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POSTNATAL CAREAssess the mother and her baby 6 hours, 6 days, and 6 weeks after delivery. If HIV, baby needs PMTCT follow-up within 2 weeks.Assess When to assess NoteSymptoms Every visit • Manage mother’s symptoms as on symptom page. Manage baby’s symptoms with IMCI guide.• If baby born with swollen eyelids and pus in eyes, give ceftriaxone 50mg/kg IM stat, saline washes hourly and refer urgently. Treat mother and partner for vaginal discharge 23.Mental health Every visit • If patient not interacting with baby and/or 2 or more of: a difficult major life event in last year, unhappy about pregnancy, absent or unsupportive partner, previous depression or anxiety, orexperiencing violence at home, screen for depression/anxiety 81. See also traumatised/abused patient 53.• If > 14 drinks/week or > 5 drinks/session or misusing illicit or prescription drugs, screen for substance abuse 83.Family planning Every visit Assess patient’s family planning needs 91.Infant feeding Every visit • Monitor baby’s weight as per IMCI guideline.• If breastfeeding, check for problems 18. If formula feeding ensure correct mixing and that it is affordable, feasible, acceptable, safe and sustainable.Uterus Every visit If painful abdomen, smelly vaginal discharge, temperature ≥ 38˚C, give ceftriaxone 1 1g IV/IM plus metronidazole 400mg orally and refer same day.BP Every visit If diastolic ≥ 90, recheck after 1 hour rest, if still raised or any of headache, abdominal pain, blurred vision, refer urgently.BMI Every visit Mother’s BMI is weight (kg)/[height (m) x height (m)]. If < 18.5, arrange nutritional support.HIV in mother If not done If positive, give routine HIV care 61. If not on ART and breastfeeding, start ART same day 63.HIV PCR in baby 4-6 weeks • If PCR positive, explain baby has HIV and needs ART urgently.• If PCR negative, repeat PCR 6 weeks after last breastfeed (no need to repeat if not breastfed) and confirm HIV negative with rapid HIV test at 18 months.Syphilis If not done If mother positive and not already treated, assess, advise and treat 28. Treat baby as on page 28.Pap smear 6 weeks Check pap smear if > 30 years and not done in past 10 years. If HIV, check pap smear at diagnosis and yearly if normal 27.Advise the mother• Encourage mother to become active soon after delivery, rest frequently and eat well. Advise on perineal and wound care. Arrange support for the mother who has little support at home.• Advise to return urgently if excessive vaginal bleeding, sepsis, dizziness, severe headache, blurred vision, severe abdominal pain occur or baby is unwell.• Encourage exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months: baby gets only breast milk (no formula, water, cereal). Refer to an infant feeding support group.• Suggest exclusive formula feeding if mother has HIV and formula is affordable, feasible, acceptable, safe and sustainable. Check correct mixing. Discourage mixed feeding.• From 6 months, introduce food while continuing with feeding choice. If HIV, continue breastfeeding until 1 year if mother on ART or baby on NVP and until 2 years if baby diagnosed HIV positive.Treat the mother• Continue ferrous sulphate compound BPC 170mg daily with food for 6 weeks after delivery. If Hb < 10 continue until Hb > 11 for 3 months.• If not on ART and breastfeeding, start ART same day 63. If mother has HIV and is on lifelong ART continue with it, if on maternal ART prophylaxis decide when to stop 64.Treat the baby of the mother with HIV• Give nevirapine syrup daily from birth for 6 weeks, irrespective of feeding choice: dose according to age and weight 2 . Decide when to stop NVP:--If breastfeeding and mother was on ART for < 4 weeks before delivery, stop NVP at 12 weeks.--If breastfeeding and mother was on ART for ≥ 4 weeks before delivery, stop NVP at 6 weeks. If mother’s 6 month viral load ≥ 400, discuss with specialist.--If formula feeding, stop NVP at 6 weeks.--If baby diagnosed HIV positive at any time, stop NVP and refer urgently for ART• Give co-trimoxazole prophylaxis daily from 6 weeks: < 5kg: 2.5ml; 5–13.9kg: 5ml. Stop when confirmed PCR negative.1Do not mix Ringer's lactate and IV ceftriaxone. Flush IV line with sodium chloride 0.9% before and after IV ceftriaxone. 2 Nevirapine (10mg/ml) syrup daily dose from age birth–2 weeks: 2–2.4kg: 0.5ml, 2.5–2.9kg: 0.6ml, 3–3.9kg: 0.7ml;4–5.9kg: 1ml. Nevirapine (10mg/ml) syrup daily dose from age 2–12 weeks: 2–2.4kg: 0.8ml, 2.5–2.9kg: 1ml, 3–3.9kg: 1.5ml; 4–4.9kg: 2ml, 5–5.9kg: 2.5ml.97

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