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WEIGHT LOSSRecognise the patient with weight loss needing urgent attention:• Weight loss in the patient on ART associated with one or more of: nausea, vomiting, sore muscles, shortness of breath, abdominal pain or distensionManagement:• Patient needs same day lactate measurement 63.• Check that the patient that says s/he has unintentionally lost weight has indeed done so. Compare current weight with previous records and ask if clothes still fit.• Unintentional weight loss of > 5% of body weight is significant and must be investigated.First check for TB, HIV and diabetesExclude TB• Start workup for TB 55.• At the same time test for HIV 60 and diabetes 70• and consider other causes below.Test for HIV• If status is unknown, test for HIV 60.• The HIV patient with unexplained weight loss and/orBMI < 18.5 is stage 3 and needs ART 61.Check for diabetes• Check random finger-prick blood glucose• To interpret result 70.Ask about symptoms of common cancers:Abnormal vaginal discharge/bleedingBreast lump/s or nippledischargeUrinary symptoms in manChange in bowel habitCough ≥ 2 weeks, blood-stainedsputum, long smoking historyConsider cervical cancer.Do a speculum examination27.Consider breast cancer.Examine breasts/axillae forlumps 18.Consider prostate cancer.Hard and nodular prostateon rectal examination 31.Consider bowel cancer.Mass on abdominal or rectalexamination, occult blood positive.Consider lung cancer.Do chest X-Ray.If food intake inadequate, look for a cause:Nausea and/or vomitingLoss of appetiteAsk, ‘Are you stressed?No money for foodSore mouth or difficulty swallowing20.• Eat small frequent meals.• Drink high energy drinks (milk, maas, mageu,soup, sweetened fruit juice).• Increase energy value of food by adding sugar,milk powder, peanut butter or oil.If yes, 52.If available, refer tonutrition scheme.Oral/oesophageal thrush likely 14Check thyroid function (TSH) if none of the above and patient has any of pulse > 80, tremor, irritability, dislike of hot weather or thyroid enlargement.Refer within 1 month for further investigation the patient with persistent documented weight loss and no obvious cause.3

FEVERA patient with a fever has an axillary temperature ≥ 38ºC or had a fever in the past 4 days.Recognise the patient with fever needing urgent attention:One or more of the following:• Confusion or agitation• Respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/minute• Unable to walk unaided• Unable to drink• Jaundice• Renal angle tenderness• Seizures• BP < 90/60• Easy bleeding/bruising/blood in urineManagement:• Establish IV access and give 5% dextrose in ½ strength Darrows or Ringer’s lactate. If unavailable give oral rehydration solution.• Give ceftriaxone 1 2g IM/IV stat.• Refer same day to hospital.Approach to the patient with fever not needing urgent attentionAsk about associated symptomsIf cough 16; sore throat 14; blocked/ runny nose 13; vaginal discharge 23, burning urine 31, painful skin 40,headache 9, diarrhoea 21.If above symptoms are not present, has patient visited in the past 12 weeks a malaria endemic area?Yes• Refer for malaria test and treatment.• Consider other cause especially TB 55.No• Exclude TB in the patient with fever ≥ 2 weeks 55.• If status unknown, test for HIV 60.• The HIV patient with fever > 1 month and weight loss ≥ 10% has AIDS and needs ART 61.Refer the patient with persistent fever and no obvious cause.1Do not mix Ringer's lactate and IV ceftriaxone. Flush IV line with sodium chloride 0.9% before and after IV ceftriaxone. If giving ceftriaxone IM, divide dose: 1g into 2 different injection sites.TB HIV CHRONIC RESPIRATORYDISEASECHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLEMENTAL HEALTH EPILEPSY MUSCULOSKELETALDISORDERS4WOMEN'S HEALTH

FEVERA patient with a fever has an axillary temperature ≥ 38ºC or had a fever in the past 4 days.Recognise the patient with fever needing urgent attention:One or more of the following:• Confusion or agitation• Respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/minute• Unable to walk unaided• Unable to drink• Jaundice• Renal angle tenderness• Seizures• BP < 90/60• Easy bleeding/bruising/blood in urineManagement:• Establish IV access and give 5% dextrose in ½ strength Darrows or Ringer’s lactate. If unavailable give oral rehydration solution.• Give ceftriaxone 1 2g IM/IV stat.• Refer same day to hospital.Approach to the patient with fever not needing urgent attentionAsk about associated symptomsIf cough 16; sore throat 14; blocked/ runny nose 13; vaginal discharge 23, burning urine 31, painful skin 40,headache 9, diarrhoea 21.If above symptoms are not present, has patient visited in the past 12 weeks a malaria endemic area?Yes• Refer for malaria test and treatment.• Consider other cause especially TB 55.No• Exclude TB in the patient with fever ≥ 2 weeks 55.• If status unknown, test for HIV 60.• The HIV patient with fever > 1 month and weight loss ≥ 10% has AIDS and needs ART 61.Refer the patient with persistent fever and no obvious cause.1Do not mix Ringer's lactate and IV ceftriaxone. Flush IV line with sodium chloride 0.9% before and after IV ceftriaxone. If giving ceftriaxone IM, divide dose: 1g into 2 different injection sites.TB HIV CHRONIC RESPIRATORYDISEASECHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLEMENTAL HEALTH EPILEPSY MUSCULOSKELETALDISORDERS4WOMEN'S HEALTH

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