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COSMETOLOGY „ DEVELOPMENTAL SKILLSS P R I N G C L A S S E SWELL 665SG INTRODUCTION TO BACK MASSAGEIntroduction to beginning massage movements used to releasestress and tension from the neck and back area. Emphasison the therapeutic value of non-threatening touch, the neckand back anatomy, proper hygiene and sanitation, explorationof proper body mechanics, exposure to massage productsand contraindications. May be repeated twice for credit.NOTE: This course has a non-refundable materials charge of$15. Students are required to bring 2 clean sheets and apillowcase to class.S U N D A Y42985 WELL 665SG US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Brown 0.5Date for WELL 665SG US: 2/5WELL 665SH INTRODUCTION TO FLOWER ESSENCESThis course will explore the world of flower essences as aviable healing modality used to address emotional issues andbody-mind health. Emphasis on the history of flower essences,methods of preparation, conditions and methods for selectinga particular essence, and flower essence usage. Students willprepare a personalized emergency formula. May be repeatedtwice for credit. NOTE: This course has a non-refundablematerials charge of $15.S U N D A Y42982 WELL 665SH US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SH US: 1/29WELL 665SI INTRODUCTION TO AROMATHERAPYThis course will explore aromatherapy’s healing gifts and thevariety of application uses. Topics include the history ofaromatherapy, preparation methods, and the conditions andmethods for selecting a particular essential oil. Students willprepare an essential oil combination in a lotion carrier. Maybe repeated twice for credit. NOTE: This course has a nonrefundablematerials charge of $15.S U N D A Y42983 WELL 665SI US Sun 9:00-5:00 6-6202A Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SI US: 2/12WELL 665SJ INTRODUCTION TO GEM ELIXIRSThis course will explore the world of gem elixirs and how touse them as a viable healing modality to address emotionalissues and body-mind health. Students will learn which gemelixirs are needed for certain conditions and how to choosethem appropriately. There will be discussion about the varietyof uses available for gem elixirs (oral preparations, environmentalsprays, bath stones, or adding to lotions, creams or carrieroils). Students will prepare a gem and elixir formula for themselvesthat specifically addresses how they respond to stressesand life challenges. May be repeated twice for credit. NOTE:This course has a non-refundable materials charge of $15.S U N D A Y42984 WELL 665SJ US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SJ US: 2/26WELL 702 MASSAGE THERAPY IIPrereq: WELL 701 or equivalent. Develop skills and knowledgein massage therapy techniques and spa/wellness modalities.Topics include massage theory, practical experience, anatomy,physiology, business practices, and ethics. Students will workin the massage clinic to gain mastery of the skills learned inthe classroom. Upon successful completion of the 500-hourMassage Therapy program (WELL 701 and 702), students areeligible for a Certificate of Achievement from <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>and can apply for California certification and take their NationalBoards. May be repeated once for credit.E V E N I N G43359 WELL 702 JA MTWTh 6:00-10:00 4-122 Leary 9.0WELL 760 INTRODUCTION TO “WHOLISTIC” HEALTHRecommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836 or equivalent. Intro -duction to a variety of “wholistic” health modalities, includingmassage therapy, yoga, breath work, herbology, aromatherapy,flower essences, gem elixirs, and Ayurvedic and ChineseMedicine. Transfer: CSU.O N L I N E43480 WELL 760 OL By Arr 48 Hours ONLINE Leary 3.0Sat 10:00-12:00 4-102WELL 760 OL will be held online with optional meetings on campus.Optional meetings on campus on Saturdays 1/21, 3/10 and5/19 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Building 4, Room 102. Studentsmust have Internet access and an email address. Orientation meetingon Saturday, January 21, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Building4, Room 102. Instructor email: learym@smccd.edu.DANCE(Refer to course listings under KINESIOLOGY – DANCE.)DATA PROCESSING(Refer to course listings under COMPUTER APPLICATIONS &OFFICE TECHNOLOGY and COMPUTER SCIENCE.)DEVELOPMENTAL SKILLS (DSKL)DSKL 825 ASSISTIVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY – DRAGONNATURALLYSPEAKING (VERSION 11.5)Assistive computer technology instruction designed primarilyfor students with disabilities. Students will learn the use ofassistive technology to support their learning styles and/orphysical needs. The course includes sixteen hours of lecture atthe scheduled times shown below and sixteen hours of lab byarrangement. NOTE: These sections utilize DragonNaturallySpeaking software. Students only need to enroll in oneof the sections listed below. This course has a non-refundablematerials charge of $20. May be repeated for credit a maximumof three times. (Units do not count toward the AssociateDegree.)W E E K D A Y41544 DSKL 825 BS W 12:10-2:00 2-2309 Lariviere 1.0TBA Hours: W 2 Hrs/Wk 2-2309Dates for the BS section: 1/18-3/1442190 DSKL 825 ES W 12:10-2:00 2-2309 Lariviere 1.0TBA Hours: W 2 Hrs/Wk 2-2309Dates for the ES section: 3/21-5/16E V E N I N G41545 DSKL 825 JS T 6:00-8:00 2-2309 Lariviere 1.0TBA Hours: T 2 Hrs/Wk 2-2309Dates for the JS section: 3/20-5/15Note: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.50 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u S P R I N G 2012

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