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ISCHAEMIC HEART DISEASE (IHD): DIAGNOSIS• Angina due to IHD is typically central burning or crushing chest pain that may spread to jaw, left shoulder, down left arm and is suggested by:--Pain lasting for 5 minutes or less, usually brought on by exercise, effort or anxiety and relieved by rest and--Pain occurring consistently at same distance or level of effort and--9 out of 10 times occurring with effort and 1 out of 10 times at rest.Dr • A doctor must make or confirm the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease.Recognise the patient with possible unstable angina or heart attack needing urgent attention:• Chest pain at rest or minimal effort.• Chest pain lasting more than 10 minutes.• If known IHD: pain worsening, lasting longer than usual, not relieved by sublingual nitrates.• Patient may be sweating, nauseous, vomiting, breathless.• ECG may show ST segment depression or elevation, but a normal ECG does not exclude diagnosis of angina or heart attack.• BP < 90/60Arrange urgent ambulance transfer to hospital and manage as follows:• Give 40% face mask oxygen.• If BP < 90/60 give 200ml sodium chloride 0.9% IV.• Give aspirin 150mg single dose.• Isosorbide dinitrate sublingual 5mg every 5-10 minutes until pain relieved to a maximum of 5 tablets.• Morphine 15mg diluted with 14ml of water for injection or sodium chloride 0.9%. Give 1ml/min IV until pain relieved.• Doctor to confirm unstable angina or heart attack and assess patient for streptokinase:--Give if within 6 hours of onset of pain and ST segment elevation above baseline or new LBBB on ECG.--Avoid if active bleeding or known bleeding disorder, stroke within the last 6 months or any previous haemorrhagic stroke, gastrointestinal bleeding within the last 3months or peptic ulcer, streptokinase given within the past year or known allergy to it, or recent major trauma, surgery or head injury.--Doctor to give streptokinase 1.5 million IU diluted in 100ml dextrose 5% or sodium chloride 0.9% IV over 30–60 minutes.• Refer urgently to hospital.For routine care of the patient with IHD 78.77

ISCHAEMIC HEART DISEASE: ROUTINE CAREAssess the patient with ischaemic heart diseaseAssess When to assess NoteSymptoms At diagnosis and every visit • Ask about angina and treat as below. Refer if angina persists on full treatment or interferes with daily activities.• Screen for depression if patient has low mood or not coping as well as in the past 81.BP At diagnosis and every visit If BP ≥ 130/80 73. Aim to treat hypertension to < 130/80 74.Glucose At diagnosis and yearly Check random finger-prick glucose 70 to interpret result.Fasting cholesterol and triglycerides At diagnosis if not already done Refer to specialist if total cholesterol ≥ 7.5 or triglycerides ≥ 5.Advise the patient with ischaemic heart disease• Help the patient to manage his/her CVD risk 69.• Patient can resume sexual activity 1 month after heart attack and when symptom free.• Emphasize the importance of lifelong adherence to medication. Ensure patient knows how to use isosorbide dinitrate as below.• Patient should avoid non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and diclofenac, as they may precipitate angina.• If patient is < 55 years (man) or < 65 years (woman), advise the first degree relatives to have CVD risk assessment 68.DrTreat the patient with ischaemic heart disease• Give aspirin 150mg daily for life. Avoid if < 30 years, a history of peptic ulcers or dyspepsia.• Give atenolol 50mg daily, even if no angina. Avoid in pregnancy, asthma, COPD, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease.• Give simvastatin 10mg daily for life. No need to monitor cholesterol.• If patient has had a heart attack, give enalapril 2.5mg twice a day and increase slowly to 10mg twice a day. Avoid if pregnancy, angioedema or renal artery stenosis.• If patient has angina, treat in a step-wise fashion as in table below:--If angina persists, increase dose to maximum, then add next step.Step Drug Start dose Maximum dose Note1 Isosorbide dinitrate with angina andbefore exertion andAtenolol5mg sublingual with angina50mg daily3 doses of 5mg with 1 episode of angina100mg dailyIf angina starts, do not walk through the pain, stop and take 1st dose. If angina persists,take a further 2 doses 5 minutes apart. If no improvement 5 minutes after 3rd dose, contactemergency services.Avoid atenolol in pregnancy, asthma, COPD, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease anduse amlodipine instead or if side effects (impotence, fatigue, depression) occur.2 Amlodipine 5mg in the morning 10mg daily Avoid in heart failure.3 Isosorbide mononitrate orIsosorbide dinitrate10mg at 8am and 2pm20mg at 8am and 2pm20mg at 8am and 2pm40mg at 8am and 2pmRefer if angina persists on full treatment or interferes with daily activities.CHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLE78

ISCHAEMIC HEART DISEASE: ROUTINE CAREAssess the patient with ischaemic heart diseaseAssess When to assess NoteSymptoms At diagnosis and every visit • Ask about angina and treat as below. Refer if angina persists on full treatment or interferes with daily activities.• Screen for depression if patient has low mood or not coping as well as in the past 81.BP At diagnosis and every visit If BP ≥ 130/80 73. Aim to treat hypertension to < 130/80 74.Glucose At diagnosis and yearly Check random finger-prick glucose 70 to interpret result.Fasting cholesterol and triglycerides At diagnosis if not already done Refer to specialist if total cholesterol ≥ 7.5 or triglycerides ≥ 5.Advise the patient with ischaemic heart disease• Help the patient to manage his/her CVD risk 69.• Patient can resume sexual activity 1 month after heart attack and when symptom free.• Emphasize the importance of lifelong adherence to medication. Ensure patient knows how to use isosorbide dinitrate as below.• Patient should avoid non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and diclofenac, as they may precipitate angina.• If patient is < 55 years (man) or < 65 years (woman), advise the first degree relatives to have CVD risk assessment 68.DrTreat the patient with ischaemic heart disease• Give aspirin 150mg daily for life. Avoid if < 30 years, a history of peptic ulcers or dyspepsia.• Give atenolol 50mg daily, even if no angina. Avoid in pregnancy, asthma, COPD, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease.• Give simvastatin 10mg daily for life. No need to monitor cholesterol.• If patient has had a heart attack, give enalapril 2.5mg twice a day and increase slowly to 10mg twice a day. Avoid if pregnancy, angioedema or renal artery stenosis.• If patient has angina, treat in a step-wise fashion as in table below:--If angina persists, increase dose to maximum, then add next step.Step Drug Start dose Maximum dose Note1 Isosorbide dinitrate with angina andbefore exertion andAtenolol5mg sublingual with angina50mg daily3 doses of 5mg with 1 episode of angina100mg dailyIf angina starts, do not walk through the pain, stop and take 1st dose. If angina persists,take a further 2 doses 5 minutes apart. If no improvement 5 minutes after 3rd dose, contactemergency services.Avoid atenolol in pregnancy, asthma, COPD, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease anduse amlodipine instead or if side effects (impotence, fatigue, depression) occur.2 Amlodipine 5mg in the morning 10mg daily Avoid in heart failure.3 Isosorbide mononitrate orIsosorbide dinitrate10mg at 8am and 2pm20mg at 8am and 2pm20mg at 8am and 2pm40mg at 8am and 2pmRefer if angina persists on full treatment or interferes with daily activities.CHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLE78

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