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MENTAL HEALTH CARE ACT (MHCA)Approach to the mentally ill patient in need of hospital admission• Before sedating the patient (if needed) fully inform patient in his/her own language about reasons for admission and treatment.• Can patient give informed consent: the patient understands that s/he is ill, is needing treatment and can communicate his/her choice to receive treatment?Yes: Does patient agree to admission?No: Does patient oppose admission?Yes No Yes NoAdmit the patient voluntarily• Record everything clearly inpatient notes and referralletter.NoManage as anoutpatient.Does patient meet all of the following?• Mental illness or severe or profound mental disability and• Refusing treatment and• Danger of harm to self, others, own reputation, financial interest or property• Applicant 1 must complete MHCA 04 form.• Mental health practitioner must complete MHCA 05 form and doctor must completeanother MHCA 05 form (at same or other facility).• Completion of the 2 MHCA 05 forms should be done independently of one another.The 2 MHCA 05forms agree toadmit the patientunder the MentalHealth Care Act.YesThe 2 MHCA 05 forms disagree.Third mental health practitioner must complete a thirdMHCA 05 form independently.Admit as an assisted patientunder the Mental HealthCare Act.• A staff member mustaccompany the patient tohospital.• Request police assistanceonly if the patient istoo dangerous to betransferred in a staffvehicle or is likely toabscond.• All police transport ofmentally ill patients mustbe accompanied by form22.Third MHCA 05 formagrees to admit thepatient under the MentalHealth Care Act.Third MHCA 05 formdoes not agree to admitthe patient under theMental Health Care Act.• Head of facility must complete MHCA 07 form.• Admit patient under Mental Health Care Act.Manage as outpatient.1The applicant is the patient’s spouse, next-of-kin, associate, partner, parent or guardian or health care provider. For a patient < 18 years, the applicant must be a parent or guardian.MENTAL HEALTH80

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