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KINESIOLOGY – FITNESS „ KINESIOLOGY – INDIVIDUAL SPORTSS P R I N G C L A S S E SFITN 301 SPINNING ®Aerobic exercise on a stationary racing bicycle. This workout isdone to high cadence music. Exercise heart rate and individualgoals are assessed for maximum benefit. May be repeated forcredit a maximum of three times. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40093 FITN 301 AA MWF 9:10-10:00 3B Corsiglia 1.040094 FITN 301 AB MWF 11:10-12:00 3B Fitzgerald 1.039761 FITN 301 BA TTh 9:35-10:50 3B Harris 1.039555 FITN 301 BC TTh 11:10-12:25 3B Corsiglia 1.0E V E N I N G41181 FITN 301 KA TTh 5:30-6:45 3B Harris 1.0FITN 305 RUNNING FOR FITNESSMethods to achieve total fitness through cardiovascular activitieswith emphasis on running. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Repeat students must submit semesterobjectives. NOTE: The first class meeting will be held inthe Gymnasium (Room 3200). Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y39496 FITN 305 BA TTh 8:10-9:25 Track Fitzgerald 1.0FITN 332 STRETCHING AND FLEXIBILITYDesigned to increase flexibility, tone the body, improve circulation,teach proper breathing and relaxation, create basicunderstanding of what is necessary for good health. May berepeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfer: UC;CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y30394 FITN 332 AA MWF 10:10-11:00 3-3106 Fitzgerald 1.0FITN 334 YOGAVarious Yoga styles and exercises to increase flexibility,improve posture, and assist in stress reduction. May berepeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfer: UC;CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y37709 FITN 334 BA TTh 8:10-9:25 3-3201 Simmers 1.043236 FITN 334 BB TTh 9:35-10:50 3-3106 Steele 1.039497 FITN 334 BC TTh 12:35-1:50 3-3106 Staff 1.0E V E N I N G37408 FITN 334 JA MW 5:30-6:50 3-3201 Simmers 1.040866 FITN 334 KA TTh 6:00-7:15 3-3201 Roby 1.0S A T U R D A Y38148 FITN 334 SA Sat 9:10-10:45 3-3201 Roby 0.5FITN 335 PILATESTraining muscles of the torso through controlled exercisesthat increase core strength and postural stability to optimizeperformance in athletics, dance and everyday activities. Maybe repeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfer:UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y39328 FITN 335 AA MWF 11:10-12:00 3-3201 Steele 1.040095 FITN 335 BA TTh 9:35-10:50 3-3201 Simmers 1.039498 FITN 335 BC TTh 2:10-3:25 3-3201 Steele 1.0FITN 400 FITNESS ACADEMYA course designed to accommodate a day student’s schedule.Hours are flexible. Students must meet with the instructor thefirst week of the semester for an orientation. Evaluatory testsare used to determine student’s current level of fitness,and a personal prescription is developed to meet the goalsand objectives of each student. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. NOTE: Orientation dates and timeswill be posted outside of the Weight Room door (3-3102), theDivision Office (3-3130), and Room 3202. For more information,please contact instructor Mike Fitzgerald at (650) 738-4323, oremail fitzgerald@smccd.edu. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y30397 FITN 400 AV By Arr 3-9 Hrs/Wk 3-3102 Fitzgerald 1.0-3.0KINESIOLOGY – INDIVIDUALSPORTS (INDV)INDV 101 BEGINNING ARCHERYFundamentals of target archery, types of competition, rules,scoring, care and selection of equipment. NOTE: The first classwill be held in Portable 3A. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40101 INDV 101 AX MW 11:10-12:30 Field Fosberg 1.0INDV 105 INTERMEDIATE ARCHERYPrereq: INDV 101 or equivalent. Continued instruction in techniqueswith increasing distances, games and competitions,team and individual competition. May be repeated twice forcredit. NOTE: The first class will be held in Portable 3A.Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40102 INDV 105 AX MW 11:10-12:30 Field Fosberg 1.0INDV 121 BEGINNING BADMINTONRules and strategies of badminton; fundamentals of grip,strokes, footwork and court coverage, drills and competition,testing program, tournaments in singles and doubles.Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40090 INDV 121 AX MWF 9:10-10:00 3-3200 Fitzgerald 1.0INDV 125 ADVANCED BADMINTONRecommended: INDV 121 or equivalent. Emphasis on strategy,tactics, footwork, doubles teamwork and singles game. Maybe repeated twice for credit. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y40091 INDV 125 AX MWF 9:10-10:00 3-3200 Fitzgerald 1.0INDV 126 COED CLUB BADMINTONPrereq: INDV 121 or equivalent. Coed class to prepare studentsfor badminton competition through drills and physicaltraining; in class competition. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer: CSU (E2).E V E N I N G40362 INDV 126 JX MW 3:45-6:00 3-3200 Fosberg 1.0Dates for INDV 126 JX: 2/22-5/9Note: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.74 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u S P R I N G 2012

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