Wedding Crashed - FREE Original Acting Scenes for Workshop ...

Wedding Crashed - FREE Original Acting Scenes for Workshop ...

Wedding Crashed - FREE Original Acting Scenes for Workshop ...

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MockSides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsWEDDING CRASHEDWritten byDavid Dalton & Chad SchnackelPages: 2+Characters:Kenny 21+Travis 21+Synopsis:Travis delays his wedding. Kenny, the brother-in-law to be, wantsto know why. It comes close to blows between these two back-woodssouthern boys when Travis accuses his wife-to-be of screwingKenny's friend outside the church.PERMISSION FOR USEEducational Use: YOU HAVE PERMISSION to use this script <strong>for</strong> actingclasses & workshops, general auditions, audition workshops, schoolentry auditions, school scholarship auditions, personal practice,and school related competitions where no monetary awards or prizesare given.Film or Video Productions: YOU HAVE PERMISSION to film orvideotape a per<strong>for</strong>mance of this script <strong>for</strong> the purpose ofdemonstration (demo reel or show reel) as long as the writer'snames appear in the film/video credits in the finished production.Expansion/Development/Film Festivals: YOU MUST OBTAIN expressedwritten permission from the MockSides administrators (writersDavid Dalton & Chad Schnackel) to expand or develop this scriptinto a short film, feature, or any sort of episodic series <strong>for</strong>commercial use or <strong>for</strong> entries into film festivals and competitionswhere a monetary award or prize is offered, in which case,monetary compensation may be required by the writers.NOTE: Most film festival organizations and their sponsors may noteven allow a produced video/film of this script to be entered,since there may already be produced versions of this script byothers, making it an "unoriginal film". We recommend youcommission the writers of this script to create original content<strong>for</strong> your use only.Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com

MockSides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsINT. CHURCH REC ROOM - AFTERNOONTravis stands staring at the wall. He seems to be trying togather his thoughts. Kenny enters.KENNYTravis. Everyone’s been looking <strong>for</strong>you, man. Patricia is freaking out.What’s going on?TRAVISNot now, Kenny.KENNYWhat’s going on with you?TRAVISI just ...I just need to be alone<strong>for</strong> a while.KENNYAre you kidding me? This is yourwedding, you’re not supposed to bealone. We have over a hundredguests upstairs wondering where thehell you are. You’re not justruining this <strong>for</strong> them, you’reruining this <strong>for</strong> Patricia.TRAVISFrankly, Kenny, I don’t give ashit.Kenny walks up to Travis and faces him.KENNYGet your ass up there, now!TRAVISKenny, get out of my face, or Iwill rip your throat out.Kenny backs up. Travis just ignores him and turns back toface the wall.KENNYYou think you can do this to mysister?(beat)I guess I’m not surprised. I alwaysthought you were a weasel.TRAVISObviously, I made a mistake.Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

MockSides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsKENNYWhat about marrying my sister? Didyou have this whole thing plannedout? Wait until she’s ready to walkdown the aisle, then justdisappear?(beat)I’ll tell you now, you don’t fuckwith the Donner family. If you’renot up there in five minutes, theDonner boys are going to put a loadof hurt on you.Kenny turns to walk away. Travis speaks up.TRAVISYou need to ask your friend Tonywhy his face is messed up.KENNYWhat does Tony got to do withanything?TRAVISDid he tell you what happened?KENNYHe said he fell down the steps.What the hell does he have to dowith anything?TRAVISI saw him with Patricia just as Igot here. Out back in the cemetery.KENNYWhat are you trying to say, thatTony has a thing <strong>for</strong> Patricia?You’re nuts.TRAVISSaw it with my eyes. He had herbent over a tombstone ...and shesure as hell wasn’t objecting toit.KENNYThat’s bullshit.Kenny get’s into a fighting stance. Travis just stares athim.Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

MockSides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsTRAVISAsk him. Make sure you ask him infront of Patricia. If you know yourfriend as well as you think, you’llknow if he’s lying. If you knowyour sister at all, you’ll see thetruth in her eyes.Travis closes in on Kenny, getting into his space.TRAVISTell you what. If you’re notsatisfied with that, then I’ll behappy to take on all the fuckingDonner boys.Kenny sees that he’s serious. He backs away and exits theroom.CUT TO:ENDCopyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com

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