
7djtK7kw4 7djtK7kw4


BURNSAttend urgently to the patient with a burn• Remove smouldering, hot and/or constrictive clothing and rings and immerse burnt area in cold water for 30 minutes.• Clean burn gently with clean water or sodium chloride 0.9%.• Assess the percentage of body surface burnt (see adjacent guide) and depth of the burn:--Full thickness burns: complete skin loss, dry, charred, whitish/brown/black, painless--Partial thickness burns: moist white/yellow slough, red, mottled, only slightly painful• Cover full thickness and extensive burns with an occlusive dressing, other burns with paraffin gauze and dry gauze on top. If infected apply povidone iodine 5% cream daily.• If inhalation burn with black sputum, difficulty breathing, hoarse voice or stridor apply face mask oxygen.• Ensure hydration: if < 10% burns give oral fluids; if ≥ 10% burns, give sodium chloride 0.9% IV [burn x weight (kg) x 4ml]: give half volume in first 8 hours.• Give tetanus toxoid 0.5ml IM if not had in last 5 years.• Give paracetamol 1g 6 hourly as needed.• Ask about abuse 53 and substance abuse 83.Refer same day the patient with:• Full thickness burns• Partial thickness burns > 10% of total body surface• Burns of hands/face/feet/genitalia/perineum/major joints• Circumferential burns of limbs/chestCalculate % of body surface burnt:• Head 9% • Leg 18%• Neck 1% • Front torso 18%• Arm 9% • Back 18%• Electrical or chemical burns• Inhalation injuryBITESRecognise the patient with a bite needing urgent attention:• Snake bite even if bite marks not seen• Insect bite/s and weakness, drooping eyelids, difficulty swallowing & speaking, double vision• Suspected rabid animal (animal with strange behaviour)• Deep and large wound needing surgeryManagement:• Give tetanus toxoid 0.5ml IM if not had in last 5 years• Snake bite: do not apply a tourniquet or attempt to squeeze or suck out the venom. Discuss with poison help line back page.• If rabies suspected give rabies immunoglobulin 10IU/kg injected in and around wound and 10IU/kg IM.• Refer same day.Approach to the patient with a bite not needing urgent attentionHuman or animal bite/s• Remove any foreign bodies and encourage bleeding.• Irrigate with warm water and chlorhexidine 0.05% solution or povidone iodine 10% solution.• Do not close the wound.• Give tetanus toxoid 0.5ml IM if not had in last 5 years.• Give paracetamol 1g 6 hourly as needed.• Give antibiotic if human bite/s or animal bite/s to hand or extensive bite: amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 875/125mg 12 hourly or ifpenicillin allergy, erythromycin 500mg 6 hourly plus metronidazole 400mg 8 hourly all for 5 days, or for 10 days if infected.Insect bites• If very painful scorpion sting, inject lignocaine 2%2ml around site.• Give chlorpheniramine 4mg 8 hourly up to 5 days.• Apply calamine lotion.• Give paracetamol 1g 6 hourly as needed.39

SKIN SYMPTOMSThis is the starting page for the patient with skin symptom/s.Recognise the patient with skin symptom/s needing urgent attention:Refer urgently:• Purple rash with headache, vomiting: give ceftriaxone 1 2g IM/IV.• Rash with BP < 90/60: give Ringer’s lactate IV.• Diffuse itchy rash with respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/minute: treat for anaphylaxis.Refer same day:• Extensive blistering• Shingles involving the eye• If on any medication like ART, TB drugs, co-trimoxazole or anticonvulsants, with 1 or more of the following, stop all drugs:--Temperature ≥ 38°C--Systemically unwell (vomiting/headache)--Any mucosal involvement (look in the mouth)--Blistering or raw areas--Diffuse purple discolouration of the skin--JaundiceApproach to the patient with skin symptom/s not needing urgent attentionPain Itch Lump/sGeneralised,non-itchy rashUlcersCrustsChanges inskin colour41 No rash Rash 44 45 46 46 47LocalisedGeneralised4243If status unknown, test for HIV, especially if rash is extensive, recurrent and/or difficult to treat.1Do not mix Ringer's lactate and IV ceftriaxone. Flush IV line with sodium chloride 0.9% before and after IV ceftriaxone. If giving ceftriaxone IM, divide dose: 1g into 2 different injection sites.TB HIV CHRONIC RESPIRATORYDISEASECHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLEMENTAL HEALTH EPILEPSY MUSCULOSKELETALDISORDERS40WOMEN'S HEALTH

SKIN SYMPTOMSThis is the starting page for the patient with skin symptom/s.Recognise the patient with skin symptom/s needing urgent attention:Refer urgently:• Purple rash with headache, vomiting: give ceftriaxone 1 2g IM/IV.• Rash with BP < 90/60: give Ringer’s lactate IV.• Diffuse itchy rash with respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/minute: treat for anaphylaxis.Refer same day:• Extensive blistering• Shingles involving the eye• If on any medication like ART, TB drugs, co-trimoxazole or anticonvulsants, with 1 or more of the following, stop all drugs:--Temperature ≥ 38°C--Systemically unwell (vomiting/headache)--Any mucosal involvement (look in the mouth)--Blistering or raw areas--Diffuse purple discolouration of the skin--JaundiceApproach to the patient with skin symptom/s not needing urgent attentionPain Itch Lump/sGeneralised,non-itchy rashUlcersCrustsChanges inskin colour41 No rash Rash 44 45 46 46 47LocalisedGeneralised4243If status unknown, test for HIV, especially if rash is extensive, recurrent and/or difficult to treat.1Do not mix Ringer's lactate and IV ceftriaxone. Flush IV line with sodium chloride 0.9% before and after IV ceftriaxone. If giving ceftriaxone IM, divide dose: 1g into 2 different injection sites.TB HIV CHRONIC RESPIRATORYDISEASECHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLEMENTAL HEALTH EPILEPSY MUSCULOSKELETALDISORDERS40WOMEN'S HEALTH

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