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S P R I N G C L A S S E SRESPIRATORY THERAPY „ SOCIOLOGYRPTH 475 HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING & SELECTEDTOPICS IN RESPIRATORY CAREPrereq: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy Program.Application of advanced principles of cardiopulmonary diagnosticsand physiology to the care of critically ill patients.Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y30740 RPTH 475 AA Th 12:10-1:50 7-7215 Daniel 2.0RPTH 480 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING AND OUTPATIENTRESPIRATORY CAREPrereq: Completion of the first year Respiratory Therapyprogram. A course in the fundamental aspects of pulmonaryfunction testing. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y40733 RPTH 480 AA F 12:10-2:15 7-7215 Harvey 2.0RPTH 485 CLINICAL MEDICINE SEMINARPrereq: Completion of the first year Respiratory Therapy program.Integration of pathology, pathophysiology, diagnostictechniques and therapeutic modalities through the utilization ofpatient case studies. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y30741 RPTH 485 AA F 9:10-11:00 7-7215 Staff 2.0RPTH 488 CLINICAL CLERKSHIP IVPrereq: Completion of the first year Respiratory Therapyprogram. Further development of skills in the areas of adultintensive care, neonatal intensive care, pulmonary functionlabs and general floor care. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y30742 RPTH 488 AZ By Arr 384 Hours TBA Daniel 6.0Dates for RPTH 488 AZ: 1/23-6/12RPTH 495 RESPIRATORY CARE BOARD EXAMINATIONPREPARATION & REVIEWPrereq: Completion of the first year of a respiratory therapyprogram or an applicant to the Respiratory Care Board forRespiratory Care. Preparation to take the credentialing examinationsoffered by respiratory care agencies. May be repeatedtwice for credit. NOTE: This course has a non-refundablematerials charge of $5. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y36845 RPTH 495 AA Th 9:10-11:00 7-7215 Staff 2.0RPTH 690 SPECIAL PROJECTS IN RESPIRATORY THERAPYOne hour of supervised work per week per unit. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y38193 RPTH 690 AA By Arr 2 Hrs/Wk 7-7215 Staff 2.0SCHOLAR ATHLETE LEARNINGCOMMUNITY(Refer to course listings under LEARNING COMMUNITIES,beginning on page 101.)SOCIAL SCIENCE (SOSC)SOSC 680SA LANDMARKS OF CIVIL RIGHTSExploration of the influence of individuals and groups on political,social and economic changes in local, state and nationalpolicy during the U.S. Civil Rights movement. Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G43477 SOSC 680SA JA M 6:30-9:45 4-170 Trickey 3.0SOCIOLOGY (SOCI)SOCI 100 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGYRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.Introduction to the scientific study of the behavior of people ingroups and the study of individual behavior as it reflects groupmembership. Transfer: UC; CSU (D3).W E E K D A Y40027 SOCI 100 AB TTh 8:10-9:25 4-180 Moynihan 3.041830 SOCI 100 AC TTh 9:35-10:50 4-180 Moynihan 3.0E V E N I N G30748 SOCI 100 JA T 6:30-9:30 1-1107 Staff 3.0SOCI 105 CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL ISSUESRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100, 105 or equivalent.Transfer: UC; CSU (D3). Examination of selected social issuesviewed in relation to changes going on in society, includingpoverty, aging, health care, corporate power, and work.Transfer: UC; CSU (D3).W E E K D A Y40028 SOCI 105 AA MWF 10:10-11:00 4-180 Moynihan 3.0SOCI 110 COURTSHIP, MARRIAGE AND FAMILYRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.The family as an institution in relation to other aspects of society;dating and courtship. Also listed as PSYC 110. Transfer:UC; CSU (D3).W E E K D A Y37144 SOCI 110 AX TTh 9:35-10:50 1-1205 Shusterman 3.0O N L I N E42546 SOCI 110 OL By Arr 48 Hours ONLINE Lynn 3.0SOCI 110 OL is taught in an online format. Requires Internet accessand email. Instructor email: lynnd@smccd.edu.SOCI 141 RACE & ETHNICITYRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.Interdisciplinary study of varied racial and cultural aspects ofAmerican society. Role of minority groups; nature of prejudice.Field investigations required. Transfer: UC; CSU (D3).W E E K D A Y41329 SOCI 141 AA MWF 9:10-10:00 4-180 Moynihan 3.0Note: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.96 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u S P R I N G 2012

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