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What Kinds of Financial Aid Can I Receive?Complete a Free Application for Federal StudentAid (FAFSA) to automatically be considered for all ofthe following programs!BOARD OF GOVERNOR’S FEE WAIVER(BOGFW)The State of California offers a BOGFW for studentswho are residents of the State of California, attend aCommunity <strong>College</strong>, and who are eligible for need-basedfinancial aid. The BOGFW pays the enrollment fee for thestudent for the academic year when eligibility has beendetermined. Other fees, such as parking (at a reducedrate of $20 per semester for BOGFW students), healthand student activities, must be paid by the student.FEDERAL PELL GRANTYou are automatically considered for a Federal PellGrant when you file the FAFSA. If you receive an ExpectedFamily Contribution (EFC) of 5273 or less on the StudentAid Report (SAR), you are eligible for a Federal Pell award.Awards for students are prorated based on enrollmentstatus:Full-time12 or more unitsHalf-time6-8.5 unitsThree-quarter time9-11.5 unitsLess than half.5-5.5 unitsAwards range from: $555 to $5,550CAL GRANT A, B and C DEADLINE TO APPLYIS SEPTEMBER 2Cal Grants are for California residents only. They areawarded by the California Student Aid Commission forattendance in schools in California only.Maximum awards are:Cal Grant B $1,551Cal Grant C $576CALIFORNIA CHAFEE GRANT (CHAFEE)The California Chafee Grant Program awards fundsto eligible current or former foster youth for career andtechnical training or college courses. Eligible Chafeeapplicants are required to be, or to have been, in fostercare between their 16th and 18th birthdays, and must nothave reached the age of 22 by July 1 of the award year.Annual award: up to $5,000.EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMSAND SERVICES (EOPS)EOPS is a State-funded program that provides supportservices to economically and educationally disadvantagedstudents who are California residents. Services includecounseling, a book service, vocational grants, and feewaivers for transferring students. Students must completea BOGFW application to apply. Students must be enrolledfull-time at the time of application. Final eligibility for EOPSis determined and coordinated through the EOPS Office.STUDENT EMPLOYMENTFEDERAL WORK STUDY (FWS)Students who apply for financial aid and complete theStudent Information Sheet and the FAFSA by May 1 aregiven priority.Maximum Annual Award: $6,000Priority application date: May 1, 2011LOANSLoans are financial aid funds that the student borrowsnow and repays after s/he completes a program ofstudy or stops going to school. Loan amounts vary from$500-$6,000.F I N A N C I A L A I DFEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONALOPPORTUNITY GRANT (FSEOG)FSEOG is a grant awarded to students with exceptionalneed (EFC of 0).Awards range from: $100 to $800Priority application date: May 1, 2011A P P LY F O R AS C H O L A R S H I P• Scholarship awards range from $100 – $20,000• Scholarships are available from many resources• Applications are available at http://www.skylinecollege.edu• Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information18 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u S P R I N G 2012

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