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CONTRACEPTION: ROUTINE CAREAssess the patient starting and using contraception• Follow up the patient on pill after 3 months, thereafter 6 monthly. Follow up patient with IUCD, 6 weeks after insertion to check strings, thereafter yearly.Assess When to assess NoteSymptoms First and every visit • Ask about side effects of contraceptive method 91.• Check for symptoms of STIs: vaginal discharge, ulcers, lower abdominal pain. If present 23. If sexual problems 30.• If > 45 years ask about menopausal symptoms: flushing, irregular periods, irritability, tiredness, mood changes 98.• Manage other symptoms as on symptom pages.Adherence Every visit • Ask about concerns and satisfaction with method.• If patient has missed injections or pills, see below to manage.Safe sex First and every visit Ask about risky sexual behaviour: patient or regular partner has new or multiple partner/s, uses condoms unreliably or has substance abuse 83.Medication changes First and every visit If started TB treatment or anticonvulsants switch to IUCD or injectable contraceptive plus condoms.Vaginal bleeding First and every visit • Before starting contraception: exclude pregnancy if missed period. If abnormal vaginal bleeding 29.• If on contraception exclude pregnancy if missed period if using IUCD or combined pill.• IUCD and hormonal methods may cause abnormal bleeding. See method to manage 29.Breast check First visit and yearly on pill If any lumps found in breasts or axillae, refer same week to breast clinic.Weight First and every visit If BMI > 25 assess CVD risk 68. If using two-rod implant and weight ≥ 80kg, replace implant after 4 years instead of 5 years.BP First and every visit on pill If BP ≥ 130/80 73 to interpret result. If BP ≥ 140/90 avoid/change from combined pill.HIV First and every visit If status unknown test for HIV 60. The HIV patient needs routine HIV care 61.Pap smear When needed If HIV negative, 3 smears 10 years apart from age 30. The HIV patient needs smear at diagnosis then yearly if normal 27.Advise the patient starting and using contraception• Advise patient to discuss concerns, problems with contraceptive method and find an alternative, rather than just stopping it and risking an unwanted pregnancy.• Demonstrate and give male/female condoms. Recommend dual contraception: one method of contraception plus condoms to protect from STIs and HIV.• Educate about the availability of emergency contraception 91 and termination of pregnancy 94 to prevent unwanted pregnancy.• Encourage patient to have 1 partner at a time and if HIV negative to test for HIV between partners. Advise partner/s to be tested for HIV.• Advise patient on pill to tell clinician if starting TB or epilepsy treatment: may interfere with pill effectiveness. If diarrhoea/vomiting or on antibiotics use condoms during illness and for 7 days thereafter.• Educate patient to use contraception reliably. If patient has missed pills or injections:Late injection• < 2 weeks late: give injection, there is no loss ofprotection.• ≥ 2 weeks late: exclude pregnancy. If pregnant 93.If not pregnant, give injection and use condomsfor 7 days.• If unable to exclude pregnancy give progesteroneonlypill and condoms for 2 weeks, then giveinjection if pregnancy test negative.Missed/lateprogesterone only pill• Pill missed or > than 3 hours late:take pill as soon as possible andcontinue pack and use condomsfor 48 hours.• If ≤ 5 days since unprotected sex,give emergency contraception91.Missed combined oral contraceptive pill• 1 active pill missed: take pill as soon as remembered and take next 1 at usual time.• 2 active pills missed: take last missed pill as soon as remembered and next 1 atusual time. Use condoms or abstain for next 7 days.• 2 or more pills missed in last 7 active pills of pack: omit the inactive tablets andimmediately start first active pill of next pack.• 2 or more pills missed in first 7 active pills of pack and patient has had sex: giveemergency contraception 91, restart active pills 12 hours later and use condomsfor next 7 days.92WOMEN'S HEALTH

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