Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

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4th World Junior Pairs Championships — Stargard Szczecinski 6-8 July 2001Dealer West. N/S Vul[ 6 5 3] Q 7 3{ Q 9 4} A K 9 3[ K Q 9 8 7 [ J 10 2] J 4 ] A 10 8 6{ J 8 5 { 7 6 3 2} J 10 4 } 8 7[ A 4] K 9 5 2{ A K 10} Q 6 5 2West North East SouthPass Pass Pass 1NTPass 3NT All PassThe contract was the same at both tables- 3NT by South. Aguirre thought aboutleading the eight of spades, but thendecided that the king might be betterconsidering his holding. Declarer won thesecond spade, went to the board with aclub and led a heart. Esteverena, figuringthat partner must have five spades to leadthe king, missing the jack, quickly rosewith the ace and led his last spade - downone. At the other table West led hisfourth best spade, the eight, and <strong>Madala</strong>took his ace immediately. As in the otherroom, he crossed to dummy with a cluband led a heart. East, thinking declarermust have a second stopper to have takenthe first spade, ducked. That was all<strong>Madala</strong> needed. He rose with the king andcashed out his nine tricks for a 12 IMPpickup.Teach <strong>Bridge</strong> and MakeImportant FriendsAs a teacher Ron Klinger claims that hasmet people from all walks of life.Although he knew several policemen whoplayed, he had only taught one whohappened to be one of the best studentsin his beginner class. Klinger says, "Sometime after the player had graduated Ronwas caught in a traffic snarl near KingsCross. We were chatting about bridgehands when the traffic started to flowagain. I was quick on the accelerator, butthe traffic cop at the approachingintersection was even quicker with his'Stop sign.' Our combined precipitousactions meant that I banged heavily intothe car in front, which had managed tostop in time."With a grim expression, the policemanstrode over to my car and bent down tome at the driver's window. I was ready fora stern lecture when I recognized him asmy bridge pupil.Simultaneously he recognized me and hisexpression quickly changed to a smile.""Why, Mr. Klinger. How are you? I'll beback in a moment. I just have to book theguy who reversed into you."Daily Bulletin No1. Saturday July 7 Page 6

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