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KINESIOLOGY – PHYSICAL EDUCATION „ KINESIOLOGY – TEAM SPORTSS P R I N G C L A S S E SKINESIOLOGY – PHYSICALEDUCATION (P.E.)P.E. 105 THE STUDENT-ATHLETE EXPERIENCEA survey course examining the historical, sociological, healthand compliance issues related to student athletes at thecommunity college and university level. NOTE: This course isnot activity-based and is not applicable to the specific arearequirement in Physical Education for the Associate Degree.This section is designed primarily for students in the Scholar-Athlete learning community, but is open to all students.Transfer: UC; CSU (E1).E V E N I N G41382 P.E. 105 JA M 6:00-8:05 3A Nomicos 2.0P.E. 152 THEORY OF SPORT & FITNESS MANAGEMENTRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836 or equivalent. Anoverview of sport management at the professional, collegiateand recreational levels. Career opportunities in the field ofsport management are discussed. NOTE: This course is notactivity-based and is not applicable to the specific arearequirement in Physical Education for the Associate Degree.Transfer: CSU.O N L I N E42425 P.E. 152 OL By Arr 48 Hours ONLINE Piergrossi 3.0P.E. 152 OL is taught in an online format. Optional orientation meetingon campus on Tuesday, January 17, 6:10-7:00 pm in Portable3A. For more information, please contact Justin Piergrossi at (650)738-4367, or email piergrossij@smccd.edu.KINESIOLOGY – TEAM SPORTS(TEAM)TEAM 111 BEGINNING BASKETBALLInstruction in rules, strategies and fundamentals. Round-robinplay during last half of semester. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40609 TEAM 111 AX MWF 10:10-11:00 3-3200 Piergrossi 1.040611 TEAM 111 BX MWF 11:10-12:00 3-3200 Piergrossi 1.041196 TEAM 111 CX TTh 11:10-12:25 3-3200 Harris 1.0TEAM 112 BASKETBALL: ADVANCED COMPETITIONSTRATEGIESPrereq: TEAM 111, or competitive experience, or equivalent.Geared toward intermediate level basketball players interestedin learning basketball philosophy, competitive strategies andtechniques. Plus 16 hours by arrangement. May be repeatedfor credit a maximum of three times. Transfer: CSU (E2).E V E N I N G41821 TEAM 112 KS MW 6:00-8:25 3-3200 Hosley 1.0TBA Hours: M 1.6 Hrs/WkDates for TEAM 112 KS: 3/12-5/23TEAM 115 ADVANCED BASKETBALLPrereq: TEAM 111 or equivalent. Advanced instruction in fundamentalsof basketball. Team play accented. May be repeatedtwice for credit. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40610 TEAM 115 AX MWF 10:10-11:00 3-3200 Piergrossi 1.040612 TEAM 115 BX MWF 11:10-12:00 3-3200 Piergrossi 1.041197 TEAM 115 CX TTh 11:10-12:25 3-3200 Harris 1.0TEAM 116 BASKETBALL: INDIVIDUAL SKILL DEVELOPMENTPrereq: TEAM 115 or equivalent. Focus on mastering individualskills rather than team concepts. Students will participate innumerous competitive drills and basketball conditioning.Plus 16 hours by arrangement. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer: CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40274 TEAM 116 AS MWF 1:15-3:15 3-3200 Piergrossi 1.0TBA Hours: MW 1.8 Hrs/WkDates for TEAM 116 AS: 3/12-5/18TEAM 117 BASKETBALL: TOURNAMENT BASKETBALLRecommneded: TEAM 111, TEAM 112 or TEAM 115, or competitiveexperience, or equivalent. Geared toward advanced levelbasketball players, this course will focus on improving theunderstanding of team basketball through a competitive tournamentsetting. May be repeated for credit a maximum ofthree times. Transfer: CSU (E2).E V E N I N G40604 TEAM 117 KS TTh 6:10-8:50 3-3200 Piergrossi 1.0Dates for the KS section: 3/13-5/17S U N D A Y41203 TEAM 117 UA Sun 6:00-9:15 3-3200 Harris 1.0TEAM 132 FLAG FOOTBALLInstruction in basic skills, rules and strategies of flag football.Drills and competition will be used. May be repeated for credita maximum of three times. NOTE: The first class meeting willbe held at <strong>Skyline</strong>’s track field. Transfer: UC; CSU.W E E K D A Y35196 TEAM 132 BA TTh 11:10-12:25 Field Fitzgerald 1.0TEAM 141 BEGINNING SOCCERInstruction and practice in fundamentals of individual play.Games and round-robin play. Emphasis on practical conceptsof training; dribbling, passing, receiving, heading and tackling.Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40078 TEAM 141 AX MWF 10:10-11:00 Field Corsiglia 1.0TEAM 145 ADVANCED SOCCERRecommended: TEAM 141 or equivalent. Instruction in offensiveand defensive play; specific positions. Emphasis onindividual and team tactics. May be repeated twice for credit.Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40079 TEAM 145 AX MWF 10:10-11:00 Field Corsiglia 1.0TEAM 148 INDOOR SOCCERThe game of soccer as played indoors to include skill development,team play, individual play, and group activity. May berepeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfer: UC;CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y39552 TEAM 148 AA MWF 12:10-1:00 3-3200 Link 1.040607 TEAM 148 BA TTh 9:35-10:50 3-3200 Corsiglia 1.0Note: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.76 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u S P R I N G 2012

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