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ABNORMAL VAGINAL BLEEDING• BP < 90/60• Exclude pregnancy. If pregnant 93.• Following abortion or miscarriageManagement:• Give IV sodium chloride 0.9% and refer same day.Recognise the patient with vaginal bleeding needing urgent attention:Approach to the patient with abnormal vaginal bleeding not needing urgent attention• Refer within 2 weeks the patient with vaginal bleeding who is menopausal (no periods for at least one year).• In patient who is not menopausal determine the type of bleeding problem.Heavy regular bleeding with/without pain(bleeding > 7 days, passing clots)Any bleeding elsewhere (gums, easy bruising,rash)?Yes• Checkfull bloodcount.• Refer todoctorsameweek.No• If Hb < 11 give ferroussulphate compound BPC170mg 8 hourly after foodfor at least 3 months until Hb> 11.• During period, give ibuprofen400mg 8 hourly with food for2-3 days to decrease pain andblood loss.• If newly started oninjectable contraceptive,give levonorgestrel/ethinyloestradiol 0.15/0.03mg for3 cycles.• Refer the patient if:--Same week if abdominalmass--No better after 3 months--Following IUCD insertionPeriods have irregular pattern(< 24 days or > 35 days between periods)Does patient have hot flushes, moodswings and/or difficulty sleeping?Yes Patient isperimenopausal.98No• If there is weightgain, tiredness,feeling cold allthe time, checkTSH. Referto doctor ifabnormal.• Givelevonorgestrel/ethinyl oestradiol0.15mg/0.03mgfor 6 months91.• Refer togynaecologist ifpatient wantingto be pregnant.Spotting between periods• If STI symptoms: 23.• Do pap smear 27.If on hormonal contraception: manage according to methodOral contraceptive• Ensure correct use.• If diarrhoea and vomiting, advisecondom use until diarrhoea,vomiting and spotting resolve.• If on phenytoin, carbamazepine,rifampicin or lopinavir/ritonavir,change to IUCD or injectable.Bleeding after sex• If STI symptoms: 23.• If assault or abuse 53.Injectable contraceptive• Common in first 3–6months.• Give levonorgestrel/ethinyl oestradiol0.15/0.03mg for 7 days.Give ibuprofen 400mg8 hourly for 3 daysinstead if breast feeding,smoker > 35 years, BP≥140/90, migraine withfocal symptoms, DVT orpulmonary embolus.Refer the patient within 2 weeks if:• Unsure of diagnosis• Menopausal (no periods for at least 1 year)• Bleeding persists: > 1 week after STI treatment, after diarrhoea and vomiting stopor for > 3 months• Abnormal cervix on speculum examination (suspicious of cancer)29

