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LSKL 803 SUPERVISED PEER TUTORINGCoreq: Enrollment in a course for which academic support isneeded in order for the student to succeed. Individual and/orgroup instruction by peer tutors in the Learning Center toreinforce learning in the basic skills or job training course fromwhich the student is referred. Faculty and/or counselors willrefer students based on their learning needs. Open entry. Maybe repeated for credit a maximum of three times. (Units do notcount toward the Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y40809 LSKL 803 AV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Corral 0.0LSKL 803 SUPERVISED PEER TUTORING – MESACoreq: Enrollment in a course for which academic support isneeded in order for the student to succeed. Individual and/orgroup instruction by peer tutors in the Learning Center toreinforce learning in the basic skills or job training course fromwhich the student is referred. Faculty and/or counselors willrefer students based on their learning needs. Open entry.May be repeated for credit a maximum of three times. NOTE:This section is designed for students in the MESA program.(Units do not count toward the Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y40823 LSKL 803 BV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 7-7309 Fredricks 0.0LSKL 811 SUPPLEMENTAL LEARNING ASSISTANCE FORFUNDAMENTALS OF MATHCoreq: Concurrent enrollment in MATH 811. Provides supplementarylearning assistance to students enrolled in MATH 811.Under the supervision of qualified faculty, course instructorsreinforce concepts and skills learned in MATH 811. May berepeated twice for credit. NOTE: Students enrolling in LSKL811 AA (CRN 42050) must also enroll in MATH 811 AC (41405);and students enrolling in LSKL 811 AB (42162) must also enrollin MATH 811 AB (40680). (Units do not count toward theAssociate Degree.)W E E K D A Y42050 LSKL 811 AA TTh 12:35-1:50 PH-402* Tsuchida 0.542162 LSKL 811 AB TTh 11:10-12:25 PH-402* Tsuchida 0.5LSKL 828 SUPPLEMENTAL LEARNING ASSISTANCE FORBASIC WRITING SKILLSCoreq: Concurrent ernollment in ENGL 828. Provides supplementarylearning assistance to students enrolled in ENGL 828.Under the supervision of qualified faculty, course instructorsreinforce concepts and skills learned in ENGL 828. May berepeated twice for credit. NOTE: Students enrolling in LSKL828 AA (43226) must also enroll in ENGL 828 AA (42394);students enrolling in LSKL 828 AB (43228) must also enroll inENGL 828 AB (42616); and students enrolling in LSKL 828 AC(43227) must also enroll in ENGL 828 AC (42395). (Units donot count toward the Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y43226 LSKL 828 AA M 10:10-11:25 PH-401* Gibson 0.543228 LSKL 828 AB W 11:10-12:25 PH-401* Drisdell 0.543227 LSKL 828 AC M 12:10-1:25 PH-401* Urquidez 0.5LSKL 830 THE SENTENCEMaster sentence structure basics in order to make your writingclear and grammatically correct. May be repeated twice forcredit. (Units do not count toward the Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y41013 LSKL 830 AS MW 12:10-1:00 8-8117 Saenz 0.5Dates for LSKL 830 AS: 2/13-3/12LEARNING SKILLS „ LITERATURELSKL 831 EDITING AND PROOFREADINGThis supplemental course focuses on teaching students tobecome stronger editors and proofreaders of their own writing.May be repeated twice for credit. (Units do not count towardthe Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y41014 LSKL 831 AS MW 12:10-1:00 8-8117 Saenz 0.5Dates for LSKL 831 AS: 3/19-4/18LSKL 832 SENTENCE COMBININGLearn sentence-combining strategies to increase the clarityand sophistication of your writing by creating more complexand better-developed sentences. May be repeated twice forcredit. (Units do not count toward the Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y41015 LSKL 832 AS MW 12:10-1:00 8-8117 Saenz 0.5Dates for LSKL 832 AS: 4/23-5/16LSKL 853 WRITING AND READING ASSISTANCE LABProvides assistance in reading strategies and all stages of thewriting process to students enrolled in any college course.Open entry. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 9units. (Units do not count toward the Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y41271 LSKL 853 AV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Feinblum 0.5-3.041274 LSKL 853 BV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Gibson 0.5-3.041275 LSKL 853 CV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Lachmayr 0.5-3.041298 LSKL 853 EV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Bell 0.5-3.041620 LSKL 853 FV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Harer 0.5-3.041630 LSKL 853 IV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Feiner 0.5-3.0LIBRARY (LSCI)LSCI 110 DIGITAL ORAL RESEARCH PROJECTA practical introduction to methods and techniques of oralresearch using digital audio technology. Open entry. Transfer:CSU.W E E K D A Y39348 LSCI 110 AA By Arr 16 Hours 5-5200 Brenner 1.0Dates for LSCI 110 AA: 3/19-5/14LITERATURE (LIT.)(Literature courses are also listed under ENGLISH.)LIT. 101 CONTEMPORARY LITERATUREPrereq: ENGL 100 or 105. Contemporary writers describe andanalyze contemporary problems. In the hope that it can be avalid experience to use against the confusion and tragedy oflife, a representative selection of fiction, poetry and dramasince World War II will be interpreted. Transfer: UC; CSU (C2).E V E N I N G40619 LIT. 101 JX Th 7:00-10:00 7-7307 McClung 3.0* This class will be held in <strong>Skyline</strong>’s Pacific Heights building,located across the perimeter road from Building 5.S P R I N G C L A S S E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u79

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