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ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS –IMPORTANT CHANGES inPREREQUISITES/COREQUISITESThe San Mateo County Community <strong>College</strong> District(SMCCCD) is using a computerized prerequisite checkingsystem. A student who has NOT met the stated prerequisitefor the course will not be allowed to enroll. In addition,all stated Corequisite courses must be taken concur -rently. Students are strongly encouraged to accept therecommendations stated for courses but will not beprevented from enrolling in the classes where the advis oryis stated as “recommended” in the class schedule.Students should meet with a counselor if they havequestions about whether they have met the stated pre -requisite.What are Prerequisites, Corequisites andRecommendations?Prerequisite: A course or body of knowledge thatmust be successfully completed (grade of C or Credit orbetter) before a student can enroll in a specific course.Corequisite: A course that must be taken concur -rently (at the same time) with another course.Recommendation: A course that faculty recommendbe completed in advance to enhance or improve astudent’s ability to succeed in a specific course.Why Prerequisites and Corerquisites?Title 5 (state regulations that govern community colleges)requires that, if a course has a prerequisite, it mustbe necessary for the student to succeed in the targetcourse. Furthermore, the college must ensure that theprerequisite is equitably and fairly enforced and that it hasbeen approved in a separate action by the curriculumcommittee at each college.What if I am currently enrolled in theprerequisite course(s) within the SMCCCD?If you are currently enrolled in the prerequisitecourse(s), the computer will not prevent your enrollment inthe desired course. However, should you receive a finalgrade other than “A,” “B,” “C” or “P” in the prerequisitecourse(s), you will be notified by Admissions and Recordsthrough your student email (my.smccd.edu) that you havebeen administratively dropped from the course. You areadvised to meet with a counselor for further assistancewith enrollment.What if I completed the prerequisite at another collegeoutside the San Mateo County Community <strong>College</strong> District?If you believe you have met the stated prerequisite atanother college/university outside the San Mateo CountyCommunity <strong>College</strong> District, you must file a PrerequisiteEquivalency/Reciprocity of Course Placement formwith the Counseling Department. The form is available atthe One Stop Center in Building 2. Submit the completedform with a copy of your unofficial transcript or gradereport from the other college to the Counseling Appoint -ment Desk in Building 2. If your prerequisite request isapproved, the enrollment block will be lifted, allowing youto enroll in the course. If your request is denied, you willbe contacted by Counseling as to the reason(s) why.How can I challenge a prerequisite?You can challenge a prerequisite on one or more of fourgrounds, listed below:• If you believe you have the knowledge or ability to succeedin the course without completing the prerequisite.• If you believe that the prerequisite has been establishedin violation of Title 5 regulations or the SMCCCDDistrict Model Policy.• If you believe that the prerequisite is discriminatory oris being applied in a discriminatory manner.• If you believe that the prerequisite course has not beenmade reasonably available.How do I file a prerequisite challenge?If you wish to file a prerequisite challenge, follow thesesteps:• The Prerequisite Challenge Form is available at theStudent Services Information Center in Building 2 orfrom a counselor. A counselor can help you determinewhether you would benefit from the challenge process.• Next you should contact the appropriate divisiondean to obtain specific information about filing anddocumenting your challenge request.• If you elect to challenge, submit the completedchallenge form with documentation to the appropriateDivision Office for review.• You will be notified in 5 business days if your challengeis subsequently approved, and you will be allowed toenroll in the course. If your challenge is not approved,you will be administratively withdrawn from the course.What message will I receive on WebSMART if I donot meet the prerequisite for the course in whichI am attempting to enroll?If you have not met the prerequisite or presented documentationto challenge the prerequisite you will receivethe following message on WebSMART when you attemptto enroll: You do not meet the prerequisites for thiscourse. You will not be able to register for the classuntil you clear the prerequisite(s). To obtain prerequisiteinformation, equivalency/challenge processes, and formsgo to: http://www.skylinecollege.edu/highschool/gettingstarted/chooseprogram/registration_rules/prerequisite_information.html.R E G I S T R AT I O N2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u13

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