jodie Stanley, WWD<strong>ACT</strong>(until November <strong>2007</strong>)Deborah Pippen, Tenants’ Union<strong>ACT</strong> (until November <strong>2007</strong>)Jo Bowen, Belconnen Community<strong>Service</strong> (until November <strong>2007</strong>)7/8 <strong>08</strong>/11 11/2 10/5 02/5 22/5 33/5 2In memory <strong>of</strong> our friendPhillip Gleeson<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> wishes to acknowledge the loss <strong>of</strong> PhillipGleeson, who passed away unexpectedly in July 20<strong>08</strong>.Phillip has devoted a lifetime to being a voice for thevoiceless, steadfast and unyielding in speaking up for hisgoals <strong>of</strong> fairness, compassion and respect for everyone.A powerful voice in the <strong>ACT</strong> community sector, Phillip’snew red scooter was always in the thick <strong>of</strong> the action.Among his many roles and campaigns, Phillip was anactive member <strong>of</strong> the <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> General Committee,where he inspired us with his commitment, passion andinsights. We will miss a fine friend, an exemplary socialjustice advocate, and a genuinely touching, warm andgentle human being. Our deepest condolences go toPrue and to Phillip’s family.- The <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> Staff and General Committee

<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> MembersMember OrganisationsAbbeyfield Society <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Aboriginal Justice Centre<strong>ACT</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> Parents & CitizensAssociations<strong>ACT</strong> Critical Incident Stress ManagementInformation <strong>Service</strong> Inc.<strong>ACT</strong> Deafness Resource Centre<strong>ACT</strong> Disability, Aged & Carer Advocacy<strong>Service</strong> Inc.<strong>ACT</strong> Down Syndrome Association<strong>ACT</strong> Hepatitis Resource Centre Inc.<strong>ACT</strong> Mental Health Consumer Network<strong>ACT</strong> Pallative Care Society Inc.<strong>ACT</strong> Playgroups Association Inc.<strong>ACT</strong> ShelterAIDS Action <strong>Council</strong>Alcohol & Drug Foundation, <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Anglicare Canberra and GoulburnAustralia Mon Association Inc.Australian Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Workers<strong>ACT</strong> BranchAustralian Catholic University, Institute <strong>of</strong>Child Protection StudiesAxis Inc.Barnardos AustraliaBelconnen Community <strong>Service</strong>Beryl Women Inc.Billabong Aboriginal CorporationCalwell Community CentreCanberra & Q’yan ADD Support Group Inc.Canberra Blind SocietyCanberra Community Arts Front Inc.Canberra Fathers and Children <strong>Service</strong>Canberra Men’s CentreCanberra One Parent Family SupportCanberra Preschool Society Inc.Canberra Rape Crisis CentreCanberra Youth RefugeCare Financial Counselling <strong>Service</strong> and theConsumer Law Centre <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong>Carers <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.CentacareChildrens <strong>Service</strong>s Resource &Advisory ProgramCitizen’s Advice BureauCommunities @ WorkCommunity and Public Sector UnionCommunity ConnectionsCommunity Housing CanberraCommunity Programs AssociationCompanion HouseComputing Assistance Support andEducation Inc.Conflict Resolution <strong>Service</strong>s Inc.CYFA<strong>ACT</strong>Directions <strong>ACT</strong>Disability <strong>Service</strong>s AustraliaDomestic Violence Crisis <strong>Service</strong>Doris Womens Refuge Inc.Environmental Collective HousingOrganisation Inc.Families & Friends <strong>of</strong> Drug Law ReformFamilies <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.For You & Me Inc. Club Workshop forthe DisabledFusion AustraliaGalileeGROW - <strong>ACT</strong>Gungahlin Regional Community <strong>Service</strong>Havelock House Association Inc.Health Care Consumers Association<strong>of</strong> <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Home Help <strong>Service</strong>Inanna Inc.Justice ActionKarinya