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AUTO 665SL INTRODUCTION TO LAB SCOPES (DSO)An introduction to lab scopes. Emphasis will be placed on thesetup, hookup, and fundamentals of testing electrical circuitsusing a lab scope. Course will also cover the various labscopes used in the industry today. Hands-on time in the labis also included. Transfer: CSU.W E E K E N D41554 AUTO 665SL SS Sat/Sun 9:00-5:00 8-8203 Mueller 1.0Dates for AUTO 665SL SS: 5/5-5/6AUTO 665SU CAR CARE BASICS FOR WOMENDesigned specifically for women to learn basic functions ofthe automobile with emphasis on regular maintenance.Students will learn how to perform a safety inspection, how tofind a good repair shop, and will have the opportunity to dominor maintenance on their own cars. Transfer: CSU.S A T U R D A Y41781 AUTO 665SU SS Sat 9:00-1:00 11-107 Johnson 0.5Dates for AUTO 665SU SS: 2/11 and 2/25AUTO 665SX CAR CARE BASICS FOR WOMEN IIGo beyond the basics in this automotive class designedspecifically for women. Learn what to do in an emergency, howto put on your own spare tire, how to jump a dead battery, andminor maintenance that you can do yourself. Tools you shouldhave and how to use them will also be covered. Transfer: CSU.S A T U R D A Y42599 AUTO 665SX SS Sat 9:00-1:00 11-107 Johnson 0.5Dates for AUTO 665SX SS: 3/10 and 3/24AUTO 665SY 2011 SMOG CHECK UPDATEThe 2011 Smog Check Update training course includes lecture,homework, laboratory assignments, and a BAR approvedfinal examination. BAR course syllabus and materials will bedistributed to students. NOTE: This course has a non-refundablematerials charge of $45. Transfer: CSU.W E E K E N D41755 AUTO 665SY SA Sat/Sun 9:00-5:00 8-8203 Escalambre 1.0Dates for the SA section: 1/21-1/2241757 AUTO 665SY SB Sat/Sun 9:00-5:00 8-8203 Escalambre 1.0Dates for the SB section: 2/11-2/1241759 AUTO 665SY SC Sat/Sun 9:00-5:00 8-8203 Escalambre 1.0Dates for the SC section: 3/10-3/1141761 AUTO 665SY SD Sat/Sun 9:00-5:00 8-8203 Escalambre 1.0Dates for the SD section: 4/14-4/1541753 AUTO 665SY SS Sat/Sun 9:00-5:00 8-8203 Escalambre 1.0Dates for the SS section: 5/12-5/13AUTO 690 SPECIAL PROJECTS IN AUTOMOTIVEOne hour of supervised work per week per unit. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y30086 AUTO 690 AV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8111 Spakowski 1.0-3.030087 AUTO 690 BV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8208 Escalambre 1.0-3.030090 AUTO 690 EV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8113 Sullivan 1.0-3.034029 AUTO 690 FV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8111 Broxholm 1.0-3.036362 AUTO 690 GV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8206 Ming 1.0-3.043368 AUTO 690 HV By Arr 1-3 Hrs/Wk 8-8113 Yee 1.0-3.0AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGYNOTE: AUTO 510 is admission by special application only.Applications can be obtained by emailing skylinehybrid@smccd.edu. Applications are due December 9, 2011 for theSpring semester. Fees may be waived for qualified applicants.If you have any questions, contact the Hybrid Automotivecounselor at (650) 738-4185.AUTO 510 BASIC HYBRID POWERTRAINSPrereq: AUTO 713 or 773, and AUTO 751, or equivalentindustry experience. A survey of today’s hybrid powertrains.Hands-on experience performing scheduled hybrid maintenanceservices. Introduction to hybrid vehicle diagnosis andrepair. Development of entry-level skills needed to work onhybrid vehicles in a professional environment. Transfer: CSU.E V E N I N G43360 AUTO 510 PS T 6:30-9:30 10-0004 Staff 2.5Dates for AUTO 510 PS: 1/17-5/8W E E K E N D43475 AUTO 510 SS Sat/Sun 9:00-5:00 11-107 Staff 2.5Dates for AUTO 510 SS: 2/25, 2/26, 3/10, 3/11, 3/24 and 3/25AUTO 708 AUTOMOTIVE PRINCIPLES LABA general elective for those desiring a basic knowledge of theautomobile. Students perform minor maintenance proceduresfor own vehicle. May be repeated for credit on a space availablebasis a maximum of three times. Transfer: CSU.S A T U R D A Y30093 AUTO 708 SA Sat 8:30-11:30 8-8103 Dair 1.0-2.0AUTO 709 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ORIENTATION – CAATeaches entry-level job skills necessary to gain employment inthe automotive service industry. Students will learn tireservices, oil and filter changes, vehicle lubrication, batterytesting, and pre-delivery inspection procedures. NOTE: AUTO709 CAA is a part of the Automotive Career AdvancementCertificate Program; reference the Learning Communities sectionfor more information. Fees may be waived for qualifiedapplicants. Applications can be obtained by emailing<strong>Skyline</strong>AutoEntryLevel@smccd.edu. Applications are dueDecember 9, 2011. If you have any questions, contact theAutomotive CAA counselor at (650) 738-4185. Studentsenrolling in AUTO 709 CAA (CRN 43159) must also enroll inAUTO 710 CAA (CRN 43122) and CRER 650 CAA (CRN 40403).May be repeated once for credit. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y43159 AUTO 709 CAA MW 1:45-4:45 8-8103 Johnson 2.5Dates for AUTO 709 CAA: 1/18-4/18AUTO 710 FUNDAMENTALS OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGYAn introduction to the automotive technology program andprofession; recommended for students desiring entrance intothe Automotive Technology Program. Transfer: CSU.W E E K D A Y41735 AUTO 710 AA MW 3:30-6:20 8-8203 Childress 4.0E V E N I N G41538 AUTO 710 JA MW 6:30-9:20 8-8203 Hill 4.0Dates for the JA section: 1/18-5/16S P R I N G C L A S S E SNote: A computerized checking system is in place to enforceany stated prerequisites. See page 13 for more information.2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u29

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