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HIST 202 UNITED STATES HISTORY IIRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.U.S. History from the mid-19th century to the present. Partiallysatisfies American History and Institutions requirement.Transfer: UC; CSU (D1).W E E K D A Y30444 HIST 202 AA MWF 8:10-9:00 4-170 Phipps 3.041279 HIST 202 AB MWF 9:10-10:00 8-8213 Swanson 3.030445 HIST 202 AC TTh 11:10-12:25 8-8213 Wright Jr 3.0E V E N I N G30446 HIST 202 JA W 6:30-9:30 2-2305 Wright Jr 3.0F R I D A Y E V E N I N G / S A T U R D A Y43120 HIST 202 JS F 6:30-10:10 4-170 Wright Jr 3.0Sat 8:30-12:10 4-170 Wright JrSat 1:30-5:10 4-170 Wright JrHIST 202 JS will meet on Fridays, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/2 and 3/16 from6:30 to 10:10 pm; and on Saturdays, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/3 and 3/17from 8:30 am to 12:10 pm and 1:30 to 5:10 pm.H Y B R I D43269 HIST 202 HJ By Arr 48 Hours HYBRID Messner 3.0HIST 202 HJ will be held online and on campus. Requires Internetaccess and email. Orientation meeting on Thursday, August 19, 5:30to 6:30 pm, in Building 4, Room 180. Additional on campus meetingson Thursdays, 3/22 and 5/24, 4:30 to 6:30 pm in Building 4,Room 180. Instructor email: messnerm@smccd.edu.HIST 240 HISTORY OF ETHNIC GROUPS IN CALIFORNIARecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836. A survey of the social,economic and political history of ethnic groups in California,with particular emphasis on minority communities. Partiallysatisfies American History and Institutions requirement.Transfer: UC; CSU (D2a).W E E K D A Y39194 HIST 240 AA MWF 8:10-9:00 1-1107 Wong 3.040048 HIST 240 AB TTh 12:35-1:50 4-180 Bolick 3.0E V E N I N G33450 HIST 240 JA T 6:30-9:30 2-2305 Wright Jr 3.030450 HIST 240 JB Th 7:00-10:00 4-180 Reidy 3.0HIST 240 HISTORY OF ETHNIC GROUPS IN CALIFORNIA –HONORSRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836. A survey of the social,economic and political history of ethnic groups in California,with particular emphasis on minority communities. Partiallysatisfies American History and Institutions requirement.NOTE: This section is designed primarily for students in theHonors Transfer Program, but is open to all students. All studentsenrolling in this section will be required to do Honorslevelwork. Transfer: UC; CSU (D2a).W E E K D A Y40603 HIST 240 AH MWF 10:10-11:00 8-8213 Wong 3.0HIST 244 AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY – ASTEPRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.The political, social, economic, and intellectual sources of theBlack community from colonial times to the present. Partiallysatisfies American History and Institutions requirement.NOTE: This section is designed primarily for students in theASTEP learning community, but is open to all students.Transfer: UC; CSU (D1).W E E K D A Y37643 HIST 244 AQ TTh 9:35-10:50 8-8213 Wright Jr 3.0HISTORYHIST 300 HISTORY OF SAN FRANCISCORecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.History of San Francisco from its discovery to the presentfocusing on soci-cultural, economic, political and artistic developmentsthat made it a world-class city. Transfer: UC; CSU.E V E N I N G41308 HIST 300 JA M 7:00-10:15 8-8213 Elia 3.0HIST 310 CALIFORNIA HISTORYRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.An historical survey of the social, economic, political, and culturaldevelopment of California from the Indian and Spanishperiod to the present. Partially satisfies American History andInstitutions requirement. Transfer: UC; CSU (D2a).W E E K D A Y30453 HIST 310 AB MWF 11:10-12:00 2-2306 Buckingham 3.030455 HIST 310 AC TTh 9:35-10:50 2-2305 Buckingham 3.030454 HIST 310 AD TTh 11:10-12:25 2-2305 Buckingham 3.0E V E N I N G42707 HIST 310 JA W 6:30-9:30 4-180 Bolick 3.0HIST 420 SURVEY OF LATIN AMERICAN HISTORYRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836. Survey of LatinAmerican history including geography, indigenous peoples,early contact with Europeans, conquest, struggle for independence,and development of modern Latin American nations.Transfer: UC; CSU (C2).W E E K D A Y34644 HIST 420 AA TTh 9:35-10:50 7-7110 Ulloa 3.0HIST 432 MODERN ASIAN CIVILIZATIONSRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of East Asia, South Asia,Southeast Asia, the Middle East and the Philippines from the17th century to the present. A study of the various modernAsian civilizations is encouraged as a means of acquiring abroad comparative perspective. Transfer: UC; CSU.W E E K D A Y41813 HIST 432 AA MWF 11:10-12:00 8-8213 Wong 3.0HIST 436 FILIPINOS IN AMERICA – KABABAYANRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of Filipinos in America fromearly settlements in Louisiana, Hawaii and the west coast tothe present. Emphasis will be on a critical evaluation of themain social, political, economic, cultural, intellectual andhistorical trends that shaped the various Filipino communitiesin the United States. NOTE: This section is designed primarilyfor students in the Kababayan learning community, but is opento all students. Transfer: UC; CSU (D3).W E E K D A Y43113 HIST 436 AK TTh 11:10-12:25 4-180 Bolick 3.0HIST 453 HISTORY OF CHINARecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of China from its legendary creationto the present. Transfer: UC; CSU (C2, D3).W E E K D A Y43257 HIST 453 AA TTh 11:10-12:25 7-7110 Wong 3.0Note: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.S P R I N G C L A S S E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u69

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