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KINESIOLOGY – ADAPTED „ KINESIOLOGY – DANCEKINESIOLOGY – ADAPTED (ADAP)ADAP 358 ADAPTED STRENGTH DEVELOPMENTPrereq: Physician’s recommendation or assignment by the<strong>College</strong> Health Counselor or Division Dean (on recommendationof instructor). Coreq: Concurrent enrollment in ADAP 349,357 or 359. Students will review and apply basic exercisephysiology and strength development concepts in the contextof their own disability to develop and/or maintain their muscularstrength and endurance. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer: UC; CSU.W E E K D A Y41787 ADAP 358 AA MW 1:40-3:00 3-3102 Chandler 1.041788 ADAP 358 BA TTh 12:35-1:50 3-3102 Chandler 1.041789 ADAP 358 BB TTh 2:10-3:25 3-3102 Chandler 1.0ADAP 359 BALANCE AND FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT FORTHE PHYSICALLY LIMITEDCoreq: Concurrent enrollment in ADAP 348, 356 or 358.Designed to identify, assess and improve balance and physicalfunctioning for individuals with physical limitations. Prescriptiveprograms are developed for groups and individuals. May berepeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfer: UC;CSU.W E E K D A Y41791 ADAP 359 AO By Arr 1.5-3 Hrs/Wk 3-3102 Chandler 0.5-1.041790 ADAP 359 BO By Arr 1.5-3 Hrs/Wk 3-3102 Chandler 0.5-1.0KINESIOLOGY – COMBATIVES(COMB)COMB 301 BEGINNING WRESTLINGInstruction in rules and scoring systems. Instruction in takedowns,escapes, reversals, break-downs, rides, and pinningcombinations. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).E V E N I N G39501 COMB 301 JX TTh 4:45-6:00 3-3106 Haddon 1.0COMB 302 INTERMEDIATE WRESTLINGRecommended: COMB 301 or equivalent. Competition in dualcompetition and a class tournament. May be repeated twicefor credit. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).E V E N I N G39502 COMB 302 JX TTh 4:45-6:00 3-3106 Haddon 1.0COMB 404 BEGINNING SHOTOKAN KARATEA course in the introduction of skills and techniques of theJapanese art of Shotokan Karate. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y39493 COMB 404 AX MW 1:40-3:00 3-3201 Larson 1.0COMB 405 INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED SHOTOKANKARATERecommended: COMB 404. A course to reinforce the skillsand techniques learned in COMB 404. Intermediate andadvanced techniques in the Japanese art of Shotokan Karate.Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).W E E K D A Y39494 COMB 405 AX MW 1:40-3:00 3-3201 Larson 1.0KINESIOLOGY – DANCE (DANC)DANC 110 MODERN DANCEMovement with emphasis on creativity, style and self-expression.Students will choreograph a modern dance by the end ofthe semester. May be repeated for credit a maximum of threetimes. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2, C1).W E E K D A Y43231 DANC 110 AA MWF 10:10-11:00 3-3201 Steele 1.0DANC 140 BALLETBasic barre, floor technique and movement fundamentalswith emphasis on body control, form, and special patterns.Excellent for beginners. May be repeated for credit a maximumof three times. Transfer: UC; CSU (C1, E2).W E E K D A Y39166 DANC 140 BA TTh 11:10-12:25 3-3201 Simmers 1.0DANC 152 CUBAN ROOTS OF SALSADesigned to introduce students to the fundamentals of Cubanpopular dances, including Danzon, Son, Cha Cha Cha, SonMontuno, and Salsa Cubana. Transfer: UC; CSU (E2).E V E N I N G41475 DANC 152 JA T 6:00-9:00 1-1250 Delmar 1.0DANC 161 TANGO ARGENTINODesigned to introduce students to the essence of Argentinetango. Students will be able to dance in social settingscomfortably and confidently. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer: CSU (E2).E V E N I N G40277 DANC 161 KX W 7:00-10:00 3-3201 Delmar 1.0DANC 162 TANGO MILONGARecommended: DANC 161 or equivalent. Designed forstudents with previous tango experience (knowledge of basicskills). Students will learn exciting new steps to bring theirtango dancing to new levels. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer: CSU (E2).E V E N I N G40827 DANC 162 JB F 7:00-10:15 3-3201 Delmar 1.0DANC 167 SWING DANCE IBeginning class in swing dance. Includes instruction, demonstrationand practice. Transfer: UC; CSU.E V E N I N G41804 DANC 167 JX Th 7:25-10:15 3-3201 Moberg 1.0DANC 168 SWING DANCE IIPrereq: DANC 167 or equivalent. Intermediate class in swingdance. Includes instruction, demonstration and practice,and performance. Transfer: UC; CSU.E V E N I N G41805 DANC 168 JX Th 7:25-10:15 3-3201 Moberg 1.0DANC 169 SWING DANCE IIIPrereq: DANC 168 or equivalent. Advanced class in swingdance. Includes instruction, demonstration and practice,choreography, and performance. Transfer: UC; CSU.E V E N I N G41806 DANC 169 JX Th 7:25-10:15 3-3201 Moberg 1.0S P R I N G C L A S S E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u71

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