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S E R V I C E SForeign students interested in attending <strong>Skyline</strong> mustcomplete the <strong>Skyline</strong> Admission Application at https://websmart.smccd.edu under APPLY and the Inter -national Student supplemental form at www.smccd.edu/accounts/skyinternational. Appli cants are required tosubmit original documents in English or certified Englishtranslations that demonstrate satisfaction of the followingrequirements:1. Provide proof of completion of the equivalent ofa United States high school education with a satis -factory grade point average of 2.0 or above.2. Provide all official high school transcripts and collegetranscripts.3. Submit an Original Financial Data Form and BankVerification of Funds. All bank documents mustbe current, written in English, include the amount inU.S. Dollars, and must include a signature from aBank Official. Estimated college expenses are$18,000.00 US Dollars. Fees are subject to change.4. Submit an original copy of the Test of English as aForeign Language (TOEFL) Score Report. A minimumscore of 480 (paper-based), 160 (computer-based)or 56 (internet-based) is required. Information aboutTOEFL can be obtained from www.ets.org/toefl.The Test Code Number for <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> is 4647.orComplete the International English Language TestingSystem (IELTS). A minimum qualifying level of Band 5 isrequired for admission. Information about IELTS can beobtained from www.ielts.org. Please have your IELTStest results sent directly to <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>.5. Copy of your Passport Bio-Page.6. No application fee is required.For applicants attending U.S. schools, please attachthe following:7. Copies of Visa page from Passport, I-94, PassportBio-Page, and copies of all I-20s.8. Certificate of Eligibility to Transfer - Must be completedby the student and current institution.Students accepted into the International StudentProgram will be expected to enroll in and complete aminimum of 12 units each semester with a minimum of a“C” (2.0) grade point average to remain in good standing.Complete information about the International StudentPro gram is available from the International StudentProgram, (650) 738-4430, in Building 4, Room 4-248.THE LEARNING CENTERThe Learning Center (TLC) is a flexible learning environmentproviding academic support for students in all<strong>Skyline</strong> courses through workshops, instructional technology,tutoring, and lab-based courses. The goal of theTLC is to offer students opportunities to learn morequickly and effectively and with greater confidence.Accordingly, the TLC provides alternative means ofinstruction that address students’ diverse learning preferencesand styles. The TLC also offers a comprehensiveprogram of individual and small group support for all levelsof English, ESL, Reading and Math, and providestutoring in a variety of academic subject areas. TheLearning Center includes the following programs: Writing/Reading Lab, Math Assistance Lab, Tutorial AssistanceLab, Computer Lab, TRIO/Student Support Services, andMedia Services.For more information about The Learning Center,please call (650) 738-4144 or stop by the Center inBuilding 5, Room 5100 (below the Library). You can alsolearn more about the TLC at our website: http://www.skylinecollege.edu/general/learningcenter/index.html.LEARNING COMMUNITIESWhat is a Learning Community?Learning Communities are two or more classes, oftenin different departments, designed to be taken together bythe same group of students in each class of the Learn ingCommunity. Learning Communities are designed to connectstudents to each other, to their teachers, to the college,and to student learning. The classes have a commontheme and coordinate their assignments. This allows studentsto work on themes from more than one perspective.In Learning Communities, faculty members assistlearning and innovation as everyone works together tocreate community in a positive learning environment.Students participate in groups to share ideas and helpeach other learn. There is a greater sense of involvementwith students and professors.Please see page 101 for information on the LearningCom munity opportunities to be offered this semester.ASTEP PROGRAMAfrican American SuccessThrough Excellence and PersistenceThe ASTEP program is designed to provide AfricanAmerican students with greater opportunities for remainingand succeeding in college. ASTEP provides a learningcommunity, mentoring, counseling and other supportservices to assist students in graduating and transferringto a four-year college.For additional information, call Patricia Deamer at(650) 738-4217, or email deamer@smccd.edu.128 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u S P R I N G 2012

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