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COMPUTER SCIENCE „ COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONCOMP 481 NETWORK SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATIONPrereq: Satisfactory completion (grade of C or better) of TCOM480, or equivalent training or experience. An application-basedcourse in Network Administration specific to LAN’s. Coverageincludes the functions and concepts of a wide area network,Microsoft server, designing LAN user accounts and their networkadministration. Hands-on experience provided in settingup and troubleshooting servers, workstations, network andperipheral devices. Course is patterned after Microsoft networkingguidelines. Plus 16 hours by arrangement. Also listedas TCOM 481. Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G40271 COMP 481 JX W 7:00-10:00 2-2120 Cortes 3.0TBA Hours: By Arr 1 Hr/WkCOMP 482 INTRODUCTION TO ROUTERS(Cisco Academy Course – CCNA 1 & 2) Prereq: Satisfactorycompletion (grade of C or better) of TCOM/CAOT 480, orequivalent training or experience. Introductory course on routerconfiguration in wide area networks. Students will performbasic router configurations. Course examines common protocols,IP networking concepts and subnetting techniques.Includes instructor-directed hands-on activities This course ispatterned after Cisco Academy Course. (CCNA 1 & 2). Plus 16hours by arrangement. Also listed as TCOM 482. Transfer:CSU.E V E N I N G42581 COMP 482 JX Th 7:00-10:00 1-1227 Del Prado 3.0TBA Hours: By Arr 1 Hr/WkCOMP 483 NETWORK SWITCHES –CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS(Cisco Academy Course – CCNA 3) Prereq: Satisfactorycompletion (grade of C or better) of TCOM/CAOT 480, orequivalent training or experience. Recommended: Satisfactorycompletion (grade of C or better) of TCOM/COMP 482, orequivalent training or experience. Introductory course in networkswitching concepts and configurations as applied tocomputer networks. Course examines switching protocols,spanning tree protocols, virtual LANs and other specificmodels. Basic design of switch configurations and the use ofswitches in network architecture will be covered. Includesinstructor-directed hands-on activities. This course is patternedafter Cisco training guidelines. Plus 16 hours by arrangement.Also listed as TCOM 483. Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G42582 COMP 483 JX W 7:00-10:00 1-1227 Del Prado 3.0TBA Hours: By Arr 1 Hr/WkCOMP 484 ADVANCED ROUTING CONCEPTSAND APPLICATIONS(Cisco Academy Course – CCNA 3 & 4) Prereq: Satisfactorycompletion (grade of C or better) of TCOM 482, or equivalenttraining or experience. Recommended: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of TCOM 483, or equivalent training orexperience. An advanced course in routing concepts andconfigurations on large internetworks. Students will configureand manage routers by implementing advanced featuresand common routing protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF.Includes instructor-directed hands-on activities. This course ispatterned after Cisco Router training guidelines. Plus 16 hoursby arrangement. Also listed as TCOM 484. Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G40272 COMP 484 JX T 7:00-10:00 1-1227 Del Prado 3.0TBA Hours: By Arr 1 Hr/WkCOOPERATIVE EDUCATION (COOP)Students may register for Cooperative Education onlinethrough WebSMART. Any student who registers throughWebSMART is required to contact the Cooperative EducationOffice within the first two weeks of the semester for specificinstructions. For additional information, call (650) 738-4261.COOP 670 VOCATIONAL COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONPrereq: Enrollment in a planned vocational program andemployment in a college approved job directly related to student’sacademic major. May be repeated for credit up to amaximum of 16 units. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y30206 COOP 670 AV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1209 Jones, C. 1.0-4.030207 COOP 670 BV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 3-3202 Fitzgerald 1.0-4.033315 COOP 670 CV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Zanassi 1.0-4.033886 COOP 670 DV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1216 Cooney 1.0-4.036215 COOP 670 EV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Jones, A. 1.0-4.040872 COOP 670 FV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 McDaniel 1.0-4.043350 COOP 670 GV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Deamer 1.0-4.038434 COOP 670 HV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Staff 1.0-4.0E V E N I N G36106 COOP 670 JV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Prater-Slack 1.0-4.037440 COOP 670 KV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Perino 1.0-4.038476 COOP 670 LV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Heldberg 1.0-4.034180 COOP 670 MV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Semenza 1.0-4.036216 COOP 670 NV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Jones, G. 1.0-4.042077 COOP 670 PV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Wethington 1.0-4.0COOP 671 GENERAL COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONStudents earn up to 3 units of credit for work experience inany job where learning can be identified. Work may be paid orvolunteer. Students must report to the Cooperative Educationoffice at <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> to complete enrollment. May berepeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 units. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y37163 COOP 671 AV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 3-3202 Fitzgerald 1.0-3.041241 COOP 671 BV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 1-1208 Jones, C. 1.0-3.0ADMJ 670 CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERNSHIPOn-site experiential learning opportunity for qualifiedAdministration of Justice students to apply skills and knowledgethrough supervised work experience at a justice agency.Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y42567 ADMJ 670 AA By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 1-1317 Aurilio 1.0-4.0BUS. 670 BUSINESS WORK EXPERIENCEPrereq: Employment in a college-approved job directly relatedto student’s Business major. On-the-job training in an officeenvironment under the primary supervision of an industryemployer. May be repeated for credit a maximum of threetimes. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y43340 BUS. 670 AV By Arr 1-4 Hrs/Wk 8-8214 Cervantes 1.0-4.0Note: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.S P R I N G C L A S S E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u47

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