HouseKoomarriL’Arche GeneseretLifeline Canberra Inc.Lone Father’s Assoc.Marymead Child & Family CentreMenslink Inc.Mental Health FoundationMental Illness Education <strong>ACT</strong>Mental Illness Fellowship <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong>Migrant Resource CentreMulticultural Womens AdvocacyMultiple Sclerosis Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Ngunnawal Aboriginal CorporationNoahs Ark Resource CentreNorthside Community <strong>Service</strong> Inc.Oasis Youth Residential <strong>Service</strong>Parentline <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Parents Without Partners <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Pegasus Riding for Disabled Inc.People with Disabilities <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Post and Ante Natal Depression Support &Info. Inc.Prisoner Aid (<strong>ACT</strong>) Inc.Queanbeyan Community HousingQueanbeyan Multilingual CentreRelationships Australia Canberraand RegionReligious Society <strong>of</strong> Friends Inc.RSI & Overuse Injury Assn <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong>, Inc.Salvation Army - Divisional HeadquartersSelf Help Organisation United Together Inc.Sexual Health & Family Planning <strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Shareability Inc.Sharing Places Inc.S<strong>of</strong>tlaw Community Projects LimitedSt. Vincent De Paul SocietySuperannuated CommonwealthOfficers Assoc.TandemTAS Housing Inc.Technical Aid to Disabled (<strong>ACT</strong>) Inc.Ted N<strong>of</strong>fs FoundationTenant’s Union (<strong>ACT</strong>)Toora Women Inc.Tumladden Medium Term YouthAccomodation Inc.Unions <strong>ACT</strong>Uniting Church in Australia - Presbytery <strong>of</strong>Canberra RegionUniversity <strong>of</strong> Canberra Students Assoc. Inc.Victims <strong>of</strong> Crime Assistance League<strong>ACT</strong> Inc.Vision AustraliaVolunteering <strong>ACT</strong>Warehouse CircusWelfare Rights & Legal CentreWoden Community <strong>Service</strong> Inc.Women with Disabilities <strong>ACT</strong>Womens Centre for Health Matters Inc.Women’s Electoral Lobby - <strong>ACT</strong> BranchWomens Legal Centre (<strong>ACT</strong> Region) Inc.Youth Coalition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong>YWCA - Housing Support UnitYWCA <strong>of</strong> CanberraAffiliate MembersQueanbeyan City <strong>Council</strong>Associate MembersC. AnstedH. BayesR. BrownJ. CartyR. DargavelJ. Della RodolfaS. EllermanG. EvansP. FitzgibbonM. FlynnP. GleesonJ. GrahamC. HertelL. HodgsonA. HollowayC. HutchinsC. JohnstonM. JolyD. JonesP. KendallJ. KitchinR. LittleD. LucasA. McLaughlinC. MooreJ. MoranK. NeillK. O’HaraB. PamphilonS. PartridgeR. PolglazeR. RefshaugeM. RichensB. SeddonC. SettleL. ThomsonF. TitoL. TroupeI. UssenkoI. Von Egl<strong>of</strong>fsteinG. WeirE. WensingJ. Woodwww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

Networks and Working Groups<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> Committees,Advisory Groups andNetworks• <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> General Committee• Community Coalition onCorrective <strong>Service</strong>s• Community Food Forum• Community Policy Network• Home and Community Care/Disability <strong>Service</strong>s Network• Home and Community Care/Disability <strong>Service</strong>s Working Group• Indigenous Community WorkersNetwork• Peaks Forum• Various Electronic Networks• Human Rights Network• SAAPNet• RTSNet• Governance NetworkExternal Committeesand Forums• ACOSS Board• <strong>ACT</strong> Collaboration• Alcohol, Tobacco & Other DrugStrategy Implementation Group• Anti-Poverty Week SteeringCommittee• CIT Faculty Advisory Committee• Commonwealth Emergency ReliefAdvisory Committee and Forum• Community Development (CD)Network <strong>ACT</strong> and Region• Community Recovery Sub-Committee• COSS Directors• CSP Forum• Essential <strong>Service</strong>s Consumer<strong>Council</strong> Stakeholders Meeting• Gambling AdvisoryReference Group• Human Rights Community Forum• Joint Community GovernmentReference Group (JCGRG)• Joint Pathways Meeting• Legal