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COSMETOLOGYCOSM 750 COSMETOLOGY BRUSH-UPPrereq: State of California Barbering or Cosmetology licenseor valid out-of-state Cosmetology license, or upon recommendationof Cosmetology faculty. To satisfy supplemental or outof-statetraining requirements; basic and advanced instructionon in-salon processes emphasizing performance andefficiency. Applicable to those needing assistance in passingthe California State Board exam and to brush up on skillsand techniques for job placement or advancement. May berepeated for credit up to three times or a maximum of 20units or three times.W E E K D A Y42706 COSM 750 AV Daily 8:00-4:30 4-218 Biagi 0.5-10.0COSM 760 COSMETOLOGY INSTRUCTOR PREPARATIONPrereq: Valid California Cosmetologist’s license and a minimumof one year’s full-time practical experience. Designed forexperienced, licensed cosmetologists interested in teachingcosmetology courses with a focus on teaching methodologiesand techniques that emphasize theoretical and practical subjectmatter using a four-step lesson plan. Plus 80 lab hours byarrangement. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of28 units.E V E N I N G37119 COSM 760 JA M 6:00-10:00 4-201A Biagi 5.0TBA Hours: By Arr 5 Hrs/WkCOSM 776 ESTHETICIAN IIPrereq: COSM 775 or equivalent. The second of two coursesin which students continue to develop advanced skills andknowledge in skin care techniques, hair removal, and makeupapplication. Upon successful completion of COSM 775 andCOSM 776, a student will be eligible for a Certificate ofAchievement from <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> and will be able to apply forthe Esthetician examination at the California State Board ofCosmetology for licensure. May be repeated once for credit.E V E N I N G / S A T U R D A Y43088 COSM 776 JA TWTh 6:00-10:00 4-120 Pelayo 9.0Sat 8:00-4:30 4-120 PelayoWELL 665SA INTRODUCTION TO HERBAL MEDICINEThis short course will explore herbal medicine and ways to useit for health and well-being. Historical background of herbalmedicine will be provided along with information for severalherbs that can be incorporated into daily life in the form ofmassage oils, tinctures, poultices, teas, etc. Students will takehome massage oils infused with herbs for their own use. Maybe repeated twice for credit. NOTE: This course has a nonrefundablematerials charge of $15.S U N D A Y43356 WELL 665SA US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SA US: 3/25WELL 665SB SELF-HELP STRESS REDUCTION TECHNIQUESStudents will explore self-help healing tools that will supportthe practitioner when working with clients. These tools arebeneficial for anyone working with the public, particularly workthat requires sensitive awareness and communication.Students will learn simple practices that help to center andground ourselves as we open our hearts compassionately.Each participant will leave the class knowing straightforwardprocesses they can follow to achieve balance and clarity asthey work with people who are in need of thoughtful attention.May be repeated twice for credit. NOTE: This course has anon-refundable materials charge of $15. Students are requiredto bring a yoga mat or large towel to class.S U N D A Y43354 WELL 665SB US Sun 9:00-5:00 6-6202A Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SB US: 3/11WELL 665SC INTRODUCTION TO FACE &DECOLLETE MASSAGEIntroduction to massage movements used specifically for theface and décolleté. The course will examine the therapeuticvalue of non-threatening touch, the anatomy of the chest,upper arms and face, and proper hygiene and sanitation forthe safety of the therapist and recipient. Students will learntechniques to enhance their esthetics massage or spa technicianskills and explore proper posture and body mechanics.May be repeated twice for credit. NOTE: This course has anon-refundable materials charge of $15. Students are requiredto bring 2 clean sheets to class.S U N D A Y43357 WELL 665SC US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SC US: 4/15WELL 665SD INTRODUCTION TO HAND MASSAGEIntroduction to beginning massage movements used specificallyfor the hands. Emphasis on the therapeutic value of nonthreateningtouch, anatomy of the hands, proper hygiene andsanitation, reflex points that can be stimulated to maintainphysical well being, proper body mechanics, exposure to massageproducts and contraindications. May be repeated twicefor credit. NOTE: This course has a non-refundable materialscharge of $15. Students are required to bring 2 clean sheets toclass.S U N D A Y43355 WELL 665SD US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SD US: 3/18WELL 665SE INTRODUCTION TO FOOT MASSAGEIntroduction to beginning massage movements used specificallyfor the feet. Emphasis on the therapeutic value of nonthreateningtouch, anatomy of the feet, proper hygiene andsanitation, reflex points that can be stimulated to maintainphysical well being, proper body mechanics, exposure to massageproducts and contraindications. May be repeated twicefor credit. NOTE: This course has a non-refundable materialscharge of $15. Students are required to bring 2 clean sheets toclass.S U N D A Y43358 WELL 665SE US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Leary 0.5Date for WELL 665SE US: 4/22WELL 665SF INTRODUCTION TO NECK AND SHOULDERMASSAGEIntroduction to beginning massage movements used to releasestress and tension from the neck and shoulder area. Emphasison the therapeutic value of non-threatening touch, neck andshoulder anatomy, proper hygiene and sanitation, explorationof proper body mechanics, exposure to massage productsand contraindications. May be repeated twice for credit.NOTE: This course has a non-refundable materials charge of$15. Students are required to bring 2 clean sheets to class.S U N D A Y42980 WELL 665SF US Sun 9:00-5:00 4-102 Aldridge 0.5Date for WELL 665SF US: 3/4Note: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.S P R I N G C L A S S E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u49

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