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ECE. 333 OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENTRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836 and READ 836, orENGL 846, or ESOL 400, or equivalent. A thorough backgroundof the purposes and methods of child observation andassessment and their application in early childhood educationsettings. Required core course for the ECE certificate andAssociate degree. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y43245 ECE. 333 AA TTh 11:10-12:25 8-8117 Browne 3.0E V E N I N G39993 ECE. 333 JA T 7:00-10:00 8-8117 Wiggins-Dowler 3.0ECE. 335 CHILD GUIDANCERecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836 and READ 836, orENGL 846, or ESOL 400, or equivalent. An introductory coursein child guidance and discipline for teachers, caregivers andparents providing an overview of the complexity of children’sbehavior and how to address it constructively. NOTE: Thiscourse will meet at Our Second Home, 752 Price Street, DalyCity. Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G40278 ECE. 335 AZ Th 7:00-10:00 OSH Yuen 3.0ECE. 366 PRACTICUM IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONPrereq: ECE./PSYC 201, 210, 211 and 212, or equivalent.Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836 and READ 836, orENGL 846, or ESOL 400, or equivalent. Supervised fieldexperience in early childhood settings that includes 96 hoursof student teaching in approved ECE sites, and 18 hours ofseminar. ECE. 366 is a core course required for the ECEcertificate and Associate degree. Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G38521 ECE. 366 JX W 4:00-6:50 8-8117 Browne 3.0ECE. 366 JX will meet on the following dates: 1/18, 2/1, 2/22, 3/14,4/18 and 5/2.41139 ECE. 366 KX T 7:00-10:00 8-8204 Ford 3.0ECE. 366 KX will meet on the following dates: 1/24, 2/7, 2/28, 3/20,4/10, and 5/1.ECE. 367 PRACTICUM IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION:SPECIAL TOPICSPrereq: ECE./PSYC 201, 210, 211 and 212, or equivalent.Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836 and READ 836, orENGL 846, or ESOL 400, or equivalent. Supervised field experiencein early childhood settings that includes 96 hours ofstudent teaching in approved sites, and 18 hours of seminar.ECE. 367 is a core course required for the ECSE Certificate.Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G43111 ECE. 367 JX W 4:00-6:50 8-8117 Browne 3.0ECE. 367 JX will meet on the following dates: 1/18, 2/1, 2/22, 3/14,4/18 and 5/2.43112 ECE. 367 KX T 7:00-10:00 8-8204 Ford 3.0ECE. 367 KX will meet on the following dates: 1/24, 2/7, 2/28, 3/20,4/10, and 5/1.ECE 665SB COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTSThis course will focus on developing effective communicationskills for Early Childhood Education teachers when communicatingwith parents. Transfer: CSU.S A T U R D A Y40743 ECE. 665SB SS Sat 9:00-5:00 14-0006 Whitney 1.0Dates for ECE. 665SB SS: 5/5-5/12EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION „ ECONOMICSECE. 670 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION WORKEXPERIENCEOn-the-job training under the primary supervision of an industryemployer. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y36942 ECE. 670 AV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 14-CDC Watts 1.0-4.0E V E N I N G36854 ECE. 670 JV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 8-8311 Genevro 1.0-4.0ECE. 690 SPECIAL PROJECTS IN EARLY CHILDHOODEDUCATIONOne hour of supervised work per week per unit. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y39994 ECE. 690 AV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8303 Browne 1.0-3.0ECE. 804 ENGLISH FOR CHILDCARE PROVIDERSRecommended: Completion of or concurrent enrollment inESOL 830, or ESOL 863 and ESOL 873, or eligibility for ESOL840, or equivalent. Basic listening, speaking, reading andwriting skills in standard English within the context of childcare. Intended for parents, grandparents, child care providers,and preschool teachers who are learning English as a secondlanguage. Also listed as ESOL 804. (Units do not count towardthe Associate Degree.)W E E K D A Y43484 ECE. 804 AX TTh 11:10-12:25 5-5102 Carey 3.0ECONOMICS (ECON)ECON 100 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICSRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 and MATH 120. Theeconomic system and its problems; determination of the levelof output; prices, monetary theory, government policies andeconomic growth. Transfer: UC; CSU (D3).W E E K D A Y30282 ECON 100 AA MWF 9:10-10:00 PH-411* Suzuki 3.030283 ECON 100 AB MWF 10:10-11:00 PH-411* Suzuki 3.038437 ECON 100 AC MWF 11:10-12:00 PH-411* Sanford 3.030284 ECON 100 AD TTh 12:35-1:50 PH-411* Speight 3.0E V E N I N G43119 ECON 100 JA M 6:30-9:45 7-7110 Nelson 3.030285 ECON 100 JB W 6:30-9:30 2-2306 Suzuki 3.0H Y B R I D36805 ECON 100 HW By Arr 48 Hours HYBRID Kress 3.0Sat 9:00-10:15 7-7110ECON 100 HW will be held online and on campus. There are fourrequired on-campus meetings for orientation and testing (Saturdays,1/21, 3/10, 5/5 and 5/19). Mandatory orientation meeting on campuson Saturday, January 21, from 9:00 to 10:15 am, in Room 7110.* This class will be held in <strong>Skyline</strong>’s Pacific Heights building,located across the perimeter road from Building 5.S P R I N G C L A S S E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u53

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