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ENGL 110 COMPOSITION, LITERATURE & CRITICALTHINKINGPrereq: ENGL 100 or 105 with grade C or better. Introductionto the major imaginative genres of poetry, drama, and fiction.Students will write expository essays and other kinds ofassignments employing methods of literary analysis anddemonstrating skill in critical thinking. Transfer: UC; CSU(A2, A3, C2).W E E K D A Y30313 ENGL 110 AB MWF 11:10-12:00 8-8317 Zollo 3.038376 ENGL 110 AC MW 12:10-1:25 8-8224 Floro 3.040232 ENGL 110 AD TTh 8:10-9:25 8-8116 Christensen 3.038474 ENGL 110 AF TTh 9:35-10:50 8-8319 Gibson 3.038497 ENGL 110 AG TTh 9:35-10:50 7-7303 Westfall 3.041607 ENGL 110 AI TTh 9:35-10:50 8-8118 Sandel 3.030314 ENGL 110 AJ TTh 11:10-12:25 8-8116 Smith 3.039901 ENGL 110 AL TTh 11:10-12:25 8-8118 Sandel 3.033490 ENGL 110 AM MWF 12:10-1:00 8-8317 Zollo 3.042314 ENGL 110 AU TTh 9:35-10:50 8-8116 Christensen 3.041589 ENGL 110 BD TTh 11:10-12:25 7-7303 Westfall 3.0E V E N I N G37219 ENGL 110 JA M 7:00-10:15 7-7307 Tindall 3.039968 ENGL 110 JB W 7:00-10:00 7-7307 Tindall 3.042995 ENGL 110 JD Th 6:30-9:30 7-7303 Bowsher 3.030318 ENGL 110 JX T 6:30-9:30 7-7303 Bowsher 3.0O N L I N E41578 ENGL 110 OM By Arr 48 Hours ONLINE Bell 3.0ENGL 110 OM is offered in an online format. Requires Internetaccess and email. Enrolled students must check theirmy.smccd.edu email and log into the course by January 17.Instructor email: bellr@smccd.edu.41622 ENGL 110 ON By Arr 48 Hours ONLINE Bell 3.0ENGL 110 ON is offered in an online format. Requires Internetaccess and email. Enrolled students must check theirmy.smccd.edu email and log into the course by January 17.Instructor email: bellr@smccd.edu.H Y B R I D41299 ENGL 110 HJ By Arr 48 Hours HYBRID Hibble 3.0ENGL 110 HJ will be held online and on campus. Requires Internetaccess and email. Instructor email: hibblea@smccd.edu.Orientation meeting on Tuesday, January 17, from 7:45-8:35 pm, inRoom 2117A.ENGL 110 COMPOSITION, LITERATURE & CRITICALTHINKING – HONORSPrereq: ENGL 100 or 105 with grade C or better. Introductionto the major imaginative genres of poetry, drama, and fiction.Students will write expository essays and other kinds ofassignments employing methods of literary analysis anddemonstrating skill in critical thinking. NOTE: These sectionsare designed primarily for students in the Honors TransferProgram, but are open to all eligible students. All studentsenrolling in these sections will be required to do Honors-levelwork. Transfer: UC; CSU (A2, A3, C2).W E E K D A Y30316 ENGL 110 AH TTh 11:10-12:25 8-8224 Floro 3.0E V E N I N G39967 ENGL 110 JH T 6:30-9:30 7-7303 Bowsher 3.0ENGLISHENGL 161 CREATIVE WRITING IPrereq: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent. The craftof writing short stories, sketches, poetry, short dramas andother literary forms. Transfer: UC; CSU (C2).W E E K D A Y30319 ENGL 161 AX TTh 12:35-1:50 8-8319 Harer 3.0E V E N I N G30320 ENGL 161 JA W 7:00-10:00 1-1124 Tipton 3.0ENGL 161 CREATIVE WRITING I – HONORSPrereq: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent. The craftof writing short stories, sketches, poetry, short dramas andother literary forms. NOTE: This section is designed primarilyfor students in the Honors Transfer Program, but is open to alleligible students. All students enrolling in this section will berequired to do Honors-level work. Transfer: UC; CSU (C2).W E E K D A Y43216 ENGL 161 AH TTh 12:35-1:50 8-8319 Harer 3.0ENGL 162 CREATIVE WRITING IIPrereq: Completion of ENGL 161. The craft of writing short stories,sketches, poetry, short dramas, and other literary formsfor both personal enjoyment and professional training. Duringthe Spring Semester, class members may volunteer to work onthe college’s literary magazine. Transfer: UC; CSU.W E E K D A Y30321 ENGL 162 AX TTh 12:35-1:50 8-8319 Harer 3.0E V E N I N G30322 ENGL 162 JX W 7:00-10:00 1-1124 Tipton 3.0ENGL 165 CRITICAL THINKING & ADVANCED COMPOSITIONPrereq: ENGL 100 or 105 with grade of C or better. Course willteach students to use critical thinking, reading, and writingskills through discussion of ideas and a progression of argumentativewriting assignments. Transfer: UC; CSU (A3).O N L I N E41303 ENGL 165 OL By Arr 48 Hours ONLINE Tindall 3.0ENGL 165 OL is offered in an online format. Requires Internetaccess and email. Instructor email: tindallr@smccd.edu.ENGL 650 ENGLISH SUPPLEMENT FOR TRIO STUDENTSIndividualized instruction in reading and writing skills forTRIO/STAARS students based on TRIO English instructor’sassessment of each student’s reading and writing skills. Openentry. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 units.(Units do not count toward the Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y39399 ENGL 650 AV By Arr 1.5-9 Hrs/Wk 5-5100 Sippel 0.5-3.0ENGL 690 SPECIAL PROJECTS IN ENGLISHOne hour of supervised work per week per unit. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y30334 ENGL 690 AV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8210 Harer 1.0-3.0S P R I N G C L A S S E SNote: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u57

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