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Pre-Med OsteopathicMedical AssociationRespiratory Therapy ClubS.A.C.N.A.S. (Society forthe Advancement ofChicanos and NativeAmericans in Science)<strong>Skyline</strong> Fellowship (Christian)Society of HispanicProfessional Engineers(SHPE)Student’s and Parent’sAssociation for Children’sEnrichment (SPACE)Surgical Technology ClubTheater ClubTRIO ClubUtaku Nation (JapaneseAnime Club)Veterans ClubWomen in Transition (WIT)PHI THETA KAPPA (ACADEMIC HONOR SOCIETY)Eligible students may join <strong>Skyline</strong>’s chapter of the PhiTheta Kappa honor society. Members receive recognitionon their transcript and are eligible for transfer scholarships.Go to <strong>Skyline</strong><strong>College</strong>.edu/boo for further informationand an application.THE SKYLINE VIEW (STUDENT NEWSPAPER)The <strong>Skyline</strong> View is an award-winning, student-runprint and online newspaper that covers the campus communityand is produced by the journalism students of<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>. As a First-Amendment protected publication,the paper functions as an open forum, providingthe campus community several opportunities for expression,including guest opinion columns, letters to the editor,and advertising.Students who would like to gain practical experiencein creating and producing a newspaper – both in its printand online versions – and who would like to be a part ofthe editorial staff may sign up for Journalism 300: News -paper Staff. Students are encouraged to explore <strong>Skyline</strong><strong>College</strong>’s journalism course offerings for additional opportunities.For more information, please contact The <strong>Skyline</strong>View advisor, Nancy Kaplan-Biegel, at (650) 738-4297, orat kaplann@smccd.edu. Visit The <strong>Skyline</strong> View online atwww.theskylineview.com.STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICEThe Student Activities Office, located in Building 6,Room 6212, is an excellent resource center for studentsinterested in participating in student governmentand campus activities. Student activities include clubs,speakers, theatrical events, forums, publications, fooddrives, community outreach, and many other worthwhileand excit ing activities. The Student Activities Office alsoserves as the facilitator for the annual Student Recog -nition and Awards Ceremony and the Com mencementCeremony. For additional information, please call theStudent Activities Office at (650) 738-4275.Housing<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> does not provide campus housing.The <strong>College</strong> occasionally receives calls and rental listingsfrom rental agencies, landlords or individuals who arelooking for roommates. All of the rental information thatwe receive is posted on the second floor of Building 6. Forposting rental information, please contact the StudentActivities Office, (650) 738-4275.Student Activities Event PlanningAll student clubs and organizations, off-campusgroups, or vendors who want to host a special event, holda fundraising event, sell products, or distribute informationmust make a space reservation at the Student Activ -i ties Office by calling (650) 738-4275. Additional informationis in the Time, Place and Manner Policy avail able inthe Student Handbook, and the Club and OrganizationManual available online and in the Student ActivitiesOffice. <strong>College</strong> policy questions, facilities reservations,security, insurance requirements and other considerationsfor special events are coordinated through this office.Please note that facilities reservations must be madeat least three weeks in advance of the event.Vending Complaints and RefundsAll complaints regarding vendor service or malfunctioningvending machines should be reported to theStudent Activities Office. Refunds for loss of money in thevending machines are made by <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s foodservice provider and the Student Activities Office.Refunds are processed during regular business hours.TRANSCRIPTSOfficial transcripts may be requested at websmart.smccd.edu from the Student Records menu. Unofficialtranscripts may be reviewed or printed at the same site.An official transcript, summarizing a student’s completeacademic record at <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>, will be sentdirectly to colleges, employers and other agencies upona student’s web request. Courses taken at any of thecolleges in the San Mateo County Community <strong>College</strong>District will appear on the transcript. Transcripts from highschool and other colleges will not be forwarded. The firsttwo transcripts processed are free; there is a $5.00 chargefor each additional copy. If a rush request is made, anadditional $10 Rush Transcript Request Fee is charged foreach transcript.Foreign transcript evaluation services are available.Contact Admissions and Records at (650) 738-4252 formore information.Note: Transcript request(s) will not be processed if afinancial hold exists. The hold must be cleared before thetranscript is issued.S E R V I C E S2 012 S P R I N G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u131

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