Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

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4th World Junior Pairs Championships — Stargard Szczecinski 6-8 July 2001West North East SouthPass Pass Pass 1{Pass 1[ Pass Pass2] Pass Pass 2[All PassLambardi wonders if he was so good at 14!'Never before had I met a player ofAgustin's skill at his age,' said PabloLambardi, captain of last year's IWBCteam. What most impressed Lambardiwas the fact that Agustin played with aplayer from the old school - 82-year-oldCarlos Cabanne - and came in second inthe South American Pairs championship.After last year's IWBC event, Lambardisaid, 'Agustin's biggest problem was thathis mother wouldn't let him play late onweekdays. He had to wait until she wentto sleep before he could sneak in to playOKbridge.' Now Agustin has proved hecan handle late-night bridge and still keepup with all his other activities.Look at this deal. It's only a part-scorehand, but successful ones add up fast.Dealer West. All Vul[ K 6 5 3] A 9 7{ K 10} 10 7 3 2[ J 4 [ Q 10 7 2] J 10 8 3 2 ] K Q 5{ A J 8 6 { 9 5 4} K 5 } Q 6 4[ A 9 8] 6 4{ Q 7 3 2} A J 9 8This looks like a make, doesn't it? Itappears that declarer will lose only twotrumps and one trick in each side suit. But<strong>Madala</strong>/Ravenna found the defence to beatit.<strong>Madala</strong> was allowed to hold the trickwhen he led the heart king, and heswitched to the nine of diamonds.Ravenna put in the jack, and declarer wonwith the king. He led a club to the eight,driving out Ravenna's king, and Ravennaswitched back to a heart, declarer winninghis ace.He ruffed his last heart (a second clubfinesse would have been a better play at thispoint. Ed) and led a diamond, Ravennarising with the ace and dropping declarer'sten.Ravenna then deliberately offereddeclarer a sluff-ruff, leading the heart ten.Declarer pitched a club as he ruffed indummy with the nine. <strong>Madala</strong> got rid ofhis last diamond on this trick. Declarercashed dummy's trump ace and led thequeen of diamonds. Too late - <strong>Madala</strong> wasable to ruff this. He led the club queen, todummy's ace. Declarer continued with adiamond which <strong>Madala</strong> ruffed with his ten.He shot back a club, which Ravenna ruffedwith the jack, forcing declarer to use theking for the overruff.That set up <strong>Madala</strong>'s queen for the settingtrick. The defence took a club, a heart, adiamond and three spades. Little thingsmean a lot. That's the name of a lovesong, but it certainly can be applied tobridge as well.Daily Bulletin No1. Saturday July 7 Page 5

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