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Manage the patient with a positive 7 week sputum smear• Check patient’s TB symptoms and weight gain.TB symptoms improving and patient has gained weight.• Was patient taking treatment regularly?TB symptoms not improving or worse and/or patient has lost weight.• Send 1 spot sputum specimen for LPA, or if unavailable culture and DST.YesContinue intensive phase for1 month more.NoSend 1 spot sputum specimen for Xpert.Continue intensive phase and review results.Drug susceptible TB• At 11 weeks send 1 spot sputum specimen for smear microscopy.• If drug susceptible and/or smear negative, change to continuation phase at end of week 12.• If sputum positive, send sputum for LPA if not already sent. If drug resistant, refer to DR-TB unit.Drug resistant TB• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatment failure.• Refer to DR-TB unit.Manage the patient with a positive 23 week sputum smear• Collect sputum specimen for LPA or if unavailable, culture and DST.• Continue treatment.• Review LPA results after 1 week.No• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatmentfailure.• Re-register asre-treatment afterfailure.• Restart full course of TBtreatment.Drug sensitive TB• Has the patient missed any doses of TB treatment?• Extend continuation phase by number of missed doses.• At the end of extension period, send 1 spot sputum specimen for microscopy.Smear negative• Stop treatment.• Register as treatmentcompleted.Yes< 2 months TB treatment missed ≥ 2 months TB treatment missedSmear positive• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatment failure.• Re-register as re-treatment after failure.• Restart full course of TB treatment.• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatment default.• Re-register as re-treatmentafter default.• Restart full course of TBtreatment.Drug resistant TB• Stop TB treatment.• If registered smearpositive at diagnosis,register patient astreatment failure.• Refer patient for DR-TBtreatment.59

HIV: DIAGNOSISEncourage your patient and partner and children to test for HIV.Obtain informed consent• Educate patient about HIV and AIDS, methods of HIV transmission, risk factors and benefits of knowing one’s HIV status.• Explain test procedure and that it is completely voluntary.• Children < 12 years need parental/guardian consent. If consent is granted, proceed to testing immediately.TestDo first rapid HIV test on finger-prick blood.PositiveNegativeDo a second rapid HIV test on finger-prick blood.PositiveNegativeDiscordant results: do an ELISA test.PositiveNegativePatient has HIV.• Give routine HIV care at this visit 61.HIV test result negative• A rapid test detects HIV antibodies which may take up to 3 months to be formed.• Was patient at risk of HIV infection in the past 3 months?YesRepeat HIV test after the 3month window period.No• Patient does not have HIV.• Encourage patient to remainnegative.• Offer to refer for malecircumcision to diminish riskof HIV infection.SupportEnsure patient understands test result and knows where and when to access further care.60HIV

Manage the patient with a positive 7 week sputum smear• Check patient’s TB symptoms and weight gain.TB symptoms improving and patient has gained weight.• Was patient taking treatment regularly?TB symptoms not improving or worse and/or patient has lost weight.• Send 1 spot sputum specimen for LPA, or if unavailable culture and DST.YesContinue intensive phase for1 month more.NoSend 1 spot sputum specimen for Xpert.Continue intensive phase and review results.Drug susceptible TB• At 11 weeks send 1 spot sputum specimen for smear microscopy.• If drug susceptible and/or smear negative, change to continuation phase at end of week 12.• If sputum positive, send sputum for LPA if not already sent. If drug resistant, refer to DR-TB unit.Drug resistant TB• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatment failure.• Refer to DR-TB unit.Manage the patient with a positive 23 week sputum smear• Collect sputum specimen for LPA or if unavailable, culture and DST.• Continue treatment.• Review LPA results after 1 week.No• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatmentfailure.• Re-register asre-treatment afterfailure.• Restart full course of TBtreatment.Drug sensitive TB• Has the patient missed any doses of TB treatment?• Extend continuation phase by number of missed doses.• At the end of extension period, send 1 spot sputum specimen for microscopy.Smear negative• Stop treatment.• Register as treatmentcompleted.Yes< 2 months TB treatment missed ≥ 2 months TB treatment missedSmear positive• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatment failure.• Re-register as re-treatment after failure.• Restart full course of TB treatment.• Stop TB treatment.• Register as treatment default.• Re-register as re-treatmentafter default.• Restart full course of TBtreatment.Drug resistant TB• Stop TB treatment.• If registered smearpositive at diagnosis,register patient astreatment failure.• Refer patient for DR-TBtreatment.59

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