Aid Commission• Mental Health Providers Network• Planning & Development Forum• Police Advisory Board• SAAP Forum• Shelter Forum• Training Providers Network• Transcultural Mental HealthNetwork• UC Community DevelopmentCourse Advisory Committee• Vocational Education & TrainingAdvisory Group (VETAG)• Women and Prisons• National Consumer Roundtableon Energy• <strong>ACT</strong> Courts Stakeholder Forum<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> Seminarsand Workshops• Aboriginal Culture, History& Heritage Training31 August <strong>2007</strong>19 October <strong>2007</strong>30 November <strong>2007</strong>22 February 20<strong>08</strong>7 March 20<strong>08</strong>4 April 20<strong>08</strong>30 May 20<strong>08</strong>13 June 20<strong>08</strong>• Enhanced Team Functioning28 September <strong>2007</strong>• Managing Challenging Behaviours11 April 20<strong>08</strong>• Media Skills Workshop2 May 20<strong>08</strong>• Nutrition for Diverse Communities27 June 20<strong>08</strong>• Positive Feedback Culture1 November <strong>2007</strong>• Performance Management15 February 20<strong>08</strong>14 March 20<strong>08</strong>3 April 20<strong>08</strong>• Raising Pr<strong>of</strong>ile – Raising Revenue20 June 20<strong>08</strong>• Raising the Standard Training20 September <strong>2007</strong>25 October <strong>2007</strong>12 March 20<strong>08</strong>2 June 20<strong>08</strong>• Recruitment and Retention16 April 20<strong>08</strong>• Risk Management Training23 May 20<strong>08</strong>Governance Series• Principles and Practice <strong>of</strong>Good Governance2 November <strong>2007</strong>21 February 20<strong>08</strong>3 May 20<strong>08</strong>• Legal Obligations – theIncorporations Act and More9 November <strong>2007</strong>28 February 20<strong>08</strong>17 May 20<strong>08</strong>• Strategy, Culture and CoreDocuments16 November <strong>2007</strong>6 March 20<strong>08</strong>31 May 20<strong>08</strong>• Effective Meetings: MakingThem Work23 November <strong>2007</strong>13 March 20<strong>08</strong>14 June 20<strong>08</strong>

<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> Staff and VolunteersDirectorAra CresswellDeputy DirectorLlewellyn ReyndersManager Sector DevelopmentChristina Ryan(until December <strong>2007</strong>)Policy and Sector DevelopmentMaria JenkinsLes CoeSusan Abbott (from November <strong>2007</strong>)Julie ButlerCaterina Giorgi (from January 20<strong>08</strong>)Suzanne Lawson(from January 20<strong>08</strong>)Brooke McKail (from March 20<strong>08</strong>)Liz Argall (until October <strong>2007</strong>)Fiona Styles (until July <strong>2007</strong>)Erin Barry (until December <strong>2007</strong>)Lea Collins (until July <strong>2007</strong>)Jacqueline Phillips(until February 20<strong>08</strong>)Organisational <strong>Service</strong>sRichard DuckettAnna Tito (until February 20<strong>08</strong>)Lisa WellsChristopher Day (until January 20<strong>08</strong>)Suzanne Richardson(from January 20<strong>08</strong>)VolunteersChris AnstedDavid Bastinwww.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

<strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> Publications <strong>2007</strong>-20<strong>08</strong>Publications• <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2006-<strong>2007</strong>• <strong>ACT</strong> Community Sector EmergencyCoordination Plan, August <strong>2007</strong>• Home and Community Care(HACC) Sector Day <strong>Report</strong>,October <strong>2007</strong>• Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Low Income <strong>ACT</strong>Households, October <strong>2007</strong>• HACC Planning Day 20<strong>08</strong> <strong>Report</strong>:Implementing a Single AccessPoint, June 20<strong>08</strong>Comments, Submissions,and Policy Statements• <strong>Social</strong> Plan Progress <strong>Report</strong>,July <strong>2007</strong>• Composite Consultation Paper onthe National Framework for Non-Economic Distribution and RetailRegulation, July <strong>2007</strong>• Strategic Review <strong>of</strong> HealthPromotion Grants Program20<strong>08</strong>-09, July <strong>2007</strong>• Consultation Draft on Stage4 Water Restrictions: <strong>Social</strong>Impacts, July <strong>2007</strong>• Options for reform <strong>of</strong> theStructure <strong>of</strong> <strong>ACT</strong> Tribunals,August <strong>2007</strong>• Access Health, August <strong>2007</strong>• Public Housing ChangesDiscussion Paper, September<strong>2007</strong>• <strong>ACT</strong> Government ConcessionsPolicy Review, October <strong>2007</strong>• Corrections Health Plans,October <strong>2007</strong>• A Drop-in Centre for PeopleExperiencing Homelessness: DraftFeasibility Study, November <strong>2007</strong>• Review <strong>of</strong> Philanthropy in the <strong>ACT</strong>,November <strong>2007</strong>• <strong>ACT</strong> Skills Commission Interim<strong>Report</strong>, January 20<strong>08</strong>• Feed-in Tariff Discussion Paperand Electricity Feed-in (SolarTariff) Bill <strong>2007</strong>, February 20<strong>08</strong>• The Review <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong> MentalHealth (Treatment and Care) Act1994, March 20<strong>08</strong>• Pricing Principles for Community<strong>Service</strong>s in the <strong>ACT</strong>, April 20<strong>08</strong>• Residential Tenancies Act 1997,April 20<strong>08</strong>• Snapshot <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong> Budget 20<strong>08</strong>-09, May 20<strong>08</strong>• National Health and HospitalReforms Commission, May 20<strong>08</strong>• Maternity and Parental Leave,June 20<strong>08</strong>• Shared <strong>Service</strong>s: Issues andOptions, June 20<strong>08</strong>• Funding: Issues and Options, June20<strong>08</strong>• Workforce Development: Issuesand Options, June 20<strong>08</strong>Newsletters• Update Issue 41, Spring <strong>2007</strong>– Disability• Update Issue 42, March 20<strong>08</strong>– Community Arts• Update Issue 43, Autumn 20<strong>08</strong>– Ageing• Update Issue 44, Winter 20<strong>08</strong>– Alcohol and Other DrugsDates and information in this reportwere correct at the time <strong>of</strong> printing– November 20<strong>08</strong>.Design, layout and illustrationby Suzanne Richardson,Communications and MembershipOfficer at <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong>.Media Releases• <strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> – Opening Our Doors, 27August <strong>2007</strong>• New Book Celebrates theNarrabundah Longstay ParkCommunity, 26 September <strong>2007</strong>• Invest Budget Surplus in a MoreEquitable Canberra, 5 October<strong>2007</strong>• New Data on Low IncomeCanberrans, 15 October <strong>2007</strong>• Senate Candidates go Head-to-Head on Poverty, 17 October<strong>2007</strong>• Is Australia Fair?, 14 November<strong>2007</strong>• Investment in CommunityFacilities will Benefit Canberra’sMost Vulnerable, 5 May 20<strong>08</strong>• Budget Initiatives will Strengthenthe Community, 7 May 20<strong>08</strong><strong><strong>ACT</strong>COSS</strong> thanks Breakout DesignPrint Web for their generous supportin the printing <strong>of</strong> this annual report.

2010 CalendarJanuaryS M T W T F S31 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30FebruaryS M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728MarchS M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 31AprilS M T W T F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30MayS M T W T F S30 31 12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29JuneS M T W T F S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30JulyS M T W T F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31AugustS M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31SeptemberS M T W T F S1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30OctoberS M T W T F S31 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30NovemberS M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30DecemberS M T W T F S1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31www.actcoss.org.au | Ph: 02 6202 7200 | Level 1, 67 Townshend St, Phillip <strong>ACT</strong>

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