Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

Augustin Madala - Claire Bridge

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4th World Junior Pairs Championships — Stargard Szczecinski 6-8 July 2001relationship with his fellow students andthe school authorities. Agustin isespecially strong in mathematics andlanguage. 'He always has an Aqualification,' says his father. 'Once mywife asked Agustin's maths teacher whyAgustin never had any homework. Theteacher said, "Because by the time I finishwriting the homework on the blackboard,Agustin has finished it."'Agustin's present goal is to be anarchitect, but his father thinks he's stilltoo young to be sure about his future.However, it's already quite apparent thatAgustin has the tools to be successful atwhatever he decides to try.<strong>Bridge</strong> is not Agustin's only interest - farfrom it. He plays on his school soccerteam where he is a very good forward.He also likes music - he's learning to playthe electronic organ and the flute. Hisfather noted that Agustin 'likes to changethe song's lyrics and make new ones,talking about his friends and teachers andschool life.' 'He enjoys almost all sports,but soccer is his first love. He plays everyday with his schoolmates and friends. Givehim a soccer ball and it will never touchthe floor - he can make more than ahundred contacts using his feet, heels,knees, shoulders and head. Well, soccer isour national sport, you know.' Agustinplays bridge two or three times a week,mostly on OKbridge. Playing in localtournaments does not cause too much ofa problem for Agustin because the gamesusually take place late at night. Thefollowing day Agustin has to wake up at7am but he manages this just fine,according to his father. When he plays ininternational events, like the SouthAmericans or the World JuniorChampionship, he sometimes loses aweek or two of classes, but he recoversthe study rhythm with no difficulty. Histeachers think that bridge playing hasincreased his comprehension ability,especially in logic problems.Here's an example of Agustin in action inthe South American Championships.Dealer North. All Vul[ A Q J] 10 9 4{ A J 5 3 2} A Q[ – [ K 8 7 3 2] K Q J 8 ] 6 3{ Q 9 8 6 { K 10 7} 9 8 6 5 3 } K 10 4[ 10 9 6 5 4] A 7 5 2{ 4} J 7 2West North East South1{ Pass 1[Pass 2NT Pass 3]Pass 3[ Pass 4[All PassAgustin let the heart king hold but wonthe second heart. He led a club to thequeen, losing to the king. A trump cameback, won in dummy. Agustin cashed thediamond ace and ruffed a diamond,crossed to the club ace and ruffedanother diamond. He cashed the clubjack, pitching dummy's last heart. Next heruffed a heart with dummy's ace, Eastdiscarding a spade perforce. Agustin calledfor another diamond, and East was done.He played the seven of spades, butAgustin overruffed with the nine. He ledhis last heart and ruffed with dummy'squeen. East was able to overruff with theking, but that made Agustin's trump tengood for the game-going trick. He lostonly one heart, one club and one trumpdespite the 5-0 trump break.Daily Bulletin No1. Saturday July 7 Page 4

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