SEXUAL PROBLEMSProblem with erectionsWoman who has pain with sexLoss of libidoWas the onset of the problem gradual or sudden?Gradual onsetPartial or poorly sustainederections• Assess cardiovascular diseaserisk 68.• Screen for substance abuse:if > 21 drinks/week or > 5drinks per session or misusingprescription or illicit drugs 83.• Atenolol, furosemide, HCTZ,fluoxetine, amitriptyline,phenytoin, carabmazepine,cimetidine may cause erectionproblems. Doctor can considerchanging medication but needsto balance disease controlwith possible improvement inerections.• Advise the patient who smokesto stop.• Ask: ‘Are you stressed?’ If yes52.• Refer to urologist if noimprovement once treatmentoptimised and chronic conditionstable.Sudden onsetHas erections in morning,but not during sex• Ask: ‘Are you stressed?’If yes 52.• Ask about sexualassault or abuse 53and anxiety/fear aboutsex and fertility. Referto available counselor.• Assess patient’s familyplanning needs 91.• Discuss condom use.Ensure patient knowshow to use condomscorrectly.Superficial pain• Look for STI: if vaginaldischarge or ulcers23.• Ask about vaginaldryness. If there isvaginal atrophy or hasother menopausalsymptoms like flushes,problems sleeping,mood changes,headaches 98.• Advise use of lubricantwith sex, but to avoidusing Vaseline ® withcondoms.Is the pain superficial or deep?Deep pain• Look for STI: if vaginal dischargeor lower abdominal pain 23.• Ask about irritable bowelsyndrome: recurrent abdominalpain with constipation and/ordiarrhoea and bloating 19.• Severe spasm of vagina duringsex: ask about sexual assault orabuse 53.• Refer to gynaecologist if massin abdomen or periods havebecome heavy and painful.• Ask: ‘Are you stressed?’ If yes52.• Ask about sexual assault or abuse53.• If low mood or sadness, loss ofinterest or pleasure, feeling tenseor worrying a lot or not copingas well as before, considerdepression/anxiety 81.• Screen for substance abuse:if > 21 drinks/week (man) or> 14 drinks/week (woman) or> 5 drinks/session or misusingprescription or illicit drugs 83.• Ask the woman patient aboutpain with sex.• Ask about anxiety/fear about sexand fertility. Refer to availablecounselor.• Assess patient’s family planningneeds 91.Refer if sexual problems do not resolve.30TB HIV CHRONIC RESPIRATORYDISEASECHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLEMENTAL HEALTH EPILEPSY MUSCULOSKELETALDISORDERSWOMEN'S HEALTH

SEXUAL PROBLEMSProblem with erectionsWoman who has pain with sexLoss of libidoWas the onset of the problem gradual or sudden?Gradual onsetPartial or poorly sustainederections• Assess cardiovascular diseaserisk 68.• Screen for substance abuse:if > 21 drinks/week or > 5drinks per session or misusingprescription or illicit drugs 83.• Atenolol, furosemide, HCTZ,fluoxetine, amitriptyline,phenytoin, carabmazepine,cimetidine may cause erectionproblems. Doctor can considerchanging medication but needsto balance disease controlwith possible improvement inerections.• Advise the patient who smokesto stop.• Ask: ‘Are you stressed?’ If yes52.• Refer to urologist if noimprovement once treatmentoptimised and chronic conditionstable.Sudden onsetHas erections in morning,but not during sex• Ask: ‘Are you stressed?’If yes 52.• Ask about sexualassault or abuse 53and anxiety/fear aboutsex and fertility. Referto available counselor.• Assess patient’s familyplanning needs 91.• Discuss condom use.Ensure patient knowshow to use condomscorrectly.Superficial pain• Look for STI: if vaginaldischarge or ulcers23.• Ask about vaginaldryness. If there isvaginal atrophy or hasother menopausalsymptoms like flushes,problems sleeping,mood changes,headaches 98.• Advise use of lubricantwith sex, but to avoidusing Vaseline ® withcondoms.Is the pain superficial or deep?Deep pain• Look for STI: if vaginal dischargeor lower abdominal pain 23.• Ask about irritable bowelsyndrome: recurrent abdominalpain with constipation and/ordiarrhoea and bloating 19.• Severe spasm of vagina duringsex: ask about sexual assault orabuse 53.• Refer to gynaecologist if massin abdomen or periods havebecome heavy and painful.• Ask: ‘Are you stressed?’ If yes52.• Ask about sexual assault or abuse53.• If low mood or sadness, loss ofinterest or pleasure, feeling tenseor worrying a lot or not copingas well as before, considerdepression/anxiety 81.• Screen for substance abuse:if > 21 drinks/week (man) or> 14 drinks/week (woman) or> 5 drinks/session or misusingprescription or illicit drugs 83.• Ask the woman patient aboutpain with sex.• Ask about anxiety/fear about sexand fertility. Refer to availablecounselor.• Assess patient’s family planningneeds 91.Refer if sexual problems do not resolve.30TB HIV CHRONIC RESPIRATORYDISEASECHRONIC DISEASESOF LIFESTYLEMENTAL HEALTH EPILEPSY MUSCULOSKELETALDISORDERSWOMEN'S HEALTH

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