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Associate Degree RequirementsGraduation from <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> with the Associate in Arts Degree or Associate in Science Degree is based upon thecompletion of 60 units, including the requirements A & F listed below. An application for the degree must be filed in theOffice of Admissions and Records during the last semester of attendance.ATTENTION: This checklist is a guide to help you in selecting courses and keeping track of your progress. Youare strongly encouraged to meet with your counselor to review your selections and to complete a StudentEducation Plan, which will assist you in keeping track of your progress and in reaching your educational goals.A. RESIDENCEEither 12 units or 50% of the units applied to the major,whichever is fewer, must be completed at <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>.B. SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENT1. A minimum 2.00 is required in all degree-applicablecoursework.2. All coursework transferred into SMCCCD, exceptnon-degree applicable and upper division courses,will be evaluated to meet graduation requirementsand will become part of the overall GPA.3. The GPA from courses taken in SMCCCD and thosecourses from outside SMCCCD will be used in thecalculation for graduation. Honors and Phi Theta Kappaare calculated and recorded at each college.C. MAJOR REQUIREMENTA minimum of 18 units must be completed in a major.Some majors require the completion of more than18 semester units. In addition to completing the courseand unit requirements for the major, a student must:• Complete with a grade of “C” or better (or Pass)all courses used to satisfy both core and electiverequirements for the major.• Complete 12 units or 50% of the units required for themajor, whichever is fewer, at <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Note: Specific requirements for majors may be foundin the <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog under “Associate Degree andCertificate Programs.”D. BASIC COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTSNote: Satisfactory completion is defined as a gradeof C or better.WRITING/READINGa. Satisfactory completion of English 100 or English 105,or equivalent, or higher.MATHEMATICS/QUANTITATIVE REASONINGa. Eligibility for Math 130, 150, 200, 201 or 241 or higheras determined by a <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> approvedplacement test; orb. Satisfactory completion of Math 120 or equivalent,or higher; orc. Satisfactory completion of any course having at leastMath 120 (Intermediate Algebra) as a prerequisite.INFORMATION LITERACYa. Satisfactory completion of a <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> English 100course or <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> English 105 course takenFall 2011 or thereafter; orb. Satisfactory completion of the <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> online“Information Literacy Tutorial” (Consult the <strong>Skyline</strong> Librarywebsite at http:www.skylinecollege.edu/library for details oncompleting the online tutorial.); orc. Satisfactory completion of an equivalent college-level informationliteracy or information competency course or requirement.E. SPECIFIC AREA REQUIREMENTS1. AMERICAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS: Onecourse of 3 units from Group A and either Group B1 orGroup B2 for a total of 6 units. One course may be appliedto the General Education requirement in Social Sciences.Note: Group B2 completes the E1 requirement forstudents who have satisfied only the U.S. History partof the requirement at another institution.Group A: U.S. History & U.S. Government:HIST 108 201 202 235 244PLSC 210Group B1: State & Local Government:HIST 240 310PLSC 301or Group B2: U.S. Government/State & Local Government:PLSC 2002. ENGLISH: Two courses (minimum of 6 units).One of these courses may be the English course whichfulfills the General Education Language and Rationalityrequirement. Courses which may be used to satisfythe English requirements are:COMM 110 130 140 150ENGL 100 or 105 110 161 165 836 or 846ESOL 400JOUR 120 121LIT. 101 111 113 225 251 265 266 267 370 373 432READ 4203. PHYSICAL EDUCATION (KINESIOLOGY): Twoactivity courses in PE (Kinesiology) are required;for waiver or modification of this requirement see<strong>College</strong> Catalog.4. ETHNIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Studentsmust complete a total of 3 units from either grouplisted below. The course(s) may be applied to GeneralEducation requirements.Note: ECE. 214 and FCS 213 are the same course;HIST 335 and PLSC 335 are the same course.Group A. General:BUS. 221COMM 150ECE. 214 272 273FASH 119FCS 119 213HIST 235 240SOCI 141 143 201Continued ➜A S S O C I AT E D E G R E E2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u135

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